name "java" maintainer "Agile Orbit" maintainer_email "" license "Apache 2.0" description "Installs Java runtime." long_description, '')) version "1.28.0" recipe "java::default", "Installs Java runtime" recipe "java::default_java_symlink", "Updates /usr/lib/jvm/default-java" recipe "java::ibm", "Installs the JDK for IBM" recipe "java::ibm_tar", "Installs the JDK for IBM from a tarball" recipe "java::openjdk", "Installs the OpenJDK flavor of Java" recipe "java::oracle", "Installs the Oracle flavor of Java" recipe "java::oracle_i386", "Installs the 32-bit jvm without setting it as the default" recipe "java::oracle_rpm", "Installs the Oracle RPM flavor of Java" recipe "java::purge_packages", "Purges old Sun JDK packages" recipe "java::set_attributes_from_version", "Sets various attributes that depend on jdk_version" recipe "java::set_java_home", "Sets the JAVA_HOME environment variable" recipe "java::windows", "Installs the JDK on Windows" %w{ debian ubuntu centos redhat scientific fedora amazon arch oracle freebsd windows suse xenserver smartos }.each do |os| supports os end suggests "windows" suggests "aws"