require 'chef/provider/lwrp_base' require 'shellwords' require_relative 'helpers_ubuntu' class Chef class Provider class MysqlService class Ubuntu < Chef::Provider::MysqlService use_inline_resources if defined?(use_inline_resources) def whyrun_supported? true end include MysqlCookbook::Helpers::Ubuntu action :create do package 'debconf-utils' do action :install end directory '/var/cache/local/preseeding' do owner 'root' group 'root' mode '0755' action :create recursive true end template '/var/cache/local/preseeding/mysql-server.seed' do cookbook 'mysql' source 'debian/mysql-server.seed.erb' owner 'root' group 'root' mode '0600' variables(:config => new_resource) action :create notifies :run, 'execute[preseed mysql-server]', :immediately end execute 'preseed mysql-server' do command '/usr/bin/debconf-set-selections /var/cache/local/preseeding/mysql-server.seed' action :nothing end # package automatically initializes database and starts service. # ... because that's totally super convenient. package new_resource.parsed_package_name do action new_resource.parsed_package_action version new_resource.parsed_package_version end # service service 'mysql' do provider Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart supports :restart => true action [:start, :enable] end execute 'assign-root-password' do cmd = "#{prefix_dir}/bin/mysqladmin" cmd << ' -u root password ' cmd << Shellwords.escape(new_resource.parsed_server_root_password) command cmd action :run only_if "#{prefix_dir}/bin/mysql -u root -e 'show databases;'" end template '/etc/mysql_grants.sql' do cookbook 'mysql' source 'grants/grants.sql.erb' owner 'root' group 'root' mode '0600' variables(:config => new_resource) action :create notifies :run, 'execute[install-grants]' end execute 'install-grants' do cmd = "#{prefix_dir}/bin/mysql" cmd << ' -u root ' cmd << "#{pass_string} < /etc/mysql_grants.sql" command cmd action :nothing notifies :run, 'execute[create root marker]' end # apparmor directory '/etc/apparmor.d' do owner 'root' group 'root' mode '0755' action :create end template '/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld' do cookbook 'mysql' source 'apparmor/usr.sbin.mysqld.erb' owner 'root' group 'root' mode '0644' action :create notifies :reload, 'service[apparmor-mysql]', :immediately end service 'apparmor-mysql' do service_name 'apparmor' action :nothing supports :reload => true end template '/etc/mysql/debian.cnf' do cookbook 'mysql' source 'debian/debian.cnf.erb' owner 'root' group 'root' mode '0600' variables(:config => new_resource) action :create end # directory include_dir do owner 'mysql' group 'mysql' mode '0750' recursive true action :create end directory run_dir do owner 'mysql' group 'mysql' mode '0755' action :create recursive true end directory new_resource.parsed_data_dir do owner 'mysql' group 'mysql' mode '0750' recursive true action :create end template '/etc/mysql/my.cnf' do if new_resource.parsed_template_source.nil? source "#{new_resource.parsed_version}/my.cnf.erb" cookbook 'mysql' else source new_resource.parsed_template_source end owner 'mysql' group 'mysql' mode '0600' variables( :data_dir => new_resource.parsed_data_dir, :pid_file => pid_file, :socket_file => socket_file, :port => new_resource.parsed_port, :include_dir => include_dir ) action :create notifies :run, 'bash[move mysql data to datadir]' notifies :restart, 'service[mysql]' end bash 'move mysql data to datadir' do user 'root' code <<-EOH service mysql stop \ && mv /var/lib/mysql/* #{new_resource.parsed_data_dir} EOH action :nothing creates "#{new_resource.parsed_data_dir}/ibdata1" creates "#{new_resource.parsed_data_dir}/ib_logfile0" creates "#{new_resource.parsed_data_dir}/ib_logfile1" end execute 'create root marker' do cmd = '/bin/echo' cmd << " '#{Shellwords.escape(new_resource.parsed_server_root_password)}'" cmd << ' > /etc/.mysql_root' cmd << ' ;/bin/chmod 0600 /etc/.mysql_root' command cmd action :nothing end end end action :restart do service 'mysql' do provider Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart supports :restart => true action :restart end end action :reload do service 'mysql' do provider Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart supports :reload => true action :reload end end end end end