hapi-fhir ========= HAPI FHIR - Java API for HL7 FHIR Clients and Servers Complete project documentation is available here: http://jamesagnew.github.io/hapi-fhir/ A demonstration of this project is available here: http://fhirtest.uhn.ca/ Creating your own demo server with Vagrant ======== This source code repository includes configuration files to materialize an _entire_ server implementation in a single virtual machine (VM) image from scratch, allowing you to quickly bootstrap your own instance. The server will be completely encapsulated within the created VM image. The process _should_ run on OSX, Linux and Windows, but YMMV. The built-in settings support creation of a *VirtualBox*-based image on Ubuntu Linux, though with tuning the base image you should be able to create images suitable for other hypervisors and cloud-based IaaS providers such as VMware and Amazon Web Services (AWS), respectively. Dependencies ---- Prior to running, please ensure you have all .war files built, and the following installed and functioning propertly. * All normal Java development dependencies. (SDK and Maven, specifically.) * VirtualBox * Vagrant Creating Your VM ---- cd hapi-fhir-root/ mvn install # Creates web application .war files. Make sure they're built before proceeding! cd vagrant vagrant up # Will take a few minutes to boot up. Your new server environment should now be running in a headless virtual machine on your local computer. The following step are performed automatically for you within the VM sandbox environment: * A complete Ubuntu 14.04 Server VM is launched in headless mode, bridged to whatever host network interface you've selected. * An IPv4 address is assigned via DHCP. * MySQL Server (Community Edition) is installed from the official 10gen repository. (See the [Vagrantfile](https://github.com/preston/hapi-fhir/blob/master/vagrant/Vagrantfile) for the default root password.) * Oracle Java 8 is installed. * Tomcat 7 is installed and configured as a system service. * All compiled *.war applications are deployed automatically and started. * A "fhir" user is added to tomcat-users.xml. See [fhir.json](https://github.com/preston/hapi-fhir/blob/master/vagrant/chef/data_bags/tomcat_users/fhir.json) for the default password. Tomcat will now be running on the VM on port 8080 with the management GUI available. For example, you can now visit: * *Tomcat Manager*: assigned_ip:8080/manager/html * *HAPI FHIR* JPA Server: assigned_ip:8080/hapi-fhir-jpaserver/ Screenshots ---- ![Tomcat Manager](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/preston/hapi-fhir/master/vagrant/screenshots/tomcat.png) ![Demo Server](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/preston/hapi-fhir/master/vagrant/screenshots/hapi-fhir-jpaserver.png) Advanced Configuration ---- The Vagrant documentation is the best place to start, but a few more commands of note are: vagrant ssh # Command-line access to the VM. vagrant destoy # Shuts down and completely destroys the VM. Credits ---- Vagrant and Chef configuration by Preston Lee