mirror of https://github.com/hapifhir/hapi-fhir.git synced 2025-03-28 10:58:47 +00:00
Steve Lewis c6a7c52c8c Update old removed Chef syntax in Vagrant provision
The original reported issue was due to the deprecation and removal of
`Chef::Platform.set`. This was fixed by moving to the new provider

Other changes in the Chef cookbooks were performed to address similar
changes due to deprecated and removed methods and models as well as to
conform to new enforcements.

One issue not addressed in this change is to make the Oracle JDK
download work, since Java 8u20 is no longer available.

This fix was tested with the following override in the Vagrantfile:

java: {
  install_flavor: 'openjdk',
  jdk_version: 7

The above change is NOT included in this patch set. Further work
would be necessary to update the Oracle download before `vagrant up`
will work without this modification.


Signed-off-by: Steve Lewis <steven.lewis@cambiahealth.com>
2019-01-31 05:17:22 -05:00

tomcat Cookbook

Installs and configures Tomcat, Java servlet engine and webserver.



  • Debian, Ubuntu (OpenJDK, Oracle)
  • CentOS 6+, Red Hat 6+, Fedora, Amaxon (OpenJDK, Oracle), Scientific Linux 6


  • java
  • openssl


  • node["tomcat"]["base_version"] - The version of tomcat to install, default 6.
  • node["tomcat"]["port"] - The network port used by Tomcat's HTTP connector, default 8080.
  • node["tomcat"]["proxy_port"] - if set, the network port used by Tomcat's Proxy HTTP connector, default nil.
  • node["tomcat"]["ssl_port"] - The network port used by Tomcat's SSL HTTP connector, default 8443.
  • node["tomcat"]["ssl_proxy_port"] - if set, the network port used by Tomcat's Proxy SSL HTTP connector, default nil.
  • node["tomcat"]["ajp_port"] - The network port used by Tomcat's AJP connector, default 8009.
  • node["tomcat"]["shutdown_port"] - The network port used by Tomcat to listen for shutdown requests, default 8005.
  • node["tomcat"]["catalina_options"] - Extra options to pass to the JVM only during start and run commands, default "".
  • node["tomcat"]["java_options"] - Extra options to pass to the JVM, default -Xmx128M -Djava.awt.headless=true.
  • node["tomcat"]["use_security_manager"] - Run Tomcat under the Java Security Manager, default false.
  • node["tomcat"]["loglevel"] - Level for default Tomcat's logs, default INFO.
  • node["tomcat"]["deploy_manager_apps"] - whether to deploy manager apps, default true.
  • node["tomcat"]["authbind"] - whether to bind tomcat on lower port numbers, default no.
  • node["tomcat"]["max_threads"] - maximum number of threads in the connector pool.
  • node["tomcat"]["tomcat_auth"] -
  • node["tomcat"]["instances"] - A dictionary defining additional tomcat instances to run.
  • node["tomcat"]["run_base_instance"] - Whether or not to run the "base" tomcat instance, default true.
  • node["tomcat"]["user"] -
  • node["tomcat"]["group"] -
  • node["tomcat"]["home"] -
  • node["tomcat"]["base"] -
  • node["tomcat"]["config_dir"] -
  • node["tomcat"]["log_dir"] -
  • node["tomcat"]["tmp_dir"] -
  • node["tomcat"]["work_dir"] -
  • node["tomcat"]["context_dir"] -
  • node["tomcat"]["webapp_dir"] -
  • node["tomcat"]["lib_dir"] -
  • node["tomcat"]["endorsed_dir"] -

Attributes for SSL

  • node["tomcat"]["ssl_cert_file"] - SSL certificate file
  • node["tomcat"]["ssl_chain_files"] - SSL CAcert chain files used for generating the SSL certificates
  • node["tomcat"]["ssl_max_threads"] - maximum number of threads in the ssl connector pool, default 150.
  • node["tomcat"]["keystore_file"] - Location of the file where the SSL keystore is located
  • node["tomcat"]["keystore_password"] - Generated by the secure_password method from the openssl cookbook; if you are using Chef Solo, set this attribute on the node
  • node["tomcat"]["truststore_password"] - Generated by the secure_password method from the openssl cookbook; if you are using Chef Solo, set this attribute on the node
  • node["tomcat"]["truststore_file"] - location of the file where the SSL truststore is located
  • node["tomcat"]["certificate_dn"] - DN for the certificate
  • node["tomcat"]["keytool"] - path to keytool, used for generating the certificate, location varies by platform


Simply include the recipe where you want Tomcat installed.

Due to the ways that some system init scripts call the configuration, you may wish to set the java options to include JAVA_OPTS. As an example for a java app server role:

name "java-app-server"
  'tomcat' => {
    'java_options' => "${JAVA_OPTS} -Xmx128M -Djava.awt.headless=true"

Running Multiple Instances

To run multiple instances of Tomcat, populate the instances attribute, which is a dictionary of instance name => array of attributes. Most of the same attributes that can be used globally for the tomcat cookbook can also be set per-instance - see resources/instance.rb for details.

If they are not set for a particular instance, the base, home, config_dir, log_dir, work_dir, context_dir, and webapp_dir attributes are created by modifying the global values to use the instance name. For example, under Tomcat 7, with home /usr/share/tomcat7, home for instance "instance1" would be set to /usr/share/tomcat7-instance1. The port attributes - port, proxy_port, ssl_port, ssl_proxy_port, ajp_port, and shutdown_port - are not inherited and must be set per-instance. Other attributes that are not set are inherited unmodified from the global attributes. Each instance must define shutdown_port, and at least one of port, ssl_port or ajp_port.

If you only want to run specific instances and not the "base" tomcat instances, you can set run_base_instance to false.

Here is an example partial role:

"override_attributes": {
  "tomcat": {
    "run_base_instance": false,
    "instances": {
      "instance1": {
        "port": 8081,
        "shutdown_port": 8006
      "lookup": {
        "port": 8082,
        "shutdown_port": 8007,
        "java_options": "-Xms1G -Xmx2G"

Managing Tomcat Users

The recipe tomcat::users included in this cookbook is used for managing Tomcat users. The recipe adds users and roles to the tomcat-users.xml conf file.

Users are defined by creating a tomcat_users data bag and placing Encrypted Data Bag Items in that data bag. Each encrypted data bag item requires an 'id', 'password', and a 'roles' field. The data bag key is retrieved from the default location /etc/chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret.

  "id": "reset",
  "password": "supersecret",
  "roles": [

If you are a Chef Solo user the data bag items are not required to be encrypted and should not be.

License & Authors

Copyright:: 2010-2013, Opscode, Inc

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.