s gtree(1)="Oliver" s gtree(1,1)="James" s gtree(1,1,1)="Harry" s gtree(1,1,2)="Emily" s gtree(1,2)="Amelia" s gtree(1,2,1)="Thomas" s gtree(1,2,2)="Jessica" ; ... s gtree(1,1,1,1,1)="Robert" w "Genealogical tree:",! zwrite gtree ; obtain data about a particular node ; 0, the node does not exist ; 1, the node exists, has no descendant ; 10, the node exists, has no data, has descendant ; 11, the node exists, has data, has descendant w !,"Data about a few nodes: ",! w "$d(gtree(""foo"")) is ",$d(gtree("foo")),! w "$d(gtree(1,1,1,1,1)) is ",$d(gtree(1,1,1,1,1)),! w "$d(gtree(1,1,1,1)) is ",$d(gtree(1,1,1,1)),! w "$d(gtree(1)) is ",$d(gtree(1)),!