#!/usr/bin/mumps ; the following two are the first lines of a story set apples=7 set pears=8 set oranges=9 set total=apples+pears+oranges write "There were ",apples," apples, ",pears," pears and ",oranges," oranges,",! write "a total of ",total," fruits in a basket.",! ; now let's just concatenate a few strings set a="Then, " set b="something happened:" write a_b,! ; let's concatenate strings with numbers too set x=1 set y=2 set z=0 set d=x_" apple" set e=", "_y_" pears" set f=" and "_z_" oranges were eaten!" write d_e_f,! ; here are the last lines of this story set total=total-x-y-z set average=total/3 write "Now there are ",total," fruits in the basket,",! write "the average fruit value is ",average,".",!