47 lines
1.4 KiB
47 lines
1.4 KiB
; create users
s ok=$$set^UserRoutines(1,"alice~password~alice-jones@no-reply.com~Alice Jones")
i ok=1 d
. w "User successfully created!",!,!
e d
. w "Whoops! The user could not be created.",!,!
s ok=$$set^UserRoutines(2,"bob~password~bob-smith@no-reply.com~Bob Smith")
i ok=1 d
. w "User successfully created!",!,!
e d
. w "Whoops! The user could not be created.",!,!
; create posts
s ok=$$set^PostRoutines(1,"lorem-ipsum~Lorem ipsum~Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.~1")
i ok=1 d
. w "Post successfully created!",!,!
e d
. w "Whoops! The post could not be created.",!,!
s ok=$$set^PostRoutines(2,"excepteur-sint-occaecat~Excepteur sint occaecat~Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.~2")
i ok=1 d
. w "Post successfully created!",!,!
e d
. w "Whoops! The post could not be created.",!,!
; create comments
s ok=$$set^CommentRoutines(1,"This is awesome. Thank you.~1")
i ok=1 d
. w "Comment successfully created!",!,!
e d
. w "Whoops! The comment could not be created.",!,!
s ok=$$set^CommentRoutines(2,".Thank you so much for sharing this.~2")
i ok=1 d
. w "Comment successfully created!",!,!
e d
. w "Whoops! The comment could not be created.",!,!
; drop database
d drop^DatabaseRoutines