diff --git a/org.hl7.fhir.convertors/CONVERTORS.md b/org.hl7.fhir.convertors/CONVERTORS.md index fac030a52..ca3e1cdef 100644 --- a/org.hl7.fhir.convertors/CONVERTORS.md +++ b/org.hl7.fhir.convertors/CONVERTORS.md @@ -1,6 +1,14 @@ # Resource Conversion -##### Let's talk about converting resources between the various versions of FHIR... +##IMPORTANT + +_The conversion code in this module is maintained as part of the development of the standard, but always under +considerable time pressure. Only part of the code is rigorously tested [as detailed here](#reliable-conversion-code) +Implementers should regard this code as a 'scaffold' for actual reliable conversions._ + +**Always test any conversion routines before using them in production** + +_Ideally, this should be via unit tests in your code, or better yet [unit tests in this module](#test-cases)._ ### A note regarding syntax @@ -193,3 +201,29 @@ Once you've created your new advisor, they can be provided as an argument when c `public static (V1 Resource) convertResource((V2 Resource) src, advisor)` `public static (V2 Resource) convertResource((V1 Resource) src, advisor)` + +## Development notes + +### Reliable conversion code + +The FHIR project maintains and tests conversions on the following resources, from old versions to R5: + +- CodeSystem +- ValueSet +- ConceptMap +- StructureDefinition +- StructureMap +- ImplementationGuide +- CapabilityStatement +- OperationDefinition +- NamingSystem + +These can be relied on and are subject to extensive testing. + +### Test cases + +Some conversions have test cases for particular resources and particular version combinations. Where test cases exist, +they will continue to be maintained and expected to pass. + +Contributing test cases is encouraged! To contribute, create a PRs to the core library, or even better, to the FHIR +test cases library.