This commit is contained in:
Grahame Grieve 2020-05-19 05:40:07 +10:00
commit 13e99bac29

View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
package org.hl7.fhir.r5.renderers;
import java.util.List;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.DomainResource;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Questionnaire;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemInitialComponent;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.renderers.utils.RenderingContext;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator.Cell;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator.Row;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator.TableModel;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.XhtmlNode;
public class QuestionnaireRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
private String directory;
private String defnFile;
private boolean inlineGraphics;
private boolean tree;
public QuestionnaireRenderer(RenderingContext context) {
public boolean isTree() {
return tree;
public void setTree(boolean tree) {
this.tree = tree;
public boolean render(XhtmlNode x, DomainResource q) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
return render(x, (Questionnaire) q);
public boolean render(XhtmlNode x, Questionnaire q) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
if (tree) {
return renderTree(x, q);
} else {
return renderForm(x, q);
public boolean renderTree(XhtmlNode x, Questionnaire q) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
HierarchicalTableGenerator gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(context.getDirectory(), context.isInlineGraphics(), true);
TableModel model = TableModel("qtree="+q.getId(), true);
model.setDocoImg(context.getPrefix() +"help16.png");
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, model.getDocoRef(), translate("sd.head", "LinkId"), translate("sd.hint", "The linkId for the item"), null, 0));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, model.getDocoRef(), translate("sd.head", "Text"), translate("sd.hint", "Text for the item"), null, 0));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, model.getDocoRef(), translate("sd.head", "Cardinality"), translate("sd.hint", "Minimum and Maximum # of times the the itemcan appear in the instance"), null, 0));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, model.getDocoRef(), translate("sd.head", "Type"), translate("sd.hint", "The type of the item"), null, 0));
model.getTitles().add( Title(null, model.getDocoRef(), translate("sd.head", "Description & Constraints"), translate("sd.hint", "Additional information about the item"), null, 0));
boolean hasExt = false;
for (QuestionnaireItemComponent i : q.getItem()) {
hasExt = renderTreeItem(gen, model.getRows(), q, i) || hasExt;
return hasExt;
private boolean renderTreeItem(HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, List<Row> rows, Questionnaire q, QuestionnaireItemComponent i) {
Row r = Row();
boolean hasExt = false;
r.getCells().add( Cell(null, context.getDefnFile() == null ? "" : context.getDefnFile()+"-definitions.html#extension."+i.getLinkId(), i.getLinkId(), null, null));
String txt = (i.hasPrefix() ? i.getPrefix() + ". " : "") + i.getText();
r.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, txt, null, null));
r.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, (i.getRequired() ? "1" : "0")+".."+(i.getRepeats() ? "*" : "1"), null, null));
r.getCells().add( Cell(null, context.getPrefix()+"codesystem-item-type.html#"+i.getType().toCode(), i.getType().toCode(), null, null));
Cell defn = Cell(null, null, null, null, null);
if (i.hasMaxLength()) {
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "Max Length: ", null));
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, Integer.toString(i.getMaxLength()), null));
if (i.hasDefinition()) {
if (!defn.getPieces().isEmpty()) defn.addPiece( Piece("br"));
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "Definition: ", null));
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, i.getDefinition(), null));
if (i.hasEnableWhen()) {
if (!defn.getPieces().isEmpty()) defn.addPiece( Piece("br"));
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "Enable When: ", null));
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "todo", null));
if (i.hasAnswerValueSet()) {
if (!defn.getPieces().isEmpty()) defn.addPiece( Piece("br"));
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "Value Set: ", null));
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "todo", null));
if (i.hasAnswerOption()) {
if (!defn.getPieces().isEmpty()) defn.addPiece( Piece("br"));
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "Options: ", null));
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "todo", null));
if (i.hasInitial()) {
for (QuestionnaireItemInitialComponent v : i.getInitial()) {
if (!defn.getPieces().isEmpty()) defn.addPiece( Piece("br"));
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "Initial Value: ", null));
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, v.getValue().fhirType(), null));
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, " = ", null));
if (v.getValue().isPrimitive()) {
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, v.getValue().primitiveValue(), null));
} else {
defn.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "{todo}", null));
for (QuestionnaireItemComponent c : i.getItem()) {
hasExt = renderTreeItem(gen, rows, q, c) || hasExt;
return hasExt;
public boolean renderForm(XhtmlNode x, Questionnaire q) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
boolean hasExt = false;
XhtmlNode d = x.div();
for (QuestionnaireItemComponent c : q.getItem()) {
hasExt = renderFormItem(d, q, c) || hasExt;
return hasExt;
private boolean renderFormItem(XhtmlNode x, Questionnaire q, QuestionnaireItemComponent i) {
boolean hasExt = false;
XhtmlNode d = x.div();
for (QuestionnaireItemComponent c : i.getItem()) {
hasExt = renderFormItem(d, q, c) || hasExt;
return hasExt;
public String display(DomainResource dr) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
return display((Questionnaire) dr);
public String display(Questionnaire q) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
return "Questionnaire "+q.present();