mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 16:24:44 +00:00
Render extensions on some data types, and fix rendering of complex data types when doing profile rendering
This commit is contained in:
@ -294,17 +294,28 @@ public class ProfileUtilities {
public static class SourcedChildDefinitions {
private StructureDefinition source;
private List<ElementDefinition> list;
private String path;
public SourcedChildDefinitions(StructureDefinition source, List<ElementDefinition> list) {
this.source = source;
this.list = list;
public SourcedChildDefinitions(StructureDefinition source, List<ElementDefinition> list, String path) {
this.source = source;
this.list = list;
this.path = path;
public StructureDefinition getSource() {
return source;
public List<ElementDefinition> getList() {
return list;
public String getPath() {
return path;
public class ElementDefinitionResolution {
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.ValueSet;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.ValueSet.ConceptReferenceComponent;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.ValueSet.ConceptReferenceDesignationComponent;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.renderers.Renderer.RenderingStatus;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.renderers.utils.RenderingContext;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.renderers.utils.RenderingContext.GenerationRules;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.renderers.utils.RenderingContext.ResourceRendererMode;
@ -486,24 +487,45 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
// }
// }
public void renderExtensionsInText(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode div, ResourceWrapper element, String sep) throws FHIRFormatError, DefinitionException, IOException {
public void renderExtensionsInText(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper element, String sep) throws FHIRFormatError, DefinitionException, IOException {
boolean first = true;
for (ResourceWrapper ext : element.extensions()) {
if (canRender(ext)) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
div.tx(" ");
x.tx(" ");
String lbl = getExtensionLabel(ext);
div.tx(": ");
renderDataType(status, div, ext.child("value"));
x.tx(": ");
renderDataType(status, x, ext.child("value"));
protected void checkRenderExtensions(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper element) throws FHIRFormatError, DefinitionException, IOException {
if (element.has("extension")) {
boolean someCanRender = false;
for (ResourceWrapper ext : element.children("extension")) {
ResourceWrapper value = ext.child("value");
if (canRender(ext) && value.isPrimitive()) {
someCanRender = true;
if (someCanRender) {
x.tx(" (");
renderExtensionsInText(status, x, element, ", ");
// public void renderExtensionsInList(XhtmlNode div, BackboneType element, String sep) throws FHIRFormatError, DefinitionException, IOException {
// boolean first = true;
@ -742,13 +764,14 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
public boolean canRenderDataType(String type) {
return context.getContextUtilities().isPrimitiveType(type) || Utilities.existsInList(type, "Annotation", "Coding", "CodeableConcept", "Identifier", "HumanName", "Address",
return context.getContextUtilities().isPrimitiveType(type) || Utilities.existsInList(type, "Annotation", "Coding", "CodeableConcept", "Identifier", "HumanName", "Address", "Dosage",
"Expression", "Money", "ContactPoint", "Quantity", "Range", "Period", "Timing", "SampledData", "Reference", "UsageContext", "ContactDetail", "Ratio", "Attachment", "CodeableReference");
public boolean renderDataType(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper type) throws FHIRFormatError, DefinitionException, IOException {
return renderDataType(status, null, x, type);
public boolean renderDataType(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode parent, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper type) throws FHIRFormatError, DefinitionException, IOException {
if (type == null) {
return false;
@ -863,10 +886,11 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
renderUri(status, x, type);
private void renderRatio(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper type) {
private void renderRatio(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper type) throws FHIRFormatError, DefinitionException, IOException {
renderQuantity(status, x, type.child("numerator"));
renderQuantity(status, x, type.child("denominator"));
renderQuantity(status, x, type.child("denominator"));
checkRenderExtensions(status, x, type);
private void renderAttachment(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper att) {
@ -892,6 +916,7 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
private void renderDateTime(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper type) throws FHIRFormatError, DefinitionException, IOException {
if (!renderPrimitiveWithNoValue(status, x, type)) {
checkRenderExtensions(status, x, type);
@ -1002,7 +1027,11 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
return true;
private String tail(String url) {
protected String tail(String url) {
return url.substring(url.lastIndexOf(".")+1);
protected String utail(String url) {
return url.contains("/") ? url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/")+1) : url;
@ -1038,7 +1067,8 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
checkRenderExtensions(status, x, uri);
protected void renderAnnotation(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper a) throws FHIRException {
@ -1270,7 +1300,7 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
return new CodeResolution(null, null, null, code.getText(), code.getText());
protected void renderCodingWithDetails(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper c) {
protected void renderCodingWithDetails(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper c) throws FHIRFormatError, DefinitionException, IOException {
String s = "";
if (c.has("display"))
s = context.getTranslated(c.child("display"));
@ -1296,6 +1326,7 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
if (c.has("version")) {
x.tx(" "+context.formatPhrase(RenderingContext.DATA_REND_VERSION, c.primitiveValue("version"), ")"));
checkRenderExtensions(status, x, c);
protected void renderCoding(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper c) {
@ -1434,7 +1465,8 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
x.span(null, context.formatPhrase(RenderingContext.DATA_REND_CODES) +b.toString()).addText(s);
checkRenderExtensions(status, x, cc);
protected String displayIdentifier(ResourceWrapper ii) {
@ -1477,7 +1509,7 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
return s;
protected void renderIdentifier(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper ii) {
protected void renderIdentifier(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper ii) throws FHIRFormatError, DefinitionException, IOException {
if (ii.has("type")) {
ResourceWrapper type = ii.child("type");
if (type.has("text")) {
@ -1527,7 +1559,8 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
checkRenderExtensions(status, x, ii);
public static String displayHumanName(ResourceWrapper name) {
@ -1550,7 +1583,7 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
protected void renderHumanName(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper name) {
protected void renderHumanName(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper name) throws FHIRFormatError, DefinitionException, IOException {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
if (name.has("text"))
@ -1567,7 +1600,8 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
if (name.has("use") && !name.primitiveValue("use").equals("usual")) {
s.append("("+context.getTranslatedCode(name.primitiveValue("use"), "http://hl7.org/fhir/name-use")+")");
checkRenderExtensions(status, x, name);
private String displayAddress(ResourceWrapper address) {
@ -1604,8 +1638,9 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
return s.toString();
protected void renderAddress(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper address) {
protected void renderAddress(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper address) throws FHIRFormatError, DefinitionException, IOException {
checkRenderExtensions(status, x, address);
@ -1788,7 +1823,7 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
return s.toString();
protected void renderQuantity(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper q) {
protected void renderQuantity(RenderingStatus status, XhtmlNode x, ResourceWrapper q) throws FHIRFormatError, DefinitionException, IOException {
if (q.has("comparator"))
if (q.has("value")) {
@ -1805,7 +1840,8 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
if (context.isTechnicalMode() && q.has("code")) {
x.span("background: LightGoldenRodYellow", null).tx(" "+ (context.formatPhrase(RenderingContext.DATA_REND_DETAILS, displaySystem(q.primitiveValue("system")))) +q.primitiveValue("code")+" = '"+lookupCode(q.primitiveValue("system"), null, q.primitiveValue("code"))+"')");
checkRenderExtensions(status, x, q);
@ -2073,7 +2109,7 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer implements CodeResolver {
st = st + "-"+rep.primitiveValue("frequencyMax");
if (rep.has("period")) {
st = st + " "+ (context.formatPhrase(RenderingContext.DATA_REND_PER))+rep.primitiveValue("period");
st = st + " "+ (context.formatPhrase(RenderingContext.DATA_REND_PER))+" "+rep.primitiveValue("period");
if (rep.has("periodMax"))
st = st + "-"+rep.primitiveValue("periodMax");
st = st + " "+displayTimeUnits(rep.primitiveValue("periodUnit"));
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.renderers;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.ElementDefinition;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Resource;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition.StructureDefinitionKind;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.renderers.StructureDefinitionRenderer.SourcedElementDefinition;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.renderers.utils.RenderingContext;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.renderers.utils.ResourceWrapper;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.renderers.utils.ResourceWrapper.NamedResourceWrapperList;
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
} else {
ElementDefinition ed = sd.getSnapshot().getElement().get(0);
generateByProfile(status, r, sd, r, sd.getSnapshot().getElement(), ed, context.getProfileUtilities().getChildList(sd, ed), x, r.fhirType(), context.isTechnicalMode(), 0);
generateByProfile(status, r, sd, r, ed, context.getProfileUtilities().getChildList(sd, ed), x, r.fhirType(), context.isTechnicalMode(), 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (DEBUG) {
@ -159,7 +161,7 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
return null;
private void renderLeaf(RenderingStatus status, ResourceWrapper res, ResourceWrapper ew, StructureDefinition sd, ElementDefinition defn, XhtmlNode parent, XhtmlNode x, boolean title, boolean showCodeDetails, Map<String, String> displayHints, String path, int indent) throws FHIRException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, EOperationOutcome {
private void renderLeaf(RenderingStatus status, ResourceWrapper res, ResourceWrapper ew, StructureDefinition sd, ElementDefinition defn, XhtmlNode parent, XhtmlNode x, boolean title, boolean showCodeDetails, Map<String, String> displayHints, int indent) throws FHIRException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, EOperationOutcome {
if (ew == null)
@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
} else if (!renderDataType(status, parent, x, ew)) {
// well, we have a cell (x) to render this thing, whatever it is
// it's not a data type for which we have a built rendering, so we're going to get a list of it's renderable datatype properties, and render them in a list
SourcedChildDefinitions childDefs = context.getProfileUtilities().getChildMap(sd, defn);
// SourcedChildDefinitions childDefs = context.getProfileUtilities().getChildMap(sd, defn);
boolean first = true;
x.tx(" (");
for (ResourceWrapper child : ew.children()) {
@ -199,24 +201,24 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
private boolean displayLeaf(ResourceWrapper res, ResourceWrapper ew, ElementDefinition defn, XhtmlNode x, String name, boolean showCodeDetails, boolean allowLinks) throws FHIRException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
if (ew == null)
return false;
Map<String, String> displayHints = readDisplayHints(defn);
if (name.endsWith("[x]"))
name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3);
if (!showCodeDetails && ew.isPrimitive() && isDefault(displayHints, ew)) {
return false;
} else if (Utilities.existsInList(ew.fhirType(), "Extension")) {
return false;
} else {
x.addText(name+": "+ displayDataType(ew));
return true;
// private boolean displayLeaf(ResourceWrapper res, ResourceWrapper ew, ElementDefinition defn, XhtmlNode x, String name, boolean showCodeDetails, boolean allowLinks) throws FHIRException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
// if (ew == null)
// return false;
// Map<String, String> displayHints = readDisplayHints(defn);
// if (name.endsWith("[x]"))
// name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3);
// if (!showCodeDetails && ew.isPrimitive() && isDefault(displayHints, ew)) {
// return false;
// } else if (Utilities.existsInList(ew.fhirType(), "Extension")) {
// return false;
// } else {
// x.addText(name+": "+ displayDataType(ew));
// return true;
// }
// }
@ -250,7 +252,8 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
return code != null && (code.equals("Element") || code.equals("BackboneElement"));
private List<ElementDefinition> getChildrenForPath(StructureDefinition profile, List<ElementDefinition> elements, String path) throws DefinitionException {
private SourcedChildDefinitions getChildrenForPath(StructureDefinition profile, String path) throws DefinitionException {
var elements = profile.getSnapshot().getElement();
// do we need to do a name reference substitution?
for (ElementDefinition e : elements) {
if (e.getPath().equals(path) && e.hasContentReference()) {
@ -279,45 +282,45 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
if (results.isEmpty() && t != null && t.getType().size() == 1) {
StructureDefinition tsd = context.getWorker().fetchTypeDefinition(t.getTypeFirstRep().getWorkingCode());
return getChildrenForPath(tsd, tsd.getSnapshot().getElement(), tsd.getType());
return getChildrenForPath(tsd, tsd.getType());
return results;
return new SourcedChildDefinitions(profile, results, path);
private void generateByProfile(RenderingStatus status, ResourceWrapper res, StructureDefinition profile, ResourceWrapper e, List<ElementDefinition> allElements, ElementDefinition defn, List<ElementDefinition> children, XhtmlNode x, String path, boolean showCodeDetails, int indent) throws FHIRException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, EOperationOutcome {
private void generateByProfile(RenderingStatus status, ResourceWrapper res, StructureDefinition profile, ResourceWrapper e, ElementDefinition defn, List<ElementDefinition> children, XhtmlNode x, String path, boolean showCodeDetails, int indent) throws FHIRException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, EOperationOutcome {
if (children.isEmpty()) {
StructureDefinition sdt = context.getWorker().fetchTypeDefinition(e.fhirType());
if (sdt != null && (sdt.getKind() == StructureDefinitionKind.COMPLEXTYPE || sdt.getKind() == StructureDefinitionKind.PRIMITIVETYPE)) {
renderLeaf(status, res, e, profile, defn, x, x, false, showCodeDetails, readDisplayHints(defn), path, indent);
renderLeaf(status, res, e, profile, defn, x, x, false, showCodeDetails, readDisplayHints(defn), indent);
} else {
// we don't have anything to render?
} else {
List<NamedResourceWrapperList> pl = splitExtensions(profile, e.childrenInGroups());
for (NamedResourceWrapperList p : pl) {
generateForProperty(status, res, profile, allElements, children, x, path, showCodeDetails, indent, false, p);
generateForProperty(status, res, profile, children, x, path, showCodeDetails, indent, false, p);
for (NamedResourceWrapperList p : pl) {
generateForProperty(status, res, profile, allElements, children, x, path, showCodeDetails, indent, true, p);
generateForProperty(status, res, profile, children, x, path, showCodeDetails, indent, true, p);
private void generateForProperty(RenderingStatus status, ResourceWrapper res, StructureDefinition profile,
List<ElementDefinition> allElements, List<ElementDefinition> children, XhtmlNode x, String path,
List<ElementDefinition> children, XhtmlNode x, String path,
boolean showCodeDetails, int indent, boolean round2, NamedResourceWrapperList p)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, EOperationOutcome {
if (!p.getValues().isEmpty()) {
ElementDefinition child = getElementDefinition(children, path+"."+p.getName());
if (child != null) {
if (!child.getBase().hasPath() || !child.getBase().getPath().startsWith("Resource.")) {
generateElementByProfile(status, res, profile, allElements, x, path, showCodeDetails, indent, p, child, round2);
generateElementByProfile(status, res, profile, x, path, showCodeDetails, indent, p, child, round2);
public void generateElementByProfile(RenderingStatus status, ResourceWrapper res, StructureDefinition profile, List<ElementDefinition> allElements, XhtmlNode x, String path,
public void generateElementByProfile(RenderingStatus status, ResourceWrapper res, StructureDefinition profile, XhtmlNode x, String path,
boolean showCodeDetails, int indent, NamedResourceWrapperList p, ElementDefinition child, boolean round2) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, EOperationOutcome {
Map<String, String> displayHints = readDisplayHints(child);
if ("DomainResource.contained".equals(child.getBase().getPath())) {
@ -336,8 +339,8 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
if (isExt) {
List<ElementDefinition> grandChildren = getChildrenForPath(profile, allElements, path+"."+p.getName());
filterGrandChildren(grandChildren, path+"."+p.getName(), p);
SourcedChildDefinitions grandChildren = getChildrenForPath(profile, path+"."+p.getName());
filterGrandChildren(grandChildren.getList(), path+"."+p.getName(), p);
if (p.getValues().size() > 0) {
if (isSimple(child) && !isExt) {
XhtmlNode para = x.isPara() ? para = x : x.para();
@ -351,7 +354,7 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
if (renderAsList(child) && p.getValues().size() > 1) {
XhtmlNode list = x.ul();
for (ResourceWrapper v : p.getValues())
renderLeaf(status, res, v, profile, child, x, list.li(), false, showCodeDetails, displayHints, path, indent);
renderLeaf(status, res, v, profile, child, x, list.li(), false, showCodeDetails, displayHints, indent);
} else {
boolean first = true;
for (ResourceWrapper v : p.getValues()) {
@ -360,23 +363,23 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
} else {
para.tx(", ");
renderLeaf(status, res, v, profile, child, x, para, false, showCodeDetails, displayHints, path, indent);
renderLeaf(status, res, v, profile, child, x, para, false, showCodeDetails, displayHints, indent);
} else if (canDoTable(path, p, grandChildren, x)) {
} else if (canDoTable(path, p, grandChildren.getList(), x)) {
XhtmlNode xn = new XhtmlNode(NodeType.Element, getHeader());
XhtmlNode tbl = new XhtmlNode(NodeType.Element, "table");
tbl.setAttribute("class", "grid");
XhtmlNode tr = tbl.tr();
tr.td().style("display: none").tx("-"); // work around problem with empty table rows
boolean add = addColumnHeadings(tr, grandChildren);
boolean add = addColumnHeadings(tr, grandChildren.getList());
for (ResourceWrapper v : p.getValues()) {
if (v != null) {
tr = tbl.tr();
tr.td().style("display: none").tx("*"); // work around problem with empty table rows
add = addColumnValues(status, res, tr, profile, grandChildren, v, showCodeDetails, displayHints, path, indent) || add;
add = addColumnValues(status, res, tr, profile, grandChildren.getList(), v, showCodeDetails, displayHints, indent) || add;
if (add) {
@ -393,7 +396,7 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
XhtmlNode para = x.para();
para.b().addText(labelforExtension(sd, p.getUrl()));
para.tx(": ");
renderLeaf(status, res, vp, profile, child, x, para, false, showCodeDetails, displayHints, path, indent);
renderLeaf(status, res, vp, profile, child, x, para, false, showCodeDetails, displayHints, indent);
} else if (!ev.isEmpty()) {
XhtmlNode bq = x.addTag("blockquote");
bq.para().b().addText(labelforExtension(sd, p.getUrl()));
@ -410,13 +413,13 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
XhtmlNode li = ul.li();
li.tx(labelForSubExtension(vv.primitiveValue("url"), sd));
li.tx(": ");
renderLeaf(status, res, vv.child("value"), sd, child, x, li, isExt, showCodeDetails, displayHints, path, indent);
renderLeaf(status, res, vv.child("value"), sd, child, x, li, isExt, showCodeDetails, displayHints, indent);
} else {
for (ResourceWrapper vv : ev) {
StructureDefinition ex = context.getWorker().fetchTypeDefinition("Extension");
List<ElementDefinition> children = getChildrenForPath(profile, ex.getSnapshot().getElement(), "Extension");
generateByProfile(status, res, ex, vv, allElements, child, children, bq, "Extension", showCodeDetails, indent+1);
SourcedChildDefinitions children = getChildrenForPath(ex, "Extension");
generateByProfile(status, res, ex, vv, child, children.getList(), bq, "Extension", showCodeDetails, indent+1);
@ -427,7 +430,7 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
if (v != null) {
XhtmlNode bq = x.addTag("blockquote");
generateByProfile(status, res, profile, v, allElements, child, grandChildren, bq, path+"."+p.getName(), showCodeDetails, indent+1);
generateByProfile(status, res, grandChildren.getSource(), v, child, grandChildren.getList(), bq, grandChildren.getPath(), showCodeDetails, indent+1);
@ -435,6 +438,29 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
// private String getGrandChildBase(List<ElementDefinition> grandChildren) {
// if (grandChildren == null || grandChildren.isEmpty()) {
// return null;
// }
// String[] path = grandChildren.get(0).getPath().split("\\.");
// for (int i = 1; i < grandChildren.size(); i++) {
// path = getSharedString(path, grandChildren.get(1).getPath().split("\\."));
// }
// return CommaSeparatedStringBuilder.join(".", path);
// }
// private String[] getSharedString(String[] path, String[] path2) {
// int m = -1;
// for (int i = 0; i < Integer.min(path.length, path2.length); i++) {
// if (path[i].equals(path2[i])) {
// m = i;
// } else {
// break;
// }
// }
// return m == -1 ? new String[0] : Arrays.copyOfRange(path, 0, m+1);
// }
private String labelForSubExtension(String url, StructureDefinition sd) {
return url;
@ -530,7 +556,7 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
return b;
private boolean addColumnValues(RenderingStatus status, ResourceWrapper res, XhtmlNode tr, StructureDefinition profile, List<ElementDefinition> grandChildren, ResourceWrapper v, boolean showCodeDetails, Map<String, String> displayHints, String path, int indent) throws FHIRException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, EOperationOutcome {
private boolean addColumnValues(RenderingStatus status, ResourceWrapper res, XhtmlNode tr, StructureDefinition profile, List<ElementDefinition> grandChildren, ResourceWrapper v, boolean showCodeDetails, Map<String, String> displayHints, int indent) throws FHIRException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, EOperationOutcome {
boolean b = false;
for (ElementDefinition e : grandChildren) {
List<ResourceWrapper> p = v.children(e.getPath().substring(e.getPath().lastIndexOf(".")+1));
@ -542,7 +568,7 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
for (ResourceWrapper vv : p) {
b = true;
td.sep(", ");
renderLeaf(status, res, vv, profile, e, td, td, false, showCodeDetails, displayHints, path, indent);
renderLeaf(status, res, vv, profile, e, td, td, false, showCodeDetails, displayHints, indent);
@ -656,6 +682,10 @@ public class ProfileDrivenRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(".")+1);
protected String utail(String path) {
return path.contains("/") ? path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/")+1) : path;
public boolean canRender(Resource resource) {
return context.getWorker().getResourceNames().contains(resource.fhirType());
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import org.hl7.fhir.r5.terminologies.CodeSystemUtilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.utils.EOperationOutcome;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.utils.ToolingExtensions;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.utils.XVerExtensionManager;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.CommaSeparatedStringBuilder;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.Utilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator.Piece;
@ -369,8 +368,10 @@ public abstract class ResourceRenderer extends DataRenderer {
} else {
checkRenderExtensions(status, x, type);
public void renderReference(ResourceWrapper res, HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, List<Piece> pieces, Reference r, boolean allowLinks) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
if (r == null) {
pieces.add(gen.new Piece(null, "null!", null));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user