
This commit is contained in:
dotasek 2022-10-28 10:40:13 -04:00
parent 36df92c731
commit 404f4f712b
3 changed files with 7 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -233,7 +233,8 @@ Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMax_PLURAL_one = {3}: Found {0} match, but unable
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMax_PLURAL_other = {3}: Found {0} matches, but unable to check max allowed ({2}) due to lack of slicing validation (from {1})
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMin_PLURAL_one = {3}: Found {0} match, but unable to check minimum required ({2}) due to lack of slicing validation (from {1})
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMin_PLURAL_other = {3}: Found {0} matches, but unable to check minimum required ({2}) due to lack of slicing validation (from {1})
Validation_VAL_Profile_MultipleMatches_PLURAL = Found multiple matching profiles among {0} choices: {1}
Validation_VAL_Profile_MultipleMatches_PLURAL_one = Found multiple matching profiles among {0} choice: {1}
Validation_VAL_Profile_MultipleMatches_PLURAL_other = Found multiple matching profiles among {0} choices: {1}
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoDefinition = No definition found for resource type ''{0}''
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoMatch = Unable to find a match for the specified profile among choices: {0}
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoSnapshot = StructureDefinition {0} has no snapshot - validation is against the snapshot, so it must be provided

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@ -215,8 +215,9 @@ Validation_VAL_Profile_Maximum_PLURAL_one={3}: maximal erlaubt = {7}, aber gefun
Validation_VAL_Profile_Maximum_PLURAL_other={3}: maximal erlaubt = {7}, aber gefunden {0}
Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_PLURAL_one={3}: mindestens erforderlich = {7}, aber nur gefunden {0}
Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_PLURAL_other={3}: mindestens erforderlich = {7}, aber nur gefunden {0}
Validation_VAL_Profile_MultipleMatches_PLURAL=Es wurden mehrere passende Profile unter den Auswahlm\u00f6glichkeiten gefunden: {1}
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMax_PLURAL_one={1}: REPARIERE MICH
Validation_VAL_Profile_MultipleMatches_PLURAL_one=REPARIERE MICH
Validation_VAL_Profile_MultipleMatches_PLURAL_other=Es wurden mehrere passende Profile unter den Auswahlm\u00f6glichkeiten gefunden: {1}
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMax_PLURAL_one=REPARIERE MICH
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMax_PLURAL_other={1}: Kann die maximal zul\u00e4ssige Anzahl ({1}) aufgrund fehlender Slicing-Validierung nicht \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen.
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMin_PLURAL_one=REPARIERE MICH
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMin_PLURAL_other={1}: Kann das erforderliche Minimum ({1}) aufgrund fehlender Slicing-Validierung nicht \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen

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@ -224,7 +224,8 @@ Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMax_PLURAL_one = REPAREER MIJ
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMax_PLURAL_other = {3}: Kan max toegestaan niet controleren ({2}) vanwege missende slicing-validatie (uit {1})
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMin_PLURAL_one = REPAREER MIJ
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMin_PLURAL_other = {3}: Kan min toegestaan niet controleren ({2}) vanwege missende slicing-validatie (uit {1})
Validation_VAL_Profile_MultipleMatches_PLURAL = Meerdere overeenkomende profielen gevonden in de opties: {1}
Validation_VAL_Profile_MultipleMatches_PLURAL_one = REPAREER MIJ
Validation_VAL_Profile_MultipleMatches_PLURAL_other = Meerdere overeenkomende profielen gevonden in de opties: {1}
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoDefinition = Geen definitie gevonden voor resourcetype ''{0}''
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoMatch = Kan geen overeenkomstig profiel vinden in de opties: {0}
Validation_VAL_Profile_NoSnapshot = StructureDefinition heeft geen snapshot - validatie is tegen de snapshot, dus deze is verplicht