kindling compile fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Resource;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StringType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StringType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition.ExtensionContextType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition.ExtensionContextType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition.StructureDefinitionContextComponent;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition.StructureDefinitionDifferentialComponent;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition.StructureDefinitionDifferentialComponent;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition.StructureDefinitionKind;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition.StructureDefinitionKind;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition.StructureDefinitionMappingComponent;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition.StructureDefinitionMappingComponent;
@ -2523,109 +2524,7 @@ public class ProfileUtilities extends TranslatingUtilities {
return !p.contains(".");
return !p.contains(".");
// public XhtmlNode generateExtensionTable(String defFile, StructureDefinition ed, String imageFolder, boolean inlineGraphics, boolean full, String corePath, String imagePath, Set<String> outputTracker, RenderingContext rc) throws IOException, FHIRException {
// HierarchicalTableGenerator gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(imageFolder, inlineGraphics, true);
// gen.setTranslator(getTranslator());
// TableModel model = gen.initNormalTable(corePath, false, true, ed.getId()+(full ? "f" : "n"), true);
// boolean deep = false;
// String m = "";
// boolean vdeep = false;
// if (ed.getSnapshot().getElementFirstRep().getIsModifier())
// m = "modifier_";
// for (ElementDefinition eld : ed.getSnapshot().getElement()) {
// deep = deep || eld.getPath().contains("Extension.extension.");
// vdeep = vdeep || eld.getPath().contains("Extension.extension.extension.");
// }
// Row r = Row();
// model.getRows().add(r);
// String en;
// if (!full)
// en = ed.getName();
// else if (ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(0).getIsModifier())
// en = "modifierExtension";
// else
// en = "extension";
// r.getCells().add( Cell(null, defFile == null ? "" : defFile+"-definitions.html#extension."+ed.getName(), en, null, null));
// r.getCells().add( Cell());
// r.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, describeCardinality(ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(0), null, new UnusedTracker()), null, null));
// ElementDefinition ved = null;
// if (full || vdeep) {
// r.getCells().add( Cell("", "", "Extension", null, null));
// r.setIcon(deep ? "icon_"+m+"extension_complex.png" : "icon_extension_simple.png", deep ? HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_EXTENSION_COMPLEX : HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_EXTENSION_SIMPLE);
// List<ElementDefinition> children = getChildren(ed.getSnapshot().getElement(), ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(0));
// for (ElementDefinition child : children)
// if (!child.getPath().endsWith(".id")) {
// List<StructureDefinition> sdl = new ArrayList<>();
// sdl.add(ed);
// genElement(defFile == null ? "" : defFile+"-definitions.html#extension.", gen, r.getSubRows(), child, ed.getSnapshot().getElement(), sdl, true, defFile, true, full, corePath, imagePath, true, false, false, false, null, false, rc, "", ed);
// }
// } else if (deep) {
// List<ElementDefinition> children = new ArrayList<ElementDefinition>();
// for (ElementDefinition ted : ed.getSnapshot().getElement()) {
// if (ted.getPath().equals("Extension.extension"))
// children.add(ted);
// }
// r.getCells().add( Cell("", "", "Extension", null, null));
// r.setIcon("icon_"+m+"extension_complex.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_EXTENSION_COMPLEX);
// for (ElementDefinition c : children) {
// ved = getValueFor(ed, c);
// ElementDefinition ued = getUrlFor(ed, c);
// if (ved != null && ued != null) {
// Row r1 = Row();
// r.getSubRows().add(r1);
// r1.getCells().add( Cell(null, defFile == null ? "" : defFile+"-definitions.html#"+ed.getId()+"."+c.getId(), ((UriType) ued.getFixed()).getValue(), null, null));
// r1.getCells().add( Cell());
// r1.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, describeCardinality(c, null, new UnusedTracker()), null, null));
// genTypes(gen, r1, ved, defFile, ed, corePath, imagePath, false, false);
// r1.setIcon("icon_"+m+"extension_simple.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_EXTENSION_SIMPLE);
// generateDescription(gen, r1, c, null, true, corePath, corePath, ed, corePath, imagePath, false, false, false, ved, false, false, false, rc);
// }
// }
// } else {
// for (ElementDefinition ted : ed.getSnapshot().getElement()) {
// if (ted.getPath().startsWith("Extension.value"))
// ved = ted;
// }
// genTypes(gen, r, ved, defFile, ed, corePath, imagePath, false, false);
// r.setIcon("icon_"+m+"extension_simple.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_EXTENSION_SIMPLE);
// }
// Cell c = Cell("", "", "URL = "+ed.getUrl(), null, null);
// Piece cc = Piece(null, ed.getName()+": ", null);
// c.addPiece( Piece("br")).addPiece(cc);
// c.addMarkdown(ed.getDescription());
// if (!full && !(deep || vdeep) && ved != null && ved.hasBinding()) {
// c.addPiece( Piece("br"));
// BindingResolution br = pkp.resolveBinding(ed, ved.getBinding(), ved.getPath());
// c.getPieces().add(checkForNoChange(ved.getBinding(), Piece(null, translate("sd.table", "Binding")+": ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold")));
// c.getPieces().add(checkForNoChange(ved.getBinding(), Piece(br.url == null ? null : Utilities.isAbsoluteUrl(br.url) || !pkp.prependLinks() ? br.url : corePath+br.url, br.display, null)));
// if (ved.getBinding().hasStrength()) {
// c.getPieces().add(checkForNoChange(ved.getBinding(), Piece(null, " (", null)));
// c.getPieces().add(checkForNoChange(ved.getBinding(), Piece(corePath+"terminologies.html#"+ved.getBinding().getStrength().toCode(), egt(ved.getBinding().getStrengthElement()), ved.getBinding().getStrength().getDefinition())));
// c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, ")", null));
// }
// if (ved.getBinding().hasDescription() && MarkDownProcessor.isSimpleMarkdown(ved.getBinding().getDescription())) {
// c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, ": ", null));
// c.addMarkdownNoPara(PublicationHacker.fixBindingDescriptions(context, ved.getBinding().getDescriptionElement()).asStringValue());
// }
// }
// c.addPiece( Piece("br")).addPiece( Piece(null, describeExtensionContext(ed), null));
// r.getCells().add(c);
// try {
// return gen.generate(model, corePath, 0, outputTracker);
// } catch (org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException e) {
// throw new FHIRException(e.getMessage(), e);
// }
// }
private ElementDefinition getUrlFor(StructureDefinition ed, ElementDefinition c) {
private ElementDefinition getUrlFor(StructureDefinition ed, ElementDefinition c) {
int i = ed.getSnapshot().getElement().indexOf(c) + 1;
int i = ed.getSnapshot().getElement().indexOf(c) + 1;
@ -2636,17 +2535,6 @@ public class ProfileUtilities extends TranslatingUtilities {
return null;
return null;
// private ElementDefinition getValueFor(StructureDefinition ed, ElementDefinition c) {
// int i = ed.getSnapshot().getElement().indexOf(c) + 1;
// while (i < ed.getSnapshot().getElement().size() && ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(i).getPath().startsWith(c.getPath()+".")) {
// if (ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(i).getPath().startsWith(c.getPath()+".value"))
// return ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(i);
// i++;
// }
// return null;
// }
@ -2668,31 +2556,31 @@ public class ProfileUtilities extends TranslatingUtilities {
return null;
return null;
// public static String describeExtensionContext(StructureDefinition ext) {
public static String describeExtensionContext(StructureDefinition ext) {
// StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
// b.append("Use on ");
b.append("Use on ");
// for (int i = 0; i < ext.getContext().size(); i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < ext.getContext().size(); i++) {
// StructureDefinitionContextComponent ec = ext.getContext().get(i);
StructureDefinitionContextComponent ec = ext.getContext().get(i);
// if (i > 0)
if (i > 0)
// b.append(i < ext.getContext().size() - 1 ? ", " : " or ");
b.append(i < ext.getContext().size() - 1 ? ", " : " or ");
// b.append(ec.getType().getDisplay());
// b.append(" ");
b.append(" ");
// b.append(ec.getExpression());
// }
// if (ext.hasContextInvariant()) {
if (ext.hasContextInvariant()) {
// b.append(", with <a href=\"structuredefinition-definitions.html#StructureDefinition.contextInvariant\">Context Invariant</a> = ");
b.append(", with <a href=\"structuredefinition-definitions.html#StructureDefinition.contextInvariant\">Context Invariant</a> = ");
// boolean first = true;
boolean first = true;
// for (StringType s : ext.getContextInvariant()) {
for (StringType s : ext.getContextInvariant()) {
// if (first)
if (first)
// first = false;
first = false;
// else
// b.append(", ");
b.append(", ");
// b.append("<code>"+s.getValue()+"</code>");
// }
// }
// return b.toString();
return b.toString();
// }
@ -2661,4 +2661,149 @@ public class StructureDefinitionRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
return b.toString();
return b.toString();
public XhtmlNode generateExtensionTable(String defFile, StructureDefinition ed, String imageFolder, boolean inlineGraphics, boolean full, String corePath, String imagePath, Set<String> outputTracker, RenderingContext rc) throws IOException, FHIRException {
HierarchicalTableGenerator gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(imageFolder, inlineGraphics, true);
TableModel model = gen.initNormalTable(corePath, false, true, ed.getId()+(full ? "f" : "n"), true);
boolean deep = false;
String m = "";
boolean vdeep = false;
if (ed.getSnapshot().getElementFirstRep().getIsModifier())
m = "modifier_";
for (ElementDefinition eld : ed.getSnapshot().getElement()) {
deep = deep || eld.getPath().contains("Extension.extension.");
vdeep = vdeep || eld.getPath().contains("Extension.extension.extension.");
Row r = Row();
String en;
if (!full)
en = ed.getName();
else if (ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(0).getIsModifier())
en = "modifierExtension";
en = "extension";
r.getCells().add( Cell(null, defFile == null ? "" : defFile+"-definitions.html#extension."+ed.getName(), en, null, null));
r.getCells().add( Cell());
r.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, describeCardinality(ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(0), null, new UnusedTracker()), null, null));
ElementDefinition ved = null;
if (full || vdeep) {
r.getCells().add( Cell("", "", "Extension", null, null));
r.setIcon(deep ? "icon_"+m+"extension_complex.png" : "icon_extension_simple.png", deep ? HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_EXTENSION_COMPLEX : HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_EXTENSION_SIMPLE);
List<ElementDefinition> children = getChildren(ed.getSnapshot().getElement(), ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(0));
for (ElementDefinition child : children)
if (!child.getPath().endsWith(".id")) {
List<StructureDefinition> sdl = new ArrayList<>();
genElement(defFile == null ? "" : defFile+"-definitions.html#extension.", gen, r.getSubRows(), child, ed.getSnapshot().getElement(), sdl, true, defFile, true, full, corePath, imagePath, true, false, false, false, null, false, rc, "", ed, null);
} else if (deep) {
List<ElementDefinition> children = new ArrayList<ElementDefinition>();
for (ElementDefinition ted : ed.getSnapshot().getElement()) {
if (ted.getPath().equals("Extension.extension"))
r.getCells().add( Cell("", "", "Extension", null, null));
r.setIcon("icon_"+m+"extension_complex.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_EXTENSION_COMPLEX);
for (ElementDefinition c : children) {
ved = getValueFor(ed, c);
ElementDefinition ued = getUrlFor(ed, c);
if (ved != null && ued != null) {
Row r1 = Row();
r1.getCells().add( Cell(null, defFile == null ? "" : defFile+"-definitions.html#"+ed.getId()+"."+c.getId(), ((UriType) ued.getFixed()).getValue(), null, null));
r1.getCells().add( Cell());
r1.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, describeCardinality(c, null, new UnusedTracker()), null, null));
genTypes(gen, r1, ved, defFile, ed, corePath, imagePath, false, false);
r1.setIcon("icon_"+m+"extension_simple.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_EXTENSION_SIMPLE);
generateDescription(gen, r1, c, null, true, corePath, corePath, ed, corePath, imagePath, false, false, false, ved, false, false, false, rc);
} else {
for (ElementDefinition ted : ed.getSnapshot().getElement()) {
if (ted.getPath().startsWith("Extension.value"))
ved = ted;
genTypes(gen, r, ved, defFile, ed, corePath, imagePath, false, false);
r.setIcon("icon_"+m+"extension_simple.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_EXTENSION_SIMPLE);
Cell c = Cell("", "", "URL = "+ed.getUrl(), null, null);
Piece cc = Piece(null, ed.getName()+": ", null);
c.addPiece( Piece("br")).addPiece(cc);
if (!full && !(deep || vdeep) && ved != null && ved.hasBinding()) {
c.addPiece( Piece("br"));
BindingResolution br = context.getPkp().resolveBinding(ed, ved.getBinding(), ved.getPath());
c.getPieces().add(checkForNoChange(ved.getBinding(), Piece(null, translate("sd.table", "Binding")+": ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold")));
c.getPieces().add(checkForNoChange(ved.getBinding(), Piece(br.url == null ? null : Utilities.isAbsoluteUrl(br.url) || !context.getPkp().prependLinks() ? br.url : corePath+br.url, br.display, null)));
if (ved.getBinding().hasStrength()) {
c.getPieces().add(checkForNoChange(ved.getBinding(), Piece(null, " (", null)));
c.getPieces().add(checkForNoChange(ved.getBinding(), Piece(corePath+"terminologies.html#"+ved.getBinding().getStrength().toCode(), egt(ved.getBinding().getStrengthElement()), ved.getBinding().getStrength().getDefinition())));
c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, ")", null));
if (ved.getBinding().hasDescription() && MarkDownProcessor.isSimpleMarkdown(ved.getBinding().getDescription())) {
c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, ": ", null));
c.addMarkdownNoPara(PublicationHacker.fixBindingDescriptions(context.getWorker(), ved.getBinding().getDescriptionElement()).asStringValue());
c.addPiece( Piece("br")).addPiece( Piece(null, ProfileUtilities.describeExtensionContext(ed), null));
try {
return gen.generate(model, corePath, 0, outputTracker);
} catch (org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException e) {
throw new FHIRException(e.getMessage(), e);
private String describeCardinality(ElementDefinition definition, ElementDefinition fallback, UnusedTracker tracker) {
IntegerType min = definition.hasMinElement() ? definition.getMinElement() : new IntegerType();
StringType max = definition.hasMaxElement() ? definition.getMaxElement() : new StringType();
if (min.isEmpty() && fallback != null)
min = fallback.getMinElement();
if (max.isEmpty() && fallback != null)
max = fallback.getMaxElement();
tracker.used = !max.isEmpty() && !max.getValue().equals("0");
if (min.isEmpty() && max.isEmpty())
return null;
return (!min.hasValue() ? "" : Integer.toString(min.getValue())) + ".." + (!max.hasValue() ? "" : max.getValue());
private ElementDefinition getValueFor(StructureDefinition ed, ElementDefinition c) {
int i = ed.getSnapshot().getElement().indexOf(c) + 1;
while (i < ed.getSnapshot().getElement().size() && ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(i).getPath().startsWith(c.getPath()+".")) {
if (ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(i).getPath().startsWith(c.getPath()+".value"))
return ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(i);
return null;
private ElementDefinition getUrlFor(StructureDefinition ed, ElementDefinition c) {
int i = ed.getSnapshot().getElement().indexOf(c) + 1;
while (i < ed.getSnapshot().getElement().size() && ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(i).getPath().startsWith(c.getPath()+".")) {
if (ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(i).getPath().equals(c.getPath()+".url"))
return ed.getSnapshot().getElement().get(i);
return null;
Reference in New Issue