Merge pull request #700 from hapifhir/gg-202112-r5-searchparams

restore search parameters
This commit is contained in:
Grahame Grieve 2021-12-28 09:07:24 +11:00 committed by GitHub
commit 64fb94fcef
No known key found for this signature in database
204 changed files with 53079 additions and 297 deletions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -1586,6 +1586,210 @@ A coverage may only be responsible for specific types of charges, and the sequen
return ResourceType.Account;
* Search parameter: <b>guarantor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The parties ultimately responsible for balancing the Account</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="guarantor", path="", description="The parties ultimately responsible for balancing the Account", type="reference", target={Organization.class, Patient.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_GUARANTOR = "guarantor";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>guarantor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The parties ultimately responsible for balancing the Account</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final GUARANTOR = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Account:guarantor</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_GUARANTOR = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Account:guarantor").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Account number</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Account.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Account.identifier", description="Account number", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Account number</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Account.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Human-readable label</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path="", description="Human-readable label", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Human-readable label</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>owner</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Entity managing the Account</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Account.owner</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="owner", path="Account.owner", description="Entity managing the Account", type="reference", target={Organization.class } )
public static final String SP_OWNER = "owner";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>owner</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Entity managing the Account</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Account.owner</b><br>
* </p>
public static final OWNER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Account:owner</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_OWNER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Account:owner").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The entity that caused the expenses</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Account.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="Account.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)", description="The entity that caused the expenses", type="reference", target={Device.class, HealthcareService.class, Location.class, Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The entity that caused the expenses</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Account.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Account:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Account:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>period</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Transaction window</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Account.servicePeriod</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="period", path="Account.servicePeriod", description="Transaction window", type="date" )
public static final String SP_PERIOD = "period";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>period</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Transaction window</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Account.servicePeriod</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PERIOD = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>active | inactive | entered-in-error | on-hold | unknown</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Account.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="Account.status", description="active | inactive | entered-in-error | on-hold | unknown", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>active | inactive | entered-in-error | on-hold | unknown</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Account.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The entity that caused the expenses</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Account.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="Account.subject", description="The entity that caused the expenses", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner") }, target={Device.class, HealthcareService.class, Location.class, Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The entity that caused the expenses</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Account.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Account:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Account:subject").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>E.g. patient, expense, depreciation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Account.type</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="type", path="Account.type", description="E.g. patient, expense, depreciation", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TYPE = "type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>E.g. patient, expense, depreciation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Account.type</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TYPE = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -4435,6 +4435,496 @@ public class ActivityDefinition extends MetadataResource {
return ResourceType.ActivityDefinition;
* Search parameter: <b>composed-of</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='composed-of').resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="composed-of", path="ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='composed-of').resource", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_COMPOSED_OF = "composed-of";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>composed-of</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='composed-of').resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final COMPOSED_OF = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ActivityDefinition:composed-of</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_COMPOSED_OF = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ActivityDefinition:composed-of").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ActivityDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ActivityDefinition.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(ActivityDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ActivityDefinition.useContext.value as Range)", description="A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the activity definition", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ActivityDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ActivityDefinition.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="ActivityDefinition.useContext", description="A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the activity definition", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="ActivityDefinition.useContext", description="A use context type and value assigned to the activity definition", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="ActivityDefinition.useContext.code", description="A type of use context assigned to the activity definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ActivityDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(ActivityDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="A use context assigned to the activity definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ActivityDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The activity definition publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="", description="The activity definition publication date", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The activity definition publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>depends-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='depends-on').resource | ActivityDefinition.library</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="depends-on", path="ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='depends-on').resource | ActivityDefinition.library", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_DEPENDS_ON = "depends-on";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>depends-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='depends-on').resource | ActivityDefinition.library</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DEPENDS_ON = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ActivityDefinition:depends-on</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_DEPENDS_ON = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ActivityDefinition:depends-on").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>derived-from</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='derived-from').resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="derived-from", path="ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='derived-from').resource", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_DERIVED_FROM = "derived-from";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>derived-from</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='derived-from').resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DERIVED_FROM = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ActivityDefinition:derived-from</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_DERIVED_FROM = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ActivityDefinition:derived-from").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.description</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="ActivityDefinition.description", description="The description of the activity definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.description</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DESCRIPTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>effective</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The time during which the activity definition is intended to be in use</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.effectivePeriod</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="effective", path="ActivityDefinition.effectivePeriod", description="The time during which the activity definition is intended to be in use", type="date" )
public static final String SP_EFFECTIVE = "effective";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>effective</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The time during which the activity definition is intended to be in use</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.effectivePeriod</b><br>
* </p>
public static final EFFECTIVE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="ActivityDefinition.identifier", description="External identifier for the activity definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="jurisdiction", path="ActivityDefinition.jurisdiction", description="Intended jurisdiction for the activity definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_JURISDICTION = "jurisdiction";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
public static final JURISDICTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>kind</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The kind of activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.kind</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="kind", path="ActivityDefinition.kind", description="The kind of activity definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_KIND = "kind";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>kind</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The kind of activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.kind</b><br>
* </p>
public static final KIND = new;
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path="", description="Computationally friendly name of the activity definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>predecessor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='predecessor').resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="predecessor", path="ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='predecessor').resource", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_PREDECESSOR = "predecessor";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>predecessor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='predecessor').resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PREDECESSOR = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ActivityDefinition:predecessor</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PREDECESSOR = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ActivityDefinition:predecessor").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="ActivityDefinition.publisher", description="Name of the publisher of the activity definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="ActivityDefinition.status", description="The current status of the activity definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>successor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='successor').resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="successor", path="ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='successor').resource", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_SUCCESSOR = "successor";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>successor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='successor').resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUCCESSOR = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ActivityDefinition:successor</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUCCESSOR = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ActivityDefinition:successor").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.title</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="title", path="ActivityDefinition.title", description="The human-friendly name of the activity definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_TITLE = "title";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.title</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TITLE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>topic</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Topics associated with the module</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.topic</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="topic", path="ActivityDefinition.topic", description="Topics associated with the module", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TOPIC = "topic";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>topic</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Topics associated with the module</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.topic</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TOPIC = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="ActivityDefinition.url", description="The uri that identifies the activity definition", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="ActivityDefinition.version", description="The business version of the activity definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the activity definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ActivityDefinition.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -2207,6 +2207,184 @@ public class AdministrableProductDefinition extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.AdministrableProductDefinition;
* Search parameter: <b>device</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A device that is integral to the medicinal product, in effect being considered as an "ingredient" of the medicinal product. This is not intended for devices that are just co-packaged</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.device</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="device", path="AdministrableProductDefinition.device", description="A device that is integral to the medicinal product, in effect being considered as an \"ingredient\" of the medicinal product. This is not intended for devices that are just co-packaged", type="reference", target={DeviceDefinition.class } )
public static final String SP_DEVICE = "device";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>device</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A device that is integral to the medicinal product, in effect being considered as an "ingredient" of the medicinal product. This is not intended for devices that are just co-packaged</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.device</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DEVICE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AdministrableProductDefinition:device</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_DEVICE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AdministrableProductDefinition:device").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>dose-form</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The administrable dose form, i.e. the dose form of the final product after necessary reconstitution or processing</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.administrableDoseForm</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="dose-form", path="AdministrableProductDefinition.administrableDoseForm", description="The administrable dose form, i.e. the dose form of the final product after necessary reconstitution or processing", type="token" )
public static final String SP_DOSE_FORM = "dose-form";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>dose-form</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The administrable dose form, i.e. the dose form of the final product after necessary reconstitution or processing</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.administrableDoseForm</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DOSE_FORM = new;
* Search parameter: <b>form-of</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The medicinal product that this is an administrable form of. This is not a reference to the item(s) that make up this administrable form - it is the whole product</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.formOf</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="form-of", path="AdministrableProductDefinition.formOf", description="The medicinal product that this is an administrable form of. This is not a reference to the item(s) that make up this administrable form - it is the whole product", type="reference", target={MedicinalProductDefinition.class } )
public static final String SP_FORM_OF = "form-of";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>form-of</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The medicinal product that this is an administrable form of. This is not a reference to the item(s) that make up this administrable form - it is the whole product</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.formOf</b><br>
* </p>
public static final FORM_OF = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AdministrableProductDefinition:form-of</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_FORM_OF = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AdministrableProductDefinition:form-of").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>An identifier for the administrable product</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="AdministrableProductDefinition.identifier", description="An identifier for the administrable product", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>An identifier for the administrable product</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>ingredient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The ingredients of this administrable medicinal product</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.ingredient</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="ingredient", path="AdministrableProductDefinition.ingredient", description="The ingredients of this administrable medicinal product", type="token" )
public static final String SP_INGREDIENT = "ingredient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>ingredient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The ingredients of this administrable medicinal product</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.ingredient</b><br>
* </p>
public static final INGREDIENT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>manufactured-item</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The manufactured item(s) that this administrable product is produced from. Either a single item, or several that are mixed before administration (e.g. a power item and a solution item). Note that these are not raw ingredients</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.producedFrom</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="manufactured-item", path="AdministrableProductDefinition.producedFrom", description="The manufactured item(s) that this administrable product is produced from. Either a single item, or several that are mixed before administration (e.g. a power item and a solution item). Note that these are not raw ingredients", type="reference", target={ManufacturedItemDefinition.class } )
public static final String SP_MANUFACTURED_ITEM = "manufactured-item";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>manufactured-item</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The manufactured item(s) that this administrable product is produced from. Either a single item, or several that are mixed before administration (e.g. a power item and a solution item). Note that these are not raw ingredients</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.producedFrom</b><br>
* </p>
public static final MANUFACTURED_ITEM = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AdministrableProductDefinition:manufactured-item</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_MANUFACTURED_ITEM = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AdministrableProductDefinition:manufactured-item").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>route</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Coded expression for the route</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.routeOfAdministration.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="route", path="AdministrableProductDefinition.routeOfAdministration.code", description="Coded expression for the route", type="token" )
public static final String SP_ROUTE = "route";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>route</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Coded expression for the route</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.routeOfAdministration.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ROUTE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>target-species</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Coded expression for the species</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.routeOfAdministration.targetSpecies.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="target-species", path="AdministrableProductDefinition.routeOfAdministration.targetSpecies.code", description="Coded expression for the species", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TARGET_SPECIES = "target-species";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>target-species</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Coded expression for the species</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdministrableProductDefinition.routeOfAdministration.targetSpecies.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TARGET_SPECIES = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -3423,6 +3423,328 @@ public class AdverseEvent extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.AdverseEvent;
* Search parameter: <b>actuality</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>actual | potential</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.actuality</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="actuality", path="AdverseEvent.actuality", description="actual | potential", type="token" )
public static final String SP_ACTUALITY = "actuality";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>actuality</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>actual | potential</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.actuality</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ACTUALITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>category</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>wrong-patient | procedure-mishap | medication-mishap | device | unsafe-physical-environment | hospital-aquired-infection | wrong-body-site</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.category</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="category", path="AdverseEvent.category", description="wrong-patient | procedure-mishap | medication-mishap | device | unsafe-physical-environment | hospital-aquired-infection | wrong-body-site", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CATEGORY = "category";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>category</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>wrong-patient | procedure-mishap | medication-mishap | device | unsafe-physical-environment | hospital-aquired-infection | wrong-body-site</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.category</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CATEGORY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Event or incident that occurred or was averted</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="code", path="AdverseEvent.code", description="Event or incident that occurred or was averted", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CODE = "code";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Event or incident that occurred or was averted</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When the event occurred</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.occurrence</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="AdverseEvent.occurrence", description="When the event occurred", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When the event occurred</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.occurrence</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Business identifier for the event</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="AdverseEvent.identifier", description="Business identifier for the event", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Business identifier for the event</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>location</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Location where adverse event occurred</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.location</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="location", path="AdverseEvent.location", description="Location where adverse event occurred", type="reference", target={Location.class } )
public static final String SP_LOCATION = "location";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>location</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Location where adverse event occurred</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.location</b><br>
* </p>
public static final LOCATION = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AdverseEvent:location</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_LOCATION = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AdverseEvent:location").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Subject impacted by event</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="AdverseEvent.subject", description="Subject impacted by event", type="reference", target={Group.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Subject impacted by event</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AdverseEvent:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AdverseEvent:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>recorder</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who recorded the adverse event</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.recorder</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="recorder", path="AdverseEvent.recorder", description="Who recorded the adverse event", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson") }, target={Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_RECORDER = "recorder";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>recorder</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who recorded the adverse event</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.recorder</b><br>
* </p>
public static final RECORDER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AdverseEvent:recorder</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_RECORDER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AdverseEvent:recorder").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>resultingcondition</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Effect on the subject due to this event</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.resultingCondition</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="resultingcondition", path="AdverseEvent.resultingCondition", description="Effect on the subject due to this event", type="reference", target={Condition.class } )
public static final String SP_RESULTINGCONDITION = "resultingcondition";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>resultingcondition</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Effect on the subject due to this event</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.resultingCondition</b><br>
* </p>
public static final RESULTINGCONDITION = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AdverseEvent:resultingcondition</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_RESULTINGCONDITION = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AdverseEvent:resultingcondition").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>seriousness</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Seriousness or gravity of the event</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.seriousness</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="seriousness", path="AdverseEvent.seriousness", description="Seriousness or gravity of the event", type="token" )
public static final String SP_SERIOUSNESS = "seriousness";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>seriousness</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Seriousness or gravity of the event</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.seriousness</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SERIOUSNESS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>in-progress | completed | entered-in-error | unknown</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="AdverseEvent.status", description="in-progress | completed | entered-in-error | unknown", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>in-progress | completed | entered-in-error | unknown</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>study</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Research study that the subject is enrolled in</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="study", path="", description="Research study that the subject is enrolled in", type="reference", target={ResearchStudy.class } )
public static final String SP_STUDY = "study";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>study</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Research study that the subject is enrolled in</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final STUDY = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AdverseEvent:study</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_STUDY = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AdverseEvent:study").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Subject impacted by event</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="AdverseEvent.subject", description="Subject impacted by event", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Group.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Subject impacted by event</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AdverseEvent.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AdverseEvent:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AdverseEvent:subject").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>substance</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Refers to the specific entity that caused the adverse event</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>(AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.instance as Reference)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="substance", path="(AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.instance as Reference)", description="Refers to the specific entity that caused the adverse event", type="reference", target={Device.class, Immunization.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationUsage.class, Procedure.class, Substance.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBSTANCE = "substance";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>substance</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Refers to the specific entity that caused the adverse event</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>(AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.instance as Reference)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBSTANCE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AdverseEvent:substance</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBSTANCE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AdverseEvent:substance").toLocked();

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -2538,6 +2538,466 @@ The duration (usually in minutes) could also be provided to indicate the length
return ResourceType.Appointment;
* Search parameter: <b>actor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Any one of the individuals participating in the appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="actor", path="", description="Any one of the individuals participating in the appointment", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson") }, target={CareTeam.class, Device.class, Group.class, HealthcareService.class, Location.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_ACTOR = "actor";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>actor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Any one of the individuals participating in the appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final ACTOR = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Appointment:actor</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ACTOR = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Appointment:actor").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>appointment-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot (not service type)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.appointmentType</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="appointment-type", path="Appointment.appointmentType", description="The style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot (not service type)", type="token" )
public static final String SP_APPOINTMENT_TYPE = "appointment-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>appointment-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot (not service type)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.appointmentType</b><br>
* </p>
public static final APPOINTMENT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>based-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The service request this appointment is allocated to assess</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.basedOn</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="based-on", path="Appointment.basedOn", description="The service request this appointment is allocated to assess", type="reference", target={ServiceRequest.class } )
public static final String SP_BASED_ON = "based-on";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>based-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The service request this appointment is allocated to assess</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.basedOn</b><br>
* </p>
public static final BASED_ON = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Appointment:based-on</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_BASED_ON = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Appointment:based-on").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Appointment date/time.</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>(start | requestedPeriod.start).first()</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="(start | requestedPeriod.start).first()", description="Appointment date/time.", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Appointment date/time.</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>(start | requestedPeriod.start).first()</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>group</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Group) | Appointment.subject.where(resolve() is Group)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="group", path=" is Group) | Appointment.subject.where(resolve() is Group)", description="One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient", type="reference", target={CareTeam.class, Device.class, Group.class, HealthcareService.class, Location.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_GROUP = "group";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>group</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Group) | Appointment.subject.where(resolve() is Group)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final GROUP = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Appointment:group</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_GROUP = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Appointment:group").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>An Identifier of the Appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Appointment.identifier", description="An Identifier of the Appointment", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>An Identifier of the Appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>location</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>This location is listed in the participants of the appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Location)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="location", path=" is Location)", description="This location is listed in the participants of the appointment", type="reference", target={CareTeam.class, Device.class, Group.class, HealthcareService.class, Location.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_LOCATION = "location";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>location</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>This location is listed in the participants of the appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Location)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final LOCATION = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Appointment:location</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_LOCATION = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Appointment:location").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>part-status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The Participation status of the subject, or other participant on the appointment. Can be used to locate participants that have not responded to meeting requests.</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.participant.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="part-status", path="Appointment.participant.status", description="The Participation status of the subject, or other participant on the appointment. Can be used to locate participants that have not responded to meeting requests.", type="token" )
public static final String SP_PART_STATUS = "part-status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>part-status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The Participation status of the subject, or other participant on the appointment. Can be used to locate participants that have not responded to meeting requests.</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.participant.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PART_STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Patient) | Appointment.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path=" is Patient) | Appointment.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)", description="One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient", type="reference", target={CareTeam.class, Device.class, Group.class, HealthcareService.class, Location.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Patient) | Appointment.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Appointment:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Appointment:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>practitioner</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>One of the individuals of the appointment is this practitioner</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Practitioner)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="practitioner", path=" is Practitioner)", description="One of the individuals of the appointment is this practitioner", type="reference", target={CareTeam.class, Device.class, Group.class, HealthcareService.class, Location.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_PRACTITIONER = "practitioner";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>practitioner</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>One of the individuals of the appointment is this practitioner</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Practitioner)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PRACTITIONER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Appointment:practitioner</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PRACTITIONER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Appointment:practitioner").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>reason-code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to a concept (by class)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.reason.concept</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="reason-code", path="Appointment.reason.concept", description="Reference to a concept (by class)", type="token" )
public static final String SP_REASON_CODE = "reason-code";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>reason-code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to a concept (by class)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.reason.concept</b><br>
* </p>
public static final REASON_CODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>reason-reference</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to a resource (by instance)</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.reason.reference</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="reason-reference", path="Appointment.reason.reference", description="Reference to a resource (by instance)", type="reference" )
public static final String SP_REASON_REFERENCE = "reason-reference";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>reason-reference</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to a resource (by instance)</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.reason.reference</b><br>
* </p>
public static final REASON_REFERENCE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Appointment:reason-reference</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_REASON_REFERENCE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Appointment:reason-reference").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>requested-period</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>During what period was the Appointment requested to take place</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>requestedPeriod</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="requested-period", path="requestedPeriod", description="During what period was the Appointment requested to take place", type="date" )
public static final String SP_REQUESTED_PERIOD = "requested-period";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>requested-period</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>During what period was the Appointment requested to take place</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>requestedPeriod</b><br>
* </p>
public static final REQUESTED_PERIOD = new;
* Search parameter: <b>service-category</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A broad categorization of the service that is to be performed during this appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.serviceCategory</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="service-category", path="Appointment.serviceCategory", description="A broad categorization of the service that is to be performed during this appointment", type="token" )
public static final String SP_SERVICE_CATEGORY = "service-category";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>service-category</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A broad categorization of the service that is to be performed during this appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.serviceCategory</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SERVICE_CATEGORY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>service-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The specific service that is to be performed during this appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.serviceType</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="service-type", path="Appointment.serviceType", description="The specific service that is to be performed during this appointment", type="token" )
public static final String SP_SERVICE_TYPE = "service-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>service-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The specific service that is to be performed during this appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.serviceType</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SERVICE_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>slot</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The slots that this appointment is filling</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.slot</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="slot", path="Appointment.slot", description="The slots that this appointment is filling", type="reference", target={Slot.class } )
public static final String SP_SLOT = "slot";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>slot</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The slots that this appointment is filling</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.slot</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SLOT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Appointment:slot</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SLOT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Appointment:slot").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>specialty</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The specialty of a practitioner that would be required to perform the service requested in this appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.specialty</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="specialty", path="Appointment.specialty", description="The specialty of a practitioner that would be required to perform the service requested in this appointment", type="token" )
public static final String SP_SPECIALTY = "specialty";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>specialty</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The specialty of a practitioner that would be required to perform the service requested in this appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.specialty</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SPECIALTY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The overall status of the appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="Appointment.status", description="The overall status of the appointment", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The overall status of the appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="Appointment.subject", description="One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient", type="reference", target={Group.class, Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Appointment:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Appointment:subject").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>supporting-info</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Additional information to support the appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.supportingInformation</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="supporting-info", path="Appointment.supportingInformation", description="Additional information to support the appointment", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_SUPPORTING_INFO = "supporting-info";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>supporting-info</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Additional information to support the appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Appointment.supportingInformation</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUPPORTING_INFO = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Appointment:supporting-info</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUPPORTING_INFO = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Appointment:supporting-info").toLocked();

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -709,6 +709,202 @@ public class AppointmentResponse extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.AppointmentResponse;
* Search parameter: <b>actor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The Person, Location/HealthcareService or Device that this appointment response replies for</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="actor", path="", description="The Person, Location/HealthcareService or Device that this appointment response replies for", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson") }, target={Device.class, Group.class, HealthcareService.class, Location.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_ACTOR = "actor";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>actor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The Person, Location/HealthcareService or Device that this appointment response replies for</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final ACTOR = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AppointmentResponse:actor</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ACTOR = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AppointmentResponse:actor").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>appointment</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The appointment that the response is attached to</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AppointmentResponse.appointment</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="appointment", path="AppointmentResponse.appointment", description="The appointment that the response is attached to", type="reference", target={Appointment.class } )
public static final String SP_APPOINTMENT = "appointment";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>appointment</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The appointment that the response is attached to</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AppointmentResponse.appointment</b><br>
* </p>
public static final APPOINTMENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AppointmentResponse:appointment</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_APPOINTMENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AppointmentResponse:appointment").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>group</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>This Response is for this Group</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Group)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="group", path=" is Group)", description="This Response is for this Group", type="reference", target={Device.class, Group.class, HealthcareService.class, Location.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_GROUP = "group";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>group</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>This Response is for this Group</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Group)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final GROUP = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AppointmentResponse:group</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_GROUP = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AppointmentResponse:group").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>An Identifier in this appointment response</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AppointmentResponse.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="AppointmentResponse.identifier", description="An Identifier in this appointment response", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>An Identifier in this appointment response</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AppointmentResponse.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>location</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>This Response is for this Location</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Location)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="location", path=" is Location)", description="This Response is for this Location", type="reference", target={Device.class, Group.class, HealthcareService.class, Location.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_LOCATION = "location";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>location</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>This Response is for this Location</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Location)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final LOCATION = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AppointmentResponse:location</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_LOCATION = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AppointmentResponse:location").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>part-status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The participants acceptance status for this appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AppointmentResponse.participantStatus</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="part-status", path="AppointmentResponse.participantStatus", description="The participants acceptance status for this appointment", type="token" )
public static final String SP_PART_STATUS = "part-status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>part-status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The participants acceptance status for this appointment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AppointmentResponse.participantStatus</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PART_STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>This Response is for this Patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path=" is Patient)", description="This Response is for this Patient", type="reference", target={Device.class, Group.class, HealthcareService.class, Location.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>This Response is for this Patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AppointmentResponse:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AppointmentResponse:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>practitioner</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>This Response is for this Practitioner</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Practitioner)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="practitioner", path=" is Practitioner)", description="This Response is for this Practitioner", type="reference", target={Device.class, Group.class, HealthcareService.class, Location.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_PRACTITIONER = "practitioner";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>practitioner</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>This Response is for this Practitioner</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b> is Practitioner)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PRACTITIONER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AppointmentResponse:practitioner</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PRACTITIONER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AppointmentResponse:practitioner").toLocked();

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ public class ArtifactAssessment extends MetadataResource {
protected Enumeration<ArtifactAssessmentDisposition> disposition;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2088637814L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2002325424L;
* Constructor
@ -2564,8 +2564,8 @@ public class ArtifactAssessment extends MetadataResource {
children.add(new Property("citeAs[x]", "Reference(Citation)|markdown", "Display of or reference to the bibliographic citation of the comment, classifier, or rating.", 0, 1, citeAs));
children.add(new Property("date", "dateTime", "The date (and optionally time) when the artifact assessment was published. The date must change when the disposition changes and it must change if the workflow status code changes. In addition, it should change when the substantive content of the artifact assessment changes.", 0, 1, date));
children.add(new Property("copyright", "markdown", "A copyright statement relating to the artifact assessment and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the artifact assessment.", 0, 1, copyright));
children.add(new Property("approvalDate", "dateTime", "The date on which the resource content was approved by the publisher. Approval happens once when the content is officially approved for usage.", 0, 1, approvalDate));
children.add(new Property("lastReviewDate", "dateTime", "The date on which the resource content was last reviewed. Review happens periodically after approval but does not change the original approval date.", 0, 1, lastReviewDate));
children.add(new Property("approvalDate", "date", "The date on which the resource content was approved by the publisher. Approval happens once when the content is officially approved for usage.", 0, 1, approvalDate));
children.add(new Property("lastReviewDate", "date", "The date on which the resource content was last reviewed. Review happens periodically after approval but does not change the original approval date.", 0, 1, lastReviewDate));
children.add(new Property("artifact[x]", "Reference(Any)|canonical|uri", "A reference to a resource, canonical resource, or non-FHIR resource which the comment or assessment is about.", 0, 1, artifact));
children.add(new Property("content", "", "A component comment, classifier, or rating of the artifact.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, content));
children.add(new Property("workflowStatus", "code", "Indicates the workflow status of the comment or change request.", 0, 1, workflowStatus));
@ -2582,8 +2582,8 @@ public class ArtifactAssessment extends MetadataResource {
case 456265720: /*citeAsMarkdown*/ return new Property("citeAs[x]", "markdown", "Display of or reference to the bibliographic citation of the comment, classifier, or rating.", 0, 1, citeAs);
case 3076014: /*date*/ return new Property("date", "dateTime", "The date (and optionally time) when the artifact assessment was published. The date must change when the disposition changes and it must change if the workflow status code changes. In addition, it should change when the substantive content of the artifact assessment changes.", 0, 1, date);
case 1522889671: /*copyright*/ return new Property("copyright", "markdown", "A copyright statement relating to the artifact assessment and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the artifact assessment.", 0, 1, copyright);
case 223539345: /*approvalDate*/ return new Property("approvalDate", "dateTime", "The date on which the resource content was approved by the publisher. Approval happens once when the content is officially approved for usage.", 0, 1, approvalDate);
case -1687512484: /*lastReviewDate*/ return new Property("lastReviewDate", "dateTime", "The date on which the resource content was last reviewed. Review happens periodically after approval but does not change the original approval date.", 0, 1, lastReviewDate);
case 223539345: /*approvalDate*/ return new Property("approvalDate", "date", "The date on which the resource content was approved by the publisher. Approval happens once when the content is officially approved for usage.", 0, 1, approvalDate);
case -1687512484: /*lastReviewDate*/ return new Property("lastReviewDate", "date", "The date on which the resource content was last reviewed. Review happens periodically after approval but does not change the original approval date.", 0, 1, lastReviewDate);
case -1130056338: /*artifact[x]*/ return new Property("artifact[x]", "Reference(Any)|canonical|uri", "A reference to a resource, canonical resource, or non-FHIR resource which the comment or assessment is about.", 0, 1, artifact);
case -1228798510: /*artifact*/ return new Property("artifact[x]", "Reference(Any)|canonical|uri", "A reference to a resource, canonical resource, or non-FHIR resource which the comment or assessment is about.", 0, 1, artifact);
case -683686503: /*artifactReference*/ return new Property("artifact[x]", "Reference(Any)", "A reference to a resource, canonical resource, or non-FHIR resource which the comment or assessment is about.", 0, 1, artifact);
@ -2604,8 +2604,8 @@ public class ArtifactAssessment extends MetadataResource {
case -1360156695: /*citeAs*/ return this.citeAs == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.citeAs}; // DataType
case 3076014: /*date*/ return == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {}; // DateTimeType
case 1522889671: /*copyright*/ return this.copyright == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.copyright}; // MarkdownType
case 223539345: /*approvalDate*/ return this.approvalDate == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.approvalDate}; // DateTimeType
case -1687512484: /*lastReviewDate*/ return this.lastReviewDate == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.lastReviewDate}; // DateTimeType
case 223539345: /*approvalDate*/ return this.approvalDate == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.approvalDate}; // DateType
case -1687512484: /*lastReviewDate*/ return this.lastReviewDate == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.lastReviewDate}; // DateType
case -1228798510: /*artifact*/ return this.artifact == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.artifact}; // DataType
case 951530617: /*content*/ return this.content == null ? new Base[0] : this.content.toArray(new Base[this.content.size()]); // ArtifactAssessmentContentComponent
case 697796753: /*workflowStatus*/ return this.workflowStatus == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.workflowStatus}; // Enumeration<ArtifactAssessmentWorkflowStatus>
@ -2631,10 +2631,10 @@ public class ArtifactAssessment extends MetadataResource {
this.copyright = TypeConvertor.castToMarkdown(value); // MarkdownType
return value;
case 223539345: // approvalDate
this.approvalDate = TypeConvertor.castToDate(value); // DateTimeType
this.approvalDate = TypeConvertor.castToDate(value); // DateType
return value;
case -1687512484: // lastReviewDate
this.lastReviewDate = TypeConvertor.castToDate(value); // DateTimeType
this.lastReviewDate = TypeConvertor.castToDate(value); // DateType
return value;
case -1228798510: // artifact
this.artifact = TypeConvertor.castToType(value); // DataType
@ -2666,9 +2666,9 @@ public class ArtifactAssessment extends MetadataResource {
} else if (name.equals("copyright")) {
this.copyright = TypeConvertor.castToMarkdown(value); // MarkdownType
} else if (name.equals("approvalDate")) {
this.approvalDate = TypeConvertor.castToDate(value); // DateTimeType
this.approvalDate = TypeConvertor.castToDate(value); // DateType
} else if (name.equals("lastReviewDate")) {
this.lastReviewDate = TypeConvertor.castToDate(value); // DateTimeType
this.lastReviewDate = TypeConvertor.castToDate(value); // DateType
} else if (name.equals("artifact[x]")) {
this.artifact = TypeConvertor.castToType(value); // DataType
} else if (name.equals("content")) {
@ -2711,8 +2711,8 @@ public class ArtifactAssessment extends MetadataResource {
case -1360156695: /*citeAs*/ return new String[] {"Reference", "markdown"};
case 3076014: /*date*/ return new String[] {"dateTime"};
case 1522889671: /*copyright*/ return new String[] {"markdown"};
case 223539345: /*approvalDate*/ return new String[] {"dateTime"};
case -1687512484: /*lastReviewDate*/ return new String[] {"dateTime"};
case 223539345: /*approvalDate*/ return new String[] {"date"};
case -1687512484: /*lastReviewDate*/ return new String[] {"date"};
case -1228798510: /*artifact*/ return new String[] {"Reference", "canonical", "uri"};
case 951530617: /*content*/ return new String[] {};
case 697796753: /*workflowStatus*/ return new String[] {"code"};
@ -2846,6 +2846,26 @@ public class ArtifactAssessment extends MetadataResource {
return ResourceType.ArtifactAssessment;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The artifact assessment publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="", description="The artifact assessment publication date", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The artifact assessment publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -3521,6 +3521,342 @@ public class AuditEvent extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.AuditEvent;
* Search parameter: <b>action</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Type of action performed during the event</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.action</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="action", path="AuditEvent.action", description="Type of action performed during the event", type="token" )
public static final String SP_ACTION = "action";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>action</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Type of action performed during the event</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.action</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ACTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>agent-role</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Agent role in the event</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.agent.role</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="agent-role", path="AuditEvent.agent.role", description="Agent role in the event", type="token" )
public static final String SP_AGENT_ROLE = "agent-role";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>agent-role</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Agent role in the event</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.agent.role</b><br>
* </p>
public static final AGENT_ROLE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>agent</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Identifier of who</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.agent.who</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="agent", path="AuditEvent.agent.who", description="Identifier of who", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner") }, target={CareTeam.class, Device.class, Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_AGENT = "agent";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>agent</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Identifier of who</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.agent.who</b><br>
* </p>
public static final AGENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AuditEvent:agent</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_AGENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AuditEvent:agent").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>based-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to the service request.</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.basedOn</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="based-on", path="AuditEvent.basedOn", description="Reference to the service request.", type="reference", target={CarePlan.class, DeviceRequest.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, MedicationRequest.class, NutritionOrder.class, ServiceRequest.class, Task.class } )
public static final String SP_BASED_ON = "based-on";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>based-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to the service request.</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.basedOn</b><br>
* </p>
public static final BASED_ON = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AuditEvent:based-on</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_BASED_ON = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AuditEvent:based-on").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>category</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Category of event</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.category</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="category", path="AuditEvent.category", description="Category of event", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CATEGORY = "category";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>category</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Category of event</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.category</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CATEGORY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>More specific code for the event</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="code", path="AuditEvent.code", description="More specific code for the event", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CODE = "code";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>More specific code for the event</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Time when the event was recorded</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.recorded</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="AuditEvent.recorded", description="Time when the event was recorded", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Time when the event was recorded</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.recorded</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>encounter</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Encounter related to the activity recorded in the AuditEvent</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.encounter</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="encounter", path="AuditEvent.encounter", description="Encounter related to the activity recorded in the AuditEvent", type="reference", target={Encounter.class } )
public static final String SP_ENCOUNTER = "encounter";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>encounter</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Encounter related to the activity recorded in the AuditEvent</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.encounter</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ENCOUNTER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AuditEvent:encounter</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ENCOUNTER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AuditEvent:encounter").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>entity-role</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What role the entity played</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.entity.role</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="entity-role", path="AuditEvent.entity.role", description="What role the entity played", type="token" )
public static final String SP_ENTITY_ROLE = "entity-role";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>entity-role</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What role the entity played</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.entity.role</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ENTITY_ROLE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>entity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Specific instance of resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.entity.what</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="entity", path="AuditEvent.entity.what", description="Specific instance of resource", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_ENTITY = "entity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>entity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Specific instance of resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.entity.what</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ENTITY = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AuditEvent:entity</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ENTITY = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AuditEvent:entity").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>outcome</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Whether the event succeeded or failed</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.outcome.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="outcome", path="AuditEvent.outcome.code", description="Whether the event succeeded or failed", type="token" )
public static final String SP_OUTCOME = "outcome";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>outcome</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Whether the event succeeded or failed</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.outcome.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final OUTCOME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Identifier of who</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.agent.who.where(resolve() is Patient) | AuditEvent.entity.what.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="AuditEvent.agent.who.where(resolve() is Patient) | AuditEvent.entity.what.where(resolve() is Patient)", description="Identifier of who", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Identifier of who</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.agent.who.where(resolve() is Patient) | AuditEvent.entity.what.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AuditEvent:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AuditEvent:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>policy</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Policy that authorized event</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.agent.policy</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="policy", path="AuditEvent.agent.policy", description="Policy that authorized event", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_POLICY = "policy";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>policy</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Policy that authorized event</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.agent.policy</b><br>
* </p>
public static final POLICY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>purpose</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The authorization (purposeOfUse) of the event</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.authorization | AuditEvent.agent.authorization</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="purpose", path="AuditEvent.authorization | AuditEvent.agent.authorization", description="The authorization (purposeOfUse) of the event", type="token" )
public static final String SP_PURPOSE = "purpose";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>purpose</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The authorization (purposeOfUse) of the event</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>AuditEvent.authorization | AuditEvent.agent.authorization</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PURPOSE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>source</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of source detecting the event</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="source", path="", description="The identity of source detecting the event", type="reference", target={CareTeam.class, Device.class, Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_SOURCE = "source";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>source</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of source detecting the event</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final SOURCE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>AuditEvent:source</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SOURCE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("AuditEvent:source").toLocked();

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -463,6 +463,144 @@ public class Basic extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.Basic;
* Search parameter: <b>author</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who created</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="author", path="", description="Who created", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson") }, target={Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_AUTHOR = "author";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>author</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who created</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final AUTHOR = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Basic:author</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_AUTHOR = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Basic:author").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Kind of Resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Basic.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="code", path="Basic.code", description="Kind of Resource", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CODE = "code";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Kind of Resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Basic.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>created</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When created</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Basic.created</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="created", path="Basic.created", description="When created", type="date" )
public static final String SP_CREATED = "created";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>created</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When created</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Basic.created</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CREATED = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Business identifier</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Basic.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Basic.identifier", description="Business identifier", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Business identifier</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Basic.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Identifies the focus of this resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Basic.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="Basic.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)", description="Identifies the focus of this resource", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Identifies the focus of this resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Basic.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Basic:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Basic:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Identifies the focus of this resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Basic.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="Basic.subject", description="Identifies the focus of this resource", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Identifies the focus of this resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Basic.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Basic:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Basic:subject").toLocked();

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -1897,6 +1897,26 @@ public class BiologicallyDerivedProduct extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.BiologicallyDerivedProduct;
* Search parameter: <b>biological-source</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The biological source for the biologically derived product</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>BiologicallyDerivedProduct.biologicalSource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="biological-source", path="BiologicallyDerivedProduct.biologicalSource", description="The biological source for the biologically derived product", type="token" )
public static final String SP_BIOLOGICAL_SOURCE = "biological-source";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>biological-source</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The biological source for the biologically derived product</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>BiologicallyDerivedProduct.biologicalSource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final BIOLOGICAL_SOURCE = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -1352,6 +1352,92 @@ public class BodyStructure extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.BodyStructure;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Bodystructure identifier</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>BodyStructure.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="BodyStructure.identifier", description="Bodystructure identifier", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Bodystructure identifier</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>BodyStructure.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>location</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Body site</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>BodyStructure.location</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="location", path="BodyStructure.location", description="Body site", type="token" )
public static final String SP_LOCATION = "location";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>location</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Body site</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>BodyStructure.location</b><br>
* </p>
public static final LOCATION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>morphology</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Kind of Structure</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>BodyStructure.morphology</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="morphology", path="BodyStructure.morphology", description="Kind of Structure", type="token" )
public static final String SP_MORPHOLOGY = "morphology";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>morphology</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Kind of Structure</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>BodyStructure.morphology</b><br>
* </p>
public static final MORPHOLOGY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who this is about</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>BodyStructure.patient</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="BodyStructure.patient", description="Who this is about", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who this is about</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>BodyStructure.patient</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>BodyStructure:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("BodyStructure:patient").toLocked();

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -3109,6 +3109,118 @@ public class Bundle extends Resource implements IBaseBundle {
return ResourceType.Bundle;
* Search parameter: <b>composition</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The first resource in the bundle, if the bundle type is "document" - this is a composition, and this parameter provides access to search its contents</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Bundle.entry[0].resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="composition", path="Bundle.entry[0].resource", description="The first resource in the bundle, if the bundle type is \"document\" - this is a composition, and this parameter provides access to search its contents", type="reference" )
public static final String SP_COMPOSITION = "composition";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>composition</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The first resource in the bundle, if the bundle type is "document" - this is a composition, and this parameter provides access to search its contents</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Bundle.entry[0].resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final COMPOSITION = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Bundle:composition</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_COMPOSITION = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Bundle:composition").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Persistent identifier for the bundle</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Bundle.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Bundle.identifier", description="Persistent identifier for the bundle", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Persistent identifier for the bundle</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Bundle.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>message</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The first resource in the bundle, if the bundle type is "message" - this is a message header, and this parameter provides access to search its contents</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Bundle.entry[0].resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="message", path="Bundle.entry[0].resource", description="The first resource in the bundle, if the bundle type is \"message\" - this is a message header, and this parameter provides access to search its contents", type="reference" )
public static final String SP_MESSAGE = "message";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>message</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The first resource in the bundle, if the bundle type is "message" - this is a message header, and this parameter provides access to search its contents</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Bundle.entry[0].resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final MESSAGE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Bundle:message</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_MESSAGE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Bundle:message").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>timestamp</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When the bundle was assembled</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Bundle.timestamp</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="timestamp", path="Bundle.timestamp", description="When the bundle was assembled", type="date" )
public static final String SP_TIMESTAMP = "timestamp";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>timestamp</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When the bundle was assembled</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Bundle.timestamp</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TIMESTAMP = new;
* Search parameter: <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection | subscription-notification</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Bundle.type</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="type", path="Bundle.type", description="document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection | subscription-notification", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TYPE = "type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection | subscription-notification</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Bundle.type</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TYPE = new;
// Manual code (from Configuration.txt):
* Returns the {@link #getLink() link} which matches a given {@link BundleLinkComponent#getRelation() relation}.

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -553,11 +553,10 @@ public abstract class CanonicalResource extends DomainResource {
public boolean supportsCopyright() {
return true;
public String getVersionedUrl() {
return hasVersion() ? getUrl()+"|"+getVersion() : getUrl();
// end addition

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -8624,6 +8624,922 @@ public class CapabilityStatement extends CanonicalResource implements IBaseConfo
return ResourceType.CapabilityStatement;
* Search parameter: <b>fhirversion</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The version of FHIR</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="fhirversion", path="CapabilityStatement.version", description="The version of FHIR", type="token" )
public static final String SP_FHIRVERSION = "fhirversion";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>fhirversion</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The version of FHIR</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final FHIRVERSION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>format</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>formats supported (xml | json | ttl | mime type)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.format</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="format", path="CapabilityStatement.format", description="formats supported (xml | json | ttl | mime type)", type="token" )
public static final String SP_FORMAT = "format";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>format</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>formats supported (xml | json | ttl | mime type)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.format</b><br>
* </p>
public static final FORMAT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>guide</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Implementation guides supported</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.implementationGuide</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="guide", path="CapabilityStatement.implementationGuide", description="Implementation guides supported", type="reference", target={ImplementationGuide.class } )
public static final String SP_GUIDE = "guide";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>guide</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Implementation guides supported</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.implementationGuide</b><br>
* </p>
public static final GUIDE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CapabilityStatement:guide</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_GUIDE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CapabilityStatement:guide").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>mode</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Mode - restful (server/client) or messaging (sender/receiver)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="mode", path="", description="Mode - restful (server/client) or messaging (sender/receiver)", type="token" )
public static final String SP_MODE = "mode";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>mode</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Mode - restful (server/client) or messaging (sender/receiver)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final MODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>resource-profile</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A profile id invoked in a capability statement</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="resource-profile", path="", description="A profile id invoked in a capability statement", type="reference", target={StructureDefinition.class } )
public static final String SP_RESOURCE_PROFILE = "resource-profile";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>resource-profile</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A profile id invoked in a capability statement</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final RESOURCE_PROFILE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CapabilityStatement:resource-profile</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_RESOURCE_PROFILE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CapabilityStatement:resource-profile").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>resource</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of a resource mentioned in a capability statement</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="resource", path="", description="Name of a resource mentioned in a capability statement", type="token" )
public static final String SP_RESOURCE = "resource";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>resource</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of a resource mentioned in a capability statement</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final RESOURCE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>security-service</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>OAuth | SMART-on-FHIR | NTLM | Basic | Kerberos | Certificates</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="security-service", path="", description="OAuth | SMART-on-FHIR | NTLM | Basic | Kerberos | Certificates", type="token" )
public static final String SP_SECURITY_SERVICE = "security-service";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>security-service</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>OAuth | SMART-on-FHIR | NTLM | Basic | Kerberos | Certificates</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final SECURITY_SERVICE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>software</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Part of the name of a software application</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="software", path="", description="Part of the name of a software application", type="string" )
public static final String SP_SOFTWARE = "software";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>software</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Part of the name of a software application</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final SOFTWARE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>supported-profile</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Profiles for use cases supported</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="supported-profile", path="", description="Profiles for use cases supported", type="reference", target={StructureDefinition.class } )
public static final String SP_SUPPORTED_PROFILE = "supported-profile";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>supported-profile</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Profiles for use cases supported</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUPPORTED_PROFILE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CapabilityStatement:supported-profile</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUPPORTED_PROFILE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CapabilityStatement:supported-profile").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Range) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Range) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Range) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Quantity) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Range) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Quantity) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Range) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Range) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Range) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Range) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Quantity) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Range) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Quantity) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Range) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Range)", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set\r\n", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Range) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Range) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Range) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Quantity) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Range) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Quantity) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Range) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set\r\n", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set\r\n", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext.code | CodeSystem.useContext.code | CompartmentDefinition.useContext.code | ConceptMap.useContext.code | GraphDefinition.useContext.code | ImplementationGuide.useContext.code | MessageDefinition.useContext.code | NamingSystem.useContext.code | OperationDefinition.useContext.code | SearchParameter.useContext.code | StructureDefinition.useContext.code | StructureMap.useContext.code | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.code | ValueSet.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="CapabilityStatement.useContext.code | CodeSystem.useContext.code | CompartmentDefinition.useContext.code | ConceptMap.useContext.code | GraphDefinition.useContext.code | ImplementationGuide.useContext.code | MessageDefinition.useContext.code | NamingSystem.useContext.code | OperationDefinition.useContext.code | SearchParameter.useContext.code | StructureDefinition.useContext.code | StructureMap.useContext.code | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.code | ValueSet.useContext.code", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext.code | CodeSystem.useContext.code | CompartmentDefinition.useContext.code | ConceptMap.useContext.code | GraphDefinition.useContext.code | ImplementationGuide.useContext.code | MessageDefinition.useContext.code | NamingSystem.useContext.code | OperationDefinition.useContext.code | SearchParameter.useContext.code | StructureDefinition.useContext.code | StructureMap.useContext.code | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.code | ValueSet.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path=" | | | | | | | | | | | | |", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date\r\n", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.description | CodeSystem.description | CompartmentDefinition.description | ConceptMap.description | GraphDefinition.description | ImplementationGuide.description | MessageDefinition.description | NamingSystem.description | OperationDefinition.description | SearchParameter.description | StructureDefinition.description | StructureMap.description | TerminologyCapabilities.description | ValueSet.description</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="CapabilityStatement.description | CodeSystem.description | CompartmentDefinition.description | ConceptMap.description | GraphDefinition.description | ImplementationGuide.description | MessageDefinition.description | NamingSystem.description | OperationDefinition.description | SearchParameter.description | StructureDefinition.description | StructureMap.description | TerminologyCapabilities.description | ValueSet.description", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set\r\n", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.description | CodeSystem.description | CompartmentDefinition.description | ConceptMap.description | GraphDefinition.description | ImplementationGuide.description | MessageDefinition.description | NamingSystem.description | OperationDefinition.description | SearchParameter.description | StructureDefinition.description | StructureMap.description | TerminologyCapabilities.description | ValueSet.description</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DESCRIPTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.jurisdiction | CodeSystem.jurisdiction | ConceptMap.jurisdiction | GraphDefinition.jurisdiction | ImplementationGuide.jurisdiction | MessageDefinition.jurisdiction | NamingSystem.jurisdiction | OperationDefinition.jurisdiction | SearchParameter.jurisdiction | StructureDefinition.jurisdiction | StructureMap.jurisdiction | TerminologyCapabilities.jurisdiction | ValueSet.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="jurisdiction", path="CapabilityStatement.jurisdiction | CodeSystem.jurisdiction | ConceptMap.jurisdiction | GraphDefinition.jurisdiction | ImplementationGuide.jurisdiction | MessageDefinition.jurisdiction | NamingSystem.jurisdiction | OperationDefinition.jurisdiction | SearchParameter.jurisdiction | StructureDefinition.jurisdiction | StructureMap.jurisdiction | TerminologyCapabilities.jurisdiction | ValueSet.jurisdiction", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_JURISDICTION = "jurisdiction";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.jurisdiction | CodeSystem.jurisdiction | ConceptMap.jurisdiction | GraphDefinition.jurisdiction | ImplementationGuide.jurisdiction | MessageDefinition.jurisdiction | NamingSystem.jurisdiction | OperationDefinition.jurisdiction | SearchParameter.jurisdiction | StructureDefinition.jurisdiction | StructureMap.jurisdiction | TerminologyCapabilities.jurisdiction | ValueSet.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
public static final JURISDICTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path=" | | | | | | | | | | | | |", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set\r\n", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.publisher | CodeSystem.publisher | CompartmentDefinition.publisher | ConceptMap.publisher | GraphDefinition.publisher | ImplementationGuide.publisher | MessageDefinition.publisher | NamingSystem.publisher | OperationDefinition.publisher | SearchParameter.publisher | StructureDefinition.publisher | StructureMap.publisher | TerminologyCapabilities.publisher | ValueSet.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="CapabilityStatement.publisher | CodeSystem.publisher | CompartmentDefinition.publisher | ConceptMap.publisher | GraphDefinition.publisher | ImplementationGuide.publisher | MessageDefinition.publisher | NamingSystem.publisher | OperationDefinition.publisher | SearchParameter.publisher | StructureDefinition.publisher | StructureMap.publisher | TerminologyCapabilities.publisher | ValueSet.publisher", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set\r\n", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.publisher | CodeSystem.publisher | CompartmentDefinition.publisher | ConceptMap.publisher | GraphDefinition.publisher | ImplementationGuide.publisher | MessageDefinition.publisher | NamingSystem.publisher | OperationDefinition.publisher | SearchParameter.publisher | StructureDefinition.publisher | StructureMap.publisher | TerminologyCapabilities.publisher | ValueSet.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.status | CodeSystem.status | CompartmentDefinition.status | ConceptMap.status | GraphDefinition.status | ImplementationGuide.status | MessageDefinition.status | NamingSystem.status | OperationDefinition.status | SearchParameter.status | StructureDefinition.status | StructureMap.status | TerminologyCapabilities.status | ValueSet.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="CapabilityStatement.status | CodeSystem.status | CompartmentDefinition.status | ConceptMap.status | GraphDefinition.status | ImplementationGuide.status | MessageDefinition.status | NamingSystem.status | OperationDefinition.status | SearchParameter.status | StructureDefinition.status | StructureMap.status | TerminologyCapabilities.status | ValueSet.status", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.status | CodeSystem.status | CompartmentDefinition.status | ConceptMap.status | GraphDefinition.status | ImplementationGuide.status | MessageDefinition.status | NamingSystem.status | OperationDefinition.status | SearchParameter.status | StructureDefinition.status | StructureMap.status | TerminologyCapabilities.status | ValueSet.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The human-friendly name of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The human-friendly name of the code system
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The human-friendly name of the concept map
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The human-friendly name of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the message definition
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the operation definition
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The human-friendly name of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The human-friendly name of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The human-friendly name of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.title | CodeSystem.title | ConceptMap.title | ImplementationGuide.title | MessageDefinition.title | OperationDefinition.title | StructureDefinition.title | StructureMap.title | TerminologyCapabilities.title | ValueSet.title</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="title", path="CapabilityStatement.title | CodeSystem.title | ConceptMap.title | ImplementationGuide.title | MessageDefinition.title | OperationDefinition.title | StructureDefinition.title | StructureMap.title | TerminologyCapabilities.title | ValueSet.title", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The human-friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The human-friendly name of the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The human-friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The human-friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The human-friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The human-friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The human-friendly name of the value set\r\n", type="string" )
public static final String SP_TITLE = "title";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The human-friendly name of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The human-friendly name of the code system
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The human-friendly name of the concept map
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The human-friendly name of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the message definition
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the operation definition
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The human-friendly name of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The human-friendly name of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The human-friendly name of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.title | CodeSystem.title | ConceptMap.title | ImplementationGuide.title | MessageDefinition.title | OperationDefinition.title | StructureDefinition.title | StructureMap.title | TerminologyCapabilities.title | ValueSet.title</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TITLE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The uri that identifies the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.url | CodeSystem.url | CompartmentDefinition.url | ConceptMap.url | GraphDefinition.url | ImplementationGuide.url | MessageDefinition.url | NamingSystem.url | OperationDefinition.url | SearchParameter.url | StructureDefinition.url | StructureMap.url | TerminologyCapabilities.url | ValueSet.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="CapabilityStatement.url | CodeSystem.url | CompartmentDefinition.url | ConceptMap.url | GraphDefinition.url | ImplementationGuide.url | MessageDefinition.url | NamingSystem.url | OperationDefinition.url | SearchParameter.url | StructureDefinition.url | StructureMap.url | TerminologyCapabilities.url | ValueSet.url", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The uri that identifies the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set\r\n", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The uri that identifies the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.url | CodeSystem.url | CompartmentDefinition.url | ConceptMap.url | GraphDefinition.url | ImplementationGuide.url | MessageDefinition.url | NamingSystem.url | OperationDefinition.url | SearchParameter.url | StructureDefinition.url | StructureMap.url | TerminologyCapabilities.url | ValueSet.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The business version of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.version | CodeSystem.version | CompartmentDefinition.version | ConceptMap.version | GraphDefinition.version | ImplementationGuide.version | MessageDefinition.version | NamingSystem.version | OperationDefinition.version | SearchParameter.version | StructureDefinition.version | StructureMap.version | TerminologyCapabilities.version | ValueSet.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="CapabilityStatement.version | CodeSystem.version | CompartmentDefinition.version | ConceptMap.version | GraphDefinition.version | ImplementationGuide.version | MessageDefinition.version | NamingSystem.version | OperationDefinition.version | SearchParameter.version | StructureDefinition.version | StructureMap.version | TerminologyCapabilities.version | ValueSet.version", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The business version of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The business version of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.version | CodeSystem.version | CompartmentDefinition.version | ConceptMap.version | GraphDefinition.version | ImplementationGuide.version | MessageDefinition.version | NamingSystem.version | OperationDefinition.version | SearchParameter.version | StructureDefinition.version | StructureMap.version | TerminologyCapabilities.version | ValueSet.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;
// Manual code (from Configuration.txt):
// end addition

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -6772,6 +6772,464 @@ public class CapabilityStatement2 extends CanonicalResource {
return ResourceType.CapabilityStatement2;
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement2.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement2.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(CapabilityStatement2.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement2.useContext.value as Range)", description="A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement2", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement2.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement2.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="CapabilityStatement2.useContext", description="A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement2", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="CapabilityStatement2.useContext", description="A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement2", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="CapabilityStatement2.useContext.code", description="A type of use context assigned to the capability statement2", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement2.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(CapabilityStatement2.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="A use context assigned to the capability statement2", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement2.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The capability statement2 publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="", description="The capability statement2 publication date", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The capability statement2 publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.description</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="CapabilityStatement2.description", description="The description of the capability statement2", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.description</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DESCRIPTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>fhirversion</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The version of FHIR</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="fhirversion", path="CapabilityStatement2.version", description="The version of FHIR", type="token" )
public static final String SP_FHIRVERSION = "fhirversion";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>fhirversion</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The version of FHIR</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final FHIRVERSION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>format</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>formats supported (xml | json | ttl | mime type)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.format</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="format", path="CapabilityStatement2.format", description="formats supported (xml | json | ttl | mime type)", type="token" )
public static final String SP_FORMAT = "format";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>format</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>formats supported (xml | json | ttl | mime type)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.format</b><br>
* </p>
public static final FORMAT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>guide</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Implementation guides supported</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.implementationGuide</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="guide", path="CapabilityStatement2.implementationGuide", description="Implementation guides supported", type="reference", target={ImplementationGuide.class } )
public static final String SP_GUIDE = "guide";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>guide</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Implementation guides supported</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.implementationGuide</b><br>
* </p>
public static final GUIDE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CapabilityStatement2:guide</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_GUIDE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CapabilityStatement2:guide").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="jurisdiction", path="CapabilityStatement2.jurisdiction", description="Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement2", type="token" )
public static final String SP_JURISDICTION = "jurisdiction";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
public static final JURISDICTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>mode</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Mode - restful (server/client) or messaging (sender/receiver)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="mode", path="", description="Mode - restful (server/client) or messaging (sender/receiver)", type="token" )
public static final String SP_MODE = "mode";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>mode</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Mode - restful (server/client) or messaging (sender/receiver)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final MODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path="", description="Computationally friendly name of the capability statement2", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="CapabilityStatement2.publisher", description="Name of the publisher of the capability statement2", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>resource-profile</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A profile id invoked in a capability statement</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="resource-profile", path="", description="A profile id invoked in a capability statement", type="reference", target={StructureDefinition.class } )
public static final String SP_RESOURCE_PROFILE = "resource-profile";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>resource-profile</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A profile id invoked in a capability statement</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final RESOURCE_PROFILE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CapabilityStatement2:resource-profile</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_RESOURCE_PROFILE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CapabilityStatement2:resource-profile").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>resource</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of a resource mentioned in a capability statement</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="resource", path="", description="Name of a resource mentioned in a capability statement", type="token" )
public static final String SP_RESOURCE = "resource";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>resource</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of a resource mentioned in a capability statement</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final RESOURCE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>software</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Part of the name of a software application</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="software", path="", description="Part of the name of a software application", type="string" )
public static final String SP_SOFTWARE = "software";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>software</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Part of the name of a software application</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final SOFTWARE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="CapabilityStatement2.status", description="The current status of the capability statement2", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>supported-profile</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Profiles for use cases supported</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="supported-profile", path="", description="Profiles for use cases supported", type="reference", target={StructureDefinition.class } )
public static final String SP_SUPPORTED_PROFILE = "supported-profile";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>supported-profile</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Profiles for use cases supported</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUPPORTED_PROFILE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CapabilityStatement2:supported-profile</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUPPORTED_PROFILE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CapabilityStatement2:supported-profile").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.title</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="title", path="CapabilityStatement2.title", description="The human-friendly name of the capability statement2", type="string" )
public static final String SP_TITLE = "title";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.title</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TITLE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="CapabilityStatement2.url", description="The uri that identifies the capability statement2", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="CapabilityStatement2.version", description="The business version of the capability statement2", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the capability statement2</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement2.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -2344,6 +2344,400 @@ public class ChargeItem extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.ChargeItem;
* Search parameter: <b>account</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Account to place this charge</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.account</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="account", path="ChargeItem.account", description="Account to place this charge", type="reference", target={Account.class } )
public static final String SP_ACCOUNT = "account";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>account</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Account to place this charge</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.account</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ACCOUNT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ChargeItem:account</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ACCOUNT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ChargeItem:account").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A code that identifies the charge, like a billing code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="code", path="ChargeItem.code", description="A code that identifies the charge, like a billing code", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CODE = "code";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A code that identifies the charge, like a billing code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Encounter / Episode associated with event</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.context</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="ChargeItem.context", description="Encounter / Episode associated with event", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Encounter") }, target={Encounter.class, EpisodeOfCare.class } )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Encounter / Episode associated with event</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.context</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ChargeItem:context</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_CONTEXT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ChargeItem:context").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>entered-date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Date the charge item was entered</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.enteredDate</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="entered-date", path="ChargeItem.enteredDate", description="Date the charge item was entered", type="date" )
public static final String SP_ENTERED_DATE = "entered-date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>entered-date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Date the charge item was entered</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.enteredDate</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ENTERED_DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>enterer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Individual who was entering</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.enterer</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="enterer", path="ChargeItem.enterer", description="Individual who was entering", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson") }, target={Device.class, Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_ENTERER = "enterer";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>enterer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Individual who was entering</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.enterer</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ENTERER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ChargeItem:enterer</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ENTERER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ChargeItem:enterer").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>factor-override</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Factor overriding the associated rules</b><br>
* Type: <b>number</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.factorOverride</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="factor-override", path="ChargeItem.factorOverride", description="Factor overriding the associated rules", type="number" )
public static final String SP_FACTOR_OVERRIDE = "factor-override";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>factor-override</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Factor overriding the associated rules</b><br>
* Type: <b>number</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.factorOverride</b><br>
* </p>
public static final FACTOR_OVERRIDE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Business Identifier for item</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="ChargeItem.identifier", description="Business Identifier for item", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Business Identifier for item</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>occurrence</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When the charged service was applied</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.occurrence</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="occurrence", path="ChargeItem.occurrence", description="When the charged service was applied", type="date" )
public static final String SP_OCCURRENCE = "occurrence";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>occurrence</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When the charged service was applied</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.occurrence</b><br>
* </p>
public static final OCCURRENCE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Individual service was done for/to</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="ChargeItem.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)", description="Individual service was done for/to", type="reference", target={Group.class, Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Individual service was done for/to</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ChargeItem:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ChargeItem:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>performer-actor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Individual who was performing</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="performer-actor", path="", description="Individual who was performing", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson") }, target={CareTeam.class, Device.class, Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_PERFORMER_ACTOR = "performer-actor";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>performer-actor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Individual who was performing</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final PERFORMER_ACTOR = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ChargeItem:performer-actor</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PERFORMER_ACTOR = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ChargeItem:performer-actor").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>performer-function</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What type of performance was done</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.performer.function</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="performer-function", path="ChargeItem.performer.function", description="What type of performance was done", type="token" )
public static final String SP_PERFORMER_FUNCTION = "performer-function";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>performer-function</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What type of performance was done</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.performer.function</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PERFORMER_FUNCTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>performing-organization</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Organization providing the charged service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.performingOrganization</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="performing-organization", path="ChargeItem.performingOrganization", description="Organization providing the charged service", type="reference", target={Organization.class } )
public static final String SP_PERFORMING_ORGANIZATION = "performing-organization";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>performing-organization</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Organization providing the charged service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.performingOrganization</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PERFORMING_ORGANIZATION = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ChargeItem:performing-organization</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PERFORMING_ORGANIZATION = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ChargeItem:performing-organization").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>price-override</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Price overriding the associated rules</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.priceOverride</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="price-override", path="ChargeItem.priceOverride", description="Price overriding the associated rules", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_PRICE_OVERRIDE = "price-override";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>price-override</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Price overriding the associated rules</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.priceOverride</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PRICE_OVERRIDE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Quantity of which the charge item has been serviced</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.quantity</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="quantity", path="ChargeItem.quantity", description="Quantity of which the charge item has been serviced", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_QUANTITY = "quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Quantity of which the charge item has been serviced</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.quantity</b><br>
* </p>
public static final QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>requesting-organization</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Organization requesting the charged service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.requestingOrganization</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="requesting-organization", path="ChargeItem.requestingOrganization", description="Organization requesting the charged service", type="reference", target={Organization.class } )
public static final String SP_REQUESTING_ORGANIZATION = "requesting-organization";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>requesting-organization</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Organization requesting the charged service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.requestingOrganization</b><br>
* </p>
public static final REQUESTING_ORGANIZATION = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ChargeItem:requesting-organization</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_REQUESTING_ORGANIZATION = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ChargeItem:requesting-organization").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>service</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Which rendered service is being charged?</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.service</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="service", path="ChargeItem.service", description="Which rendered service is being charged?", type="reference", target={DiagnosticReport.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, Observation.class, Procedure.class, SupplyDelivery.class } )
public static final String SP_SERVICE = "service";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>service</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Which rendered service is being charged?</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.service</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SERVICE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ChargeItem:service</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SERVICE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ChargeItem:service").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Individual service was done for/to</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="ChargeItem.subject", description="Individual service was done for/to", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Group.class, Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Individual service was done for/to</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItem.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ChargeItem:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ChargeItem:subject").toLocked();

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -3092,6 +3092,306 @@ public class ChargeItemDefinition extends MetadataResource {
return ResourceType.ChargeItemDefinition;
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ChargeItemDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ChargeItemDefinition.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(ChargeItemDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ChargeItemDefinition.useContext.value as Range)", description="A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the charge item definition", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ChargeItemDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ChargeItemDefinition.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="ChargeItemDefinition.useContext", description="A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the charge item definition", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="ChargeItemDefinition.useContext", description="A use context type and value assigned to the charge item definition", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="ChargeItemDefinition.useContext.code", description="A type of use context assigned to the charge item definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ChargeItemDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(ChargeItemDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="A use context assigned to the charge item definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ChargeItemDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The charge item definition publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="", description="The charge item definition publication date", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The charge item definition publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.description</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="ChargeItemDefinition.description", description="The description of the charge item definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.description</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DESCRIPTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>effective</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The time during which the charge item definition is intended to be in use</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.effectivePeriod</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="effective", path="ChargeItemDefinition.effectivePeriod", description="The time during which the charge item definition is intended to be in use", type="date" )
public static final String SP_EFFECTIVE = "effective";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>effective</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The time during which the charge item definition is intended to be in use</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.effectivePeriod</b><br>
* </p>
public static final EFFECTIVE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="ChargeItemDefinition.identifier", description="External identifier for the charge item definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="jurisdiction", path="ChargeItemDefinition.jurisdiction", description="Intended jurisdiction for the charge item definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_JURISDICTION = "jurisdiction";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
public static final JURISDICTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="ChargeItemDefinition.publisher", description="Name of the publisher of the charge item definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="ChargeItemDefinition.status", description="The current status of the charge item definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.title</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="title", path="ChargeItemDefinition.title", description="The human-friendly name of the charge item definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_TITLE = "title";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.title</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TITLE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="ChargeItemDefinition.url", description="The uri that identifies the charge item definition", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="ChargeItemDefinition.version", description="The business version of the charge item definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the charge item definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ChargeItemDefinition.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -10941,6 +10941,326 @@ public class Citation extends MetadataResource {
return ResourceType.Citation;
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(Citation.useContext.value as Quantity) | (Citation.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(Citation.useContext.value as Quantity) | (Citation.useContext.value as Range)", description="A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the citation", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(Citation.useContext.value as Quantity) | (Citation.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="Citation.useContext", description="A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the citation", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="Citation.useContext", description="A use context type and value assigned to the citation", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="Citation.useContext.code", description="A type of use context assigned to the citation", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(Citation.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(Citation.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="A use context assigned to the citation", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(Citation.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The citation publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="", description="The citation publication date", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The citation publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.description</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="Citation.description", description="The description of the citation", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.description</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DESCRIPTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>effective</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The time during which the citation is intended to be in use</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.effectivePeriod</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="effective", path="Citation.effectivePeriod", description="The time during which the citation is intended to be in use", type="date" )
public static final String SP_EFFECTIVE = "effective";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>effective</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The time during which the citation is intended to be in use</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.effectivePeriod</b><br>
* </p>
public static final EFFECTIVE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Citation.identifier", description="External identifier for the citation", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="jurisdiction", path="Citation.jurisdiction", description="Intended jurisdiction for the citation", type="token" )
public static final String SP_JURISDICTION = "jurisdiction";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
public static final JURISDICTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path="", description="Computationally friendly name of the citation", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="Citation.publisher", description="Name of the publisher of the citation", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="Citation.status", description="The current status of the citation", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.title</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="title", path="Citation.title", description="The human-friendly name of the citation", type="string" )
public static final String SP_TITLE = "title";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.title</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TITLE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="Citation.url", description="The uri that identifies the citation", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="Citation.version", description="The business version of the citation", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the citation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Citation.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -8242,6 +8242,418 @@ public class Claim extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.Claim;
* Search parameter: <b>care-team</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Member of the CareTeam</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.careTeam.provider</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="care-team", path="Claim.careTeam.provider", description="Member of the CareTeam", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner") }, target={Organization.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class } )
public static final String SP_CARE_TEAM = "care-team";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>care-team</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Member of the CareTeam</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.careTeam.provider</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CARE_TEAM = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Claim:care-team</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_CARE_TEAM = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Claim:care-team").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>created</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The creation date for the Claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.created</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="created", path="Claim.created", description="The creation date for the Claim", type="date" )
public static final String SP_CREATED = "created";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>created</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The creation date for the Claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.created</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CREATED = new;
* Search parameter: <b>detail-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a line item, detail product or service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.item.detail.udi</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="detail-udi", path="Claim.item.detail.udi", description="UDI associated with a line item, detail product or service", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device") }, target={Device.class } )
public static final String SP_DETAIL_UDI = "detail-udi";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>detail-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a line item, detail product or service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.item.detail.udi</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DETAIL_UDI = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Claim:detail-udi</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_DETAIL_UDI = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Claim:detail-udi").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>encounter</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Encounters associated with a billed line item</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.item.encounter</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="encounter", path="Claim.item.encounter", description="Encounters associated with a billed line item", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Encounter") }, target={Encounter.class } )
public static final String SP_ENCOUNTER = "encounter";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>encounter</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Encounters associated with a billed line item</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.item.encounter</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ENCOUNTER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Claim:encounter</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ENCOUNTER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Claim:encounter").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>enterer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The party responsible for the entry of the Claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.enterer</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="enterer", path="Claim.enterer", description="The party responsible for the entry of the Claim", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner") }, target={Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class } )
public static final String SP_ENTERER = "enterer";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>enterer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The party responsible for the entry of the Claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.enterer</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ENTERER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Claim:enterer</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ENTERER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Claim:enterer").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>facility</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Facility where the products or services have been or will be provided</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.facility</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="facility", path="Claim.facility", description="Facility where the products or services have been or will be provided", type="reference", target={Location.class } )
public static final String SP_FACILITY = "facility";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>facility</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Facility where the products or services have been or will be provided</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.facility</b><br>
* </p>
public static final FACILITY = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Claim:facility</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_FACILITY = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Claim:facility").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The primary identifier of the financial resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Claim.identifier", description="The primary identifier of the financial resource", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The primary identifier of the financial resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>insurer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The target payor/insurer for the Claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.insurer</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="insurer", path="Claim.insurer", description="The target payor/insurer for the Claim", type="reference", target={Organization.class } )
public static final String SP_INSURER = "insurer";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>insurer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The target payor/insurer for the Claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.insurer</b><br>
* </p>
public static final INSURER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Claim:insurer</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_INSURER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Claim:insurer").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>item-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a line item product or service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.item.udi</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="item-udi", path="Claim.item.udi", description="UDI associated with a line item product or service", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device") }, target={Device.class } )
public static final String SP_ITEM_UDI = "item-udi";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>item-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a line item product or service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.item.udi</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ITEM_UDI = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Claim:item-udi</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ITEM_UDI = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Claim:item-udi").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Patient receiving the products or services</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.patient</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="Claim.patient", description="Patient receiving the products or services", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Patient receiving the products or services</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.patient</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Claim:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Claim:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>payee</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The party receiving any payment for the Claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="payee", path="", description="The party receiving any payment for the Claim", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson") }, target={Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_PAYEE = "payee";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>payee</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The party receiving any payment for the Claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final PAYEE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Claim:payee</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PAYEE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Claim:payee").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>priority</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Processing priority requested</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.priority</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="priority", path="Claim.priority", description="Processing priority requested", type="token" )
public static final String SP_PRIORITY = "priority";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>priority</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Processing priority requested</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.priority</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PRIORITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>procedure-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a procedure</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.procedure.udi</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="procedure-udi", path="Claim.procedure.udi", description="UDI associated with a procedure", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device") }, target={Device.class } )
public static final String SP_PROCEDURE_UDI = "procedure-udi";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>procedure-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a procedure</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.procedure.udi</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PROCEDURE_UDI = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Claim:procedure-udi</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PROCEDURE_UDI = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Claim:procedure-udi").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>provider</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Provider responsible for the Claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.provider</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="provider", path="Claim.provider", description="Provider responsible for the Claim", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner") }, target={Organization.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class } )
public static final String SP_PROVIDER = "provider";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>provider</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Provider responsible for the Claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.provider</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PROVIDER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Claim:provider</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PROVIDER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Claim:provider").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the Claim instance.</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="Claim.status", description="The status of the Claim instance.", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the Claim instance.</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>subdetail-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a line item, detail, subdetail product or service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.item.detail.subDetail.udi</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subdetail-udi", path="Claim.item.detail.subDetail.udi", description="UDI associated with a line item, detail, subdetail product or service", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device") }, target={Device.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBDETAIL_UDI = "subdetail-udi";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subdetail-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a line item, detail, subdetail product or service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.item.detail.subDetail.udi</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBDETAIL_UDI = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Claim:subdetail-udi</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBDETAIL_UDI = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Claim:subdetail-udi").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>use</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The kind of financial resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.use</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="use", path="Claim.use", description="The kind of financial resource", type="token" )
public static final String SP_USE = "use";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>use</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The kind of financial resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Claim.use</b><br>
* </p>
public static final USE = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -8016,6 +8016,250 @@ public class ClaimResponse extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.ClaimResponse;
* Search parameter: <b>created</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The creation date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.created</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="created", path="ClaimResponse.created", description="The creation date", type="date" )
public static final String SP_CREATED = "created";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>created</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The creation date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.created</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CREATED = new;
* Search parameter: <b>disposition</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The contents of the disposition message</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.disposition</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="disposition", path="ClaimResponse.disposition", description="The contents of the disposition message", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DISPOSITION = "disposition";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>disposition</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The contents of the disposition message</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.disposition</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DISPOSITION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of the ClaimResponse</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="ClaimResponse.identifier", description="The identity of the ClaimResponse", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of the ClaimResponse</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>insurer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The organization which generated this resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.insurer</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="insurer", path="ClaimResponse.insurer", description="The organization which generated this resource", type="reference", target={Organization.class } )
public static final String SP_INSURER = "insurer";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>insurer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The organization which generated this resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.insurer</b><br>
* </p>
public static final INSURER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ClaimResponse:insurer</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_INSURER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ClaimResponse:insurer").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>outcome</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The processing outcome</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.outcome</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="outcome", path="ClaimResponse.outcome", description="The processing outcome", type="token" )
public static final String SP_OUTCOME = "outcome";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>outcome</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The processing outcome</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.outcome</b><br>
* </p>
public static final OUTCOME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The subject of care</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.patient</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="ClaimResponse.patient", description="The subject of care", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The subject of care</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.patient</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ClaimResponse:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ClaimResponse:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>payment-date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The expected payment date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="payment-date", path="", description="The expected payment date", type="date" )
public static final String SP_PAYMENT_DATE = "payment-date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>payment-date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The expected payment date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final PAYMENT_DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>request</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The claim reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.request</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="request", path="ClaimResponse.request", description="The claim reference", type="reference", target={Claim.class } )
public static final String SP_REQUEST = "request";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>request</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The claim reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.request</b><br>
* </p>
public static final REQUEST = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ClaimResponse:request</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_REQUEST = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ClaimResponse:request").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>requestor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The Provider of the claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.requestor</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="requestor", path="ClaimResponse.requestor", description="The Provider of the claim", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner") }, target={Organization.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class } )
public static final String SP_REQUESTOR = "requestor";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>requestor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The Provider of the claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.requestor</b><br>
* </p>
public static final REQUESTOR = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ClaimResponse:requestor</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_REQUESTOR = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ClaimResponse:requestor").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the ClaimResponse</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="ClaimResponse.status", description="The status of the ClaimResponse", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the ClaimResponse</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>use</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The type of claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.use</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="use", path="ClaimResponse.use", description="The type of claim", type="token" )
public static final String SP_USE = "use";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>use</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The type of claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClaimResponse.use</b><br>
* </p>
public static final USE = new;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -3098,6 +3098,256 @@ public class ClinicalUseDefinition extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.ClinicalUseDefinition;
* Search parameter: <b>contraindication-reference</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as contraindicating against this item, as a reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.contraindication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="contraindication-reference", path="ClinicalUseDefinition.contraindication.diseaseSymptomProcedure", description="The situation that is being documented as contraindicating against this item, as a reference", type="reference" )
public static final String SP_CONTRAINDICATION_REFERENCE = "contraindication-reference";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>contraindication-reference</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as contraindicating against this item, as a reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.contraindication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTRAINDICATION_REFERENCE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ClinicalUseDefinition:contraindication-reference</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_CONTRAINDICATION_REFERENCE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ClinicalUseDefinition:contraindication-reference").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>contraindication</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as contraindicating against this item, as a code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.contraindication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="contraindication", path="ClinicalUseDefinition.contraindication.diseaseSymptomProcedure", description="The situation that is being documented as contraindicating against this item, as a code", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTRAINDICATION = "contraindication";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>contraindication</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as contraindicating against this item, as a code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.contraindication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTRAINDICATION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>effect-reference</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation in which the undesirable effect may manifest, as a reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.undesirableEffect.symptomConditionEffect</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="effect-reference", path="ClinicalUseDefinition.undesirableEffect.symptomConditionEffect", description="The situation in which the undesirable effect may manifest, as a reference", type="reference" )
public static final String SP_EFFECT_REFERENCE = "effect-reference";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>effect-reference</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation in which the undesirable effect may manifest, as a reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.undesirableEffect.symptomConditionEffect</b><br>
* </p>
public static final EFFECT_REFERENCE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ClinicalUseDefinition:effect-reference</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_EFFECT_REFERENCE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ClinicalUseDefinition:effect-reference").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>effect</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation in which the undesirable effect may manifest, as a code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.undesirableEffect.symptomConditionEffect</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="effect", path="ClinicalUseDefinition.undesirableEffect.symptomConditionEffect", description="The situation in which the undesirable effect may manifest, as a code", type="token" )
public static final String SP_EFFECT = "effect";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>effect</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation in which the undesirable effect may manifest, as a code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.undesirableEffect.symptomConditionEffect</b><br>
* </p>
public static final EFFECT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Business identifier for this issue</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="ClinicalUseDefinition.identifier", description="Business identifier for this issue", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Business identifier for this issue</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>indication-reference</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as an indicaton for this item, as a reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.indication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="indication-reference", path="ClinicalUseDefinition.indication.diseaseSymptomProcedure", description="The situation that is being documented as an indicaton for this item, as a reference", type="reference" )
public static final String SP_INDICATION_REFERENCE = "indication-reference";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>indication-reference</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as an indicaton for this item, as a reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.indication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
public static final INDICATION_REFERENCE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ClinicalUseDefinition:indication-reference</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_INDICATION_REFERENCE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ClinicalUseDefinition:indication-reference").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>indication</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as an indicaton for this item, as a code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.indication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="indication", path="ClinicalUseDefinition.indication.diseaseSymptomProcedure", description="The situation that is being documented as an indicaton for this item, as a code", type="token" )
public static final String SP_INDICATION = "indication";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>indication</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as an indicaton for this item, as a code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.indication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
public static final INDICATION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>interaction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The type of the interaction e.g. drug-drug interaction, drug-food interaction, drug-lab test interaction</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.interaction.type</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="interaction", path="ClinicalUseDefinition.interaction.type", description="The type of the interaction e.g. drug-drug interaction, drug-food interaction, drug-lab test interaction", type="token" )
public static final String SP_INTERACTION = "interaction";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>interaction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The type of the interaction e.g. drug-drug interaction, drug-food interaction, drug-lab test interaction</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.interaction.type</b><br>
* </p>
public static final INTERACTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>product</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The medicinal product for which this is a clinical usage issue</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.subject.where(resolve() is MedicinalProductDefinition)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="product", path="ClinicalUseDefinition.subject.where(resolve() is MedicinalProductDefinition)", description="The medicinal product for which this is a clinical usage issue", type="reference", target={ActivityDefinition.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, Medication.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, PlanDefinition.class, Substance.class } )
public static final String SP_PRODUCT = "product";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>product</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The medicinal product for which this is a clinical usage issue</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.subject.where(resolve() is MedicinalProductDefinition)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PRODUCT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ClinicalUseDefinition:product</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PRODUCT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ClinicalUseDefinition:product").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The resource for which this is a clinical usage issue</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="ClinicalUseDefinition.subject", description="The resource for which this is a clinical usage issue", type="reference", target={ActivityDefinition.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, Medication.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, PlanDefinition.class, Substance.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The resource for which this is a clinical usage issue</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ClinicalUseDefinition:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ClinicalUseDefinition:subject").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>indication | contraindication | interaction | undesirable-effect | warning</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.type</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="type", path="ClinicalUseDefinition.type", description="indication | contraindication | interaction | undesirable-effect | warning", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TYPE = "type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>indication | contraindication | interaction | undesirable-effect | warning</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseDefinition.type</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TYPE = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -2895,6 +2895,256 @@ public class ClinicalUseIssue extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.ClinicalUseIssue;
* Search parameter: <b>contraindication-reference</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as contraindicating against this item, as a reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.contraindication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="contraindication-reference", path="ClinicalUseIssue.contraindication.diseaseSymptomProcedure", description="The situation that is being documented as contraindicating against this item, as a reference", type="reference" )
public static final String SP_CONTRAINDICATION_REFERENCE = "contraindication-reference";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>contraindication-reference</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as contraindicating against this item, as a reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.contraindication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTRAINDICATION_REFERENCE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ClinicalUseIssue:contraindication-reference</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_CONTRAINDICATION_REFERENCE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ClinicalUseIssue:contraindication-reference").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>contraindication</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as contraindicating against this item, as a code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.contraindication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="contraindication", path="ClinicalUseIssue.contraindication.diseaseSymptomProcedure", description="The situation that is being documented as contraindicating against this item, as a code", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTRAINDICATION = "contraindication";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>contraindication</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as contraindicating against this item, as a code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.contraindication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTRAINDICATION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>effect-reference</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation in which the undesirable effect may manifest, as a reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.undesirableEffect.symptomConditionEffect</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="effect-reference", path="ClinicalUseIssue.undesirableEffect.symptomConditionEffect", description="The situation in which the undesirable effect may manifest, as a reference", type="reference" )
public static final String SP_EFFECT_REFERENCE = "effect-reference";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>effect-reference</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation in which the undesirable effect may manifest, as a reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.undesirableEffect.symptomConditionEffect</b><br>
* </p>
public static final EFFECT_REFERENCE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ClinicalUseIssue:effect-reference</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_EFFECT_REFERENCE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ClinicalUseIssue:effect-reference").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>effect</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation in which the undesirable effect may manifest, as a code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.undesirableEffect.symptomConditionEffect</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="effect", path="ClinicalUseIssue.undesirableEffect.symptomConditionEffect", description="The situation in which the undesirable effect may manifest, as a code", type="token" )
public static final String SP_EFFECT = "effect";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>effect</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation in which the undesirable effect may manifest, as a code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.undesirableEffect.symptomConditionEffect</b><br>
* </p>
public static final EFFECT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Business identifier for this issue</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="ClinicalUseIssue.identifier", description="Business identifier for this issue", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Business identifier for this issue</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>indication-reference</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as an indicaton for this item, as a reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.indication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="indication-reference", path="ClinicalUseIssue.indication.diseaseSymptomProcedure", description="The situation that is being documented as an indicaton for this item, as a reference", type="reference" )
public static final String SP_INDICATION_REFERENCE = "indication-reference";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>indication-reference</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as an indicaton for this item, as a reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.indication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
public static final INDICATION_REFERENCE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ClinicalUseIssue:indication-reference</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_INDICATION_REFERENCE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ClinicalUseIssue:indication-reference").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>indication</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as an indicaton for this item, as a code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.indication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="indication", path="ClinicalUseIssue.indication.diseaseSymptomProcedure", description="The situation that is being documented as an indicaton for this item, as a code", type="token" )
public static final String SP_INDICATION = "indication";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>indication</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The situation that is being documented as an indicaton for this item, as a code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.indication.diseaseSymptomProcedure</b><br>
* </p>
public static final INDICATION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>interaction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The type of the interaction e.g. drug-drug interaction, drug-food interaction, drug-lab test interaction</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.interaction.type</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="interaction", path="ClinicalUseIssue.interaction.type", description="The type of the interaction e.g. drug-drug interaction, drug-food interaction, drug-lab test interaction", type="token" )
public static final String SP_INTERACTION = "interaction";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>interaction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The type of the interaction e.g. drug-drug interaction, drug-food interaction, drug-lab test interaction</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.interaction.type</b><br>
* </p>
public static final INTERACTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>product</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The medicinal product for which this is a clinical usage issue</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.subject.where(resolve() is MedicinalProductDefinition)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="product", path="ClinicalUseIssue.subject.where(resolve() is MedicinalProductDefinition)", description="The medicinal product for which this is a clinical usage issue", type="reference", target={ActivityDefinition.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, Medication.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, PlanDefinition.class, Substance.class } )
public static final String SP_PRODUCT = "product";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>product</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The medicinal product for which this is a clinical usage issue</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.subject.where(resolve() is MedicinalProductDefinition)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PRODUCT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ClinicalUseIssue:product</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PRODUCT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ClinicalUseIssue:product").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The resource for which this is a clinical usage issue</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="ClinicalUseIssue.subject", description="The resource for which this is a clinical usage issue", type="reference", target={ActivityDefinition.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, Medication.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, PlanDefinition.class, Substance.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The resource for which this is a clinical usage issue</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ClinicalUseIssue:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ClinicalUseIssue:subject").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>indication | contraindication | interaction | undesirable-effect | warning</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.type</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="type", path="ClinicalUseIssue.type", description="indication | contraindication | interaction | undesirable-effect | warning", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TYPE = "type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>indication | contraindication | interaction | undesirable-effect | warning</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ClinicalUseIssue.type</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TYPE = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -4532,6 +4532,868 @@ public class CodeSystem extends CanonicalResource {
return ResourceType.CodeSystem;
* Search parameter: <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A code defined in the code system</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CodeSystem.concept.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="code", path="CodeSystem.concept.code", description="A code defined in the code system", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CODE = "code";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A code defined in the code system</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CodeSystem.concept.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>content-mode</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>not-present | example | fragment | complete | supplement</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CodeSystem.content</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="content-mode", path="CodeSystem.content", description="not-present | example | fragment | complete | supplement", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTENT_MODE = "content-mode";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>content-mode</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>not-present | example | fragment | complete | supplement</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CodeSystem.content</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTENT_MODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>language</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A language in which a designation is provided</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CodeSystem.concept.designation.language</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="language", path="CodeSystem.concept.designation.language", description="A language in which a designation is provided", type="token" )
public static final String SP_LANGUAGE = "language";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>language</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A language in which a designation is provided</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CodeSystem.concept.designation.language</b><br>
* </p>
public static final LANGUAGE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>supplements</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Find code system supplements for the referenced code system</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CodeSystem.supplements</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="supplements", path="CodeSystem.supplements", description="Find code system supplements for the referenced code system", type="reference", target={CodeSystem.class } )
public static final String SP_SUPPLEMENTS = "supplements";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>supplements</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Find code system supplements for the referenced code system</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CodeSystem.supplements</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUPPLEMENTS = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CodeSystem:supplements</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUPPLEMENTS = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CodeSystem:supplements").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>system</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The system for any codes defined by this code system (same as 'url')</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>CodeSystem.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="system", path="CodeSystem.url", description="The system for any codes defined by this code system (same as 'url')", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_SYSTEM = "system";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>system</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The system for any codes defined by this code system (same as 'url')</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>CodeSystem.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SYSTEM = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Range) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Range) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Range) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Quantity) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Range) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Quantity) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Range) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Range) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Range) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Range) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Quantity) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Range) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Quantity) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Range) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Range)", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set\r\n", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Range) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Range) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Range) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Quantity) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Range) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Quantity) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Range) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set\r\n", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set\r\n", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext.code | CodeSystem.useContext.code | CompartmentDefinition.useContext.code | ConceptMap.useContext.code | GraphDefinition.useContext.code | ImplementationGuide.useContext.code | MessageDefinition.useContext.code | NamingSystem.useContext.code | OperationDefinition.useContext.code | SearchParameter.useContext.code | StructureDefinition.useContext.code | StructureMap.useContext.code | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.code | ValueSet.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="CapabilityStatement.useContext.code | CodeSystem.useContext.code | CompartmentDefinition.useContext.code | ConceptMap.useContext.code | GraphDefinition.useContext.code | ImplementationGuide.useContext.code | MessageDefinition.useContext.code | NamingSystem.useContext.code | OperationDefinition.useContext.code | SearchParameter.useContext.code | StructureDefinition.useContext.code | StructureMap.useContext.code | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.code | ValueSet.useContext.code", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext.code | CodeSystem.useContext.code | CompartmentDefinition.useContext.code | ConceptMap.useContext.code | GraphDefinition.useContext.code | ImplementationGuide.useContext.code | MessageDefinition.useContext.code | NamingSystem.useContext.code | OperationDefinition.useContext.code | SearchParameter.useContext.code | StructureDefinition.useContext.code | StructureMap.useContext.code | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.code | ValueSet.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path=" | | | | | | | | | | | | |", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date\r\n", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.description | CodeSystem.description | CompartmentDefinition.description | ConceptMap.description | GraphDefinition.description | ImplementationGuide.description | MessageDefinition.description | NamingSystem.description | OperationDefinition.description | SearchParameter.description | StructureDefinition.description | StructureMap.description | TerminologyCapabilities.description | ValueSet.description</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="CapabilityStatement.description | CodeSystem.description | CompartmentDefinition.description | ConceptMap.description | GraphDefinition.description | ImplementationGuide.description | MessageDefinition.description | NamingSystem.description | OperationDefinition.description | SearchParameter.description | StructureDefinition.description | StructureMap.description | TerminologyCapabilities.description | ValueSet.description", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set\r\n", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.description | CodeSystem.description | CompartmentDefinition.description | ConceptMap.description | GraphDefinition.description | ImplementationGuide.description | MessageDefinition.description | NamingSystem.description | OperationDefinition.description | SearchParameter.description | StructureDefinition.description | StructureMap.description | TerminologyCapabilities.description | ValueSet.description</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DESCRIPTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): External identifier for the code system
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): External identifier for the concept map
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): External identifier for the message definition
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): External identifier for the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): External identifier for the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): External identifier for the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): External identifier for the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CodeSystem.identifier | ConceptMap.identifier | MessageDefinition.identifier | StructureDefinition.identifier | StructureMap.identifier | TerminologyCapabilities.identifier | ValueSet.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="CodeSystem.identifier | ConceptMap.identifier | MessageDefinition.identifier | StructureDefinition.identifier | StructureMap.identifier | TerminologyCapabilities.identifier | ValueSet.identifier", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): External identifier for the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): External identifier for the concept map\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): External identifier for the message definition\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): External identifier for the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): External identifier for the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): External identifier for the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): External identifier for the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): External identifier for the code system
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): External identifier for the concept map
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): External identifier for the message definition
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): External identifier for the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): External identifier for the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): External identifier for the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): External identifier for the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CodeSystem.identifier | ConceptMap.identifier | MessageDefinition.identifier | StructureDefinition.identifier | StructureMap.identifier | TerminologyCapabilities.identifier | ValueSet.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.jurisdiction | CodeSystem.jurisdiction | ConceptMap.jurisdiction | GraphDefinition.jurisdiction | ImplementationGuide.jurisdiction | MessageDefinition.jurisdiction | NamingSystem.jurisdiction | OperationDefinition.jurisdiction | SearchParameter.jurisdiction | StructureDefinition.jurisdiction | StructureMap.jurisdiction | TerminologyCapabilities.jurisdiction | ValueSet.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="jurisdiction", path="CapabilityStatement.jurisdiction | CodeSystem.jurisdiction | ConceptMap.jurisdiction | GraphDefinition.jurisdiction | ImplementationGuide.jurisdiction | MessageDefinition.jurisdiction | NamingSystem.jurisdiction | OperationDefinition.jurisdiction | SearchParameter.jurisdiction | StructureDefinition.jurisdiction | StructureMap.jurisdiction | TerminologyCapabilities.jurisdiction | ValueSet.jurisdiction", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_JURISDICTION = "jurisdiction";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.jurisdiction | CodeSystem.jurisdiction | ConceptMap.jurisdiction | GraphDefinition.jurisdiction | ImplementationGuide.jurisdiction | MessageDefinition.jurisdiction | NamingSystem.jurisdiction | OperationDefinition.jurisdiction | SearchParameter.jurisdiction | StructureDefinition.jurisdiction | StructureMap.jurisdiction | TerminologyCapabilities.jurisdiction | ValueSet.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
public static final JURISDICTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path=" | | | | | | | | | | | | |", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set\r\n", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.publisher | CodeSystem.publisher | CompartmentDefinition.publisher | ConceptMap.publisher | GraphDefinition.publisher | ImplementationGuide.publisher | MessageDefinition.publisher | NamingSystem.publisher | OperationDefinition.publisher | SearchParameter.publisher | StructureDefinition.publisher | StructureMap.publisher | TerminologyCapabilities.publisher | ValueSet.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="CapabilityStatement.publisher | CodeSystem.publisher | CompartmentDefinition.publisher | ConceptMap.publisher | GraphDefinition.publisher | ImplementationGuide.publisher | MessageDefinition.publisher | NamingSystem.publisher | OperationDefinition.publisher | SearchParameter.publisher | StructureDefinition.publisher | StructureMap.publisher | TerminologyCapabilities.publisher | ValueSet.publisher", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set\r\n", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.publisher | CodeSystem.publisher | CompartmentDefinition.publisher | ConceptMap.publisher | GraphDefinition.publisher | ImplementationGuide.publisher | MessageDefinition.publisher | NamingSystem.publisher | OperationDefinition.publisher | SearchParameter.publisher | StructureDefinition.publisher | StructureMap.publisher | TerminologyCapabilities.publisher | ValueSet.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.status | CodeSystem.status | CompartmentDefinition.status | ConceptMap.status | GraphDefinition.status | ImplementationGuide.status | MessageDefinition.status | NamingSystem.status | OperationDefinition.status | SearchParameter.status | StructureDefinition.status | StructureMap.status | TerminologyCapabilities.status | ValueSet.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="CapabilityStatement.status | CodeSystem.status | CompartmentDefinition.status | ConceptMap.status | GraphDefinition.status | ImplementationGuide.status | MessageDefinition.status | NamingSystem.status | OperationDefinition.status | SearchParameter.status | StructureDefinition.status | StructureMap.status | TerminologyCapabilities.status | ValueSet.status", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.status | CodeSystem.status | CompartmentDefinition.status | ConceptMap.status | GraphDefinition.status | ImplementationGuide.status | MessageDefinition.status | NamingSystem.status | OperationDefinition.status | SearchParameter.status | StructureDefinition.status | StructureMap.status | TerminologyCapabilities.status | ValueSet.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The human-friendly name of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The human-friendly name of the code system
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The human-friendly name of the concept map
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The human-friendly name of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the message definition
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the operation definition
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The human-friendly name of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The human-friendly name of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The human-friendly name of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.title | CodeSystem.title | ConceptMap.title | ImplementationGuide.title | MessageDefinition.title | OperationDefinition.title | StructureDefinition.title | StructureMap.title | TerminologyCapabilities.title | ValueSet.title</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="title", path="CapabilityStatement.title | CodeSystem.title | ConceptMap.title | ImplementationGuide.title | MessageDefinition.title | OperationDefinition.title | StructureDefinition.title | StructureMap.title | TerminologyCapabilities.title | ValueSet.title", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The human-friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The human-friendly name of the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The human-friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The human-friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The human-friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The human-friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The human-friendly name of the value set\r\n", type="string" )
public static final String SP_TITLE = "title";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The human-friendly name of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The human-friendly name of the code system
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The human-friendly name of the concept map
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The human-friendly name of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the message definition
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the operation definition
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The human-friendly name of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The human-friendly name of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The human-friendly name of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The human-friendly name of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.title | CodeSystem.title | ConceptMap.title | ImplementationGuide.title | MessageDefinition.title | OperationDefinition.title | StructureDefinition.title | StructureMap.title | TerminologyCapabilities.title | ValueSet.title</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TITLE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The uri that identifies the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.url | CodeSystem.url | CompartmentDefinition.url | ConceptMap.url | GraphDefinition.url | ImplementationGuide.url | MessageDefinition.url | NamingSystem.url | OperationDefinition.url | SearchParameter.url | StructureDefinition.url | StructureMap.url | TerminologyCapabilities.url | ValueSet.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="CapabilityStatement.url | CodeSystem.url | CompartmentDefinition.url | ConceptMap.url | GraphDefinition.url | ImplementationGuide.url | MessageDefinition.url | NamingSystem.url | OperationDefinition.url | SearchParameter.url | StructureDefinition.url | StructureMap.url | TerminologyCapabilities.url | ValueSet.url", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The uri that identifies the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set\r\n", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The uri that identifies the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.url | CodeSystem.url | CompartmentDefinition.url | ConceptMap.url | GraphDefinition.url | ImplementationGuide.url | MessageDefinition.url | NamingSystem.url | OperationDefinition.url | SearchParameter.url | StructureDefinition.url | StructureMap.url | TerminologyCapabilities.url | ValueSet.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The business version of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.version | CodeSystem.version | CompartmentDefinition.version | ConceptMap.version | GraphDefinition.version | ImplementationGuide.version | MessageDefinition.version | NamingSystem.version | OperationDefinition.version | SearchParameter.version | StructureDefinition.version | StructureMap.version | TerminologyCapabilities.version | ValueSet.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="CapabilityStatement.version | CodeSystem.version | CompartmentDefinition.version | ConceptMap.version | GraphDefinition.version | ImplementationGuide.version | MessageDefinition.version | NamingSystem.version | OperationDefinition.version | SearchParameter.version | StructureDefinition.version | StructureMap.version | TerminologyCapabilities.version | ValueSet.version", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The business version of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The business version of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.version | CodeSystem.version | CompartmentDefinition.version | ConceptMap.version | GraphDefinition.version | ImplementationGuide.version | MessageDefinition.version | NamingSystem.version | OperationDefinition.version | SearchParameter.version | StructureDefinition.version | StructureMap.version | TerminologyCapabilities.version | ValueSet.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;
// Manual code (from Configuration.txt):
public PropertyComponent getProperty(String code) {
for (PropertyComponent pd : getProperty()) {

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ public class Coding extends DataType implements IBaseCoding, ICompositeType, ICo
// end addition

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -1953,6 +1953,374 @@ public class Communication extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.Communication;
* Search parameter: <b>based-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Request fulfilled by this communication</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.basedOn</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="based-on", path="Communication.basedOn", description="Request fulfilled by this communication", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_BASED_ON = "based-on";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>based-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Request fulfilled by this communication</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.basedOn</b><br>
* </p>
public static final BASED_ON = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Communication:based-on</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_BASED_ON = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Communication:based-on").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>category</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Message category</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.category</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="category", path="Communication.category", description="Message category", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CATEGORY = "category";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>category</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Message category</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.category</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CATEGORY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>encounter</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The Encounter during which this Communication was created</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.encounter</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="encounter", path="Communication.encounter", description="The Encounter during which this Communication was created", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Encounter") }, target={Encounter.class } )
public static final String SP_ENCOUNTER = "encounter";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>encounter</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The Encounter during which this Communication was created</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.encounter</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ENCOUNTER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Communication:encounter</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ENCOUNTER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Communication:encounter").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Unique identifier</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Communication.identifier", description="Unique identifier", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Unique identifier</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>instantiates-canonical</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.instantiatesCanonical</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="instantiates-canonical", path="Communication.instantiatesCanonical", description="Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition", type="reference", target={ActivityDefinition.class, Measure.class, OperationDefinition.class, PlanDefinition.class, Questionnaire.class } )
public static final String SP_INSTANTIATES_CANONICAL = "instantiates-canonical";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>instantiates-canonical</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.instantiatesCanonical</b><br>
* </p>
public static final INSTANTIATES_CANONICAL = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Communication:instantiates-canonical</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_INSTANTIATES_CANONICAL = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Communication:instantiates-canonical").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>instantiates-uri</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Instantiates external protocol or definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.instantiatesUri</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="instantiates-uri", path="Communication.instantiatesUri", description="Instantiates external protocol or definition", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_INSTANTIATES_URI = "instantiates-uri";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>instantiates-uri</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Instantiates external protocol or definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.instantiatesUri</b><br>
* </p>
public static final INSTANTIATES_URI = new;
* Search parameter: <b>medium</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A channel of communication</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.medium</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="medium", path="Communication.medium", description="A channel of communication", type="token" )
public static final String SP_MEDIUM = "medium";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>medium</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A channel of communication</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.medium</b><br>
* </p>
public static final MEDIUM = new;
* Search parameter: <b>part-of</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Part of referenced event (e.g. Communication, Procedure)</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.partOf</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="part-of", path="Communication.partOf", description="Part of referenced event (e.g. Communication, Procedure)", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_PART_OF = "part-of";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>part-of</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Part of referenced event (e.g. Communication, Procedure)</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.partOf</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PART_OF = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Communication:part-of</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PART_OF = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Communication:part-of").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Focus of message</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="Communication.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)", description="Focus of message", type="reference", target={Group.class, Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Focus of message</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Communication:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Communication:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>received</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When received</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.received</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="received", path="Communication.received", description="When received", type="date" )
public static final String SP_RECEIVED = "received";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>received</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When received</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.received</b><br>
* </p>
public static final RECEIVED = new;
* Search parameter: <b>recipient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who the information is shared with</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.recipient</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="recipient", path="Communication.recipient", description="Who the information is shared with", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="EXAMPLE") }, target={CareTeam.class, Device.class, Endpoint.class, Group.class, HealthcareService.class, Location.class, Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_RECIPIENT = "recipient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>recipient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who the information is shared with</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.recipient</b><br>
* </p>
public static final RECIPIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Communication:recipient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_RECIPIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Communication:recipient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>sender</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who shares the information</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.sender</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="sender", path="Communication.sender", description="Who shares the information", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="EXAMPLE") }, target={CareTeam.class, Device.class, Endpoint.class, HealthcareService.class, Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_SENDER = "sender";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>sender</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who shares the information</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.sender</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SENDER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Communication:sender</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SENDER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Communication:sender").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>sent</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When sent</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.sent</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="sent", path="Communication.sent", description="When sent", type="date" )
public static final String SP_SENT = "sent";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>sent</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When sent</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.sent</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SENT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="Communication.status", description="preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Focus of message</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="Communication.subject", description="Focus of message", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Group.class, Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Focus of message</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Communication:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Communication:subject").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>topic</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Description of the purpose/content</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.topic</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="topic", path="Communication.topic", description="Description of the purpose/content", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TOPIC = "topic";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>topic</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Description of the purpose/content</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Communication.topic</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TOPIC = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -1926,6 +1926,374 @@ public class CommunicationRequest extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.CommunicationRequest;
* Search parameter: <b>authored</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When request transitioned to being actionable</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.authoredOn</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="authored", path="CommunicationRequest.authoredOn", description="When request transitioned to being actionable", type="date" )
public static final String SP_AUTHORED = "authored";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>authored</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When request transitioned to being actionable</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.authoredOn</b><br>
* </p>
public static final AUTHORED = new;
* Search parameter: <b>based-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Fulfills plan or proposal</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.basedOn</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="based-on", path="CommunicationRequest.basedOn", description="Fulfills plan or proposal", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_BASED_ON = "based-on";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>based-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Fulfills plan or proposal</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.basedOn</b><br>
* </p>
public static final BASED_ON = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CommunicationRequest:based-on</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_BASED_ON = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CommunicationRequest:based-on").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>category</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Message category</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.category</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="category", path="CommunicationRequest.category", description="Message category", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CATEGORY = "category";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>category</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Message category</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.category</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CATEGORY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>encounter</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The Encounter during which this CommunicationRequest was created</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.encounter</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="encounter", path="CommunicationRequest.encounter", description="The Encounter during which this CommunicationRequest was created", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Encounter") }, target={Encounter.class } )
public static final String SP_ENCOUNTER = "encounter";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>encounter</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The Encounter during which this CommunicationRequest was created</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.encounter</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ENCOUNTER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CommunicationRequest:encounter</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ENCOUNTER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CommunicationRequest:encounter").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>group-identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Composite request this is part of</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.groupIdentifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="group-identifier", path="CommunicationRequest.groupIdentifier", description="Composite request this is part of", type="token" )
public static final String SP_GROUP_IDENTIFIER = "group-identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>group-identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Composite request this is part of</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.groupIdentifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final GROUP_IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Unique identifier</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="CommunicationRequest.identifier", description="Unique identifier", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Unique identifier</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>information-provider</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who should share the information</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.informationProvider</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="information-provider", path="CommunicationRequest.informationProvider", description="Who should share the information", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson") }, target={Device.class, Endpoint.class, HealthcareService.class, Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_INFORMATION_PROVIDER = "information-provider";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>information-provider</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who should share the information</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.informationProvider</b><br>
* </p>
public static final INFORMATION_PROVIDER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CommunicationRequest:information-provider</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_INFORMATION_PROVIDER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CommunicationRequest:information-provider").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>medium</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A channel of communication</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.medium</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="medium", path="CommunicationRequest.medium", description="A channel of communication", type="token" )
public static final String SP_MEDIUM = "medium";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>medium</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A channel of communication</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.medium</b><br>
* </p>
public static final MEDIUM = new;
* Search parameter: <b>occurrence</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When scheduled</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b> |</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="occurrence", path=" |", description="When scheduled", type="date" )
public static final String SP_OCCURRENCE = "occurrence";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>occurrence</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>When scheduled</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b> |</b><br>
* </p>
public static final OCCURRENCE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Focus of message</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="CommunicationRequest.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)", description="Focus of message", type="reference", target={Group.class, Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Focus of message</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CommunicationRequest:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CommunicationRequest:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>priority</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>routine | urgent | asap | stat</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.priority</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="priority", path="CommunicationRequest.priority", description="routine | urgent | asap | stat", type="token" )
public static final String SP_PRIORITY = "priority";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>priority</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>routine | urgent | asap | stat</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.priority</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PRIORITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>recipient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who to share the information with</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.recipient</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="recipient", path="CommunicationRequest.recipient", description="Who to share the information with", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="EXAMPLE") }, target={CareTeam.class, Device.class, Endpoint.class, Group.class, HealthcareService.class, Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_RECIPIENT = "recipient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>recipient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who to share the information with</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.recipient</b><br>
* </p>
public static final RECIPIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CommunicationRequest:recipient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_RECIPIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CommunicationRequest:recipient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>replaces</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Request(s) replaced by this request</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.replaces</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="replaces", path="CommunicationRequest.replaces", description="Request(s) replaced by this request", type="reference", target={CommunicationRequest.class } )
public static final String SP_REPLACES = "replaces";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>replaces</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Request(s) replaced by this request</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.replaces</b><br>
* </p>
public static final REPLACES = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CommunicationRequest:replaces</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_REPLACES = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CommunicationRequest:replaces").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>requester</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who asks for the information to be shared</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.requester</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="requester", path="CommunicationRequest.requester", description="Who asks for the information to be shared", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson") }, target={Device.class, Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_REQUESTER = "requester";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>requester</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who asks for the information to be shared</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.requester</b><br>
* </p>
public static final REQUESTER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CommunicationRequest:requester</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_REQUESTER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CommunicationRequest:requester").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="CommunicationRequest.status", description="draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Focus of message</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="CommunicationRequest.subject", description="Focus of message", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Group.class, Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Focus of message</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CommunicationRequest.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CommunicationRequest:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CommunicationRequest:subject").toLocked();

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -1659,6 +1659,670 @@ public class CompartmentDefinition extends CanonicalResource {
return ResourceType.CompartmentDefinition;
* Search parameter: <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Patient | Encounter | RelatedPerson | Practitioner | Device</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CompartmentDefinition.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="code", path="CompartmentDefinition.code", description="Patient | Encounter | RelatedPerson | Practitioner | Device", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CODE = "code";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Patient | Encounter | RelatedPerson | Practitioner | Device</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CompartmentDefinition.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>resource</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of resource type</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CompartmentDefinition.resource.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="resource", path="CompartmentDefinition.resource.code", description="Name of resource type", type="token" )
public static final String SP_RESOURCE = "resource";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>resource</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of resource type</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CompartmentDefinition.resource.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final RESOURCE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Range) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Range) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Range) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Quantity) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Range) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Quantity) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Range) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Range) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Range) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Range) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Quantity) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Range) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Quantity) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Range) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Range)", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set\r\n", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Range) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Range) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Range) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Quantity) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Range) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Quantity) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Range) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set\r\n", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set\r\n", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext.code | CodeSystem.useContext.code | CompartmentDefinition.useContext.code | ConceptMap.useContext.code | GraphDefinition.useContext.code | ImplementationGuide.useContext.code | MessageDefinition.useContext.code | NamingSystem.useContext.code | OperationDefinition.useContext.code | SearchParameter.useContext.code | StructureDefinition.useContext.code | StructureMap.useContext.code | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.code | ValueSet.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="CapabilityStatement.useContext.code | CodeSystem.useContext.code | CompartmentDefinition.useContext.code | ConceptMap.useContext.code | GraphDefinition.useContext.code | ImplementationGuide.useContext.code | MessageDefinition.useContext.code | NamingSystem.useContext.code | OperationDefinition.useContext.code | SearchParameter.useContext.code | StructureDefinition.useContext.code | StructureMap.useContext.code | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.code | ValueSet.useContext.code", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext.code | CodeSystem.useContext.code | CompartmentDefinition.useContext.code | ConceptMap.useContext.code | GraphDefinition.useContext.code | ImplementationGuide.useContext.code | MessageDefinition.useContext.code | NamingSystem.useContext.code | OperationDefinition.useContext.code | SearchParameter.useContext.code | StructureDefinition.useContext.code | StructureMap.useContext.code | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.code | ValueSet.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path=" | | | | | | | | | | | | |", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date\r\n", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.description | CodeSystem.description | CompartmentDefinition.description | ConceptMap.description | GraphDefinition.description | ImplementationGuide.description | MessageDefinition.description | NamingSystem.description | OperationDefinition.description | SearchParameter.description | StructureDefinition.description | StructureMap.description | TerminologyCapabilities.description | ValueSet.description</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="CapabilityStatement.description | CodeSystem.description | CompartmentDefinition.description | ConceptMap.description | GraphDefinition.description | ImplementationGuide.description | MessageDefinition.description | NamingSystem.description | OperationDefinition.description | SearchParameter.description | StructureDefinition.description | StructureMap.description | TerminologyCapabilities.description | ValueSet.description", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set\r\n", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.description | CodeSystem.description | CompartmentDefinition.description | ConceptMap.description | GraphDefinition.description | ImplementationGuide.description | MessageDefinition.description | NamingSystem.description | OperationDefinition.description | SearchParameter.description | StructureDefinition.description | StructureMap.description | TerminologyCapabilities.description | ValueSet.description</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DESCRIPTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path=" | | | | | | | | | | | | |", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set\r\n", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.publisher | CodeSystem.publisher | CompartmentDefinition.publisher | ConceptMap.publisher | GraphDefinition.publisher | ImplementationGuide.publisher | MessageDefinition.publisher | NamingSystem.publisher | OperationDefinition.publisher | SearchParameter.publisher | StructureDefinition.publisher | StructureMap.publisher | TerminologyCapabilities.publisher | ValueSet.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="CapabilityStatement.publisher | CodeSystem.publisher | CompartmentDefinition.publisher | ConceptMap.publisher | GraphDefinition.publisher | ImplementationGuide.publisher | MessageDefinition.publisher | NamingSystem.publisher | OperationDefinition.publisher | SearchParameter.publisher | StructureDefinition.publisher | StructureMap.publisher | TerminologyCapabilities.publisher | ValueSet.publisher", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set\r\n", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.publisher | CodeSystem.publisher | CompartmentDefinition.publisher | ConceptMap.publisher | GraphDefinition.publisher | ImplementationGuide.publisher | MessageDefinition.publisher | NamingSystem.publisher | OperationDefinition.publisher | SearchParameter.publisher | StructureDefinition.publisher | StructureMap.publisher | TerminologyCapabilities.publisher | ValueSet.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.status | CodeSystem.status | CompartmentDefinition.status | ConceptMap.status | GraphDefinition.status | ImplementationGuide.status | MessageDefinition.status | NamingSystem.status | OperationDefinition.status | SearchParameter.status | StructureDefinition.status | StructureMap.status | TerminologyCapabilities.status | ValueSet.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="CapabilityStatement.status | CodeSystem.status | CompartmentDefinition.status | ConceptMap.status | GraphDefinition.status | ImplementationGuide.status | MessageDefinition.status | NamingSystem.status | OperationDefinition.status | SearchParameter.status | StructureDefinition.status | StructureMap.status | TerminologyCapabilities.status | ValueSet.status", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.status | CodeSystem.status | CompartmentDefinition.status | ConceptMap.status | GraphDefinition.status | ImplementationGuide.status | MessageDefinition.status | NamingSystem.status | OperationDefinition.status | SearchParameter.status | StructureDefinition.status | StructureMap.status | TerminologyCapabilities.status | ValueSet.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The uri that identifies the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.url | CodeSystem.url | CompartmentDefinition.url | ConceptMap.url | GraphDefinition.url | ImplementationGuide.url | MessageDefinition.url | NamingSystem.url | OperationDefinition.url | SearchParameter.url | StructureDefinition.url | StructureMap.url | TerminologyCapabilities.url | ValueSet.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="CapabilityStatement.url | CodeSystem.url | CompartmentDefinition.url | ConceptMap.url | GraphDefinition.url | ImplementationGuide.url | MessageDefinition.url | NamingSystem.url | OperationDefinition.url | SearchParameter.url | StructureDefinition.url | StructureMap.url | TerminologyCapabilities.url | ValueSet.url", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The uri that identifies the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set\r\n", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The uri that identifies the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.url | CodeSystem.url | CompartmentDefinition.url | ConceptMap.url | GraphDefinition.url | ImplementationGuide.url | MessageDefinition.url | NamingSystem.url | OperationDefinition.url | SearchParameter.url | StructureDefinition.url | StructureMap.url | TerminologyCapabilities.url | ValueSet.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The business version of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.version | CodeSystem.version | CompartmentDefinition.version | ConceptMap.version | GraphDefinition.version | ImplementationGuide.version | MessageDefinition.version | NamingSystem.version | OperationDefinition.version | SearchParameter.version | StructureDefinition.version | StructureMap.version | TerminologyCapabilities.version | ValueSet.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="CapabilityStatement.version | CodeSystem.version | CompartmentDefinition.version | ConceptMap.version | GraphDefinition.version | ImplementationGuide.version | MessageDefinition.version | NamingSystem.version | OperationDefinition.version | SearchParameter.version | StructureDefinition.version | StructureMap.version | TerminologyCapabilities.version | ValueSet.version", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The business version of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The business version of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.version | CodeSystem.version | CompartmentDefinition.version | ConceptMap.version | GraphDefinition.version | ImplementationGuide.version | MessageDefinition.version | NamingSystem.version | OperationDefinition.version | SearchParameter.version | StructureDefinition.version | StructureMap.version | TerminologyCapabilities.version | ValueSet.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;
// Manual code (from Configuration.txt):
public boolean supportsCopyright() {
return false;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -3853,6 +3853,556 @@ public class ConceptMap2 extends CanonicalResource {
return ResourceType.ConceptMap2;
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ConceptMap2.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap2.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(ConceptMap2.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap2.useContext.value as Range)", description="A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ConceptMap2.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap2.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="ConceptMap2.useContext", description="A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="ConceptMap2.useContext", description="A use context type and value assigned to the concept map", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="ConceptMap2.useContext.code", description="A type of use context assigned to the concept map", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ConceptMap2.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(ConceptMap2.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="A use context assigned to the concept map", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ConceptMap2.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The concept map publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="", description="The concept map publication date", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The concept map publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>dependson</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to property mapping depends on</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="dependson", path="", description="Reference to property mapping depends on", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_DEPENDSON = "dependson";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>dependson</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to property mapping depends on</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final DEPENDSON = new;
* Search parameter: <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.description</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="ConceptMap2.description", description="The description of the concept map", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.description</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DESCRIPTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="ConceptMap2.identifier", description="External identifier for the concept map", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="jurisdiction", path="ConceptMap2.jurisdiction", description="Intended jurisdiction for the concept map", type="token" )
public static final String SP_JURISDICTION = "jurisdiction";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
public static final JURISDICTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path="", description="Computationally friendly name of the concept map", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>other</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>canonical reference to an additional ConceptMap2 to use for mapping if the source concept is unmapped</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="other", path="", description="canonical reference to an additional ConceptMap2 to use for mapping if the source concept is unmapped", type="reference", target={ConceptMap2.class } )
public static final String SP_OTHER = "other";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>other</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>canonical reference to an additional ConceptMap2 to use for mapping if the source concept is unmapped</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final OTHER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ConceptMap2:other</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_OTHER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ConceptMap2:other").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>product</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to property mapping depends on</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="product", path="", description="Reference to property mapping depends on", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_PRODUCT = "product";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>product</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to property mapping depends on</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final PRODUCT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="ConceptMap2.publisher", description="Name of the publisher of the concept map", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>source-code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Identifies element being mapped</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="source-code", path="", description="Identifies element being mapped", type="token" )
public static final String SP_SOURCE_CODE = "source-code";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>source-code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Identifies element being mapped</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final SOURCE_CODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>source-system</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Source system where concepts to be mapped are defined</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="source-system", path="", description="Source system where concepts to be mapped are defined", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_SOURCE_SYSTEM = "source-system";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>source-system</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Source system where concepts to be mapped are defined</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final SOURCE_SYSTEM = new;
* Search parameter: <b>source-uri</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The source value set that contains the concepts that are being mapped</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ConceptMap2.source as uri)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="source-uri", path="(ConceptMap2.source as uri)", description="The source value set that contains the concepts that are being mapped", type="reference", target={ValueSet.class } )
public static final String SP_SOURCE_URI = "source-uri";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>source-uri</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The source value set that contains the concepts that are being mapped</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ConceptMap2.source as uri)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SOURCE_URI = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ConceptMap2:source-uri</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SOURCE_URI = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ConceptMap2:source-uri").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>source</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The source value set that contains the concepts that are being mapped</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ConceptMap2.source as canonical)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="source", path="(ConceptMap2.source as canonical)", description="The source value set that contains the concepts that are being mapped", type="reference", target={ValueSet.class } )
public static final String SP_SOURCE = "source";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>source</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The source value set that contains the concepts that are being mapped</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ConceptMap2.source as canonical)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SOURCE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ConceptMap2:source</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SOURCE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ConceptMap2:source").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="ConceptMap2.status", description="The current status of the concept map", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>target-code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Code that identifies the target element</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="target-code", path="", description="Code that identifies the target element", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TARGET_CODE = "target-code";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>target-code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Code that identifies the target element</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final TARGET_CODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>target-system</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Target system that the concepts are to be mapped to</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="target-system", path="", description="Target system that the concepts are to be mapped to", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_TARGET_SYSTEM = "target-system";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>target-system</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Target system that the concepts are to be mapped to</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final TARGET_SYSTEM = new;
* Search parameter: <b>target-uri</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The target value set which provides context for the mappings</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>( as uri)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="target-uri", path="( as uri)", description="The target value set which provides context for the mappings", type="reference", target={ValueSet.class } )
public static final String SP_TARGET_URI = "target-uri";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>target-uri</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The target value set which provides context for the mappings</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>( as uri)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TARGET_URI = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ConceptMap2:target-uri</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_TARGET_URI = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ConceptMap2:target-uri").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>target</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The target value set which provides context for the mappings</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>( as canonical)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="target", path="( as canonical)", description="The target value set which provides context for the mappings", type="reference", target={ValueSet.class } )
public static final String SP_TARGET = "target";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>target</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The target value set which provides context for the mappings</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>( as canonical)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TARGET = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ConceptMap2:target</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_TARGET = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ConceptMap2:target").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.title</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="title", path="ConceptMap2.title", description="The human-friendly name of the concept map", type="string" )
public static final String SP_TITLE = "title";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.title</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TITLE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="ConceptMap2.url", description="The uri that identifies the concept map", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="ConceptMap2.version", description="The business version of the concept map", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the concept map</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConceptMap2.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -3884,6 +3884,306 @@ public class ConditionDefinition extends MetadataResource {
return ResourceType.ConditionDefinition;
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ConditionDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConditionDefinition.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(ConditionDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConditionDefinition.useContext.value as Range)", description="A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the condition definition", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ConditionDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConditionDefinition.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="ConditionDefinition.useContext", description="A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the condition definition", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="ConditionDefinition.useContext", description="A use context type and value assigned to the condition definition", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="ConditionDefinition.useContext.code", description="A type of use context assigned to the condition definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ConditionDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(ConditionDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="A use context assigned to the condition definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ConditionDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The condition definition publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="", description="The condition definition publication date", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The condition definition publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.description</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="ConditionDefinition.description", description="The description of the condition definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.description</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DESCRIPTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="ConditionDefinition.identifier", description="External identifier for the condition definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="jurisdiction", path="ConditionDefinition.jurisdiction", description="Intended jurisdiction for the condition definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_JURISDICTION = "jurisdiction";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
public static final JURISDICTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path="", description="Computationally friendly name of the condition definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="ConditionDefinition.publisher", description="Name of the publisher of the condition definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="ConditionDefinition.status", description="The current status of the condition definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.title</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="title", path="ConditionDefinition.title", description="The human-friendly name of the condition definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_TITLE = "title";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.title</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TITLE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="ConditionDefinition.url", description="The uri that identifies the condition definition", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="ConditionDefinition.version", description="The business version of the condition definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the condition definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ConditionDefinition.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ public class Constants {
public final static String VERSION = "5.0.0-snapshot1";
public final static String VERSION_MM = "5.0";
public final static String DATE = "Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100";
public final static String DATE = "Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100";
public final static String URI_REGEX = "((http|https)://([A-Za-z0-9\\\\\\.\\:\\%\\$]*\\/)*)?(Account|ActivityDefinition|AdministrableProductDefinition|AdverseEvent|AllergyIntolerance|Appointment|AppointmentResponse|ArtifactAssessment|AuditEvent|Basic|Binary|BiologicallyDerivedProduct|BodyStructure|Bundle|CapabilityStatement|CapabilityStatement2|CarePlan|CareTeam|ChargeItem|ChargeItemDefinition|Citation|Claim|ClaimResponse|ClinicalImpression|ClinicalUseDefinition|ClinicalUseIssue|CodeSystem|Communication|CommunicationRequest|CompartmentDefinition|Composition|ConceptMap|ConceptMap2|Condition|ConditionDefinition|Consent|Contract|Coverage|CoverageEligibilityRequest|CoverageEligibilityResponse|DetectedIssue|Device|DeviceDefinition|DeviceDispense|DeviceMetric|DeviceRequest|DeviceUsage|DiagnosticReport|DocumentManifest|DocumentReference|Encounter|Endpoint|EnrollmentRequest|EnrollmentResponse|EpisodeOfCare|EventDefinition|Evidence|EvidenceReport|EvidenceVariable|ExampleScenario|ExplanationOfBenefit|FamilyMemberHistory|Flag|Goal|GraphDefinition|Group|GuidanceResponse|HealthcareService|ImagingSelection|ImagingStudy|Immunization|ImmunizationEvaluation|ImmunizationRecommendation|ImplementationGuide|Ingredient|InsurancePlan|InventoryReport|Invoice|Library|Linkage|List|Location|ManufacturedItemDefinition|Measure|MeasureReport|Medication|MedicationAdministration|MedicationDispense|MedicationKnowledge|MedicationRequest|MedicationUsage|MedicinalProductDefinition|MessageDefinition|MessageHeader|MolecularSequence|NamingSystem|NutritionIntake|NutritionOrder|NutritionProduct|Observation|ObservationDefinition|OperationDefinition|OperationOutcome|Organization|OrganizationAffiliation|PackagedProductDefinition|Parameters|Patient|PaymentNotice|PaymentReconciliation|Permission|Person|PlanDefinition|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|Procedure|Provenance|Questionnaire|QuestionnaireResponse|RegulatedAuthorization|RelatedPerson|RequestGroup|ResearchStudy|ResearchSubject|RiskAssessment|Schedule|SearchParameter|ServiceRequest|Slot|Specimen|SpecimenDefinition|StructureDefinition|StructureMap|Subscription|SubscriptionStatus|SubscriptionTopic|Substance|SubstanceDefinition|SubstanceNucleicAcid|SubstancePolymer|SubstanceProtein|SubstanceReferenceInformation|SubstanceSourceMaterial|SupplyDelivery|SupplyRequest|Task|TerminologyCapabilities|TestReport|TestScript|ValueSet|VerificationResult|VisionPrescription)\\/[A-Za-z0-9\\-\\.]{1,64}(\\/_history\\/[A-Za-z0-9\\-\\.]{1,64})?";

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -11430,6 +11430,236 @@ public class Contract extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.Contract;
* Search parameter: <b>authority</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The authority of the contract</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.authority</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="authority", path="Contract.authority", description="The authority of the contract", type="reference", target={Organization.class } )
public static final String SP_AUTHORITY = "authority";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>authority</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The authority of the contract</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.authority</b><br>
* </p>
public static final AUTHORITY = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Contract:authority</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_AUTHORITY = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Contract:authority").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>domain</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The domain of the contract</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.domain</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="domain", path="Contract.domain", description="The domain of the contract", type="reference", target={Location.class } )
public static final String SP_DOMAIN = "domain";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>domain</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The domain of the contract</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.domain</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DOMAIN = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Contract:domain</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_DOMAIN = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Contract:domain").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of the contract</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Contract.identifier", description="The identity of the contract", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of the contract</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>instantiates</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A source definition of the contract</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.instantiatesUri</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="instantiates", path="Contract.instantiatesUri", description="A source definition of the contract", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_INSTANTIATES = "instantiates";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>instantiates</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A source definition of the contract</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.instantiatesUri</b><br>
* </p>
public static final INSTANTIATES = new;
* Search parameter: <b>issued</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The date/time the contract was issued</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.issued</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="issued", path="Contract.issued", description="The date/time the contract was issued", type="date" )
public static final String SP_ISSUED = "issued";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>issued</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The date/time the contract was issued</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.issued</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ISSUED = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of the subject of the contract (if a patient)</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="Contract.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)", description="The identity of the subject of the contract (if a patient)", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of the subject of the contract (if a patient)</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Contract:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Contract:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>signer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Contract Signatory Party</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="signer", path="", description="Contract Signatory Party", type="reference", target={Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_SIGNER = "signer";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>signer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Contract Signatory Party</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final SIGNER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Contract:signer</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SIGNER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Contract:signer").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the contract</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="Contract.status", description="The status of the contract", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the contract</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of the subject of the contract</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="Contract.subject", description="The identity of the subject of the contract", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of the subject of the contract</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Contract:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Contract:subject").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The basal contract definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="Contract.url", description="The basal contract definition", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The basal contract definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>Contract.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -2077,6 +2077,256 @@ public class Coverage extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.Coverage;
* Search parameter: <b>beneficiary</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Covered party</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.beneficiary</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="beneficiary", path="Coverage.beneficiary", description="Covered party", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_BENEFICIARY = "beneficiary";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>beneficiary</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Covered party</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.beneficiary</b><br>
* </p>
public static final BENEFICIARY = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Coverage:beneficiary</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_BENEFICIARY = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Coverage:beneficiary").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>class-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Coverage class (eg. plan, group)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.class.type</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="class-type", path="Coverage.class.type", description="Coverage class (eg. plan, group)", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CLASS_TYPE = "class-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>class-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Coverage class (eg. plan, group)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.class.type</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CLASS_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>class-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Value of the class (eg. Plan number, group number)</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.class.value</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="class-value", path="Coverage.class.value", description="Value of the class (eg. Plan number, group number)", type="string" )
public static final String SP_CLASS_VALUE = "class-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>class-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Value of the class (eg. Plan number, group number)</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.class.value</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CLASS_VALUE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>dependent</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Dependent number</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.dependent</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="dependent", path="Coverage.dependent", description="Dependent number", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DEPENDENT = "dependent";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>dependent</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Dependent number</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.dependent</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DEPENDENT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The primary identifier of the insured and the coverage</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Coverage.identifier", description="The primary identifier of the insured and the coverage", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The primary identifier of the insured and the coverage</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Retrieve coverages for a patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.beneficiary</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="Coverage.beneficiary", description="Retrieve coverages for a patient", type="reference", target={Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Retrieve coverages for a patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.beneficiary</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Coverage:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Coverage:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>payor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of the insurer or party paying for services</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.payor</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="payor", path="Coverage.payor", description="The identity of the insurer or party paying for services", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson") }, target={Organization.class, Patient.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_PAYOR = "payor";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>payor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of the insurer or party paying for services</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.payor</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PAYOR = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Coverage:payor</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PAYOR = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Coverage:payor").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>policy-holder</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to the policyholder</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.policyHolder</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="policy-holder", path="Coverage.policyHolder", description="Reference to the policyholder", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson") }, target={Organization.class, Patient.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_POLICY_HOLDER = "policy-holder";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>policy-holder</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to the policyholder</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.policyHolder</b><br>
* </p>
public static final POLICY_HOLDER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Coverage:policy-holder</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_POLICY_HOLDER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Coverage:policy-holder").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the Coverage</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="Coverage.status", description="The status of the Coverage", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the Coverage</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>subscriber</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to the subscriber</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.subscriber</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subscriber", path="Coverage.subscriber", description="Reference to the subscriber", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson") }, target={Patient.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBSCRIBER = "subscriber";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subscriber</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to the subscriber</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.subscriber</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBSCRIBER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Coverage:subscriber</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBSCRIBER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Coverage:subscriber").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The kind of coverage (health plan, auto, Workers Compensation)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.type</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="type", path="Coverage.type", description="The kind of coverage (health plan, auto, Workers Compensation)", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TYPE = "type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The kind of coverage (health plan, auto, Workers Compensation)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Coverage.type</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TYPE = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -2710,6 +2710,170 @@ public class CoverageEligibilityRequest extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.CoverageEligibilityRequest;
* Search parameter: <b>created</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The creation date for the EOB</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityRequest.created</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="created", path="CoverageEligibilityRequest.created", description="The creation date for the EOB", type="date" )
public static final String SP_CREATED = "created";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>created</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The creation date for the EOB</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityRequest.created</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CREATED = new;
* Search parameter: <b>enterer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The party who is responsible for the request</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityRequest.enterer</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="enterer", path="CoverageEligibilityRequest.enterer", description="The party who is responsible for the request", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner") }, target={Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class } )
public static final String SP_ENTERER = "enterer";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>enterer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The party who is responsible for the request</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityRequest.enterer</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ENTERER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CoverageEligibilityRequest:enterer</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ENTERER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CoverageEligibilityRequest:enterer").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>facility</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Facility responsible for the goods and services</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityRequest.facility</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="facility", path="CoverageEligibilityRequest.facility", description="Facility responsible for the goods and services", type="reference", target={Location.class } )
public static final String SP_FACILITY = "facility";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>facility</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Facility responsible for the goods and services</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityRequest.facility</b><br>
* </p>
public static final FACILITY = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CoverageEligibilityRequest:facility</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_FACILITY = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CoverageEligibilityRequest:facility").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business identifier of the Eligibility</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityRequest.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="CoverageEligibilityRequest.identifier", description="The business identifier of the Eligibility", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business identifier of the Eligibility</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityRequest.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The reference to the patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityRequest.patient</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="CoverageEligibilityRequest.patient", description="The reference to the patient", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The reference to the patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityRequest.patient</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CoverageEligibilityRequest:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CoverageEligibilityRequest:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>provider</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The reference to the provider</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityRequest.provider</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="provider", path="CoverageEligibilityRequest.provider", description="The reference to the provider", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner") }, target={Organization.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class } )
public static final String SP_PROVIDER = "provider";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>provider</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The reference to the provider</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityRequest.provider</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PROVIDER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CoverageEligibilityRequest:provider</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PROVIDER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CoverageEligibilityRequest:provider").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the EligibilityRequest</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityRequest.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="CoverageEligibilityRequest.status", description="The status of the EligibilityRequest", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the EligibilityRequest</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityRequest.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -3280,6 +3280,210 @@ public class CoverageEligibilityResponse extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.CoverageEligibilityResponse;
* Search parameter: <b>created</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The creation date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.created</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="created", path="CoverageEligibilityResponse.created", description="The creation date", type="date" )
public static final String SP_CREATED = "created";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>created</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The creation date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.created</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CREATED = new;
* Search parameter: <b>disposition</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The contents of the disposition message</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.disposition</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="disposition", path="CoverageEligibilityResponse.disposition", description="The contents of the disposition message", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DISPOSITION = "disposition";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>disposition</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The contents of the disposition message</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.disposition</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DISPOSITION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business identifier</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="CoverageEligibilityResponse.identifier", description="The business identifier", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business identifier</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>insurer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The organization which generated this resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.insurer</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="insurer", path="CoverageEligibilityResponse.insurer", description="The organization which generated this resource", type="reference", target={Organization.class } )
public static final String SP_INSURER = "insurer";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>insurer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The organization which generated this resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.insurer</b><br>
* </p>
public static final INSURER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CoverageEligibilityResponse:insurer</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_INSURER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CoverageEligibilityResponse:insurer").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>outcome</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The processing outcome</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.outcome</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="outcome", path="CoverageEligibilityResponse.outcome", description="The processing outcome", type="token" )
public static final String SP_OUTCOME = "outcome";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>outcome</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The processing outcome</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.outcome</b><br>
* </p>
public static final OUTCOME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The reference to the patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.patient</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="CoverageEligibilityResponse.patient", description="The reference to the patient", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The reference to the patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.patient</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CoverageEligibilityResponse:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CoverageEligibilityResponse:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>request</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The EligibilityRequest reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.request</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="request", path="CoverageEligibilityResponse.request", description="The EligibilityRequest reference", type="reference", target={CoverageEligibilityRequest.class } )
public static final String SP_REQUEST = "request";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>request</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The EligibilityRequest reference</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.request</b><br>
* </p>
public static final REQUEST = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CoverageEligibilityResponse:request</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_REQUEST = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CoverageEligibilityResponse:request").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>requestor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The EligibilityRequest provider</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.requestor</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="requestor", path="CoverageEligibilityResponse.requestor", description="The EligibilityRequest provider", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner") }, target={Organization.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class } )
public static final String SP_REQUESTOR = "requestor";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>requestor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The EligibilityRequest provider</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.requestor</b><br>
* </p>
public static final REQUESTOR = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>CoverageEligibilityResponse:requestor</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_REQUESTOR = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("CoverageEligibilityResponse:requestor").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The EligibilityRequest status</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="CoverageEligibilityResponse.status", description="The EligibilityRequest status", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The EligibilityRequest status</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CoverageEligibilityResponse.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,37 +29,48 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, May 4, 2021 07:17+1000 for FHIR v4.6.0
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Enumerations.*;
import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseDatatypeElement;
import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException;
import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.ICompositeType;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Child;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.ChildOrder;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.DatatypeDef;
import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseDatatype;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Description;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Block;
import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseDatatype;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement;
* Base StructureDefinition for DataType Type: The base class for all re-useable types defined as part of the FHIR Specification.
@DatatypeDef(name = "DataType")
public abstract class DataType extends Element implements IBaseDatatype, IElement {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
* Constructor
public DataType() {
public DataType() {
public String fhirType() {
return "DataType";
public abstract DataType copy();
public abstract DataType copy();
public void copyValues(DataType dst) {
public void copyValues(DataType dst) {

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -4611,6 +4611,462 @@ RegisteredName | UserFriendlyName | PatientReportedName.
return ResourceType.Device;
* Search parameter: <b>biological-source</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The biological source for the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.biologicalSource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="biological-source", path="Device.biologicalSource", description="The biological source for the device", type="token" )
public static final String SP_BIOLOGICAL_SOURCE = "biological-source";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>biological-source</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The biological source for the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.biologicalSource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final BIOLOGICAL_SOURCE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>definition</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The definition / type of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.definition.reference</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="definition", path="Device.definition.reference", description="The definition / type of the device", type="reference" )
public static final String SP_DEFINITION = "definition";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>definition</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The definition / type of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.definition.reference</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DEFINITION = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Device:definition</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_DEFINITION = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Device:definition").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>device-name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in Device.deviceName or Device.type.</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b> | Device.type.coding.display | Device.type.text</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="device-name", path=" | Device.type.coding.display | Device.type.text", description="A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in Device.deviceName or Device.type.", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DEVICE_NAME = "device-name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>device-name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in Device.deviceName or Device.type.</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b> | Device.type.coding.display | Device.type.text</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DEVICE_NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>expiration-date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The expiration date of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.expirationDate</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="expiration-date", path="Device.expirationDate", description="The expiration date of the device", type="date" )
public static final String SP_EXPIRATION_DATE = "expiration-date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>expiration-date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The expiration date of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.expirationDate</b><br>
* </p>
public static final EXPIRATION_DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Instance id from manufacturer, owner, and others</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Device.identifier", description="Instance id from manufacturer, owner, and others", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Instance id from manufacturer, owner, and others</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>location</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A location, where the resource is found</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.location</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="location", path="Device.location", description="A location, where the resource is found", type="reference", target={Location.class } )
public static final String SP_LOCATION = "location";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>location</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A location, where the resource is found</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.location</b><br>
* </p>
public static final LOCATION = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Device:location</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_LOCATION = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Device:location").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>lot-number</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The lot number of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.lotNumber</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="lot-number", path="Device.lotNumber", description="The lot number of the device", type="string" )
public static final String SP_LOT_NUMBER = "lot-number";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>lot-number</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The lot number of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.lotNumber</b><br>
* </p>
public static final LOT_NUMBER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>manufacture-date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The manufacture date of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.manufactureDate</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="manufacture-date", path="Device.manufactureDate", description="The manufacture date of the device", type="date" )
public static final String SP_MANUFACTURE_DATE = "manufacture-date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>manufacture-date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The manufacture date of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.manufactureDate</b><br>
* </p>
public static final MANUFACTURE_DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>manufacturer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The manufacturer of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.manufacturer</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="manufacturer", path="Device.manufacturer", description="The manufacturer of the device", type="string" )
public static final String SP_MANUFACTURER = "manufacturer";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>manufacturer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The manufacturer of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.manufacturer</b><br>
* </p>
public static final MANUFACTURER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>model</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The model of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.modelNumber</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="model", path="Device.modelNumber", description="The model of the device", type="string" )
public static final String SP_MODEL = "model";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>model</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The model of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.modelNumber</b><br>
* </p>
public static final MODEL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>organization</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The organization responsible for the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.owner</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="organization", path="Device.owner", description="The organization responsible for the device", type="reference", target={Organization.class } )
public static final String SP_ORGANIZATION = "organization";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>organization</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The organization responsible for the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.owner</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ORGANIZATION = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Device:organization</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ORGANIZATION = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Device:organization").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>parent</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The parent device</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.parent</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="parent", path="Device.parent", description="The parent device", type="reference", target={Device.class } )
public static final String SP_PARENT = "parent";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>parent</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The parent device</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.parent</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PARENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Device:parent</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PARENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Device:parent").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Patient information, if the resource is affixed to a person</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="Device.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)", description="Patient information, if the resource is affixed to a person", type="reference", target={Patient.class, Person.class, Practitioner.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Patient information, if the resource is affixed to a person</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Device:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Device:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>serial-number</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The serial number of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.serialNumber</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="serial-number", path="Device.serialNumber", description="The serial number of the device", type="string" )
public static final String SP_SERIAL_NUMBER = "serial-number";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>serial-number</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The serial number of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.serialNumber</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SERIAL_NUMBER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>active | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="Device.status", description="active | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>active | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Subject information, to which the device is associated of affixed</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="Device.subject", description="Subject information, to which the device is associated of affixed", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Patient.class, Person.class, Practitioner.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Subject information, to which the device is associated of affixed</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Device:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Device:subject").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The type of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.type</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="type", path="Device.type", description="The type of the device", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TYPE = "type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The type of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.type</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>udi-carrier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI Barcode (RFID or other technology) string in *HRF* format.</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.udiCarrier.carrierHRF</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="udi-carrier", path="Device.udiCarrier.carrierHRF", description="UDI Barcode (RFID or other technology) string in *HRF* format.", type="string" )
public static final String SP_UDI_CARRIER = "udi-carrier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>udi-carrier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI Barcode (RFID or other technology) string in *HRF* format.</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.udiCarrier.carrierHRF</b><br>
* </p>
public static final UDI_CARRIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>udi-di</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The udi Device Identifier (DI)</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.udiCarrier.deviceIdentifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="udi-di", path="Device.udiCarrier.deviceIdentifier", description="The udi Device Identifier (DI)", type="string" )
public static final String SP_UDI_DI = "udi-di";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>udi-di</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The udi Device Identifier (DI)</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.udiCarrier.deviceIdentifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final UDI_DI = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Network address to contact device</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="Device.url", description="Network address to contact device", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Network address to contact device</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The specific version of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.version.value</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="Device.version.value", description="The specific version of the device", type="string" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The specific version of the device</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Device.version.value</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>din</b>
* <p>

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -7471,6 +7471,72 @@ RegisteredName | UserFriendlyName | PatientReportedName.
return ResourceType.DeviceDefinition;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identifier of the component</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceDefinition.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="DeviceDefinition.identifier", description="The identifier of the component", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identifier of the component</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceDefinition.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>parent</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The parent DeviceDefinition resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceDefinition.parentDevice</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="parent", path="DeviceDefinition.parentDevice", description="The parent DeviceDefinition resource", type="reference", target={DeviceDefinition.class } )
public static final String SP_PARENT = "parent";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>parent</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The parent DeviceDefinition resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceDefinition.parentDevice</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PARENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>DeviceDefinition:parent</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PARENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("DeviceDefinition:parent").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The device component type</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceDefinition.classification.type</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="type", path="DeviceDefinition.classification.type", description="The device component type", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TYPE = "type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The device component type</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceDefinition.classification.type</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TYPE = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -1873,6 +1873,52 @@ public class DeviceDispense extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.DeviceDispense;
* Search parameter: <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Search for devices that match this code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceDispense.device.concept</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="code", path="DeviceDispense.device.concept", description="Search for devices that match this code", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CODE = "code";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Search for devices that match this code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceDispense.device.concept</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of a patient for whom to list dispenses</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceDispense.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="DeviceDispense.subject", description="The identity of a patient for whom to list dispenses", type="reference", target={Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of a patient for whom to list dispenses</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceDispense.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>DeviceDispense:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("DeviceDispense:subject").toLocked();

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -1795,6 +1795,118 @@ public class DeviceMetric extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.DeviceMetric;
* Search parameter: <b>category</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The category of the metric</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceMetric.category</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="category", path="DeviceMetric.category", description="The category of the metric", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CATEGORY = "category";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>category</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The category of the metric</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceMetric.category</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CATEGORY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identifier of the metric</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceMetric.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="DeviceMetric.identifier", description="The identifier of the metric", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identifier of the metric</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceMetric.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>parent</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The parent DeviceMetric resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceMetric.parent</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="parent", path="DeviceMetric.parent", description="The parent DeviceMetric resource", type="reference", target={Device.class } )
public static final String SP_PARENT = "parent";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>parent</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The parent DeviceMetric resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceMetric.parent</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PARENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>DeviceMetric:parent</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PARENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("DeviceMetric:parent").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>source</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The device resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceMetric.source</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="source", path="DeviceMetric.source", description="The device resource", type="reference", target={Device.class } )
public static final String SP_SOURCE = "source";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>source</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The device resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceMetric.source</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SOURCE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>DeviceMetric:source</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SOURCE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("DeviceMetric:source").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The component type</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceMetric.type</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="type", path="DeviceMetric.type", description="The component type", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TYPE = "type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The component type</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>DeviceMetric.type</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TYPE = new;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -406,6 +406,26 @@ Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or
, modifierExtension);
* Search parameter: <b>_text</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Search on the narrative of the resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>special</b><br>
* Path: <b>null</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="_text", path="", description="Search on the narrative of the resource", type="special" )
public static final String SP_TEXT = "_text";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>_text</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Search on the narrative of the resource</b><br>
* Type: <b>special</b><br>
* Path: <b>null</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TEXT = new;
// Manual code (from Configuration.txt):
public void checkNoModifiers(String noun, String verb) throws FHIRException {
if (hasModifierExtension()) {

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -1093,6 +1093,132 @@ public class Endpoint extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.Endpoint;
* Search parameter: <b>connection-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Protocol/Profile/Standard to be used with this endpoint connection</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Endpoint.connectionType</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="connection-type", path="Endpoint.connectionType", description="Protocol/Profile/Standard to be used with this endpoint connection", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONNECTION_TYPE = "connection-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>connection-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Protocol/Profile/Standard to be used with this endpoint connection</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Endpoint.connectionType</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONNECTION_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Identifies this endpoint across multiple systems</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Endpoint.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Endpoint.identifier", description="Identifies this endpoint across multiple systems", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Identifies this endpoint across multiple systems</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Endpoint.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A name that this endpoint can be identified by</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path="", description="A name that this endpoint can be identified by", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A name that this endpoint can be identified by</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>organization</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The organization that is managing the endpoint</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Endpoint.managingOrganization</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="organization", path="Endpoint.managingOrganization", description="The organization that is managing the endpoint", type="reference", target={Organization.class } )
public static final String SP_ORGANIZATION = "organization";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>organization</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The organization that is managing the endpoint</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Endpoint.managingOrganization</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ORGANIZATION = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Endpoint:organization</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ORGANIZATION = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Endpoint:organization").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>payload-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The type of content that may be used at this endpoint (e.g. XDS Discharge summaries)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Endpoint.payloadType</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="payload-type", path="Endpoint.payloadType", description="The type of content that may be used at this endpoint (e.g. XDS Discharge summaries)", type="token" )
public static final String SP_PAYLOAD_TYPE = "payload-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>payload-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The type of content that may be used at this endpoint (e.g. XDS Discharge summaries)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Endpoint.payloadType</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PAYLOAD_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the Endpoint (usually expected to be active)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Endpoint.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="Endpoint.status", description="The current status of the Endpoint (usually expected to be active)", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the Endpoint (usually expected to be active)</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Endpoint.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -575,6 +575,98 @@ public class EnrollmentRequest extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.EnrollmentRequest;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business identifier of the Enrollment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EnrollmentRequest.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="EnrollmentRequest.identifier", description="The business identifier of the Enrollment", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business identifier of the Enrollment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EnrollmentRequest.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The party to be enrolled</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EnrollmentRequest.candidate</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="EnrollmentRequest.candidate", description="The party to be enrolled", type="reference", target={Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The party to be enrolled</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EnrollmentRequest.candidate</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>EnrollmentRequest:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("EnrollmentRequest:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the enrollment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EnrollmentRequest.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="EnrollmentRequest.status", description="The status of the enrollment", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the enrollment</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EnrollmentRequest.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The party to be enrolled</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EnrollmentRequest.candidate</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="EnrollmentRequest.candidate", description="The party to be enrolled", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The party to be enrolled</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EnrollmentRequest.candidate</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>EnrollmentRequest:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("EnrollmentRequest:subject").toLocked();

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -798,6 +798,72 @@ public class EnrollmentResponse extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.EnrollmentResponse;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business identifier of the EnrollmentResponse</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EnrollmentResponse.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="EnrollmentResponse.identifier", description="The business identifier of the EnrollmentResponse", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business identifier of the EnrollmentResponse</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EnrollmentResponse.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>request</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The reference to the claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EnrollmentResponse.request</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="request", path="EnrollmentResponse.request", description="The reference to the claim", type="reference", target={EnrollmentRequest.class } )
public static final String SP_REQUEST = "request";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>request</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The reference to the claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EnrollmentResponse.request</b><br>
* </p>
public static final REQUEST = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>EnrollmentResponse:request</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_REQUEST = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("EnrollmentResponse:request").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the enrollment response</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EnrollmentResponse.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="EnrollmentResponse.status", description="The status of the enrollment response", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the enrollment response</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EnrollmentResponse.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.*;
@ -6842,11 +6842,11 @@ The primary difference between a medicationusage and a medicationadministration
* R4B Snapshot #1.
* R4B Rolling CI-Build.
* R5 Preview #2.
@ -6862,11 +6862,11 @@ The primary difference between a medicationusage and a medicationadministration
* R5 Snapshot #1.
* R5 Rolling CI-Build.
* added to help the parsers
@ -6925,9 +6925,9 @@ The primary difference between a medicationusage and a medicationadministration
if ("4.2.0".equals(codeString))
return _4_2_0;
if ("4.3.0-snapshot1".equals(codeString))
return _4_3_0_SNAPSHOT1;
return _4_3_0SNAPSHOT1;
if ("4.3.0-cibuild".equals(codeString))
return _4_3_0_CIBUILD;
return _4_3_0CIBUILD;
if ("4.4.0".equals(codeString))
return _4_4_0;
if ("4.5.0".equals(codeString))
@ -6935,9 +6935,9 @@ The primary difference between a medicationusage and a medicationadministration
if ("4.6.0".equals(codeString))
return _4_6_0;
if ("5.0.0-snapshot1".equals(codeString))
return _5_0_0_SNAPSHOT1;
return _5_0_0SNAPSHOT1;
if ("5.0.0-cibuild".equals(codeString))
return _5_0_0_CIBUILD;
return _5_0_0CIBUILD;
throw new FHIRException("Unknown FHIRVersion code '"+codeString+"'");
public String toCode() {
@ -6967,13 +6967,13 @@ The primary difference between a medicationusage and a medicationadministration
case _4_0_1: return "4.0.1";
case _4_1_0: return "4.1.0";
case _4_2_0: return "4.2.0";
case _4_3_0_SNAPSHOT1: return "4.3.0-snapshot1";
case _4_3_0_CIBUILD: return "4.3.0-cibuild";
case _4_3_0SNAPSHOT1: return "4.3.0-snapshot1";
case _4_3_0CIBUILD: return "4.3.0-cibuild";
case _4_4_0: return "4.4.0";
case _4_5_0: return "4.5.0";
case _4_6_0: return "4.6.0";
case _5_0_0_SNAPSHOT1: return "5.0.0-snapshot1";
case _5_0_0_CIBUILD: return "5.0.0-cibuild";
case _5_0_0SNAPSHOT1: return "5.0.0-snapshot1";
case _5_0_0CIBUILD: return "5.0.0-cibuild";
case NULL: return null;
default: return "?";
@ -7005,13 +7005,13 @@ The primary difference between a medicationusage and a medicationadministration
case _4_0_1: return "";
case _4_1_0: return "";
case _4_2_0: return "";
case _4_3_0_SNAPSHOT1: return "";
case _4_3_0_CIBUILD: return "";
case _4_3_0SNAPSHOT1: return "";
case _4_3_0CIBUILD: return "";
case _4_4_0: return "";
case _4_5_0: return "";
case _4_6_0: return "";
case _5_0_0_SNAPSHOT1: return "";
case _5_0_0_CIBUILD: return "";
case _5_0_0SNAPSHOT1: return "";
case _5_0_0CIBUILD: return "";
case NULL: return null;
default: return "?";
@ -7043,13 +7043,13 @@ The primary difference between a medicationusage and a medicationadministration
case _4_0_1: return "FHIR Release 4 (Normative + STU) with 1 technical errata.";
case _4_1_0: return "Interim Version.";
case _4_2_0: return "R5 Preview #1.";
case _4_3_0_SNAPSHOT1: return "R4B Snapshot #1.";
case _4_3_0_CIBUILD: return "R4B Rolling CI-Build.";
case _4_3_0SNAPSHOT1: return "R4B Snapshot #1.";
case _4_3_0CIBUILD: return "R4B Rolling CI-Build.";
case _4_4_0: return "R5 Preview #2.";
case _4_5_0: return "R5 Preview #3.";
case _4_6_0: return "R5 Draft Ballot.";
case _5_0_0_SNAPSHOT1: return "R5 Snapshot #1.";
case _5_0_0_CIBUILD: return "R5 Rolling CI-Build.";
case _5_0_0SNAPSHOT1: return "R5 Snapshot #1.";
case _5_0_0CIBUILD: return "R5 Rolling CI-Build.";
case NULL: return null;
default: return "?";
@ -7081,13 +7081,13 @@ The primary difference between a medicationusage and a medicationadministration
case _4_0_1: return "4.0.1";
case _4_1_0: return "4.1.0";
case _4_2_0: return "4.2.0";
case _4_3_0_SNAPSHOT1: return "4.3.0-snapshot1";
case _4_3_0_CIBUILD: return "4.3.0-cibuild";
case _4_3_0SNAPSHOT1: return "4.3.0-snapshot1";
case _4_3_0CIBUILD: return "4.3.0-cibuild";
case _4_4_0: return "4.4.0";
case _4_5_0: return "4.5.0";
case _4_6_0: return "4.6.0";
case _5_0_0_SNAPSHOT1: return "5.0.0-snapshot1";
case _5_0_0_CIBUILD: return "5.0.0-cibuild";
case _5_0_0SNAPSHOT1: return "5.0.0-snapshot1";
case _5_0_0CIBUILD: return "5.0.0-cibuild";
case NULL: return null;
default: return "?";
@ -7220,9 +7220,9 @@ public String toCode(int len) {
if ("4.2.0".equals(codeString))
return FHIRVersion._4_2_0;
if ("4.3.0-snapshot1".equals(codeString))
return FHIRVersion._4_3_0_SNAPSHOT1;
return FHIRVersion._4_3_0SNAPSHOT1;
if ("4.3.0-cibuild".equals(codeString))
return FHIRVersion._4_3_0_CIBUILD;
return FHIRVersion._4_3_0CIBUILD;
if ("4.4.0".equals(codeString))
return FHIRVersion._4_4_0;
if ("4.5.0".equals(codeString))
@ -7230,9 +7230,9 @@ public String toCode(int len) {
if ("4.6.0".equals(codeString))
return FHIRVersion._4_6_0;
if ("5.0.0-snapshot1".equals(codeString))
return FHIRVersion._5_0_0_SNAPSHOT1;
return FHIRVersion._5_0_0SNAPSHOT1;
if ("5.0.0-cibuild".equals(codeString))
return FHIRVersion._5_0_0_CIBUILD;
return FHIRVersion._5_0_0CIBUILD;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown FHIRVersion code '"+codeString+"'");
public Enumeration<FHIRVersion> fromType(Base code) throws FHIRException {
@ -7294,9 +7294,9 @@ public String toCode(int len) {
if ("4.2.0".equals(codeString))
return new Enumeration<FHIRVersion>(this, FHIRVersion._4_2_0);
if ("4.3.0-snapshot1".equals(codeString))
return new Enumeration<FHIRVersion>(this, FHIRVersion._4_3_0_SNAPSHOT1);
return new Enumeration<FHIRVersion>(this, FHIRVersion._4_3_0SNAPSHOT1);
if ("4.3.0-cibuild".equals(codeString))
return new Enumeration<FHIRVersion>(this, FHIRVersion._4_3_0_CIBUILD);
return new Enumeration<FHIRVersion>(this, FHIRVersion._4_3_0CIBUILD);
if ("4.4.0".equals(codeString))
return new Enumeration<FHIRVersion>(this, FHIRVersion._4_4_0);
if ("4.5.0".equals(codeString))
@ -7304,9 +7304,9 @@ public String toCode(int len) {
if ("4.6.0".equals(codeString))
return new Enumeration<FHIRVersion>(this, FHIRVersion._4_6_0);
if ("5.0.0-snapshot1".equals(codeString))
return new Enumeration<FHIRVersion>(this, FHIRVersion._5_0_0_SNAPSHOT1);
return new Enumeration<FHIRVersion>(this, FHIRVersion._5_0_0SNAPSHOT1);
if ("5.0.0-cibuild".equals(codeString))
return new Enumeration<FHIRVersion>(this, FHIRVersion._5_0_0_CIBUILD);
return new Enumeration<FHIRVersion>(this, FHIRVersion._5_0_0CIBUILD);
throw new FHIRException("Unknown FHIRVersion code '"+codeString+"'");
public String toCode(FHIRVersion code) {
@ -7360,9 +7360,9 @@ public String toCode(int len) {
return "4.1.0";
if (code == FHIRVersion._4_2_0)
return "4.2.0";
if (code == FHIRVersion._4_3_0_SNAPSHOT1)
if (code == FHIRVersion._4_3_0SNAPSHOT1)
return "4.3.0-snapshot1";
if (code == FHIRVersion._4_3_0_CIBUILD)
if (code == FHIRVersion._4_3_0CIBUILD)
return "4.3.0-cibuild";
if (code == FHIRVersion._4_4_0)
return "4.4.0";
@ -7370,9 +7370,9 @@ public String toCode(int len) {
return "4.5.0";
if (code == FHIRVersion._4_6_0)
return "4.6.0";
if (code == FHIRVersion._5_0_0_SNAPSHOT1)
if (code == FHIRVersion._5_0_0SNAPSHOT1)
return "5.0.0-snapshot1";
if (code == FHIRVersion._5_0_0_CIBUILD)
if (code == FHIRVersion._5_0_0CIBUILD)
return "5.0.0-cibuild";
return "?";

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -2228,6 +2228,476 @@ public class EventDefinition extends MetadataResource {
return ResourceType.EventDefinition;
* Search parameter: <b>composed-of</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='composed-of').resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="composed-of", path="EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='composed-of').resource", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_COMPOSED_OF = "composed-of";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>composed-of</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='composed-of').resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final COMPOSED_OF = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>EventDefinition:composed-of</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_COMPOSED_OF = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("EventDefinition:composed-of").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(EventDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (EventDefinition.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(EventDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (EventDefinition.useContext.value as Range)", description="A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the event definition", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(EventDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (EventDefinition.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="EventDefinition.useContext", description="A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the event definition", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="EventDefinition.useContext", description="A use context type and value assigned to the event definition", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="EventDefinition.useContext.code", description="A type of use context assigned to the event definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(EventDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(EventDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="A use context assigned to the event definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(EventDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The event definition publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="", description="The event definition publication date", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The event definition publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>depends-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='depends-on').resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="depends-on", path="EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='depends-on').resource", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_DEPENDS_ON = "depends-on";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>depends-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='depends-on').resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DEPENDS_ON = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>EventDefinition:depends-on</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_DEPENDS_ON = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("EventDefinition:depends-on").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>derived-from</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='derived-from').resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="derived-from", path="EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='derived-from').resource", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_DERIVED_FROM = "derived-from";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>derived-from</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='derived-from').resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DERIVED_FROM = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>EventDefinition:derived-from</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_DERIVED_FROM = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("EventDefinition:derived-from").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.description</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="EventDefinition.description", description="The description of the event definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.description</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DESCRIPTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>effective</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The time during which the event definition is intended to be in use</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.effectivePeriod</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="effective", path="EventDefinition.effectivePeriod", description="The time during which the event definition is intended to be in use", type="date" )
public static final String SP_EFFECTIVE = "effective";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>effective</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The time during which the event definition is intended to be in use</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.effectivePeriod</b><br>
* </p>
public static final EFFECTIVE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="EventDefinition.identifier", description="External identifier for the event definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="jurisdiction", path="EventDefinition.jurisdiction", description="Intended jurisdiction for the event definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_JURISDICTION = "jurisdiction";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
public static final JURISDICTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path="", description="Computationally friendly name of the event definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>predecessor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='predecessor').resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="predecessor", path="EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='predecessor').resource", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_PREDECESSOR = "predecessor";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>predecessor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='predecessor').resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PREDECESSOR = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>EventDefinition:predecessor</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PREDECESSOR = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("EventDefinition:predecessor").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="EventDefinition.publisher", description="Name of the publisher of the event definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="EventDefinition.status", description="The current status of the event definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>successor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='successor').resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="successor", path="EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='successor').resource", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_SUCCESSOR = "successor";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>successor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='successor').resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUCCESSOR = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>EventDefinition:successor</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUCCESSOR = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("EventDefinition:successor").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.title</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="title", path="EventDefinition.title", description="The human-friendly name of the event definition", type="string" )
public static final String SP_TITLE = "title";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.title</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TITLE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>topic</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Topics associated with the module</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.topic</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="topic", path="EventDefinition.topic", description="Topics associated with the module", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TOPIC = "topic";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>topic</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Topics associated with the module</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.topic</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TOPIC = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="EventDefinition.url", description="The uri that identifies the event definition", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="EventDefinition.version", description="The business version of the event definition", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the event definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EventDefinition.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -5798,6 +5798,266 @@ public class Evidence extends MetadataResource {
return ResourceType.Evidence;
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(Evidence.useContext.value as Quantity) | (Evidence.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(Evidence.useContext.value as Quantity) | (Evidence.useContext.value as Range)", description="A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the evidence", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(Evidence.useContext.value as Quantity) | (Evidence.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="Evidence.useContext", description="A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the evidence", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="Evidence.useContext", description="A use context type and value assigned to the evidence", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="Evidence.useContext.code", description="A type of use context assigned to the evidence", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(Evidence.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(Evidence.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="A use context assigned to the evidence", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(Evidence.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The evidence publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="", description="The evidence publication date", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The evidence publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.description</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="Evidence.description", description="The description of the evidence", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.description</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DESCRIPTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Evidence.identifier", description="External identifier for the evidence", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="Evidence.publisher", description="Name of the publisher of the evidence", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="Evidence.status", description="The current status of the evidence", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.title</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="title", path="Evidence.title", description="The human-friendly name of the evidence", type="string" )
public static final String SP_TITLE = "title";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.title</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TITLE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="Evidence.url", description="The uri that identifies the evidence", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="Evidence.version", description="The business version of the evidence", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the evidence</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Evidence.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -4289,6 +4289,186 @@ public class EvidenceReport extends MetadataResource {
return ResourceType.EvidenceReport;
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(EvidenceReport.useContext.value as Quantity) | (EvidenceReport.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(EvidenceReport.useContext.value as Quantity) | (EvidenceReport.useContext.value as Range)", description="A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the evidence report", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(EvidenceReport.useContext.value as Quantity) | (EvidenceReport.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceReport.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="EvidenceReport.useContext", description="A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the evidence report", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceReport.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceReport.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="EvidenceReport.useContext", description="A use context type and value assigned to the evidence report", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceReport.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceReport.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="EvidenceReport.useContext.code", description="A type of use context assigned to the evidence report", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceReport.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(EvidenceReport.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(EvidenceReport.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="A use context assigned to the evidence report", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(EvidenceReport.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceReport.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="EvidenceReport.identifier", description="External identifier for the evidence report", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceReport.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceReport.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="EvidenceReport.publisher", description="Name of the publisher of the evidence report", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceReport.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceReport.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="EvidenceReport.status", description="The current status of the evidence report", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceReport.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceReport.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="EvidenceReport.url", description="The uri that identifies the evidence report", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the evidence report</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceReport.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -4101,6 +4101,436 @@ public class EvidenceVariable extends MetadataResource {
return ResourceType.EvidenceVariable;
* Search parameter: <b>composed-of</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='composed-of').resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="composed-of", path="EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='composed-of').resource", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_COMPOSED_OF = "composed-of";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>composed-of</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='composed-of').resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final COMPOSED_OF = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>EvidenceVariable:composed-of</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_COMPOSED_OF = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("EvidenceVariable:composed-of").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(EvidenceVariable.useContext.value as Quantity) | (EvidenceVariable.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(EvidenceVariable.useContext.value as Quantity) | (EvidenceVariable.useContext.value as Range)", description="A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the evidence variable", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(EvidenceVariable.useContext.value as Quantity) | (EvidenceVariable.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="EvidenceVariable.useContext", description="A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the evidence variable", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="EvidenceVariable.useContext", description="A use context type and value assigned to the evidence variable", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="EvidenceVariable.useContext.code", description="A type of use context assigned to the evidence variable", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(EvidenceVariable.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(EvidenceVariable.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="A use context assigned to the evidence variable", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(EvidenceVariable.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The evidence variable publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="", description="The evidence variable publication date", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The evidence variable publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>depends-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='depends-on').resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="depends-on", path="EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='depends-on').resource", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_DEPENDS_ON = "depends-on";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>depends-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='depends-on').resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DEPENDS_ON = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>EvidenceVariable:depends-on</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_DEPENDS_ON = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("EvidenceVariable:depends-on").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>derived-from</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='derived-from').resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="derived-from", path="EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='derived-from').resource", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_DERIVED_FROM = "derived-from";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>derived-from</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='derived-from').resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DERIVED_FROM = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>EvidenceVariable:derived-from</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_DERIVED_FROM = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("EvidenceVariable:derived-from").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.description</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="EvidenceVariable.description", description="The description of the evidence variable", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The description of the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.description</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DESCRIPTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="EvidenceVariable.identifier", description="External identifier for the evidence variable", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path="", description="Computationally friendly name of the evidence variable", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>predecessor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='predecessor').resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="predecessor", path="EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='predecessor').resource", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_PREDECESSOR = "predecessor";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>predecessor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='predecessor').resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PREDECESSOR = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>EvidenceVariable:predecessor</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PREDECESSOR = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("EvidenceVariable:predecessor").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="EvidenceVariable.publisher", description="Name of the publisher of the evidence variable", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="EvidenceVariable.status", description="The current status of the evidence variable", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>successor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='successor').resource</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="successor", path="EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='successor').resource", description="What resource is being referenced", type="reference", target={Account.class, ActivityDefinition.class, AdministrableProductDefinition.class, AdverseEvent.class, AllergyIntolerance.class, Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, ArtifactAssessment.class, AuditEvent.class, Basic.class, Binary.class, BiologicallyDerivedProduct.class, BodyStructure.class, Bundle.class, CapabilityStatement.class, CapabilityStatement2.class, CarePlan.class, CareTeam.class, ChargeItem.class, ChargeItemDefinition.class, Citation.class, Claim.class, ClaimResponse.class, ClinicalImpression.class, ClinicalUseDefinition.class, ClinicalUseIssue.class, CodeSystem.class, Communication.class, CommunicationRequest.class, CompartmentDefinition.class, Composition.class, ConceptMap.class, ConceptMap2.class, Condition.class, ConditionDefinition.class, Consent.class, Contract.class, Coverage.class, CoverageEligibilityRequest.class, CoverageEligibilityResponse.class, DetectedIssue.class, Device.class, DeviceDefinition.class, DeviceDispense.class, DeviceMetric.class, DeviceRequest.class, DeviceUsage.class, DiagnosticReport.class, DocumentManifest.class, DocumentReference.class, Encounter.class, Endpoint.class, EnrollmentRequest.class, EnrollmentResponse.class, EpisodeOfCare.class, EventDefinition.class, Evidence.class, EvidenceReport.class, EvidenceVariable.class, ExampleScenario.class, ExplanationOfBenefit.class, FamilyMemberHistory.class, Flag.class, Goal.class, GraphDefinition.class, Group.class, GuidanceResponse.class, HealthcareService.class, ImagingSelection.class, ImagingStudy.class, Immunization.class, ImmunizationEvaluation.class, ImmunizationRecommendation.class, ImplementationGuide.class, Ingredient.class, InsurancePlan.class, InventoryReport.class, Invoice.class, Library.class, Linkage.class, ListResource.class, Location.class, ManufacturedItemDefinition.class, Measure.class, MeasureReport.class, Medication.class, MedicationAdministration.class, MedicationDispense.class, MedicationKnowledge.class, MedicationRequest.class, MedicationUsage.class, MedicinalProductDefinition.class, MessageDefinition.class, MessageHeader.class, MolecularSequence.class, NamingSystem.class, NutritionIntake.class, NutritionOrder.class, NutritionProduct.class, Observation.class, ObservationDefinition.class, OperationDefinition.class, OperationOutcome.class, Organization.class, OrganizationAffiliation.class, PackagedProductDefinition.class, Patient.class, PaymentNotice.class, PaymentReconciliation.class, Permission.class, Person.class, PlanDefinition.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Procedure.class, Provenance.class, Questionnaire.class, QuestionnaireResponse.class, RegulatedAuthorization.class, RelatedPerson.class, RequestGroup.class, ResearchStudy.class, ResearchSubject.class, RiskAssessment.class, Schedule.class, SearchParameter.class, ServiceRequest.class, Slot.class, Specimen.class, SpecimenDefinition.class, StructureDefinition.class, StructureMap.class, Subscription.class, SubscriptionStatus.class, SubscriptionTopic.class, Substance.class, SubstanceDefinition.class, SubstanceNucleicAcid.class, SubstancePolymer.class, SubstanceProtein.class, SubstanceReferenceInformation.class, SubstanceSourceMaterial.class, SupplyDelivery.class, SupplyRequest.class, Task.class, TerminologyCapabilities.class, TestReport.class, TestScript.class, ValueSet.class, VerificationResult.class, VisionPrescription.class } )
public static final String SP_SUCCESSOR = "successor";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>successor</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>What resource is being referenced</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.relatedArtifact.where(type='successor').resource</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUCCESSOR = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>EvidenceVariable:successor</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUCCESSOR = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("EvidenceVariable:successor").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.title</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="title", path="EvidenceVariable.title", description="The human-friendly name of the evidence variable", type="string" )
public static final String SP_TITLE = "title";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>title</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The human-friendly name of the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.title</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TITLE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>topic</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Topics associated with the EvidenceVariable</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>null</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="topic", path="", description="Topics associated with the EvidenceVariable", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TOPIC = "topic";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>topic</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Topics associated with the EvidenceVariable</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>null</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TOPIC = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="EvidenceVariable.url", description="The uri that identifies the evidence variable", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="EvidenceVariable.version", description="The business version of the evidence variable", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the evidence variable</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>EvidenceVariable.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -5012,6 +5012,266 @@ public class ExampleScenario extends CanonicalResource {
return ResourceType.ExampleScenario;
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ExampleScenario.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ExampleScenario.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(ExampleScenario.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ExampleScenario.useContext.value as Range)", description="A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the example scenario", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ExampleScenario.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ExampleScenario.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="ExampleScenario.useContext", description="A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the example scenario", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="ExampleScenario.useContext", description="A use context type and value assigned to the example scenario", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context type and value assigned to the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="ExampleScenario.useContext.code", description="A type of use context assigned to the example scenario", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A type of use context assigned to the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ExampleScenario.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(ExampleScenario.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="A use context assigned to the example scenario", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A use context assigned to the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(ExampleScenario.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The example scenario publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="", description="The example scenario publication date", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The example scenario publication date</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="ExampleScenario.identifier", description="External identifier for the example scenario", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifier for the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="jurisdiction", path="ExampleScenario.jurisdiction", description="Intended jurisdiction for the example scenario", type="token" )
public static final String SP_JURISDICTION = "jurisdiction";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Intended jurisdiction for the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
public static final JURISDICTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path="", description="Computationally friendly name of the example scenario", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Computationally friendly name of the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="ExampleScenario.publisher", description="Name of the publisher of the example scenario", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="ExampleScenario.status", description="The current status of the example scenario", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The current status of the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="ExampleScenario.url", description="The uri that identifies the example scenario", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The uri that identifies the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="ExampleScenario.version", description="The business version of the example scenario", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business version of the example scenario</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExampleScenario.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -14745,6 +14745,424 @@ public class ExplanationOfBenefit extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.ExplanationOfBenefit;
* Search parameter: <b>care-team</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Member of the CareTeam</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.careTeam.provider</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="care-team", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.careTeam.provider", description="Member of the CareTeam", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner") }, target={Organization.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class } )
public static final String SP_CARE_TEAM = "care-team";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>care-team</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Member of the CareTeam</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.careTeam.provider</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CARE_TEAM = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ExplanationOfBenefit:care-team</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_CARE_TEAM = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ExplanationOfBenefit:care-team").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>claim</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The reference to the claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.claim</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="claim", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.claim", description="The reference to the claim", type="reference", target={Claim.class } )
public static final String SP_CLAIM = "claim";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>claim</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The reference to the claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.claim</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CLAIM = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ExplanationOfBenefit:claim</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_CLAIM = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ExplanationOfBenefit:claim").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>coverage</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The plan under which the claim was adjudicated</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="coverage", path="", description="The plan under which the claim was adjudicated", type="reference", target={Coverage.class } )
public static final String SP_COVERAGE = "coverage";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>coverage</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The plan under which the claim was adjudicated</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final COVERAGE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ExplanationOfBenefit:coverage</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_COVERAGE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ExplanationOfBenefit:coverage").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>created</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The creation date for the EOB</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.created</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="created", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.created", description="The creation date for the EOB", type="date" )
public static final String SP_CREATED = "created";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>created</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The creation date for the EOB</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.created</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CREATED = new;
* Search parameter: <b>detail-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a line item detail product or service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.item.detail.udi</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="detail-udi", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.item.detail.udi", description="UDI associated with a line item detail product or service", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device") }, target={Device.class } )
public static final String SP_DETAIL_UDI = "detail-udi";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>detail-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a line item detail product or service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.item.detail.udi</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DETAIL_UDI = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ExplanationOfBenefit:detail-udi</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_DETAIL_UDI = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ExplanationOfBenefit:detail-udi").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>disposition</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The contents of the disposition message</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.disposition</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="disposition", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.disposition", description="The contents of the disposition message", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DISPOSITION = "disposition";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>disposition</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The contents of the disposition message</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.disposition</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DISPOSITION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>encounter</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Encounters associated with a billed line item</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.item.encounter</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="encounter", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.item.encounter", description="Encounters associated with a billed line item", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Encounter") }, target={Encounter.class } )
public static final String SP_ENCOUNTER = "encounter";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>encounter</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Encounters associated with a billed line item</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.item.encounter</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ENCOUNTER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ExplanationOfBenefit:encounter</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ENCOUNTER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ExplanationOfBenefit:encounter").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>enterer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The party responsible for the entry of the Claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.enterer</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="enterer", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.enterer", description="The party responsible for the entry of the Claim", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner") }, target={Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class } )
public static final String SP_ENTERER = "enterer";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>enterer</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The party responsible for the entry of the Claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.enterer</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ENTERER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ExplanationOfBenefit:enterer</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ENTERER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ExplanationOfBenefit:enterer").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>facility</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Facility responsible for the goods and services</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.facility</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="facility", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.facility", description="Facility responsible for the goods and services", type="reference", target={Location.class } )
public static final String SP_FACILITY = "facility";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>facility</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Facility responsible for the goods and services</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.facility</b><br>
* </p>
public static final FACILITY = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ExplanationOfBenefit:facility</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_FACILITY = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ExplanationOfBenefit:facility").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business identifier of the Explanation of Benefit</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.identifier", description="The business identifier of the Explanation of Benefit", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The business identifier of the Explanation of Benefit</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>item-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a line item product or service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.item.udi</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="item-udi", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.item.udi", description="UDI associated with a line item product or service", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device") }, target={Device.class } )
public static final String SP_ITEM_UDI = "item-udi";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>item-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a line item product or service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.item.udi</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ITEM_UDI = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ExplanationOfBenefit:item-udi</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ITEM_UDI = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ExplanationOfBenefit:item-udi").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The reference to the patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.patient</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.patient", description="The reference to the patient", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The reference to the patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.patient</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ExplanationOfBenefit:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ExplanationOfBenefit:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>payee</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The party receiving any payment for the Claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="payee", path="", description="The party receiving any payment for the Claim", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for RelatedPerson") }, target={Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_PAYEE = "payee";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>payee</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The party receiving any payment for the Claim</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final PAYEE = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ExplanationOfBenefit:payee</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PAYEE = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ExplanationOfBenefit:payee").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>procedure-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a procedure</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.procedure.udi</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="procedure-udi", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.procedure.udi", description="UDI associated with a procedure", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device") }, target={Device.class } )
public static final String SP_PROCEDURE_UDI = "procedure-udi";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>procedure-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a procedure</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.procedure.udi</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PROCEDURE_UDI = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ExplanationOfBenefit:procedure-udi</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PROCEDURE_UDI = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ExplanationOfBenefit:procedure-udi").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>provider</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The reference to the provider</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.provider</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="provider", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.provider", description="The reference to the provider", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner") }, target={Organization.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class } )
public static final String SP_PROVIDER = "provider";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>provider</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The reference to the provider</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.provider</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PROVIDER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ExplanationOfBenefit:provider</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PROVIDER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ExplanationOfBenefit:provider").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Status of the instance</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.status", description="Status of the instance", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Status of the instance</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>subdetail-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a line item detail subdetail product or service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.item.detail.subDetail.udi</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subdetail-udi", path="ExplanationOfBenefit.item.detail.subDetail.udi", description="UDI associated with a line item detail subdetail product or service", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device") }, target={Device.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBDETAIL_UDI = "subdetail-udi";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subdetail-udi</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>UDI associated with a line item detail subdetail product or service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ExplanationOfBenefit.item.detail.subDetail.udi</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBDETAIL_UDI = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ExplanationOfBenefit:subdetail-udi</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBDETAIL_UDI = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ExplanationOfBenefit:subdetail-udi").toLocked();

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -3072,6 +3072,700 @@ public class GraphDefinition extends CanonicalResource {
return ResourceType.GraphDefinition;
* Search parameter: <b>start</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Type of resource at which the graph starts</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>GraphDefinition.start</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="start", path="GraphDefinition.start", description="Type of resource at which the graph starts", type="token" )
public static final String SP_START = "start";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>start</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Type of resource at which the graph starts</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>GraphDefinition.start</b><br>
* </p>
public static final START = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Range) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Range) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Range) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Quantity) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Range) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Quantity) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Range) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-quantity", path="(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Range) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Range) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Range) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Quantity) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Range) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Quantity) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Range) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Range)", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set\r\n", type="quantity" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_QUANTITY = "context-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>quantity</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as Range) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as Range) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as Range) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Quantity) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as Range) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Quantity) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as Range) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Quantity) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as Range) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Quantity) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as Range) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Quantity) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as Range)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_QUANTITY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-quantity", path="CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set\r\n", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context-quantity"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = "context-type-quantity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-quantity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_QUANTITY);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type-value", path="CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set\r\n", type="composite", compositeOf={"context-type", "context"} )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = "context-type-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context type and value assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context type and value assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context type and value assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context type and value assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context type and value assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context type and value assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext | CodeSystem.useContext | CompartmentDefinition.useContext | ConceptMap.useContext | GraphDefinition.useContext | ImplementationGuide.useContext | MessageDefinition.useContext | NamingSystem.useContext | OperationDefinition.useContext | SearchParameter.useContext | StructureDefinition.useContext | StructureMap.useContext | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext | ValueSet.useContext</b><br>
* </p>
public static final<,> CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE = new<,>(SP_CONTEXT_TYPE_VALUE);
* Search parameter: <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext.code | CodeSystem.useContext.code | CompartmentDefinition.useContext.code | ConceptMap.useContext.code | GraphDefinition.useContext.code | ImplementationGuide.useContext.code | MessageDefinition.useContext.code | NamingSystem.useContext.code | OperationDefinition.useContext.code | SearchParameter.useContext.code | StructureDefinition.useContext.code | StructureMap.useContext.code | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.code | ValueSet.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context-type", path="CapabilityStatement.useContext.code | CodeSystem.useContext.code | CompartmentDefinition.useContext.code | ConceptMap.useContext.code | GraphDefinition.useContext.code | ImplementationGuide.useContext.code | MessageDefinition.useContext.code | NamingSystem.useContext.code | OperationDefinition.useContext.code | SearchParameter.useContext.code | StructureDefinition.useContext.code | StructureMap.useContext.code | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.code | ValueSet.useContext.code", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT_TYPE = "context-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A type of use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A type of use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A type of use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A type of use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A type of use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A type of use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A type of use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A type of use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.useContext.code | CodeSystem.useContext.code | CompartmentDefinition.useContext.code | ConceptMap.useContext.code | GraphDefinition.useContext.code | ImplementationGuide.useContext.code | MessageDefinition.useContext.code | NamingSystem.useContext.code | OperationDefinition.useContext.code | SearchParameter.useContext.code | StructureDefinition.useContext.code | StructureMap.useContext.code | TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.code | ValueSet.useContext.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): A use context assigned to the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): A use context assigned to the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): A use context assigned to the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): A use context assigned to the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): A use context assigned to the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): A use context assigned to the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): A use context assigned to the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): A use context assigned to the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): A use context assigned to the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): A use context assigned to the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): A use context assigned to the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): A use context assigned to the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(CapabilityStatement.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CodeSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (CompartmentDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ConceptMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (GraphDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ImplementationGuide.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (MessageDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (NamingSystem.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (OperationDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (SearchParameter.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureDefinition.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (StructureMap.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (TerminologyCapabilities.useContext.value as CodeableConcept) | (ValueSet.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CONTEXT = new;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path=" | | | | | | | | | | | | |", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date\r\n", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The capability statement publication date
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The code system publication date
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The compartment definition publication date
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The concept map publication date
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The graph definition publication date
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The implementation guide publication date
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The message definition publication date
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The naming system publication date
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The operation definition publication date
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The search parameter publication date
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The structure definition publication date
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The structure map publication date
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The terminology capabilities publication date
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The value set publication date
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.description | CodeSystem.description | CompartmentDefinition.description | ConceptMap.description | GraphDefinition.description | ImplementationGuide.description | MessageDefinition.description | NamingSystem.description | OperationDefinition.description | SearchParameter.description | StructureDefinition.description | StructureMap.description | TerminologyCapabilities.description | ValueSet.description</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="CapabilityStatement.description | CodeSystem.description | CompartmentDefinition.description | ConceptMap.description | GraphDefinition.description | ImplementationGuide.description | MessageDefinition.description | NamingSystem.description | OperationDefinition.description | SearchParameter.description | StructureDefinition.description | StructureMap.description | TerminologyCapabilities.description | ValueSet.description", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set\r\n", type="string" )
public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The description of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The description of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The description of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The description of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The description of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The description of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The description of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The description of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The description of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The description of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The description of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The description of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The description of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The description of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.description | CodeSystem.description | CompartmentDefinition.description | ConceptMap.description | GraphDefinition.description | ImplementationGuide.description | MessageDefinition.description | NamingSystem.description | OperationDefinition.description | SearchParameter.description | StructureDefinition.description | StructureMap.description | TerminologyCapabilities.description | ValueSet.description</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DESCRIPTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.jurisdiction | CodeSystem.jurisdiction | ConceptMap.jurisdiction | GraphDefinition.jurisdiction | ImplementationGuide.jurisdiction | MessageDefinition.jurisdiction | NamingSystem.jurisdiction | OperationDefinition.jurisdiction | SearchParameter.jurisdiction | StructureDefinition.jurisdiction | StructureMap.jurisdiction | TerminologyCapabilities.jurisdiction | ValueSet.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="jurisdiction", path="CapabilityStatement.jurisdiction | CodeSystem.jurisdiction | ConceptMap.jurisdiction | GraphDefinition.jurisdiction | ImplementationGuide.jurisdiction | MessageDefinition.jurisdiction | NamingSystem.jurisdiction | OperationDefinition.jurisdiction | SearchParameter.jurisdiction | StructureDefinition.jurisdiction | StructureMap.jurisdiction | TerminologyCapabilities.jurisdiction | ValueSet.jurisdiction", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_JURISDICTION = "jurisdiction";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>jurisdiction</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Intended jurisdiction for the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the code system
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Intended jurisdiction for the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Intended jurisdiction for the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Intended jurisdiction for the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Intended jurisdiction for the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Intended jurisdiction for the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.jurisdiction | CodeSystem.jurisdiction | ConceptMap.jurisdiction | GraphDefinition.jurisdiction | ImplementationGuide.jurisdiction | MessageDefinition.jurisdiction | NamingSystem.jurisdiction | OperationDefinition.jurisdiction | SearchParameter.jurisdiction | StructureDefinition.jurisdiction | StructureMap.jurisdiction | TerminologyCapabilities.jurisdiction | ValueSet.jurisdiction</b><br>
* </p>
public static final JURISDICTION = new;
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path=" | | | | | | | | | | | | |", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set\r\n", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Computationally friendly name of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Computationally friendly name of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Computationally friendly name of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Computationally friendly name of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Computationally friendly name of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Computationally friendly name of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Computationally friendly name of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Computationally friendly name of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b> | | | | | | | | | | | | |</b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.publisher | CodeSystem.publisher | CompartmentDefinition.publisher | ConceptMap.publisher | GraphDefinition.publisher | ImplementationGuide.publisher | MessageDefinition.publisher | NamingSystem.publisher | OperationDefinition.publisher | SearchParameter.publisher | StructureDefinition.publisher | StructureMap.publisher | TerminologyCapabilities.publisher | ValueSet.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="CapabilityStatement.publisher | CodeSystem.publisher | CompartmentDefinition.publisher | ConceptMap.publisher | GraphDefinition.publisher | ImplementationGuide.publisher | MessageDefinition.publisher | NamingSystem.publisher | OperationDefinition.publisher | SearchParameter.publisher | StructureDefinition.publisher | StructureMap.publisher | TerminologyCapabilities.publisher | ValueSet.publisher", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set\r\n", type="string" )
public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): Name of the publisher of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): Name of the publisher of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): Name of the publisher of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): Name of the publisher of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): Name of the publisher of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): Name of the publisher of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): Name of the publisher of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): Name of the publisher of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): Name of the publisher of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): Name of the publisher of the value set
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.publisher | CodeSystem.publisher | CompartmentDefinition.publisher | ConceptMap.publisher | GraphDefinition.publisher | ImplementationGuide.publisher | MessageDefinition.publisher | NamingSystem.publisher | OperationDefinition.publisher | SearchParameter.publisher | StructureDefinition.publisher | StructureMap.publisher | TerminologyCapabilities.publisher | ValueSet.publisher</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PUBLISHER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.status | CodeSystem.status | CompartmentDefinition.status | ConceptMap.status | GraphDefinition.status | ImplementationGuide.status | MessageDefinition.status | NamingSystem.status | OperationDefinition.status | SearchParameter.status | StructureDefinition.status | StructureMap.status | TerminologyCapabilities.status | ValueSet.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="CapabilityStatement.status | CodeSystem.status | CompartmentDefinition.status | ConceptMap.status | GraphDefinition.status | ImplementationGuide.status | MessageDefinition.status | NamingSystem.status | OperationDefinition.status | SearchParameter.status | StructureDefinition.status | StructureMap.status | TerminologyCapabilities.status | ValueSet.status", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The current status of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The current status of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The current status of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The current status of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The current status of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The current status of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The current status of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The current status of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The current status of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The current status of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The current status of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The current status of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The current status of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The current status of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.status | CodeSystem.status | CompartmentDefinition.status | ConceptMap.status | GraphDefinition.status | ImplementationGuide.status | MessageDefinition.status | NamingSystem.status | OperationDefinition.status | SearchParameter.status | StructureDefinition.status | StructureMap.status | TerminologyCapabilities.status | ValueSet.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The uri that identifies the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.url | CodeSystem.url | CompartmentDefinition.url | ConceptMap.url | GraphDefinition.url | ImplementationGuide.url | MessageDefinition.url | NamingSystem.url | OperationDefinition.url | SearchParameter.url | StructureDefinition.url | StructureMap.url | TerminologyCapabilities.url | ValueSet.url</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="CapabilityStatement.url | CodeSystem.url | CompartmentDefinition.url | ConceptMap.url | GraphDefinition.url | ImplementationGuide.url | MessageDefinition.url | NamingSystem.url | OperationDefinition.url | SearchParameter.url | StructureDefinition.url | StructureMap.url | TerminologyCapabilities.url | ValueSet.url", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The uri that identifies the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set\r\n", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_URL = "url";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The uri that identifies the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The uri that identifies the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The uri that identifies the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The uri that identifies the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The uri that identifies the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The uri that identifies the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The uri that identifies the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The uri that identifies the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The uri that identifies the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The uri that identifies the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The uri that identifies the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The uri that identifies the value set
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.url | CodeSystem.url | CompartmentDefinition.url | ConceptMap.url | GraphDefinition.url | ImplementationGuide.url | MessageDefinition.url | NamingSystem.url | OperationDefinition.url | SearchParameter.url | StructureDefinition.url | StructureMap.url | TerminologyCapabilities.url | ValueSet.url</b><br>
* </p>
public static final URL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The business version of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.version | CodeSystem.version | CompartmentDefinition.version | ConceptMap.version | GraphDefinition.version | ImplementationGuide.version | MessageDefinition.version | NamingSystem.version | OperationDefinition.version | SearchParameter.version | StructureDefinition.version | StructureMap.version | TerminologyCapabilities.version | ValueSet.version</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="CapabilityStatement.version | CodeSystem.version | CompartmentDefinition.version | ConceptMap.version | GraphDefinition.version | ImplementationGuide.version | MessageDefinition.version | NamingSystem.version | OperationDefinition.version | SearchParameter.version | StructureDefinition.version | StructureMap.version | TerminologyCapabilities.version | ValueSet.version", description="Multiple Resources: \r\n\r\n* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement\r\n* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system\r\n* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition\r\n* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map\r\n* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition\r\n* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide\r\n* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition\r\n* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The business version of the naming system\r\n* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition\r\n* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter\r\n* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition\r\n* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map\r\n* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities\r\n* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set\r\n", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VERSION = "version";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Multiple Resources:
* [CapabilityStatement](capabilitystatement.html): The business version of the capability statement
* [CodeSystem](codesystem.html): The business version of the code system
* [CompartmentDefinition](compartmentdefinition.html): The business version of the compartment definition
* [ConceptMap](conceptmap.html): The business version of the concept map
* [GraphDefinition](graphdefinition.html): The business version of the graph definition
* [ImplementationGuide](implementationguide.html): The business version of the implementation guide
* [MessageDefinition](messagedefinition.html): The business version of the message definition
* [NamingSystem](namingsystem.html): The business version of the naming system
* [OperationDefinition](operationdefinition.html): The business version of the operation definition
* [SearchParameter](searchparameter.html): The business version of the search parameter
* [StructureDefinition](structuredefinition.html): The business version of the structure definition
* [StructureMap](structuremap.html): The business version of the structure map
* [TerminologyCapabilities](terminologycapabilities.html): The business version of the terminology capabilities
* [ValueSet](valueset.html): The business version of the value set
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>CapabilityStatement.version | CodeSystem.version | CompartmentDefinition.version | ConceptMap.version | GraphDefinition.version | ImplementationGuide.version | MessageDefinition.version | NamingSystem.version | OperationDefinition.version | SearchParameter.version | StructureDefinition.version | StructureMap.version | TerminologyCapabilities.version | ValueSet.version</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VERSION = new;
// Manual code (from Configuration.txt):
public boolean supportsCopyright() {
return false;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -1697,6 +1697,218 @@ public class Group extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.Group;
* Search parameter: <b>actual</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Descriptive or actual</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.actual</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="actual", path="Group.actual", description="Descriptive or actual", type="token" )
public static final String SP_ACTUAL = "actual";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>actual</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Descriptive or actual</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.actual</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ACTUAL = new;
* Search parameter: <b>characteristic-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A composite of both characteristic and value</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.characteristic</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="characteristic-value", path="Group.characteristic", description="A composite of both characteristic and value", type="composite", compositeOf={"characteristic", "value"} )
public static final String SP_CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE = "characteristic-value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>characteristic-value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A composite of both characteristic and value</b><br>
* Type: <b>composite</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.characteristic</b><br>
* </p>
* Search parameter: <b>characteristic</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Kind of characteristic</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.characteristic.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="characteristic", path="Group.characteristic.code", description="Kind of characteristic", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CHARACTERISTIC = "characteristic";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>characteristic</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Kind of characteristic</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.characteristic.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CHARACTERISTIC = new;
* Search parameter: <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The kind of resources contained</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="code", path="Group.code", description="The kind of resources contained", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CODE = "code";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The kind of resources contained</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>exclude</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Group includes or excludes</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.characteristic.exclude</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="exclude", path="Group.characteristic.exclude", description="Group includes or excludes", type="token" )
public static final String SP_EXCLUDE = "exclude";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>exclude</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Group includes or excludes</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.characteristic.exclude</b><br>
* </p>
public static final EXCLUDE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Unique id</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Group.identifier", description="Unique id", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Unique id</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>managing-entity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Entity that is the custodian of the Group's definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.managingEntity</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="managing-entity", path="Group.managingEntity", description="Entity that is the custodian of the Group's definition", type="reference", target={Organization.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, RelatedPerson.class } )
public static final String SP_MANAGING_ENTITY = "managing-entity";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>managing-entity</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Entity that is the custodian of the Group's definition</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.managingEntity</b><br>
* </p>
public static final MANAGING_ENTITY = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Group:managing-entity</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_MANAGING_ENTITY = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Group:managing-entity").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>member</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to the group member</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.member.entity</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="member", path="Group.member.entity", description="Reference to the group member", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Device"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Practitioner") }, target={Device.class, Group.class, Medication.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, PractitionerRole.class, Substance.class } )
public static final String SP_MEMBER = "member";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>member</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Reference to the group member</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.member.entity</b><br>
* </p>
public static final MEMBER = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>Group:member</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_MEMBER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Group:member").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The type of resources the group contains</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.type</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="type", path="Group.type", description="The type of resources the group contains", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TYPE = "type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The type of resources the group contains</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>Group.type</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Value held by characteristic</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(Group.characteristic.value as CodeableConcept) | (Group.characteristic.value as boolean)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="value", path="(Group.characteristic.value as CodeableConcept) | (Group.characteristic.value as boolean)", description="Value held by characteristic", type="token" )
public static final String SP_VALUE = "value";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>value</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Value held by characteristic</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>(Group.characteristic.value as CodeableConcept) | (Group.characteristic.value as boolean)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final VALUE = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -1248,6 +1248,118 @@ public class GuidanceResponse extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.GuidanceResponse;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identifier of the guidance response</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>GuidanceResponse.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="GuidanceResponse.identifier", description="The identifier of the guidance response", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identifier of the guidance response</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>GuidanceResponse.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of a patient to search for guidance response results</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>GuidanceResponse.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="GuidanceResponse.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)", description="The identity of a patient to search for guidance response results", type="reference", target={Group.class, Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identity of a patient to search for guidance response results</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>GuidanceResponse.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>GuidanceResponse:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("GuidanceResponse:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>request</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identifier of the request associated with the response</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>GuidanceResponse.requestIdentifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="request", path="GuidanceResponse.requestIdentifier", description="The identifier of the request associated with the response", type="token" )
public static final String SP_REQUEST = "request";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>request</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The identifier of the request associated with the response</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>GuidanceResponse.requestIdentifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final REQUEST = new;
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the guidance response</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>GuidanceResponse.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="GuidanceResponse.status", description="The status of the guidance response", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the guidance response</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>GuidanceResponse.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The subject that the guidance response is about</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>GuidanceResponse.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="GuidanceResponse.subject", description="The subject that the guidance response is about", type="reference", target={Group.class, Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The subject that the guidance response is about</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>GuidanceResponse.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>GuidanceResponse:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("GuidanceResponse:subject").toLocked();

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -2802,6 +2802,270 @@ public class HealthcareService extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.HealthcareService;
* Search parameter: <b>active</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The Healthcare Service is currently marked as active</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="active", path="", description="The Healthcare Service is currently marked as active", type="token" )
public static final String SP_ACTIVE = "active";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>active</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The Healthcare Service is currently marked as active</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final ACTIVE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>characteristic</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>One of the HealthcareService's characteristics</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.characteristic</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="characteristic", path="HealthcareService.characteristic", description="One of the HealthcareService's characteristics", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CHARACTERISTIC = "characteristic";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>characteristic</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>One of the HealthcareService's characteristics</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.characteristic</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CHARACTERISTIC = new;
* Search parameter: <b>coverage-area</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Location(s) service is intended for/available to</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.coverageArea</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="coverage-area", path="HealthcareService.coverageArea", description="Location(s) service is intended for/available to", type="reference", target={Location.class } )
public static final String SP_COVERAGE_AREA = "coverage-area";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>coverage-area</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Location(s) service is intended for/available to</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.coverageArea</b><br>
* </p>
public static final COVERAGE_AREA = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>HealthcareService:coverage-area</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_COVERAGE_AREA = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("HealthcareService:coverage-area").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>endpoint</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Technical endpoints providing access to electronic services operated for the healthcare service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.endpoint</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="endpoint", path="HealthcareService.endpoint", description="Technical endpoints providing access to electronic services operated for the healthcare service", type="reference", target={Endpoint.class } )
public static final String SP_ENDPOINT = "endpoint";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>endpoint</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Technical endpoints providing access to electronic services operated for the healthcare service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.endpoint</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ENDPOINT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>HealthcareService:endpoint</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ENDPOINT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("HealthcareService:endpoint").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifiers for this item</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="HealthcareService.identifier", description="External identifiers for this item", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>External identifiers for this item</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>location</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The location of the Healthcare Service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.location</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="location", path="HealthcareService.location", description="The location of the Healthcare Service", type="reference", target={Location.class } )
public static final String SP_LOCATION = "location";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>location</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The location of the Healthcare Service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.location</b><br>
* </p>
public static final LOCATION = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>HealthcareService:location</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_LOCATION = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("HealthcareService:location").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A portion of the Healthcare service name</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path="", description="A portion of the Healthcare service name", type="string" )
public static final String SP_NAME = "name";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>A portion of the Healthcare service name</b><br>
* Type: <b>string</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final NAME = new;
* Search parameter: <b>organization</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The organization that provides this Healthcare Service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.providedBy</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="organization", path="HealthcareService.providedBy", description="The organization that provides this Healthcare Service", type="reference", target={Organization.class } )
public static final String SP_ORGANIZATION = "organization";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>organization</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The organization that provides this Healthcare Service</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.providedBy</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ORGANIZATION = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>HealthcareService:organization</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ORGANIZATION = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("HealthcareService:organization").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>program</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>One of the Programs supported by this HealthcareService</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.program</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="program", path="HealthcareService.program", description="One of the Programs supported by this HealthcareService", type="token" )
public static final String SP_PROGRAM = "program";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>program</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>One of the Programs supported by this HealthcareService</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.program</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PROGRAM = new;
* Search parameter: <b>service-category</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Service Category of the Healthcare Service</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.category</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="service-category", path="HealthcareService.category", description="Service Category of the Healthcare Service", type="token" )
public static final String SP_SERVICE_CATEGORY = "service-category";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>service-category</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Service Category of the Healthcare Service</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.category</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SERVICE_CATEGORY = new;
* Search parameter: <b>service-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The type of service provided by this healthcare service</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.type</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="service-type", path="HealthcareService.type", description="The type of service provided by this healthcare service", type="token" )
public static final String SP_SERVICE_TYPE = "service-type";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>service-type</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The type of service provided by this healthcare service</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.type</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SERVICE_TYPE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>specialty</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The specialty of the service provided by this healthcare service</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.specialty</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="specialty", path="HealthcareService.specialty", description="The specialty of the service provided by this healthcare service", type="token" )
public static final String SP_SPECIALTY = "specialty";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>specialty</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The specialty of the service provided by this healthcare service</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>HealthcareService.specialty</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SPECIALTY = new;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -2444,6 +2444,210 @@ public class ImagingSelection extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.ImagingSelection;
* Search parameter: <b>based-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The request associated with an imaging selection</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.basedOn</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="based-on", path="ImagingSelection.basedOn", description="The request associated with an imaging selection", type="reference", target={Appointment.class, AppointmentResponse.class, CarePlan.class, ServiceRequest.class, Task.class } )
public static final String SP_BASED_ON = "based-on";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>based-on</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The request associated with an imaging selection</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.basedOn</b><br>
* </p>
public static final BASED_ON = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ImagingSelection:based-on</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_BASED_ON = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ImagingSelection:based-on").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>body-site</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The body site associated with the imaging selection</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.bodySite</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="body-site", path="ImagingSelection.bodySite", description="The body site associated with the imaging selection", type="token" )
public static final String SP_BODY_SITE = "body-site";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>body-site</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The body site associated with the imaging selection</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.bodySite</b><br>
* </p>
public static final BODY_SITE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The imaging selection description text or code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.code</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="code", path="ImagingSelection.code", description="The imaging selection description text or code", type="token" )
public static final String SP_CODE = "code";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>code</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The imaging selection description text or code</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.code</b><br>
* </p>
public static final CODE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>derived-from</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The imaging study from which the imaging selection was derived</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.derivedFrom</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="derived-from", path="ImagingSelection.derivedFrom", description="The imaging study from which the imaging selection was derived", type="reference", target={ImagingStudy.class } )
public static final String SP_DERIVED_FROM = "derived-from";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>derived-from</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The imaging study from which the imaging selection was derived</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.derivedFrom</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DERIVED_FROM = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ImagingSelection:derived-from</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_DERIVED_FROM = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ImagingSelection:derived-from").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Identifiers for the imaging selection</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="ImagingSelection.identifier", description="Identifiers for the imaging selection", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Identifiers for the imaging selection</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>issued</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The date / time the imaging selection was created</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.issued</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="issued", path="ImagingSelection.issued", description="The date / time the imaging selection was created", type="date" )
public static final String SP_ISSUED = "issued";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>issued</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The date / time the imaging selection was created</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.issued</b><br>
* </p>
public static final ISSUED = new;
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who the study is about</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="ImagingSelection.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)", description="Who the study is about", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Device.class, Group.class, Location.class, Medication.class, Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, Procedure.class, Specimen.class, Substance.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Who the study is about</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ImagingSelection:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ImagingSelection:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>study-uid</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The DICOM Study Instance UID from which the images were selected</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.studyUid</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="study-uid", path="ImagingSelection.studyUid", description="The DICOM Study Instance UID from which the images were selected", type="uri" )
public static final String SP_STUDY_UID = "study-uid";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>study-uid</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The DICOM Study Instance UID from which the images were selected</b><br>
* Type: <b>uri</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.studyUid</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STUDY_UID = new;
* Search parameter: <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The subject of the Imaging Selection, such as the associated Patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.subject</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="ImagingSelection.subject", description="The subject of the Imaging Selection, such as the associated Patient", type="reference", target={Device.class, Group.class, Location.class, Medication.class, Organization.class, Patient.class, Practitioner.class, Procedure.class, Specimen.class, Substance.class } )
public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The subject of the Imaging Selection, such as the associated Patient</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImagingSelection.subject</b><br>
* </p>
public static final SUBJECT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ImagingSelection:subject</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ImagingSelection:subject").toLocked();

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.model;
// Generated on Tue, Dec 21, 2021 05:44+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
// Generated on Tue, Dec 28, 2021 07:16+1100 for FHIR v5.0.0-snapshot1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
@ -1088,6 +1088,158 @@ public class ImmunizationEvaluation extends DomainResource {
return ResourceType.ImmunizationEvaluation;
* Search parameter: <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Date the evaluation was generated</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="", description="Date the evaluation was generated", type="date" )
public static final String SP_DATE = "date";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Date the evaluation was generated</b><br>
* Type: <b>date</b><br>
* Path: <b></b><br>
* </p>
public static final DATE = new;
* Search parameter: <b>dose-status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the dose relative to published recommendations</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImmunizationEvaluation.doseStatus</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="dose-status", path="ImmunizationEvaluation.doseStatus", description="The status of the dose relative to published recommendations", type="token" )
public static final String SP_DOSE_STATUS = "dose-status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>dose-status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The status of the dose relative to published recommendations</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImmunizationEvaluation.doseStatus</b><br>
* </p>
public static final DOSE_STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>ID of the evaluation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImmunizationEvaluation.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="ImmunizationEvaluation.identifier", description="ID of the evaluation", type="token" )
public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>ID of the evaluation</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImmunizationEvaluation.identifier</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IDENTIFIER = new;
* Search parameter: <b>immunization-event</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The vaccine administration event being evaluated</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImmunizationEvaluation.immunizationEvent</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="immunization-event", path="ImmunizationEvaluation.immunizationEvent", description="The vaccine administration event being evaluated", type="reference", target={Immunization.class } )
public static final String SP_IMMUNIZATION_EVENT = "immunization-event";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>immunization-event</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The vaccine administration event being evaluated</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImmunizationEvaluation.immunizationEvent</b><br>
* </p>
public static final IMMUNIZATION_EVENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ImmunizationEvaluation:immunization-event</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_IMMUNIZATION_EVENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ImmunizationEvaluation:immunization-event").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The patient being evaluated</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImmunizationEvaluation.patient</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="ImmunizationEvaluation.patient", description="The patient being evaluated", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient") }, target={Patient.class } )
public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The patient being evaluated</b><br>
* Type: <b>reference</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImmunizationEvaluation.patient</b><br>
* </p>
public static final PATIENT = new;
* Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies
* the path value of "<b>ImmunizationEvaluation:patient</b>".
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("ImmunizationEvaluation:patient").toLocked();
* Search parameter: <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Immunization evaluation status</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImmunizationEvaluation.status</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="ImmunizationEvaluation.status", description="Immunization evaluation status", type="token" )
public static final String SP_STATUS = "status";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>Immunization evaluation status</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImmunizationEvaluation.status</b><br>
* </p>
public static final STATUS = new;
* Search parameter: <b>target-disease</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The vaccine preventable disease being evaluated against</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImmunizationEvaluation.targetDisease</b><br>
* </p>
@SearchParamDefinition(name="target-disease", path="ImmunizationEvaluation.targetDisease", description="The vaccine preventable disease being evaluated against", type="token" )
public static final String SP_TARGET_DISEASE = "target-disease";
* <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>target-disease</b>
* <p>
* Description: <b>The vaccine preventable disease being evaluated against</b><br>
* Type: <b>token</b><br>
* Path: <b>ImmunizationEvaluation.targetDisease</b><br>
* </p>
public static final TARGET_DISEASE = new;

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More