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synced 2025-03-05 10:59:33 +00:00
clean up validator
This commit is contained in:
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
* This class allows you to host the java validator in another service, and use the services it has in a wider context. The way it works is
* This class allows you to host the java validator in another service, and use the services it has in a wider context. The way it works is
- put the jar in your class path
- put the jar in your class path
- Find the class org.hl7.fhir.r5.validation.NativeHostServices or org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.validation.NativeHostServices
- Find the class org.hl7.fhir.validation.NativeHostServices
- call init(path) where path refers to one of the definitions files from the main build (e.g. definitions.xml.zip) - required, do only once, do before anything else
- call init(path) where path refers to one of the definitions files from the main build (e.g. definitions.xml.zip) - required, do only once, do before anything else
- call load(path) where path refers to the igpack.zip produced by the ig publisher (do this once for each IG you care about)
- call load(path) where path refers to the igpack.zip produced by the ig publisher (do this once for each IG you care about)
- call connectToTxSvc(url) where the url is your terminology service of choice (can be http://tx.fhir.org/r4 or /r3)
- call connectToTxSvc(url) where the url is your terminology service of choice (can be http://tx.fhir.org/r4 or /r3)
@ -1102,7 +1102,6 @@ public class ValidationEngine implements IValidatorResourceFetcher {
private void validateXmlSchema(String location, List<ValidationMessage> messages) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, SAXException {
private void validateXmlSchema(String location, List<ValidationMessage> messages) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, SAXException {
XmlValidator xml = new XmlValidator(messages, loadSchemas(), loadTransforms());
messages.add(new ValidationMessage(Source.InstanceValidator, IssueType.INFORMATIONAL, location, "XML Schema Validation is not done yet", IssueSeverity.INFORMATION));
messages.add(new ValidationMessage(Source.InstanceValidator, IssueType.INFORMATIONAL, location, "XML Schema Validation is not done yet", IssueSeverity.INFORMATION));
@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
package org.hl7.fhir.validation;
* #%L
* org.hl7.fhir.validation
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2014 - 2019 Health Level 7
* %%
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* #L%
import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.*;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.Logger.LogMessageType;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.validation.ValidationMessage;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.validation.ValidationMessage.IssueSeverity;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.validation.ValidationMessage.IssueType;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.validation.ValidationMessage.Source;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.ls.LSInput;
import org.w3c.dom.ls.LSResourceResolver;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
import javax.xml.validation.Schema;
import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class XmlValidator {
private Schema schema;
private Map<String, byte[]> schemas;
private Map<String, byte[]> transforms;
private List<ValidationMessage> errors;
private Logger logger;
public XmlValidator(List<ValidationMessage> errors, Map<String, byte[]> schemas, Map<String, byte[]> transforms) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, SAXException {
this.errors = errors;
this.schemas = schemas;
this.transforms = transforms;
public XmlValidator(List<ValidationMessage> validationErrors, String srcDir, String xsltDir, String[] schemaNames) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, SAXException {
loadSchemas(srcDir, schemaNames);
private void load() throws SAXException {
int c = 0;
for (String s : schemas.keySet())
if (s.endsWith(".xsd"))
StreamSource[] sources = new StreamSource[c];
int i = 0;
for (String s : schemas.keySet()) {
if (s.endsWith(".xsd")) {
sources[i] = new StreamSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(schemas.get(s)), s);
SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
schemaFactory.setErrorHandler(new MyErrorHandler(errors, null));
schemaFactory.setResourceResolver(new MyResourceResolver());
schema = schemaFactory.newSchema(sources);
private void loadTransforms(String xsltDir) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
Map<String, byte[]> res = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
for (String s : new File(xsltDir).list()) {
if (s.endsWith(".xslt"))
res.put(s, TextFile.fileToBytes(Utilities.path(xsltDir, s)));
this.transforms = res;
private void loadSchemas(String dir, String[] names) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
Map<String, byte[]> res = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
for (String s : new File(dir).list()) {
if (s.endsWith(".sch"))
res.put(s, TextFile.fileToBytes(Utilities.path(dir, s)));
boolean ok = false;
for (String b : names)
ok = ok || b.equals(s);
if (ok)
res.put(s, TextFile.fileToBytes(Utilities.path(dir, s)));
this.schemas = res;
public Element checkBySchema(String fileToCheck, boolean wantThrow) throws FileNotFoundException, SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, FHIRException {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
MyErrorHandler err = new MyErrorHandler(errors, fileToCheck);
CSFileInputStream f = new CSFileInputStream(new CSFile(fileToCheck));
Document doc = builder.parse(f);
if (wantThrow && err.getErrors().size() > 0)
throw new FHIRException("File " + fileToCheck + " failed schema validation");
return doc.getDocumentElement();
public void checkBySchematron(String filename, String sch, boolean wantThrow) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, FileNotFoundException, FHIRException {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory;
DocumentBuilder builder;
Document doc;
byte[] out = null;
try {
out = XsltUtilities.saxonTransform(transforms, schemas.get(sch), transforms.get("iso_svrl_for_xslt2.xsl"));
out = XsltUtilities.saxonTransform(transforms, TextFile.fileToBytes(filename), out);
} catch (Throwable e) {
errors.add(new ValidationMessage(Source.InstanceValidator, IssueType.STRUCTURE, -1, -1, filename + ":" + sch, e.getMessage(), IssueSeverity.ERROR));
if (wantThrow)
throw new FHIRException("Error validating " + filename + " with schematrons", e);
factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
doc = builder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(out));
NodeList nl = doc.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagNameNS("http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/svrl", "failed-assert");
if (nl.getLength() > 0) {
logger.log("Schematron Validation Failed for " + filename, LogMessageType.Error);
for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
Element e = (Element) nl.item(i);
logger.log(" @" + e.getAttribute("location") + ": " + e.getTextContent(), LogMessageType.Error);
errors.add(new ValidationMessage(Source.InstanceValidator, IssueType.STRUCTURE, -1, -1, filename + ":" + e.getAttribute("location"), e.getTextContent(), IssueSeverity.ERROR));
if (wantThrow)
throw new FHIRException("Schematron Validation Failed for " + filename);
public class MyErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
private List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
private List<ValidationMessage> list;
private String path;
public MyErrorHandler(List<ValidationMessage> list, String path) {
this.list = list;
this.path = path;
public void error(SAXParseException arg0) throws SAXException {
if (list != null)
list.add(new ValidationMessage(Source.InstanceValidator, IssueType.STRUCTURE, arg0.getLineNumber(), arg0.getColumnNumber(), path == null ? arg0.getSystemId() : path, arg0.getMessage(), IssueSeverity.ERROR));
if (logger != null)
logger.log("error: " + arg0.toString(), LogMessageType.Error);
public void fatalError(SAXParseException arg0) throws SAXException {
if (list != null)
list.add(new ValidationMessage(Source.InstanceValidator, IssueType.STRUCTURE, arg0.getLineNumber(), arg0.getColumnNumber(), path == null ? arg0.getSystemId() : path, arg0.getMessage(), IssueSeverity.FATAL));
if (logger != null)
logger.log("fatal error: " + arg0.toString(), LogMessageType.Error);
public void warning(SAXParseException arg0) throws SAXException {
if (list != null)
list.add(new ValidationMessage(Source.InstanceValidator, IssueType.STRUCTURE, arg0.getLineNumber(), arg0.getColumnNumber(), path == null ? arg0.getSystemId() : path, arg0.getMessage(), IssueSeverity.WARNING));
public List<String> getErrors() {
return errors;
public String getPath() {
return path;
public void setPath(String path) {
this.path = path;
public class MyResourceResolver implements LSResourceResolver {
public LSInput resolveResource(final String type, final String namespaceURI, final String publicId, String systemId, final String baseURI) {
try {
if (!schemas.containsKey(systemId))
return null;
return new SchemaInputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(schemas.get(systemId)), publicId, systemId, namespaceURI);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
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