more language updates

This commit is contained in:
Grahame Grieve 2024-05-30 17:07:05 +10:00
parent a45aa4c84d
commit 80159656c0
36 changed files with 1129 additions and 398 deletions

View File

@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
public static final String EXT_APPLICABLE_VERSION_VALUE = "";
public static final String EXT_IG_URL = "";
public static final String EXT_VS_CS_SUPPL_NEEDED = "";
public static final String EXT_TYPE_PARAMETER = "";
// specific extension helpers

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.nio.file.Files;
@ -2244,4 +2245,13 @@ public class Utilities {
return text.replace("\r\n", " ").replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ");
public static String extractDomain(String source) {
try {
URI uri = URI.create(source);
return uri.getHost();
} catch (Exception e) {
return "??";

View File

@ -1074,4 +1074,9 @@ public class I18nConstants {
public static final String TERMINOLOGY_TX_CODE_VALUESETMAX = "Terminology_TX_Code_ValueSetMax";
public static final String TERMINOLOGY_TX_CODE_VALUESET_EXT = "Terminology_TX_Code_ValueSet_Ext";
public static final String SD_ED_SHOULD_BIND = "SD_ED_SHOULD_BIND";

View File

@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ public class POGenerator {
generate(source, "", "rendering-phrases-es.po", "", 3);
generate(source, "", "rendering-phrases-ja.po", "", 2);
generate(source, "", "rendering-phrases-nl.po", "", 2);
generate(source, "", "rendering-phrases-pt-BR.po", "", 2);
generate(source, "", "rendering-phrases-pt_BR.po", "", 2);
generate(source, "", "validator-messages-en.po", null, 2);
generate(source, "", "validator-messages-de.po", "", 2);
generate(source, "", "validator-messages-es.po", "", 3);
generate(source, "", "validator-messages-ja.po", "", 2);
generate(source, "", "validator-messages-nl.po", "", 2);
generate(source, "", "validator-messages-pt-BR.po", "", 2);
generate(source, "", "validator-messages-pt_BR.po", "", 2);
@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ public class POGenerator {
} else {
System.out.println("Error: PV "+p.getName()+ " duplicated");
if (p.getValue().contains("\\n")) {
System.out.println("Error: PV "+p.getName()+ " has a \\n");
for (ConstantDefinition cd : consts) {
@ -181,7 +184,11 @@ public class POGenerator {
} else {
System.out.println("Error: PV "+p.getName()+ " duplicated");
if (p.getValue().contains("\\n")) {
System.out.println("Error: PV "+p.getName()+ " has a \\n");
for (ConstantDefinition cd : consts) {
@ -380,8 +387,8 @@ public class POGenerator {
// for POEdit
b.append("# "+o.comment+"\r\n");
b.append("#: ""\r\n");
if (!tfxMode && o.oldMsgId != null) {
b.append("#| "+o.oldMsgId+"\r\n");
if (/*!tfxMode && */o.oldMsgId != null) {
b.append("#| msgid "+o.oldMsgId+"\r\n");
if (o.duplicate) {
b.append("msgctxt \"""\"\r\n");
@ -492,6 +499,9 @@ public class POGenerator {
} else if (line.startsWith("#|")) {
obj.oldMsgId = line.substring(2).trim();
if (obj.oldMsgId.startsWith("msgid ")) {
obj.oldMsgId = trimQuotes(obj.oldMsgId.substring(6));
} else if (line.startsWith("msgid ")) {
obj.msgid = trimQuotes(line.substring(5).trim());
if (obj.msgid.endsWith("("")")) {
@ -524,6 +534,7 @@ public class POGenerator {
private String trimQuotes(String s) {
s = s.trim();
if (s.startsWith("\"")) {
s = s.substring(1);

View File

@ -889,6 +889,7 @@ public class RenderingI18nContext extends I18nBase {
public static final String VS_ABSTRACT_CODE_HINT = "VS_ABSTRACT_CODE_HINT";
public static final String GENERAL_CODE = "GENERAL_CODE";
public static final String GENERAL_DESC = "GENERAL_DESC";
protected String getMessagesSourceFileName() {
return "rendering-phrases";

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ BUNDLE_SEARCH_ENTRY_WRONG_RESOURCE_TYPE_OUTCOME = This is not an OperationOutcom
BUNDLE_SEARCH_NOSELF = SearchSet Bundles should have a self link that specifies what the search was
BUNDLE_SEARCH_NO_MODE = SearchSet bundles should have search modes on the entries
BUNDLE_SEARCH_SELF_NOT_UNDERSTOOD = No types could be determined from the search string, so the types can''t be checked
Bad_file_path_error = \n********************\n* The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem.\n* Please verify that this is valid file location.\n********************\n\n
Bad_file_path_error = ** Error: The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem. Please verify that this is valid file location **
Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___ = Base & Derived profiles have different types ({0} = {1} vs {2} = {3})
Base_profile__has_no_type = Base profile {0} has no type
Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Canonical = The canonical URL ({0}) cannot match the fullUrl ({1}) unless on the canonical server itself
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ SM_TARGET_TRANSLATE_BINDING_VS_TARGET = The target variable refers to an unknown
SM_TARGET_TYPE_MULTIPLE_POSSIBLE = Multiple types are possible here ({0}) so further type checking is not possible
SM_TARGET_TYPE_NOT_FOUND = No target type was found, so the default group for this implied dependent rule could not be determined
SNAPSHOT_EXISTING_PROBLEM = The generated snapshot has a different number of elements {1} than the originally provided snapshot {0}
SNAPSHOT_IS_EMPTY = The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere
SNAPSHOT_IS_EMPTY = The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing error logged elsewhere
STATUS_CODE_HINT = The code is {0}
STATUS_CODE_HINT_CODE = The code ''{1}'' is {0}
STATUS_CODE_WARNING = The code is valid but is {0}
@ -1102,3 +1102,8 @@ xml_attr_value_invalid = The XML Attribute {0} has an invalid character
xml_encoding_invalid = The XML encoding is invalid (must be UTF-8)
Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_NotFound = Can''t find ''{0}'' in the bundle ({1})
CONCEPTMAP_VS_CONCEPT_CODE_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM = The code ''{1}'' comes from the system {0} which could not be found, so it''s not known whether it''s valid in the value set ''{2}''
SD_TYPE_PARAMETER_MISSING = The type definition ''{2}'' does not declare a type parameter, but it is derived from the type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''
SD_TYPE_PARAMETER_UNKNOWN = The type definition ''{0}'' has the type parameter ''{1}'' but it is not a known type so derivation consistency cannot be checked
SD_TYPE_PARAMETER_INVALID = The type definition ''{2}'' has a type parameter ''{3}'', which is not consistent with it''s ancestor type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''
SD_TYPE_PARAMETER_INVALID_REF = The type ''{0}'' is a reference to ''{1}'' which has a type parameter ''{2}'' with a base type of {3} but the type parameter provided is ''{4}'' which is not the right type
SD_TYPE_PARAM_NOT_SPECIFIED = The type ''{0}'' at {3} is a reference to ''{1}'' which needs a type parameter ''{2}'' but a type parameter is not provided for ''{2}''

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ BUNDLE_SEARCH_ENTRY_WRONG_RESOURCE_TYPE_OUTCOME = Dies ist kein OperationOutcome
BUNDLE_SEARCH_NOSELF = SearchSet Bundles sollten einen Self-Link haben, der angibt, worum es bei der Suche ging
BUNDLE_SEARCH_NO_MODE = SearchSet-Bundles sollten Suchmodi f\u00fcr die Eintr\u00e4ge enthalten
BUNDLE_SEARCH_SELF_NOT_UNDERSTOOD = Es konnten keine Typen aus dem Suchstring ermittelt werden, so dass die Typen nicht \u00fcberpr\u00fcft werden k\u00f6nnen
Bad_file_path_error = \n********************\n* Der \u00fcbergebene Dateiname ''{0}'' existiert nicht im lokalen Dateisystem.\n* Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie, ob dies ein g\u00fcltiger Pfad f\u00fcr die Datei ist.\n********************\n\n
Bad_file_path_error = !!\n********************\n* Der \u00fcbergebene Dateiname ''{0}'' existiert nicht im lokalen Dateisystem.\n* Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie, ob dies ein g\u00fcltiger Pfad f\u00fcr die Datei ist.\n********************\n\n
Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___ = Basis- und abgeleitete Profile haben unterschiedliche Typen ({0} = {1} vs. {2} = {3})
Base_profile__has_no_type = Das Basisprofil {0} hat keinen Typ
Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Canonical = Die canonical URL ({0}) stimmt nicht mit der fullUrl Url ({1}) \u00fcberein sofern sie sich nicht auf dem canonical Server selbst befindet.

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ BUNDLE_SEARCH_ENTRY_WRONG_RESOURCE_TYPE_OUTCOME = Este no es un recurso Operatio
BUNDLE_SEARCH_NOSELF = Los Bundles de tipo searchset deben tener un vinculo de tipo self que especifique cual fue la búsqueda
BUNDLE_SEARCH_NO_MODE = Los bundles de tipo searchset deben tener modos de busqueda en los elementos entry
BUNDLE_SEARCH_SELF_NOT_UNDERSTOOD = No se han podido determinar tipos por la cadena de búsqueda, asi que los tipos no pueden ser validados
Bad_file_path_error = \n********************\n* El nombre del fichero especificado, ''{0}'', no existe en el sistema de archivos local.\n* Por favor verifique que sea una ubicación válida.\n********************\n\n
Bad_file_path_error = !!\n********************\n* El nombre del fichero especificado, ''{0}'', no existe en el sistema de archivos local.\n* Por favor verifique que sea una ubicación válida.\n********************\n\n
Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___ = Los perfiles base y derivados tienen tipos distintos ({0} = {1} vs {2} = {3})
Base_profile__has_no_type = El perfil basee {0} no tiene tipo
Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Canonical = La URL canónica ({0}) no puede coincidir con la fullUrl ({1}) salvo en el servidor canónico

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ BUNDLE_SEARCH_ENTRY_WRONG_RESOURCE_TYPE_OUTCOME = これはOperationOutcomeで
BUNDLE_SEARCH_NOSELF = SearchSet Bundlesは検索内容を指定するself linkを持っているべきです
BUNDLE_SEARCH_NO_MODE = SearchSet bundlesはエントリに検索モードを持っているべきです
BUNDLE_SEARCH_SELF_NOT_UNDERSTOOD = 検索文字列からタイプを特定できないため、タイプを確認することはできません
Bad_file_path_error = \n********************\n* あなたが指定したファイル名、 ''{0}'' はローカルファイルシステム上に存在しません。\n* これが有効なファイルの場所であることを確認してください。\n********************\n\n
Bad_file_path_error = !!\n********************\n* あなたが指定したファイル名、 ''{0}'' はローカルファイルシステム上に存在しません。\n* これが有効なファイルの場所であることを確認してください。\n********************\n\n
Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___ = ベースと派生のプロファイルが異なるタイプを持っています ({0} = {1} vs {2} = {3})
Base_profile__has_no_type = ベースのプロファイル {0} にはタイプがありません
Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Canonical = 正規URL{0}は、正規サーバ上でなければ、fullUrl{1})と一致することはできません
@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ SM_TARGET_TRANSLATE_BINDING_VS_TARGET = ターゲット変数が不明なValueSe
SM_TARGET_TYPE_MULTIPLE_POSSIBLE = ここでは複数のタイプが可能です({0})。したがって、さらなるタイプチェックは不可能です
SM_TARGET_TYPE_NOT_FOUND = ターゲットタイプが見つからなかったため、この暗黙の依存ルールのデフォルトグループを決定できませんでした
SNAPSHOT_EXISTING_PROBLEM = 生成されたsnapshotには、元の提供されたsnapshot{0}と要素数が異なります{1}
SNAPSHOT_IS_EMPTY = !!プロファイル''{0}''のsnapshotが空ですこれは起こるべきではありません
SNAPSHOT_IS_EMPTY = !!!!プロファイル''{0}''のsnapshotが空ですこれは起こるべきではありません
STATUS_CODE_HINT = The code is {0}
STATUS_CODE_HINT_CODE = The code ''{1}'' is {0}
STATUS_CODE_WARNING = The code is valid but is {0}

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ BUNDLE_SEARCH_ENTRY_WRONG_RESOURCE_TYPE_OUTCOME = Dit is geen OperationOutcome (
BUNDLE_SEARCH_NOSELF = SearchSet Bundles moeten een self link bevatten die specificeert waarmee is gezocht
BUNDLE_SEARCH_NO_MODE = SearchSet bundles zouden search.mode op de entries moeten hebben
BUNDLE_SEARCH_SELF_NOT_UNDERSTOOD = er kunnen geen typen worden bepaald uit een de zoekstring, dus de typen kunnen niet worden gecontroleerd
Bad_file_path_error = \n********************\n* Het bestand dat je opgaf, ''{0}'', bestaat niet op het lokale bestandssysteem.\n* Controleer of de locatie klopt.\n********************\n\n
Bad_file_path_error = !!\n********************\n* Het bestand dat je opgaf, ''{0}'', bestaat niet op het lokale bestandssysteem.\n* Controleer of de locatie klopt.\n********************\n\n
Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___ = Basis & afgeleide profielen hebben verschillende typen ({0} = {1} vs {2} = {3})
Base_profile__has_no_type = Basisprofiel {0} heeft geen type
Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Canonical = De canonical URL ({0}) kan niet gelijk zijn aan de fullUrl ({1}) tenzij op de canonical server zelf

View File

@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ EX_SCEN_REC = Receiver
EX_SCEN_RES = Response
EX_SCEN_SEE = See subprocess
EX_SCEN_TIME = ... time passes ...\n
EX_SCEN_TIME = ... time passes ...
EX_SCEN_UN = Unknown ExampleScenario Renderer Mode {0}
EX_SCEN_UN_ACT = Unable to find referenced actor {0}
EX_SCEN_UN_INST = Unable to find referenced instance {0}
@ -893,3 +893,4 @@ VALUE_SET_CODES_FROM = codes from
VALUE_SET_CODE_ITEM = The code for the item
VALUE_SET_CODE_SELEC = This value set cannot be fully expanded, but a selection ( {0} codes) of the whole set of codes is shown here.
LIST_REND_CODE = Code: {0}

View File

@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ EX_SCEN_REC = Ontvanger
EX_SCEN_RES = Antwoord
EX_SCEN_SEE = Zie subprocess
EX_SCEN_TIME = ... tijd schrijdt voort ...\n
EX_SCEN_TIME = !!... tijd schrijdt voort ...\n
EX_SCEN_UN = Onbekende ExampleScenario weergavemodus {0}
EX_SCEN_UN_ACT = Kan gerefereerde actor {0} niet vinden
EX_SCEN_UN_INST = Kan gerefereerde instance {0} niet vinden

View File

@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "... time passes ...\n"
msgid "... time passes ..."
msgstr ""
@ -3755,6 +3755,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the {0}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Type Parameter"
msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the"

View File

@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "... time passes ...\n"
msgid "... time passes ..."
msgstr ""
@ -3755,6 +3755,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the {0}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Type Parameter"
msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the"

View File

@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "... time passes ...\n"
msgid "... time passes ..."
msgstr ""
@ -3761,6 +3761,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the {0}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Type Parameter"
msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the"

View File

@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "... time passes ...\n"
msgid "... time passes ..."
msgstr ""
@ -3755,6 +3755,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the {0}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Type Parameter"
msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the"

View File

@ -1207,8 +1207,8 @@ msgstr "Stap"
msgid "... time passes ...\n"
msgstr "... tijd schrijdt voort ...\n"
msgid "... time passes ..."
msgstr "!!... tijd schrijdt voort ...\n"
@ -3755,6 +3755,11 @@ msgstr "Deze structuur verwijst naar deze andere structuren"
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the {0}"
msgstr "Dit type kan worden gekoppeld aan een waardelijst met de {0}"
msgid "Type Parameter"
msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the"

View File

@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "... time passes ...\n"
msgid "... time passes ..."
msgstr ""
@ -3755,6 +3755,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the {0}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Type Parameter"
msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the"

View File

@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "... time passes ...\n"
msgid "... time passes ..."
msgstr ""
@ -3755,6 +3755,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the {0}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Type Parameter"
msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the"

View File

@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "... time passes ...\n"
msgid "... time passes ..."
msgstr ""
@ -3755,6 +3755,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the {0}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Type Parameter"
msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the"

View File

@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "... time passes ...\n"
msgid "... time passes ..."
msgstr ""
@ -3761,6 +3761,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the {0}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Type Parameter"
msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the"

View File

@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "... time passes ...\n"
msgid "... time passes ..."
msgstr ""
@ -3755,6 +3755,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the {0}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Type Parameter"
msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the"

View File

@ -1207,8 +1207,8 @@ msgstr "Stap"
msgid "... time passes ...\n"
msgstr "... tijd schrijdt voort ...\n"
msgid "... time passes ..."
msgstr "!!... tijd schrijdt voort ...\n"
@ -3755,6 +3755,11 @@ msgstr "Deze structuur verwijst naar deze andere structuren"
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the {0}"
msgstr "Dit type kan worden gekoppeld aan een waardelijst met de {0}"
msgid "Type Parameter"
msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the"

View File

@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "... time passes ...\n"
msgid "... time passes ..."
msgstr ""
@ -3755,6 +3755,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the {0}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Type Parameter"
msgstr ""
msgid "This type can be bound to a value set using the"

View File

@ -36,16 +36,19 @@ msgstr "Falscher Pfad im Profil hinzugef\u00fcgt {0}: {1} vs {2}"
# All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#: All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#| msgid All observations should have a performer
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer"
msgstr "!!Alle Observations sollten einen Performer haben"
# All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#: All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#| msgid All observations should have a subject
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a subject"
msgstr "!!Alle Observations sollten ein Subject haben"
# All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#: All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#| msgid All observations should have an effectiveDateTime or an effectivePeriod
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ({0})"
msgstr "!!Alle Observations sollten ein effectiveDateTime oder eine effectivePeriode haben"
@ -269,8 +272,8 @@ msgstr "Es konnten keine Typen aus dem Suchstring ermittelt werden, so dass die
# Bad_file_path_error
#: Bad_file_path_error
msgid "\n********************\n* The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem.\n* Please verify that this is valid file location.\n********************\n\n"
msgstr "\n********************\n* Der \u00fcbergebene Dateiname ''{0}'' existiert nicht im lokalen Dateisystem.\n* Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie, ob dies ein g\u00fcltiger Pfad f\u00fcr die Datei ist.\n********************\n\n"
msgid "** Error: The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem. Please verify that this is valid file location **"
msgstr "!!\n********************\n* Der \u00fcbergebene Dateiname ''{0}'' existiert nicht im lokalen Dateisystem.\n* Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie, ob dies ein g\u00fcltiger Pfad f\u00fcr die Datei ist.\n********************\n\n"
# Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
#: Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
@ -507,6 +510,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} is unknown.
msgid "The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} could not be found."
msgstr "!!Der angegebene Code ({2}) befindet sich nicht in der Expansion im ValueSet {0}, und es wird ein Code aus diesem ValueSet ben\u00f6tigt. Das System {1} ist unbekannt."
@ -597,21 +601,25 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The ShareableCodeSystem profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
msgid "Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableCodeSystem-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} bef\u00fcllt wird, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte Codesysteme SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableCodeSystem-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| msgid Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Code systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableCodeSystem-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} bef\u00fcllt wird, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published Code-Systeme M\u00dcSSEN dem ShareableCodeSystem-Profil entsprechen"
#| msgid The ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
msgid "Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableCodeSystem-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte Codesysteme SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableCodeSystem-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| msgid Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Code systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableCodeSystem-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published Code-Systeme M\u00dcSSEN dem ShareableCodeSystem-Profil entsprechen"
@ -642,6 +650,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The source display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible codes {1}
msgid "The source display ''{0}'' for the code ''{2}'' is not valid. Possible displays: {1}"
msgstr "!!Source display ''{0}'' ist nicht g\u00fcltig. M\u00f6gliche Codes {1}"
@ -662,6 +671,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid Unknown Source Code System {0}, so the source codes cannot be checked
msgid "The Source Code System {0} is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed"
msgstr "!!Unbekanntes Quellcode-System {0}, daher k\u00f6nnen die Quellcodes nicht \u00fcberpr\u00fcft werden"
@ -677,6 +687,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The target display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible displays {1}
msgid "The target display ''{0}'' for the code ''{2}'' is not valid. Possible displays: {1}"
msgstr "!!Target display ''{0}'' ist nicht g\u00fcltig. M\u00f6gliche Codes {1}"
@ -712,6 +723,7 @@ msgstr "Da kein System zur Verf\u00fcgung gestellt wurde, kann kein reiner Code
#| msgid The system {0} is unknown, so code values can''t be checked
msgid "The code system {0} could not be found, so code values can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!Das System {0} ist unbekannt, daher k\u00f6nnen die Codes nicht \u00fcberpr\u00fcft werden."
@ -722,26 +734,31 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid Unknown Target Code System {0}, so the target codes cannot be checked
msgid "The Target Code System {0} is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed"
msgstr "!!Unbekanntes Zielcodesystem {0}, daher k\u00f6nnen die Zielcodes nicht \u00fcberpr\u00fcft werden"
#| msgid The ShareableConceptMap profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile
msgid "Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableConceptMap-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} bef\u00fcllt wird, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte Concept Maps SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableConceptMap-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| msgid Published concept maps SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Concept maps published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableConceptMap-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} bef\u00fcllt wird, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published Concept Maps M\u00dcSSEN mit dem ShareableConceptMap-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| msgid The ShareableConceptMap profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile
msgid "Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableConceptMap-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte Concept Maps SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableConceptMap-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| msgid Published concept maps SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Concept maps published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableConceptMap-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published Concept Maps M\u00dcSSEN mit dem ShareableConceptMap-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
@ -817,6 +834,7 @@ msgstr "Code in der Erweiterung gefunden, jedoch: {0}"
# Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#: Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#| msgid Coding has no system - cannot validate
msgid "Coding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!Kodierung hat kein System - kann nicht validiert werden"
@ -1131,6 +1149,7 @@ msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen {0} aus dem Paket {1}#{2}: {3}"
# Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#: Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#| msgid Error validating code: running without terminology services
msgid "Unable to validate code ''{0}'' in system ''{1}'' because the validator is running without terminology services"
msgstr "!!Fehler beim Validieren des Codes: Ausf\u00fchrung ohne Terminologiedienste"
@ -1211,11 +1230,13 @@ msgstr "Unbekannte extension {0}"
# Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#: Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#| msgid The extension {0} is unknown, and not allowed here
msgid "The extension {0} could not be found so is not allowed here"
msgstr "!!Die extension {0} ist nicht bekannt, and hier nicht erlaubt"
# Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#: Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#| msgid Extension.url is required
msgid "Extension.url is required in order to identify, use and validate the extension"
msgstr "!!Extension.url ist erforderlich"
@ -1461,6 +1482,7 @@ msgstr "Fehler bei der Auswertung des FHIRPath-Ausdrucks: Die Funktion {0} kann
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The type ''{0}'' is unknown or not supported at {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: No type provided at {1}"
msgstr "!!Fehler bei der Auswertung des FHIRPath-Ausdrucks: Der Typ ''{0}'' ist unbekannt oder wird nicht unterst\u00fctzt bei {1}"
@ -1537,6 +1559,7 @@ msgstr "Fehler bei der Auswertung des FHIRPath-Ausdrucks: Die Funktion {0} kann
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, code, id but found {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, url, code, id but found {1}"
msgstr "!!Fehler bei der Auswertung des FHIRPath-Ausdrucks: Die Funktion {0} kann nur auf string, uri, code, id angewendet werden, aber gefunden {1}"
@ -1622,6 +1645,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid Rule {0} Failed
msgid "Constraint failed: {0}"
msgstr "!!Regel {0} fehlgeschlagen"
@ -1642,6 +1666,7 @@ msgstr "Unzul\u00e4ssiger Pfad ''{0}'' in Differential in {1}: unzul\u00e4ssige
# Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#: Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#| msgid Invalid path ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}
msgid "Invalid path ''{0}'' in input differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}"
msgstr "!!Illegaler Pfad ''{0}'' in Differential in {1}: muss mit {2}.{3} beginnen"
@ -1997,21 +2022,25 @@ msgstr "Eine Measure sollte mindestens eine Gruppe enthalten"
#| msgid The ShareableMeasure profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
msgid "Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableMeasure-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} ausgef\u00fcllt wird, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte Ma\u00dfnahmen SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableMeasure-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| msgid Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Measures published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableMeasure-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} bef\u00fcllt wird, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published Measures M\u00dcSSEN dem ShareableMeasure-Profil entsprechen"
#| msgid The ShareableMeasure profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
msgid "Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableMeasure-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte Ma\u00dfnahmen SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableMeasure-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| msgid Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Measures published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableMeasure-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published Measures M\u00dcSSEN dem ShareableMeasure-Profil entsprechen"
@ -2359,6 +2388,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Profilbasierte Diskriminatoren d\u00fcrfen nur einen Typ ({1} im Prof
#| msgid The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} is unknown
msgid "The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} could not be found"
msgstr "!!Der angegebene Code {1} kann im ValueSet der Optionen ({2}) im Fragebogen nicht validiert werden, da das System {0} unbekannt ist"
@ -2449,6 +2479,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#: Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#| msgid The code provided {1} in the system {0}) is not in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire: {3}
msgid "The code ''{1}'' in the system ''{0}'' is not in the options value set ({2}) specified by the questionnaire. Terminology Error: {3}"
msgstr "!!Der angegebene Wert ({0}::{1}) ist nicht in den im Fragebogen gesetzten options value set enthalten."
@ -2794,6 +2825,7 @@ msgstr "Der Typ {0} muss derselbe sein wie der Typ in der Basisstruktur {1}, die
#| msgid Review the extension type: extensions should not have a context of {0} unless it''s really intended that they can be used anywhere
msgid "Review the extension type for {1}: extensions should not have a context of {0} unless it''s really intended that they can be used anywhere"
msgstr "!!\u00dcberpr\u00fcfen Sie den Erweiterungstyp: Extensions sollten nicht den Kontext {0} haben, es sei denn, es ist wirklich beabsichtigt, dass sie \u00fcberall verwendet werden k\u00f6nnen."
@ -3054,6 +3086,31 @@ msgstr "!!Der Typ {0} kann nur definiert werden, wenn die Art 'logisch' ist, nic
msgid "The type namespace {0} SHOULD match the url namespace {1} for the definition of the type"
msgstr "Der Typ-Namensraum {0} SOLLTE mit dem Url-Namensraum {1} f\u00fcr die Definition des Typs \u00fcbereinstimmen"
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' has a type parameter ''{3}'', which is not consistent with it''s ancestor type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' is a reference to ''{1}'' which has a type parameter ''{2}'' with a base type of {3} but the type parameter provided is ''{4}'' which is not the right type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' does not declare a type parameter, but it is derived from the type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{0}'' has the type parameter ''{1}'' but it is not a known type so derivation consistency cannot be checked"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' at {3} is a reference to ''{1}'' which needs a type parameter ''{2}'' but a type parameter is not provided for ''{2}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "For the complex type {0}, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance"
@ -3146,11 +3203,13 @@ msgstr "Der Gruppenparameter {0} Modus {1} ist nicht g\u00fcltig"
#| msgid The type {0} has mode {1} which doesn''t match the structure definition {2}
msgid "The type ''{0}'' has mode ''{1}'' which doesn''t match the structure definition mode of ''{2}''"
msgstr "!!Der Typ {0} hat den Modus {1}, der nicht mit der Strukturdefinition {2} \u00fcbereinstimmt."
#| msgid The group parameter {0} has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
msgid "Group {1} parameter {0} has no type, so the paths cannot be validated"
msgstr "!!Der Gruppenparameter {0} hat keinen Typ, daher k\u00f6nnen die Pfade nicht validiert werden"
@ -3206,6 +3265,7 @@ msgstr "Eine Liste ruleId sollte nicht angegeben werden, da es sich um eine Rege
#| msgid The group {0} is not called from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it''s inputs, so type verification is not possible
msgid "The group {0} is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it''s inputs, so type verification is not possible"
msgstr "!!Die Gruppe {0} wird nicht von diesem Mapping-Skript aus aufgerufen und hat keine Typen f\u00fcr ihre Inputs definiert, so dass eine Typenpr\u00fcfung nicht m\u00f6glich ist"
@ -3401,7 +3461,7 @@ msgstr "Der erzeugte Snapshot hat eine andere Anzahl von Elementen {1} als der u
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere"
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing error logged elsewhere"
msgstr ""
@ -3486,6 +3546,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid A code with no system has no defined meaning. A system should be provided
msgid "A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!Ein Code ohne System hat keine definierte Bedeutung. Es sollte ein System angegeben werden"
@ -3811,6 +3872,7 @@ msgstr "Kein Typ-Spezifikator matcht, und der zugrunde liegende Typ {0} ist nich
# Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#: Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#| msgid {0} for ''{1}#{2}''
msgid "{0} (for ''{1}#{2}'')"
msgstr "!!{0} f\u00fcr ''{1}#{2}''"
@ -3831,6 +3893,7 @@ msgstr "Binding f\u00fcr {0} fehlt"
# Terminology_TX_Binding_NoServer
#: Terminology_TX_Binding_NoServer
#| msgid The value provided could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server
msgid "The value provided ([{0}]) could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server"
msgstr "!!Der angegebene Wert konnte in Ermangelung eines Terminologieservers nicht validiert werden"
@ -3886,16 +3949,19 @@ msgstr "Konnte nicht best\u00e4tigen, dass die angegebenen Codes im ValueSet {0}
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}
msgid "The code provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}"
msgstr "!!Der angegebene Code ({2}) befindet sich nicht im ValueSet {0}, und es wird ein Code aus diesem ValueSet ben\u00f6tigt: {1}"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)"
msgstr "!!!!Konnte nicht best\u00e4tigen, dass die angegebenen Codes im ValueSet {0} enthalten sind, und ein Code sollte aus diesem ValueSet stammen. Es sei denn, er hat enth\u00e4lt keinen geeigneten Code"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set"
msgstr "!!!!Konnte nicht best\u00e4tigen, dass die angegebenen Codes im ValueSet {0} enthalten sind, und es wird empfohlen, einen Code aus diesem ValueSet zu verwenden."
@ -3936,16 +4002,19 @@ msgstr "Der bereitgestellte Code ist nicht im maximum value set {0}, und ein Cod
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!Die angegebene Codierung ist nicht im ValueSet {0} enthalten, und es wird ein Code aus diesem ValueSet ben\u00f6tigt. {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}"
msgstr "!!Die bereitgestellte Codierung ist nicht im ValueSet {0} enthalten, und ein Code sollte aus diesem ValueSet stammen, es sei denn, er hat enth\u00e4lt geeigneten Code. {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!Die angegebene Codierung ist nicht im ValueSet {0} enthalten, und es wird empfohlen, einen Code aus diesem ValueSet zu verwenden. {1}"
@ -3956,16 +4025,19 @@ msgstr "Der angegebene Wert (''{0}'') konnte in Ermangelung eines Terminologiese
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set){2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set {2}"
msgstr "!!Der angegebene Wert (''{0}'') ist nicht im ValueSet {1}, und ein Code aus diesem Valueset ist erforderlich){2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}"
msgstr "!!Der angegebene Wert (''{0}'') ist nicht im Valueset {1}, und ein Code sollte aus diesem Valueset stammen, es sei denn, er hat enth\u00e4lt geeigneten Code){2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set){2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set{2}"
msgstr "!!!!Der angegebene Wert (''{0}'') ist nicht im Valueset {1}, und es wird empfohlen, einen Code aus diesem Valueset zu verwenden){2}"
@ -3986,16 +4058,19 @@ msgstr "!!Keiner der angegebenen Codes ist im Valueset {0}, und es wird empfohle
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!Die bereitgestellte Codierung ist nicht im Valueset {0}, und es wird ein Code aus diesem Valueset ben\u00f6tigt{1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}"
msgstr "!!Die angegebene Codierung ist nicht im Valueset {0}, und ein Code sollte aus diesem Valueset stammen, es sei denn, er enth\u00e4lt keinen geeigneten Code{1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!Die bereitgestellte Codierung ist nicht im Valueset {0} enthalten, und es wird empfohlen, einen Code aus diesem Valueset zu verwenden{1}"
@ -4011,6 +4086,7 @@ msgstr "Keiner der bereitgestellten Codes befindet sich im maximum value sete {0
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_9
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_9
#| msgid The code provided could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})
msgid "The code provided ({2}) could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})"
msgstr "!!Der bereitgestellte Code konnte nicht gegen das the maximum value set {0} validiert werden, (Fehler = {1})"
@ -4041,11 +4117,13 @@ msgstr "Die Codierung bezieht sich auf ein ValueSet, nicht auf ein Codesystem ('
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#| msgid ValueSet {0} not found by validator
msgid "ValueSet ''{0}'' not found"
msgstr "!!ValueSet {0} vom Validator nicht gefunden"
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#| msgid Found a reference to a CodeSystem ({0}) where a ValueSet belongs
msgid "Found a reference to a CodeSystem ''{0}'' where a ValueSet belongs"
msgstr "!!Ein Verweis auf ein CodeSystem ({0}) gefunden wo ein ValueSet vorgeschrieben ist"
@ -4061,6 +4139,7 @@ msgstr "Der base snapshot markiert ein Slicing als closed, aber das Differential
# This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#: This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#| msgid This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no namespace)
msgid "This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed (no namespace on the XML Root element)"
msgstr "!!Dieses ''{0}2 kann nicht als FHIR-Objekt geparst werden (kein Namensraum)."
@ -4071,21 +4150,25 @@ msgstr "Diese Basiseigenschaft muss ein Array sein, nicht {0}"
# This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#: This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#| msgid This cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no name)
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (no name)"
msgstr "!!Dies kann nicht als FHIR-Objekt geparst werden (kein Name)"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown name ''{0}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized resource name ''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!Dies scheint keine FHIR-Ressource zu sein (unbekannter Name ''{0}'')"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized XML Root element namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')"
msgstr "!!Dies scheint keine FHIR-Ressource zu sein (unbekannter Namensraum/Name ''{0}::{1}'')"
# This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#: This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#| msgid This element does not match any known slice {0}
msgid "This element does not match any known slice {0} (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it''s not intended to match a slice)"
msgstr "!!Dieses Element stimmt mit keinem bekannten Slice{0} \u00fcberein."
@ -4351,6 +4434,7 @@ msgstr "System {0} Property Filter mit op = {1} kann nicht verarbeitet werden"
#| msgid The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'' (UNABLE_TO_INFER_CODESYSTEM)
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}''"
msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Die System-URI konnte f\u00fcr den Code {0} im ValueSet {1} nicht ermittelt werden"
@ -4366,11 +4450,13 @@ msgstr "Das Codesystem {1}, auf das sich das ValueSet {0} bezieht, verf\u00fcgt
#| msgid The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {1}
msgid "The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {0}"
msgstr "!!Die Unicode-Sequenz enth\u00e4lt bidirektionale Steuerzeichen, die in diesem Zusammenhang nicht zul\u00e4ssig sind: {1}"
#| msgid The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {1}
msgid "The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {0}"
msgstr "!!Die Unicode-Sequenz hat unterminierte bi-di Steuerzeichen (siehe CVE-2021-42574): {1}"
@ -4383,11 +4469,13 @@ msgstr[1] ""
#| msgid A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM)
msgid "A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated"
msgstr "!!!!!!!!Das CodeSystem {0} ist unbekannt"
#| msgid The CodeSystem {0} version {1} is unknown. Valid versions: {2}
msgid "A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' version ''{1}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated. Valid versions: {2}"
msgstr "!!Das CodeSystem {0} Version {1} ist unbekannt. G\u00fcltige Versionen: {2}"
@ -4418,11 +4506,13 @@ msgstr "Nicht unterst\u00fctzte Eigenschaft {3} auf Typ {2} f\u00fcr Pattern des
# Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server
#: Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server
#| msgid Unable to connect to terminology server. Error = {0}
msgid "Unable to connect to terminology server at {1}. Error = {0}"
msgstr "!!Verbindung zum Terminologieserver kann nicht hergestellt werden. Fehler = {0}"
# Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server_Use_parameter_tx_na_tun_run_without_using_terminology_services_to_validate_LOINC_SNOMED_ICDX_etc_Error__
#: Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server_Use_parameter_tx_na_tun_run_without_using_terminology_services_to_validate_LOINC_SNOMED_ICDX_etc_Error__
#| msgid Unable to connect to terminology server. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}
msgid "Unable to connect to terminology server at {1}. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}"
msgstr "!!Keine Verbindung zum Terminologieserver m\u00f6glich. Verwenden Sie den Parameter ''-tx n/a'' um ohne Verwendung von Terminologiediensten zu laufen welche LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X usw. zu validieren. Fehler = {0}"
@ -4538,16 +4628,19 @@ msgstr "System nicht aufl\u00f6sbar - kein ValueSet"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_expansion_has_multiple_systems
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_expansion_has_multiple_systems
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple systems
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set expansion has multiple systems"
msgstr "!!System nicht aufl\u00f6sbar - Extension des ValueSets enth\u00e4lt mehrere Systeme"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set has imports
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has imports"
msgstr "!!System nicht aufl\u00f6sbar - ValueSet enth\u00e4lt Importe"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#| msgid The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}: {4}"
msgstr "!!!!System kann nicht aufgel\u00f6st werden - ValueSet {0} include #{1} hat einen Filter auf System {2}"
@ -4558,21 +4651,25 @@ msgstr "System nicht aufl\u00f6sbar - ValueSet enth\u00e4lt Include ohne System"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has system {2} which is unknown, and the server return error {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has system {3} which could not be found, and the server returned error {4}"
msgstr "!!System kann nicht aufgel\u00f6st werden - ValueSet {0} include #{1} hat System {2}, das unbekannt ist, und der Server liefert Fehler {3}"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple matches: {0}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set expansion has multiple matches: {2}"
msgstr "!!System kann nicht aufgel\u00f6st werden - ValueSet-Expansion der Wertemenge hat mehrere \u00dcbereinstimmungen: {0}"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} has no includes or expansion
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has no includes or expansion"
msgstr "!!System nicht aufl\u00f6sbar - ValueSet enth\u00e4lt keine Includes oder Extensions"
# Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#: Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#| msgid Unable to resolve value Set {0}
msgid "A definition for the value Set ''{0}'' could not be found"
msgstr "!!ValueSet {0} kann nicht gefunden werden"
@ -4588,6 +4685,7 @@ msgstr "Undefiniertes Attribut ''@{0}'' auf {1} f\u00fcr Typ {2} (properties = {
# Undefined_element_
#: Undefined_element_
#| msgid Undefined element ''{0}''
msgid "Undefined element ''{0}'' at {1}"
msgstr "!!Undefiniertes Element ''{0}''"
@ -4643,11 +4741,13 @@ msgstr "Unbekannter Typ {0} bei {1}"
# Unrecognised_extension_context_
#: Unrecognised_extension_context_
#| msgid Unrecognised extension context {0}
msgid "Unrecognized extension context {0}"
msgstr "!!Unerkannter Erweiterungskontext {0}"
# Unrecognised_predicate_
#: Unrecognised_predicate_
#| msgid Unrecognised predicate ''{0}''
msgid "Unrecognized predicate ''{0}''"
msgstr "!!Nicht anerkanntes predicate ''{0}''"
@ -4808,16 +4908,19 @@ msgstr "Profil ist f\u00fcr diese Version von FHIR, aber ist ein ung\u00fcltiger
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}"
msgstr "!!Die Profilreferenz ''{0}'' wurde nicht gepr\u00fcft, da sie unbekannt ist, und das Abrufen f\u00fchrte zu dem Fehler {1}"
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the host {1} cannot be found
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the host {1} cannot be found"
msgstr "!!Profilreferenz ''{0}'' wurde nicht gepr\u00fcft, da sie unbekannt ist, und der Host {1} kann nicht gefunden werden"
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles"
msgstr "!!Die Profilreferenz ''{0}'' wurde nicht gepr\u00fcft, weil sie unbekannt ist und der Validator so eingestellt ist, dass er keine unbekannten Profile abruft."
@ -4973,11 +5076,13 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The code {1} is not valid in the system {0}
msgid "The code ''{1}'' is not valid in the system {0} ({2})"
msgstr "!!Der Code {1} ist im System {0} nicht g\u00fcltig"
#| msgid The code {2} is not valid in the system {0} version {1}
msgid "The code ''{2}'' is not valid in the system {0} version {1} ({2})"
msgstr "!!Der Code {2} ist im System {0} Version {1} nicht g\u00fcltig"
@ -5013,21 +5118,25 @@ msgstr "Der ValueSet-Import {0} konnte nicht gefunden werden und kann daher nich
#| msgid The ShareableValueSet profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
msgid "Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableValueSet-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} gef\u00fcllt wird, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte ValueSets SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableValueSet-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| msgid Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Value sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableValueSet-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} bef\u00fcllt wird, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published ValueSets M\u00dcSSEN mit dem ShareableValueSet-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| msgid The ShareableValueSet profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
msgid "Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableValueSet-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte ValueSets SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableValueSet-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| msgid Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Value sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableValueSet-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published ValueSets M\u00dcSSEN mit dem ShareableValueSet-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
@ -5040,6 +5149,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
#| msgid The value set {0} has too many codes to display ({1})
msgid "The value set ''{0}'' expansion has too many codes to display ({1})"
msgstr "!!Das ValueSet {0} hat zu viele Codes f\u00fcr die Anzeige ({1})"
@ -5080,6 +5190,7 @@ msgstr "Der erste Eintrag in einer Nachricht muss ein MessageHeader sein"
# Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#| msgid Unrecognised Content {0}
msgid "Unrecognized Content {0}"
msgstr "!!Unerkannter Inhalt {0}"
@ -5152,6 +5263,7 @@ msgstr "StructureDefinition hat keinen Snapshot - die Validierung erfolgt gegen
# Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#| msgid The type of element {0} is not known, which is invalid. Valid types at this point are {1}
msgid "The type of element {0} is not known - it could not be determined from the information available. Valid types at this point are {1}"
msgstr "!!Der Typ des Elements {0} ist nicht bekannt, was illegal ist. G\u00fcltige Typen an dieser Stelle sind {1}"
@ -5177,6 +5289,7 @@ msgstr "Durch das Profil {0} spezifiziert, ist das Element ''{1}'' an der falsch
# Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found"
msgstr "!!Profil Reference ''{0}'' konnte nicht aufgel\u00f6st werden, wurde also nicht \u00fcberpr\u00fcft"
@ -5269,6 +5382,7 @@ msgstr "Fehlerhaftes XHTML: Es wurde eine DocType-Deklaration gefunden, die nich
#| msgid Invalid element name inside in a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')
msgid "Invalid element name inside a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!Ung\u00fcltiger Elementname innerhalb eines Absatzes im XHTML (''{0}'')"
@ -5309,6 +5423,7 @@ msgstr ""
# _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#: _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#| msgid Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''
msgid "Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''{2}"
msgstr "!!Der Wert ist ''{0}'', muss aber ''{1}'' sein."

View File

@ -36,16 +36,19 @@ msgstr "Se agrego el path incorrecto en el perfil {0}: {1} vs {2}"
# All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#: All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#| msgid All observations should have a performer
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer"
msgstr "!!Todos los recursos Observation deben tener un elemento performer"
# All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#: All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#| msgid All observations should have a subject
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a subject"
msgstr "!!Todos los recursos Observation deben tener un elemento subject"
# All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#: All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#| msgid All observations should have an effectiveDateTime or an effectivePeriod
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ({0})"
msgstr "!!Todos los recursos Observation deben tener un elemento effectiveDateTime o effectivePeriod"
@ -270,8 +273,8 @@ msgstr "No se han podido determinar tipos por la cadena de búsqueda, asi que lo
# Bad_file_path_error
#: Bad_file_path_error
msgid "\n********************\n* The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem.\n* Please verify that this is valid file location.\n********************\n\n"
msgstr "\n********************\n* El nombre del fichero especificado, ''{0}'', no existe en el sistema de archivos local.\n* Por favor verifique que sea una ubicación válida.\n********************\n\n"
msgid "** Error: The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem. Please verify that this is valid file location **"
msgstr "!!\n********************\n* El nombre del fichero especificado, ''{0}'', no existe en el sistema de archivos local.\n* Por favor verifique que sea una ubicación válida.\n********************\n\n"
# Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
#: Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
@ -389,6 +392,7 @@ msgstr "La referencia de tipo URN no está contenida localmente dentro del Bundl
# Bundle_Document_Date_Missing
#: Bundle_Document_Date_Missing
#| msgid A document must have a date
msgid "A document must have a date (Bundle.timestamp)"
msgstr "!!Un documento debe tener un elemento date"
@ -509,6 +513,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} is unknown.
msgid "The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} could not be found."
msgstr "!!El código provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores {0}, y se requiere un código de este conjunto de valores. El sistema {1} es desconocido."
@ -599,21 +604,25 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The ShareableCodeSystem profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
msgid "Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!The ShareableCodeSystem profile recommends that the {0} element se complete, pero no está presente. Los conjuntos de valores publicados DEBERIAN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
#| msgid Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Code systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!El perfil ShareableValueSet recomienda que el elemento {0} se complete, pero no se encontró. Los conjuntos de valores publicados por HL7 DEBEN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
#| msgid The ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
msgid "Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!El perfil ShareableValueSet dice que el elemento {0} es obligatorio, pero no está presente. Los conjuntos de valores publicados DEBERIAN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
#| msgid Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Code systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!El perfil ShareableValueSet dice que el elemento {0} es obligatorio, pero no se encontró. Los conjuntos de valores publicados por HL7 DEBEN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
@ -804,11 +813,13 @@ msgstr "El CodeSystem {0} tiene un set de valores ''all system'' de {1}, pero el
# CodeSystem_CS_VS_Invalid
#: CodeSystem_CS_VS_Invalid
#| msgid CodeSystem {0} has an ''all system'' value set of {1}, but doesn''t have a single include
msgid "CodeSystem {0} has an ''all system'' value set of {1}, but the value set doesn''t have a single include"
msgstr "!!El CodeSystem {0} tiene un set de valores ''all system'' de {1}, pero no tiene un solo include"
# CodeSystem_CS_VS_WrongSystem
#: CodeSystem_CS_VS_WrongSystem
#| msgid CodeSystem {0} has an ''all system'' value set of {1}, but doesn''t have a matching system ({2})
msgid "CodeSystem {0} has an ''all system'' value set of {1}, but the value set doesn''t have a matching system ({2})"
msgstr "!!El CodeSystem {0} tiene un set de valores ''all system'' de {1}, pero no tiene un system coincidente ({2})"
@ -819,6 +830,7 @@ msgstr "El código se encontró en la expansión, sin embargo: {0}"
# Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#: Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#| msgid Coding has no system - cannot validate
msgid "Coding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!El Coding no tiene sistema - no puede ser validado"
@ -982,6 +994,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The element is not allowed to be 'null'
msgid "The element is not allowed to be ''null''"
msgstr "!!El elemento no puede ser ''null''"
@ -1137,6 +1150,7 @@ msgstr "Error leyendo {0} del paquete {1}#{2}: {3}"
# Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#: Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#| msgid Error validating code: running without terminology services
msgid "Unable to validate code ''{0}'' in system ''{1}'' because the validator is running without terminology services"
msgstr "!!Error validando código: corriendo sin servicios terminológicos"
@ -1217,11 +1231,13 @@ msgstr "Extension desconocida {0}"
# Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#: Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#| msgid The extension {0} is unknown, and not allowed here
msgid "The extension {0} could not be found so is not allowed here"
msgstr "!!La extension {0} es desconocida y no está permitida aquí"
# Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#: Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#| msgid Extension.url is required
msgid "Extension.url is required in order to identify, use and validate the extension"
msgstr "!!El elemento Extension.url es requerido"
@ -1472,6 +1488,7 @@ msgstr "Error evaluando la expresión FHIRPath: La función {0} solo puede ser u
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The type ''{0}'' is unknown or not supported at {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: No type provided at {1}"
msgstr "!!Error evaluando la expresión FHIRPath: El tipo ''{0}'' es desconocido o no soportado en {1}"
@ -1550,6 +1567,7 @@ msgstr "Error evaluando la expresión FHIRPath: La función {0} solo puede ser u
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, code, id but found {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, url, code, id but found {1}"
msgstr "!!Error evaluando la expresión FHIRPath: La función {0} solo puede ser utilizada para string, uri, code, id pero se han encontrado {1}"
@ -1580,6 +1598,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name {0} is not valid for any of the possible types: {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name ''{0}'' is not valid for any of the possible types: {1}"
msgstr "!!Error evaluando la expresión FHIRPath: El nombre {0} no es válido para ninguno de los posibles tipos: {1}"
@ -1635,6 +1654,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid Rule {0} Failed
msgid "Constraint failed: {0}"
msgstr "!!La regla {0} falló"
@ -1655,6 +1675,7 @@ msgstr "Path inválido ''{0}'' en el diferencial en {1}: caracteres inválidos [
# Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#: Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#| msgid Invalid path ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}
msgid "Invalid path ''{0}'' in input differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}"
msgstr "!!Path inválido ''{0}'' en el diferencial en {1}: debe comenzar con {2}.{3}"
@ -2010,21 +2031,25 @@ msgstr "Una medida debe contener como mínimo un grupo"
#| msgid The ShareableMeasure profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
msgid "Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!El perfil ShareableMeasure recomienda que el elemento {0} se complete, pero no está presente. Las medidas publicadas DEBERIAN conformar al perfil ShareableMeasure"
#| msgid Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Measures published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!El perfil ShareableMeasure recomienda que el elemento {0} se complete, pero no se encontró. Las medidas publicadas por HL7 DEBEN conformar al perfil ShareableMeasure"
#| msgid The ShareableMeasure profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
msgid "Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!El perfil ShareableMeasure dice que el elemento {0} es obligatorio, pero no está presente. Las medidas publicadas DEBERIAN conformar al perfil ShareableMeasure"
#| msgid Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Measures published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!El perfil ShareableMeasure dice que el elemento {0} es obligatorio, pero no se encontró. Las medidas publicadas por HL7 DEBEN conformar al perfil ShareableMeasure"
@ -2467,6 +2492,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#: Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#| msgid The value provided ({0}::{1}) is not in the options value set in the questionnaire
msgid "The code ''{1}'' in the system ''{0}'' is not in the options value set ({2}) specified by the questionnaire. Terminology Error: {3}"
msgstr "!!El valor provisto ({0}::{1}) no está en el conjunto de valores para las opciones provisto por el cuestionario"
@ -2769,11 +2795,13 @@ msgstr "La referencia {0} apunta a un {1} no a un ValueSet"
# Resource_RES_ID_Malformed_Chars
#: Resource_RES_ID_Malformed_Chars
#| msgid Invalid Resource id: Invalid Characters
msgid "Invalid Resource id: Invalid Characters (''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!El id del recurso es inválido: Caracteres Inválidos"
# Resource_RES_ID_Malformed_Length
#: Resource_RES_ID_Malformed_Length
#| msgid Invalid Resource id: Too long
msgid "Invalid Resource id: Too long ({0} chars)"
msgstr "!!El id del recurso es inválido: Muy Largo"
@ -3075,6 +3103,31 @@ msgstr "!!El tipo {0} solo puede ser definido si la categoria es 'logical' no {1
msgid "The type namespace {0} SHOULD match the url namespace {1} for the definition of the type"
msgstr "El espacio de nombres para el tipo {0} DEBERIA coincidir con el espacio de nombres de la url {1} para la definición del tipo"
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' has a type parameter ''{3}'', which is not consistent with it''s ancestor type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' is a reference to ''{1}'' which has a type parameter ''{2}'' with a base type of {3} but the type parameter provided is ''{4}'' which is not the right type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' does not declare a type parameter, but it is derived from the type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{0}'' has the type parameter ''{1}'' but it is not a known type so derivation consistency cannot be checked"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' at {3} is a reference to ''{1}'' which needs a type parameter ''{2}'' but a type parameter is not provided for ''{2}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "For the complex type {0}, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance"
@ -3422,7 +3475,7 @@ msgstr "El snapshot generado tiene una cantidad de elementos distinta {1} que el
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere"
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing error logged elsewhere"
msgstr ""
@ -3457,6 +3510,7 @@ msgstr "Partición encontrada dentro del conjunto (path = {0}, id = {1}); {2}"
# Slicing_rules_on_differential__do_not_match_those_on_base___disciminator___
#: Slicing_rules_on_differential__do_not_match_those_on_base___disciminator___
#| msgid Slicing rules on differential ({0}) do not match those on base ({1}) - disciminator @ {2} ({3})
msgid "Slicing rules on differential ({0}) do not match those on base ({1}) - discriminator @ {2} ({3})"
msgstr "!!Las reglas de partición en el diferencial ({0}) no coinciden con aquellos en el recurso base ({1}) - disciminador @ {2} ({3})"
@ -3507,6 +3561,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid A code with no system has no defined meaning. A system should be provided
msgid "A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!Un código sin sistema no tiene un significado definido. El elemento system debe estar presente"
@ -3642,6 +3697,7 @@ msgstr "Se encontraron {0} posiciones decimales lo cual excede el límite defini
#| msgid if identifier.system is ''urn:ietf:rfc:3986'', then the identifier.value must be a full URI (e.g. start with a scheme)
msgid "if identifier.system is ''urn:ietf:rfc:3986'', then the identifier.value must be a full URI (e.g. start with a scheme), not ''{0}''"
msgstr "!!si identifier.system es ''urn:ietf:rfc:3986'', entonces identifier.value debe ser un URI completo (debe empezar con un scheme)"
@ -3682,11 +3738,13 @@ msgstr "El elemento maxValue en el perfil no tiene system asi que el valor máxi
#| msgid The maxValue in the profile doesn't have an actual value, so the maximum value can''t be checked
msgid "The maxValue in the profile doesn''t have an actual value, so the maximum value can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!El elemento maxValue en el perfil no tiene valor, asi que el valor máximo no puede ser verificado"
#| msgid There is no UCUM service, and the UCUM codes aren't identical, so the maximum value can''t be checked
msgid "There is no UCUM service, and the UCUM codes aren''t identical, so the maximum value can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!No hay servicio UCUM y los códigos UCUM no son idénticos, asi que el valor máximo no puede ser verificado"
@ -3707,6 +3765,7 @@ msgstr "El elemento value no tiene system asi que el valor máximo no puede ser
#| msgid The quantity doesn't have an actual value, so the maximum value can''t be checked
msgid "The quantity doesn''t have an actual value, so the maximum value can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!La cantidad no tiene un valor, asi que el valor máximo no puede ser verificado"
@ -3742,11 +3801,13 @@ msgstr "El minValue en el perfil no tiene system asi que el valor mínimo no pue
#| msgid The minValue in the profile doesn't have an actual value, so the minimum value can''t be checked
msgid "The minValue in the profile doesn''t have an actual value, so the minimum value can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!El elemento minValue en el perfil no tiene un valor, asi que el valor mínimo no puede ser verificado"
#| msgid There is no UCUM service, and the UCUM codes aren't identical, so the minimum value can''t be checked
msgid "There is no UCUM service, and the UCUM codes aren''t identical, so the minimum value can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!No hay servicio UCUM y los códigos UCUM no son idénticos, asi que el valor mínimo no puede ser verificado"
@ -3767,6 +3828,7 @@ msgstr "El valor no tiene sistema asi que el valor mínimo no puede ser verifica
#| msgid The quantity doesn't have an actual value, so the minimum value can''t be checked
msgid "The quantity doesn''t have an actual value, so the minimum value can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!La cantidad no tiene un valor, asi que el valor mínimo no puede ser verificado"
@ -3832,6 +3894,7 @@ msgstr "Ningún especificador de tipo coincide, y el tipo subyacente {0} no es v
# Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#: Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#| msgid {0} for ''{1}#{2}''
msgid "{0} (for ''{1}#{2}'')"
msgstr "!!{0} para ''{1}#{2}''"
@ -3852,6 +3915,7 @@ msgstr "Falta la Vinculación con {0}"
# Terminology_TX_Binding_NoServer
#: Terminology_TX_Binding_NoServer
#| msgid The value provided could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server
msgid "The value provided ([{0}]) could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server"
msgstr "!!El valor provisto no puede ser validado en ausencia de un servidor terminológico"
@ -3907,16 +3971,19 @@ msgstr "No se pudo confirmar que las codificaciones provistas estén en el set d
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}
msgid "The code provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}"
msgstr "!!El código provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores {0}, y un código de este conjunto de valores es requerido: {1}"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)"
msgstr "!!!!No se pudo confirmar que los códigos provistos vengan de este conjunto de valores {0}, y deberian provenir de este conjunto de valores a menos que no haya un código apropiado (el validador no pudo juzgar si era o no apropiado)"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set"
msgstr "!!!!No se pudo confirmar que los códigos provistos vengan de este conjunto de valores {0}, y se recomienda que los códigos provengan de este conjunto de valores"
@ -3957,16 +4024,19 @@ msgstr "El código provisto no está en el conjunto de valores máximo {0}, y se
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!El Coding provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores{0}, y se requiere un código de este conjunto de valores: {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}"
msgstr "!!El Coding provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores{0}, y deberian provenir de este conjunto de valores a menos que no haya un código apropiado (el validador no pudo juzgar si era o no apropiado) {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!El Coding provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores{0}, y se recomienda que los códigos provengan de este conjunto de valores {1}"
@ -3977,16 +4047,19 @@ msgstr "El valor provisto (''{0}'') no pudo ser validado en ausencia de un servi
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set){2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set {2}"
msgstr "!!El valor provisto (''{0}'') no está en el conjunto de valores{1}, y se requiere un código de este conjunto de valores) {2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}"
msgstr "!!El valor provisto (''{0}'') no está en el conjunto de valores{1}, y deberian provenir de este conjunto de valores a menos que no haya un código apropiado (el validador no pudo juzgar si era o no apropiado) {2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set){2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set{2}"
msgstr "!!!!El valor provisto (''{0}'') no está en el conjunto de valores{1}, y se recomienda que el código provengan de este conjunto de valores){2}"
@ -4007,16 +4080,19 @@ msgstr "!!Ninguno de los codings provistos están en el conjunto de valores {0},
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!El Coding provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores {0}, y se requiere un código de este conjunto de valores {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}"
msgstr "!!El Coding provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores {0}, y deberian provenir de este conjunto de valores a menos que no haya un código apropiado (el validador no pudo juzgar si era o no apropiado) {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!El Coding provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores {0}, y se recomienda que el código provengan de este conjunto de valores {1}"
@ -4032,6 +4108,7 @@ msgstr "Ninguno de los códigos provistos está en el conjunto de valores máxim
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_9
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_9
#| msgid The code provided could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})
msgid "The code provided ({2}) could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})"
msgstr "!!Ninguno de los códigos provistos pueden ser validados contra el conjunto de valores máximo {0}, (error = {1})"
@ -4062,11 +4139,13 @@ msgstr "El elemento Coding referencia un set de valores, no un sistema de codifi
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#| msgid ValueSet {0} not found by validator
msgid "ValueSet ''{0}'' not found"
msgstr "!!El ValueSet {0} no ha sido encontrado por el validador"
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#| msgid Found a reference to a CodeSystem ({0}) where a ValueSet belongs
msgid "Found a reference to a CodeSystem ''{0}'' where a ValueSet belongs"
msgstr "!!Se encontró una refeencia a un CodeSystem ({0}) donde corresponde un ValueSet"
@ -4082,6 +4161,7 @@ msgstr "El snapshot base marca la partición como cerrada, pero el diferencial t
# This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#: This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#| msgid This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no namespace)
msgid "This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed (no namespace on the XML Root element)"
msgstr "!!Esto ''{0}'' no puede ser parseado como un objeto FHIR (sin espacio de nombres)"
@ -4092,21 +4172,25 @@ msgstr "Esta propiedad base debe ser un Array, no {0}"
# This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#: This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#| msgid This cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no name)
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (no name)"
msgstr "!!Esto no puede ser parseado como un objeto FHIR (sin nombre)"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown name ''{0}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized resource name ''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!Esto no parece ser un recurso FHIR (nombre desconocido ''{0}'')"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized XML Root element namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')"
msgstr "!!Esto no parece ser un recurso FHIR (espacio de nombres/nombre desconocido ''{0}::{1}'')"
# This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#: This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#| msgid This element does not match any known slice {0}
msgid "This element does not match any known slice {0} (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it''s not intended to match a slice)"
msgstr "!!Este elemento no coincide con ninguna partición conocida {0}"
@ -4127,6 +4211,7 @@ msgstr "Esta propiedad debe ser una URI o bnode, no {0}"
# This_property_must_be_an_Array_not_
#: This_property_must_be_an_Array_not_
#| msgid This property must be an Array, not {0}
msgid "The property {1} must be a JSON Array, not {0} (at {2})"
msgstr "!!Esta propiedad debe ser un Array, no {0}"
@ -4332,6 +4417,7 @@ msgstr "Las UUIDs deben empezar con urn:uuid:"
# Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
#: Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
#| msgid UUIDs must be valid (and lowercase)
msgid "UUIDs must be valid and lowercase ({0})"
msgstr "!!UUIDs deben ser válidas y en letra minúscula"
@ -4387,11 +4473,13 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {1}
msgid "The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {0}"
msgstr "!!La secuencia Unicode tiene caracteres de control bi-di que no se permiten en este contexto: {1}"
#| msgid The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {1}
msgid "The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {0}"
msgstr "!!La secuencia Unicode tiene caracteres de control bi-di inconclusos (see CVE-2021-42574): {1}"
@ -4440,11 +4528,13 @@ msgstr "Propiedad no soportada {3} en el tipo {2} para el patron del discriminad
# Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server
#: Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server
#| msgid Unable to connect to terminology server. Error = {0}
msgid "Unable to connect to terminology server at {1}. Error = {0}"
msgstr "!!Imposible conectarse con el servidor terminológico. Error = {0}"
# Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server_Use_parameter_tx_na_tun_run_without_using_terminology_services_to_validate_LOINC_SNOMED_ICDX_etc_Error__
#: Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server_Use_parameter_tx_na_tun_run_without_using_terminology_services_to_validate_LOINC_SNOMED_ICDX_etc_Error__
#| msgid Unable to connect to terminology server. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}
msgid "Unable to connect to terminology server at {1}. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}"
msgstr "!!Incapaz de conectar al servicio terminológico. Use el parámetro ''-tx n/a'' para correr sin servicios terminológicos para validar LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}"
@ -4500,6 +4590,7 @@ msgstr "Incapaz de manejar el sistema {0} filtro de concepto con op = {1}"
# Unable_to_handle_system__filter_with_property__
#: Unable_to_handle_system__filter_with_property__
#| msgid Unable to handle system {0} filter with property = {1}
msgid "Unable to handle system {0} filter with property = {1}, op = {2}"
msgstr "!!Incapaz de manejar el sistema {0} filtro con property = {1}"
@ -4565,11 +4656,13 @@ msgstr ""
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set has imports
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has imports"
msgstr "!!Incapaz de resolver el sistema - el conjunto de valores tiene imports"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#| msgid The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}: {4}"
msgstr "!!!!Incapaz de resolver el sistema - conjunto de valores {0} include #{1} tiene un filtro en system {2}"
@ -4580,26 +4673,31 @@ msgstr "Incapaz de resolver el sistema - conjunto de valores {0} include #{1} no
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has system {2} which is unknown, and the server return error {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has system {3} which could not be found, and the server returned error {4}"
msgstr "!!Incapaz de resolver el sistema - conjunto de valores {0} include #{1} tiene system {2} desconocido, y el servidor devuelve error {3}"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple matches: {0}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set expansion has multiple matches: {2}"
msgstr "!!Incapaz de resolver el sistema - el conjunto de valores expandido tiene multiples coincidencias: {0}"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} has no includes or expansion
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has no includes or expansion"
msgstr "!!Incapaz de resolver el sistema - el conjunto de valores {0} no tiene include o expansio"
# Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#: Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#| msgid Unable to resolve value Set {0}
msgid "A definition for the value Set ''{0}'' could not be found"
msgstr "!!Incapaz de resolver el conjunto de valores {0}"
# Unable_to_validate_code_without_using_server
#: Unable_to_validate_code_without_using_server
#| msgid Unable to validate code without using server
msgid "Unable to validate code without using server because: {0}"
msgstr "!!Imposible validar el código sin usar el servidor"
@ -4610,6 +4708,7 @@ msgstr "Atributo indefinido ''@{0}'' en {1} para el tipo {2}"
# Undefined_element_
#: Undefined_element_
#| msgid Undefined element ''{0}''
msgid "Undefined element ''{0}'' at {1}"
msgstr "!!Elemento indefinido ''{0}''"
@ -4665,11 +4764,13 @@ msgstr "Unknown type {0} at {1}"
# Unrecognised_extension_context_
#: Unrecognised_extension_context_
#| msgid Unrecognised extension context {0}
msgid "Unrecognized extension context {0}"
msgstr "!!Contexto de extensión no reconocido {0}"
# Unrecognised_predicate_
#: Unrecognised_predicate_
#| msgid Unrecognised predicate ''{0}''
msgid "Unrecognized predicate ''{0}''"
msgstr "!!Predicado desconocido ''{0}''"
@ -4830,16 +4931,19 @@ msgstr "El perfil es para esta versión de FHIR, pero es de tipo inválido {0}"
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}"
msgstr "!!La referencia al perfil ''{0}'' no ha sido verificada ya que es desconocido, y se produjo un error {1} al cargarlo"
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the host {1} cannot be found
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the host {1} cannot be found"
msgstr "!!La referencia al perfil ''{0}'' no ha sido verificada ya que es desconocido, y el host {1} no pudo ser encontrado"
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles"
msgstr "!!La referencia al perfil ''{0}'' no ha sido verificada ya que es desconocido, y el validador está configurado para no aceptar perfiles desconocidos"
@ -4995,11 +5099,13 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The code {1} is not valid in the system {0}
msgid "The code ''{1}'' is not valid in the system {0} ({2})"
msgstr "!!El código {1} no es válido en el sistema {0}"
#| msgid The code {2} is not valid in the system {0} version {1}
msgid "The code ''{2}'' is not valid in the system {0} version {1} ({2})"
msgstr "!!El código {2} no es válido en el sistema {0} versión {1}"
@ -5035,21 +5141,25 @@ msgstr "El conjunto de valores a importar {0} no pudo ser encontrado por lo que
#| msgid The ShareableValueSet profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
msgid "Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!El perfil ShareableValueSet recomienda que el elemento {0} se complete, pero no está presente. Los conjuntos de valores publicados DEBERIAN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
#| msgid Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Value sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!El perfil ShareableValueSet recomienda que el elemento {0} se complete, pero no se encontró.Los conjuntos de valores publicados por HL7 DEBEN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
#| msgid The ShareableValueSet profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
msgid "Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!El perfil ShareableValueSet dice que el elemento {0} es obligatorio, pero no está presente. Los conjuntos de valores publicados DEBERIAN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
#| msgid Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Value sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!El perfil ShareableValueSet dice que el elemento {0} es obligatorio, pero no se encontró. Los conjuntos de valores publicados por HL7 DEBEN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
@ -5103,6 +5213,7 @@ msgstr "La primera entry en un mensaje tiene que ser un recurso MessageHeader"
# Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#| msgid Unrecognised Content {0}
msgid "Unrecognized Content {0}"
msgstr "!!Contenido No Reconocido {0}"
@ -5181,6 +5292,7 @@ msgstr "El recurso StructureDefinition {0} no tiene snapshot - la validación se
# Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#| msgid The type of element {0} is not known, which is invalid. Valid types at this point are {1}
msgid "The type of element {0} is not known - it could not be determined from the information available. Valid types at this point are {1}"
msgstr "!!El tipo de elemento {0} es desconocido, lo cual es ilegal. Los tipos válidos en este punto son {1}"
@ -5206,6 +5318,7 @@ msgstr "Según se especifica en el perfil {0}, el elemento ''{1}'' está fuera d
# Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found"
msgstr "!!La referencia al perfil ''{0}'' no ha sido verificada porque el perfil es desconocido"
@ -5299,6 +5412,7 @@ msgstr "XHTML Malformado: Se encontró una declaración DocType, y no están per
#| msgid Invalid element name inside in a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')
msgid "Invalid element name inside a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!Nombre de elemento ilegal en un párrafo en el XHTML (''{0}'')"
@ -5339,6 +5453,7 @@ msgstr ""
# _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#: _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#| msgid Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''
msgid "Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''{2}"
msgstr "!!El valor es ''{0}'' but debe ser ''{1}''"

View File

@ -36,16 +36,19 @@ msgstr "プロファイル {0} で誤ったパスを追加しています: {1} v
# All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#: All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#| msgid All observations should have a performer
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer"
msgstr "!!すべてのObservationにはperformerが必要です"
# All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#: All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#| msgid All observations should have a subject
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a subject"
msgstr "!!すべてのObservationにはsubjectが必要です"
# All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#: All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#| msgid All observations should have an effectiveDateTime or an effectivePeriod
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ({0})"
msgstr "!!すべてのObservationにはeffectiveDateTimeまたはeffectivePeriodが必要です"
@ -269,8 +272,8 @@ msgstr "検索文字列からタイプを特定できないため、タイプを
# Bad_file_path_error
#: Bad_file_path_error
msgid "\n********************\n* The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem.\n* Please verify that this is valid file location.\n********************\n\n"
msgstr "\n********************\n* あなたが指定したファイル名、 ''{0}'' はローカルファイルシステム上に存在しません。\n* これが有効なファイルの場所であることを確認してください。\n********************\n\n"
msgid "** Error: The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem. Please verify that this is valid file location **"
msgstr "!!\n********************\n* あなたが指定したファイル名、 ''{0}'' はローカルファイルシステム上に存在しません。\n* これが有効なファイルの場所であることを確認してください。\n********************\n\n"
# Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
#: Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
@ -507,6 +510,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} is unknown.
msgid "The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} could not be found."
msgstr "!!提供されたコード({2}は、ValueSet {0}のexpansionには含まれておらず、このValueSetからコードが必要です。system {1}は未知です。"
@ -642,6 +646,7 @@ msgstr "source code ''{0}'' はValue Set {1} で有効ではありません"
#| msgid The source display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible codes {1}
msgid "The source display ''{0}'' for the code ''{2}'' is not valid. Possible displays: {1}"
msgstr "!!source display ''{0}'' は有効ではありません。可能性のあるcode {1}"
@ -677,6 +682,7 @@ msgstr "target code ''{0}'' はValue Set {1} で有効ではありません"
#| msgid The target display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible displays {1}
msgid "The target display ''{0}'' for the code ''{2}'' is not valid. Possible displays: {1}"
msgstr "!!target display ''{0}'' は有効ではありません。可能なdisplayは {1} です"
@ -712,6 +718,7 @@ msgstr "systemが提供されていないため、プレーンなコードは使
#| msgid The system {0} is unknown, so code values can''t be checked
msgid "The code system {0} could not be found, so code values can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!system {0} は未知なので、コードの値をチェックすることはできません"
@ -817,6 +824,7 @@ msgstr "拡張中にコードが見つかりました。しかしながら: {0}"
# Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#: Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#| msgid Coding has no system - cannot validate
msgid "Coding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!Codingにはsystemがない - 検証できません"
@ -1131,6 +1139,7 @@ msgstr "パッケージ {1}#{2} から {0} の読み取りエラー: {3}"
# Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#: Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#| msgid Error validating code: running without terminology services
msgid "Unable to validate code ''{0}'' in system ''{1}'' because the validator is running without terminology services"
msgstr "!!コードの検証エラー: 用語サービス無しで実行中"
@ -1211,11 +1220,13 @@ msgstr "未知のextension {0}"
# Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#: Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#| msgid The extension {0} is unknown, and not allowed here
msgid "The extension {0} could not be found so is not allowed here"
msgstr "!!extension {0} は未知であり、ここでは許可されていません"
# Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#: Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#| msgid Extension.url is required
msgid "Extension.url is required in order to identify, use and validate the extension"
msgstr "!!Extension.urlは必須です"
@ -1537,6 +1548,7 @@ msgstr "FHIRPath式の評価エラー: 関数 {0} は順序付けされた文字
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, code, id but found {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, url, code, id but found {1}"
msgstr "!!FHIRPath式の評価エラー: 関数 {0} は文字列、URI、code、idに対してのみ使用できますが、{1} を見つけました"
@ -1622,6 +1634,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid Rule {0} Failed
msgid "Constraint failed: {0}"
msgstr "!!ルール {0} が失敗しました"
@ -1642,6 +1655,7 @@ msgstr "{1}内のdifferentialにおける無効なパス ''{0}'': 無効な文
# Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#: Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#| msgid Invalid path ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}
msgid "Invalid path ''{0}'' in input differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}"
msgstr "!!{1}内のdifferantialにおける無効なパス ''{0}'': {2}.{3}で始まる必要があります"
@ -2359,6 +2373,7 @@ msgstr[1] "プロファイルベースのディスクリミネータは一つの
#| msgid The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} is unknown
msgid "The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} could not be found"
msgstr "!!提供されたコード {1} はQuestionnaireのオプションValueSet{2})で検証できません。システム {0} は未知です"
@ -2449,6 +2464,7 @@ msgstr "派生に参照されるQuestionnaire ''{0}'' が見つかりません
# Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#: Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#| msgid The code provided {1} in the system {0}) is not in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire: {3}
msgid "The code ''{1}'' in the system ''{0}'' is not in the options value set ({2}) specified by the questionnaire. Terminology Error: {3}"
msgstr "!!提供されたコード {1}(システム {0}はQuestionnaireのオプションValueSet{2})には存在しません: {3}"
@ -2794,6 +2810,7 @@ msgstr "タイプ {0} は、制約対象の基本構造 {1} のタイプと同
#| msgid Review the extension type: extensions should not have a context of {0} unless it''s really intended that they can be used anywhere
msgid "Review the extension type for {1}: extensions should not have a context of {0} unless it''s really intended that they can be used anywhere"
msgstr "!!extensionタイプを確認してくださいextensionはそれらが本当にどこでも使用できることを意図したものではない限り、 {0} のコンテキストを持つべきではありません"
@ -3054,6 +3071,31 @@ msgstr "!!タイプ {0} は、種類が 'logical' でない {1} の場合にの
msgid "The type namespace {0} SHOULD match the url namespace {1} for the definition of the type"
msgstr "タイプの名前空間 {0} は、タイプの定義のためのurl名前空間 {1} と一致すべきです"
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' has a type parameter ''{3}'', which is not consistent with it''s ancestor type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' is a reference to ''{1}'' which has a type parameter ''{2}'' with a base type of {3} but the type parameter provided is ''{4}'' which is not the right type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' does not declare a type parameter, but it is derived from the type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{0}'' has the type parameter ''{1}'' but it is not a known type so derivation consistency cannot be checked"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' at {3} is a reference to ''{1}'' which needs a type parameter ''{2}'' but a type parameter is not provided for ''{2}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "For the complex type {0}, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance"
@ -3401,8 +3443,9 @@ msgstr "生成されたsnapshotには、元の提供されたsnapshot{0}と要
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere"
msgstr "!!プロファイル''{0}''のsnapshotが空ですこれは起こるべきではありません"
#| msgid The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing error logged elsewhere"
msgstr "!!!!プロファイル''{0}''のsnapshotが空ですこれは起こるべきではありません"
@ -3486,6 +3529,7 @@ msgstr "!!URIが''{0}''のCodeSystemの定義にはcodeが提供されていな
#| msgid A code with no system has no defined meaning. A system should be provided
msgid "A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!systemが提供されていないコードは定義された意味がありません。systemを提供する必要があります"
@ -3811,6 +3855,7 @@ msgstr "Type specifierに一致するものはなく、基底型 {0} は有効
# Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#: Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#| msgid {0} for ''{1}#{2}''
msgid "{0} (for ''{1}#{2}'')"
msgstr "!!{0} for ''{1}#{2}''"
@ -3886,16 +3931,19 @@ msgstr "提供されたcodingがValueSet{0}に含まれていることを確認
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}
msgid "The code provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}"
msgstr "!!提供されたcode{2}がValueSet{0}に含まれていません。このValueSetからのcodeが必要です{1}"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)"
msgstr "!!!!提供されたcodeがValueSet{0}に含まれていることを確認できませんでした。適切なコードがない場合を除き、このValueSetからのcodeが必要ですバリデータは何が適切か判断できません"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set"
msgstr "!!!!提供されたcodeがValueSet {0}に含まれていることを確認できませんでした。このValueSetからのcodeが推奨されています"
@ -3936,16 +3984,19 @@ msgstr "提供されたcodeは最大ValueSet {0}に含まれていません。
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!提供されたCoding{2}がValueSet{0}に含まれていません。このValueSetからのcodeが必要です。{1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}"
msgstr "!!提供されたCoding{2}がValueSet{0}に含まれていません。適切なcodeがない場合を除き、このValueSetからのcodeが必要ですバリデータは何が適切か判断できません。{1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!提供されたCoding{2}がValueSet{0}に含まれていません。このValueSetからのcodeが推奨されます。{1}"
@ -3956,16 +4007,19 @@ msgstr "用語サーバーが存在しないため、提供された値(''{0}'
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set {2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set {2}"
msgstr "!!提供された値(''{0}''はValueSet {1}に含まれていません。このValueSetからのcodeが必要です{2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}"
msgstr "!!提供された値(''{0}''はValueSet {1}に含まれていません。適切なコードがない場合を除き、このValueSetからのcodeが必要ですバリデータは何が適切か判断できません{2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set){2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set{2}"
msgstr "!!!!提供された値(''{0}''はValueSet{1}に含まれていません。このValueSetからのcodeが推奨されています{2}"
@ -3986,16 +4040,19 @@ msgstr "!!提供されたcodingのいずれもがValueSet{0}に含まれてい
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!提供されたCoding{2}がValueSet{0}に含まれていません。このValueSetからのcodeが必要です{1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}"
msgstr "!!提供されたCoding{2}がValueSet{0}に含まれていません。適切なコードがない場合を除き、このValueSetからのcodeが必要ですバリデータは何が適切か判断できません{1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!提供されたCoding{2}がValueSet{0}に含まれていません。このValueSetからのcodeが推奨されています {1}"
@ -4041,11 +4098,13 @@ msgstr "CodingがCodeSystemではなく、ValueSetを参照しています''{
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#| msgid ValueSet {0} not found
msgid "ValueSet ''{0}'' not found"
msgstr "!!ValueSet {0}が見つかりません"
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#| msgid Found a reference to a CodeSystem ({0}) where a ValueSet belongs
msgid "Found a reference to a CodeSystem ''{0}'' where a ValueSet belongs"
msgstr "!!ValueSetがあるべき場所にCodeSystem{0})への参照が見つかりました"
@ -4061,6 +4120,7 @@ msgstr "ベースsnapshotはスライスをclosedとしてマークしていま
# This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#: This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#| msgid This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no namespace)
msgid "This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed (no namespace on the XML Root element)"
msgstr "!!これはFHIRオブジェクトとして解析できません名前空間がありません"
@ -4071,21 +4131,25 @@ msgstr "このベースプロパティは配列でなければなりません。
# This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#: This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#| msgid This cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no name)
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (no name)"
msgstr "!!これはFHIRオブジェクトとして解析できません名前がありません"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown name ''{0}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized resource name ''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!これはFHIRリソースではないようです未知の名前''{0}''"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized XML Root element namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')"
msgstr "!!これはFHIRリソースではないようです未知の名前空間/名前''{0}::{1}''"
# This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#: This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#| msgid This element does not match any known slice {0}
msgid "This element does not match any known slice {0} (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it''s not intended to match a slice)"
msgstr "!!この要素はどの既知のスライスとも一致しません {0}"
@ -4351,6 +4415,7 @@ msgstr "system {0}のプロパティフィルターをop = {1}で処理するこ
#| msgid The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'' (UNABLE_TO_INFER_CODESYSTEM)
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}''"
msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ValueSet {1}内のコード{0}のシステムURIを決定できませんでした"
@ -4383,11 +4448,13 @@ msgstr[1] "この内容には文字{1}16進数値が含まれています
#| msgid A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM)
msgid "A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated"
msgstr "!!!!!!!!CodeSystem {0}は未知です"
#| msgid The CodeSystem {0} version {1} is unknown. Valid versions: {2}
msgid "A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' version ''{1}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated. Valid versions: {2}"
msgstr "!!CodeSystem {0}のバージョン{1}は未知です。有効なバージョン: {2}"
@ -4538,16 +4605,19 @@ msgstr "systemを解決できません - ValueSetがありません"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_expansion_has_multiple_systems
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_expansion_has_multiple_systems
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple systems
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set expansion has multiple systems"
msgstr "!!systemを解決できません - ValueSetのexpansionに複数のsystemがあります"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set has imports
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has imports"
msgstr "!!systemを解決できません - ValueSetにインポートがあります"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#| msgid The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}: {4}"
msgstr "!!!!systemを解決できません - ValueSet {0}のインクルード#{1}にsystem {2}のフィルターがあります"
@ -4558,21 +4628,25 @@ msgstr "systemを解決できません - ValueSet {0}のインクルード#{1}
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has system {2} which is unknown, and the server return error {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has system {3} which could not be found, and the server returned error {4}"
msgstr "!!systemを解決できません - ValueSet {0}のインクルード#{1}には未知のsystem{2}があり、サーバーはエラー{3}を返しました"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple matches: {0}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set expansion has multiple matches: {2}"
msgstr "!!systemを解決できません - ValueSetのexpansionに複数の一致があります: {0}"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} has no includes or expansion
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has no includes or expansion"
msgstr "!!systemを解決できません - ValueSet{0}にはインクルードまたは展開がありません"
# Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#: Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#| msgid Unable to resolve value Set {0}
msgid "A definition for the value Set ''{0}'' could not be found"
msgstr "!!ValueSet{0}を解決できません"
@ -4643,11 +4717,13 @@ msgstr "{1}で未知の型{0}"
# Unrecognised_extension_context_
#: Unrecognised_extension_context_
#| msgid Unrecognised extension context {0}
msgid "Unrecognized extension context {0}"
msgstr "!!認識できないextensionコンテキスト{0}"
# Unrecognised_predicate_
#: Unrecognised_predicate_
#| msgid Unrecognised predicate ''{0}''
msgid "Unrecognized predicate ''{0}''"
msgstr "!!認識できない述語''{0}''"
@ -4808,16 +4884,19 @@ msgstr "プロファイルはこのバージョンのFHIRのためのもので
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}"
msgstr "!!プロファイル参照''{0}''は未知のため、確認されていません。取得はエラー {1}により失敗しました"
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the host {1} cannot be found
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the host {1} cannot be found"
msgstr "!!プロファイル参照''{0}''は未知のため、確認されていません。ホスト {1} が見つかりません"
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles"
msgstr "!!プロファイル参照''{0}''は未知のため、確認されていません。バリデーターは未知のプロファイルを取得しない設定になっています"
@ -4908,6 +4987,7 @@ msgstr "この含有物には表示ありのconceptと表示なしのconceptが
#| msgid This SNOMED-CT based include has some concepts with semantic tags (FSN terms) and some without (preferred terms) - check that this is what is intended
msgid "This SNOMED-CT based include has some concepts with semantic tags (FSN terms) and some without (preferred terms) - check that this is what is intended (examples for FSN: {0} and examples for no FSN: {1})"
msgstr "!!このSNOMED-CTベースの含有物には、セマンティックタグFSN用語付きのconceptとそれ無し優先用語のconceptが混在しています - 意図した通りか確認してください"
@ -4973,11 +5053,13 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The code ''{1}'' is not valid in the system {0}
msgid "The code ''{1}'' is not valid in the system {0} ({2})"
msgstr "!!code''{1}''はsystem{0}では有効ではありません"
#| msgid The code ''{2}'' is not valid in the system {0} version {1}
msgid "The code ''{2}'' is not valid in the system {0} version {1} ({2})"
msgstr "!!code''{2}''はsystem {0}のversion {1}では有効ではありません"
@ -4993,6 +5075,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The value set include has too many codes to validate ({0})
msgid "The value set include has too many codes to validate ({0}), so each individual code has not been checked"
msgstr "!!value setに大量のcodeが含まれるため、バリデーションできません: {0}"
@ -5040,6 +5123,7 @@ msgstr[1] "必要なsupplementが見つかりません: {1}"
#| msgid The value set {0} has too many codes to display ({1})
msgid "The value set ''{0}'' expansion has too many codes to display ({1})"
msgstr "!!ValueSet {0}には多すぎるコードがあり、表示できません({1})"
@ -5050,6 +5134,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The value set {0} took too long to process (>{1}sec)
msgid "The value set ''{0}'' expansion took too long to process (>{1}sec)"
msgstr "!!ValueSet {0}の処理に時間がかかっています (>{1}sec)"
@ -5080,6 +5165,7 @@ msgstr "メッセージの最初のエントリはMessageHeaderでなければ
# Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#| msgid Unrecognised Content {0}
msgid "Unrecognized Content {0}"
msgstr "!!認識できない内容 {0}"
@ -5152,6 +5238,7 @@ msgstr "StructureDefinition {0}にはsnapshotがありません - 検証はsnaps
# Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#| msgid The type of element {0} is not known, which is invalid. Valid types at this point are {1}
msgid "The type of element {0} is not known - it could not be determined from the information available. Valid types at this point are {1}"
msgstr "!!要素{0}の型が未知であり、無効です。この時点で有効な型は{1}です"
@ -5177,6 +5264,7 @@ msgstr "プロファイル {0}によると、順序付けされたスライス
# Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found"
msgstr "!!プロファイル参照''{0}''は未知のため、確認されていません"
@ -5269,6 +5357,7 @@ msgstr "形式が正しくないXHTML: DocType宣言が見つかりましたが
#| msgid Invalid element name inside in a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')
msgid "Invalid element name inside a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!段落内のXHTMLの要素名が無効です(''{0}'')"
@ -5309,6 +5398,7 @@ msgstr ""
# _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#: _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#| msgid Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''
msgid "Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''{2}"
msgstr "!!値は ''{0}'' ですが、 ''{1}'' でなければなりません"

View File

@ -36,16 +36,19 @@ msgstr "Verkeerd pad toegevoegd in profiel {0}: {1} versus {2}"
# All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#: All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#| msgid All observations should have a performer
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer"
msgstr "!!Alle observations zouden een performer moeten bevatten"
# All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#: All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#| msgid All observations should have a subject
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a subject"
msgstr "!!Alle observations zouden een subject moeten bevatten"
# All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#: All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#| msgid All observations should have an effectiveDateTime or an effectivePeriod
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ({0})"
msgstr "!!Alle Observations zouden een effectiveDateTime of effectivePeriod moeten bevatten"
@ -269,8 +272,8 @@ msgstr "er kunnen geen typen worden bepaald uit een de zoekstring, dus de typen
# Bad_file_path_error
#: Bad_file_path_error
msgid "\n********************\n* The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem.\n* Please verify that this is valid file location.\n********************\n\n"
msgstr "\n********************\n* Het bestand dat je opgaf, ''{0}'', bestaat niet op het lokale bestandssysteem.\n* Controleer of de locatie klopt.\n********************\n\n"
msgid "** Error: The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem. Please verify that this is valid file location **"
msgstr "!!\n********************\n* Het bestand dat je opgaf, ''{0}'', bestaat niet op het lokale bestandssysteem.\n* Controleer of de locatie klopt.\n********************\n\n"
# Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
#: Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
@ -507,6 +510,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} is unknown.
msgid "The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} could not be found."
msgstr "!!Het gevonden code ({2}) bestaat niet in de waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht. Het system {1} is onbekend."
@ -597,21 +601,25 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The ShareableCodeSystem profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
msgid "Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableCodeSystem profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde codesystemen ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableCodeSystem profiel"
#| msgid Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Code systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableCodeSystem profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde codesystemen MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableCodeSystem profiel"
#| msgid The ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
msgid "Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableCodeSystem profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde codesystemen ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableCodeSystem profiel"
#| msgid Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Code systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableCodeSystem profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde codesystemen MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableCodeSystem profiel"
@ -642,6 +650,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The source display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible codes {1}
msgid "The source display ''{0}'' for the code ''{2}'' is not valid. Possible displays: {1}"
msgstr "!!De bron-code ''{0}'' is niet geldig. Mogelijke codes {1}"
@ -662,6 +671,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid Unknown Source Code System {0}, so the source codes cannot be checked
msgid "The Source Code System {0} is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed"
msgstr "!!Onbekend bron CodeSystem {0}, dus de bron-codes kunnen niet worden gecontroleerd"
@ -677,6 +687,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The target display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible displays {1}
msgid "The target display ''{0}'' for the code ''{2}'' is not valid. Possible displays: {1}"
msgstr "!!De doel-weergave ''{0}'' is niet geldig. Mogelijke weergaven {1}"
@ -712,6 +723,7 @@ msgstr "Aangezien er geen system is gespecifceerd, kan een eenvoudige code niet
#| msgid The system {0} is unknown, so code values can''t be checked
msgid "The code system {0} could not be found, so code values can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!Het system {0} is onbekend, dus codes kunnen niet worden gecontroleerd"
@ -722,26 +734,31 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid Unknown Target Code System {0}, so the target codes cannot be checked
msgid "The Target Code System {0} is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed"
msgstr "!!Onbekend doel CodeSystem {0}, dus de doel-codes kunnen niet worden gecontroleerd"
#| msgid The ShareableConceptMap profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile
msgid "Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableConceptMap profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde conceptmaps ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableConceptMap profiel"
#| msgid Published concept maps SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Concept maps published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableConceptMap profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde conceptmaps MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableConceptMap profiel"
#| msgid The ShareableConceptMap profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile
msgid "Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableConceptMap profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde conceptmaps ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableConceptMap profiel"
#| msgid Published concept maps SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Concept maps published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableConceptMap profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde conceptmaps MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableConceptMap profiel"
@ -817,6 +834,7 @@ msgstr "Code gevonden in expansion, echter: {0}"
# Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#: Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#| msgid Coding has no system - cannot validate
msgid "Coding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!Coding heeft geen system - kan niet valideren"
@ -976,6 +994,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The element is not allowed to be 'null'
msgid "The element is not allowed to be ''null''"
msgstr "!!Het element mag niet ''null'' zijn"
@ -1131,6 +1150,7 @@ msgstr "Fout bij lezen {0} uit package {1}#{2}: {3}"
# Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#: Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#| msgid Error validating code: running without terminology services
msgid "Unable to validate code ''{0}'' in system ''{1}'' because the validator is running without terminology services"
msgstr "!!Fout bij valideren van code: geen terminologieservices"
@ -1211,11 +1231,13 @@ msgstr "Onbekende extensie {0}"
# Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#: Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#| msgid The extension {0} is unknown, and not allowed here
msgid "The extension {0} could not be found so is not allowed here"
msgstr "!!De extensie {0} is onbekend en hier niet toegestaan"
# Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#: Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#| msgid Extension.url is required
msgid "Extension.url is required in order to identify, use and validate the extension"
msgstr "!!Extension.url is verplicht"
@ -1461,6 +1483,7 @@ msgstr "Fout bij evalueren FHIRPath expressie: De functie {0} kan alleen worden
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The type ''{0}'' is unknown or not supported at {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: No type provided at {1}"
msgstr "!!Fout bij evalueren FHIRPath expressie: Het type ''{0}'' is onbekend of wordt niet ondersteund bij {1}"
@ -1537,6 +1560,7 @@ msgstr "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, code, id but found {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, url, code, id but found {1}"
msgstr "!!Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, code, id but found {1}"
@ -1622,6 +1646,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid Rule {0} Failed
msgid "Constraint failed: {0}"
msgstr "!!Regel {0} mislukt"
@ -1642,6 +1667,7 @@ msgstr "Onjuist pad ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: ongeldige tekens []"
# Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#: Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#| msgid Invalid path ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}
msgid "Invalid path ''{0}'' in input differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}"
msgstr "!!Onjuist pad ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: moet beginnen met {2}.{3}"
@ -1997,21 +2023,25 @@ msgstr "Een measure moet tenminste een group bevatten"
#| msgid The ShareableMeasure profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
msgid "Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableMeasure profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde measures ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableMeasure profiel"
#| msgid Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Measures published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableMeasure profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde measures MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableMeasure profiel"
#| msgid The ShareableMeasure profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
msgid "Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableMeasure profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde measures ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableMeasure profiel"
#| msgid Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Measures published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableMeasure profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde measures MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableMeasure profiel"
@ -2359,6 +2389,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Profiel-gebaseerde discriminators moeten slechts een type bevatten ({
#| msgid The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} is unknown
msgid "The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} could not be found"
msgstr "!!De opgegeven code {1} kan niet worden gevalideerd tegen de waardelijst met opties ({2}) in de vragenlijst omdat het system {0} onbekend is"
@ -2449,6 +2480,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#: Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#| msgid The code provided {1} in the system {0}) is not in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire: {3}
msgid "The code ''{1}'' in the system ''{0}'' is not in the options value set ({2}) specified by the questionnaire. Terminology Error: {3}"
msgstr "!!De opgegeven code {1} in systeem {0} staat niet in de waardelijst met opties ({2}) in de vragenlijst"
@ -3054,6 +3086,31 @@ msgstr "!!Het type {0} kan alleen worden gedefinieerd als het soort (kind) 'logi
msgid "The type namespace {0} SHOULD match the url namespace {1} for the definition of the type"
msgstr "De type namespace {0} ZOU overeen MOETEN komen met de url namespace {1} voor de definitie van het type"
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' has a type parameter ''{3}'', which is not consistent with it''s ancestor type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' is a reference to ''{1}'' which has a type parameter ''{2}'' with a base type of {3} but the type parameter provided is ''{4}'' which is not the right type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' does not declare a type parameter, but it is derived from the type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{0}'' has the type parameter ''{1}'' but it is not a known type so derivation consistency cannot be checked"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' at {3} is a reference to ''{1}'' which needs a type parameter ''{2}'' but a type parameter is not provided for ''{2}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "For the complex type {0}, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance"
@ -3131,6 +3188,7 @@ msgstr "De parameter ''{0}'' verwijst naar de variabele ''{1}'' maar zijn type i
#| msgid The group {0} has alr
msgid "The group {0} has already been used with different parameters, so the type checking may be incorrect (other = [{1}]; this = [{2}])"
msgstr "!!De groep {0} heeft alr"
@ -3146,11 +3204,13 @@ msgstr "De group parameter {0} mode {1} is niet geldig"
#| msgid The type {0} has mode {1} which doesn''t match the structure definition {2}
msgid "The type ''{0}'' has mode ''{1}'' which doesn''t match the structure definition mode of ''{2}''"
msgstr "!!Het type {0} heeft mode {1} welke niet overeenkomt met de StructureDefinition {2}"
#| msgid The group parameter {0} has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
msgid "Group {1} parameter {0} has no type, so the paths cannot be validated"
msgstr "!!De group parameter {0} heeft geen type, dus de paden kunnen niet worden gevalideerd"
@ -3206,6 +3266,7 @@ msgstr "Een list ruleId moet niet worden gebruikt aangezien dit een regel is die
#| msgid The group {0} is not called from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it''s inputs, so type verification is not possible
msgid "The group {0} is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it''s inputs, so type verification is not possible"
msgstr "!!De group {0} wordt niet gebruikt binnen dit mappingscript en heeft geen typen op zijn inputs, dus verificatie van type is niet mogelijk"
@ -3401,7 +3462,7 @@ msgstr "De gegenereerde snapshot heeft een ander aantal elementen {1} dan de oor
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere"
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing error logged elsewhere"
msgstr ""
@ -3486,6 +3547,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid A code with no system has no defined meaning. A system should be provided
msgid "A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!Een code zonder system heeft geen gedefinieerde betekenis. Een system is vereist"
@ -3621,6 +3683,7 @@ msgstr "{0} decimalen gevonden wat groter is dan de ingestelde grenswaarde van {
#| msgid if identifier.system is ''urn:ietf:rfc:3986'', then the identifier.value must be a full URI (e.g. start with a scheme)
msgid "if identifier.system is ''urn:ietf:rfc:3986'', then the identifier.value must be a full URI (e.g. start with a scheme), not ''{0}''"
msgstr "!!als identifier.system ''urn:ietf:rfc:3986'' is, dan moet de identifier.value een volledige URI zijn (dus beginnen met een scheme)"
@ -3631,6 +3694,7 @@ msgstr "De markdown bevat content die lijkt op een ingevoegde HTML tag beginnend
#| msgid Exception evaluating regex ''{0}'' on type {1}: {2}
msgid "Exception evaluating regex ''{0}'' on type {1}: {2}"
msgstr "!!Exception evaluating regex ''{0}'' on type {1}: {2}"
@ -3811,6 +3875,7 @@ msgstr "Geen matchende Type specifier en het onderliggende type {0} is niet geld
# Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#: Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#| msgid {0} for ''{1}#{2}''
msgid "{0} (for ''{1}#{2}'')"
msgstr "!!{0} voor ''{1}#{2}''"
@ -3831,6 +3896,7 @@ msgstr "Binding voor {0} ontbreekt"
# Terminology_TX_Binding_NoServer
#: Terminology_TX_Binding_NoServer
#| msgid The value provided could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server
msgid "The value provided ([{0}]) could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server"
msgstr "!!De waarde kan niet worden gevalideerd zonder een terminologieserver"
@ -3886,16 +3952,19 @@ msgstr "Kan niet bevestigen dat de gevonden codings bestaan in de waardelijst {0
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}
msgid "The code provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden code ({2}) bestaat niet in waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht: {1}"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)"
msgstr "!!!!Kan niet bevestigen dat de aanwezige codes bestaan in de waardelijst {0} en een coding uit deze waardelijst is verplicht tenzij deze geen relevante code bevat (de validator kan niet bepalen wat relevant is)"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set"
msgstr "!!!!Kan niet bevestigen dat de aanwezige codes bestaan in de waardelijst {0} en een coding uit deze waardelijst is aanbevolen"
@ -3936,16 +4005,19 @@ msgstr "De gevonden code bestaat niet in de maximum waardelijst {0} en een code
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden Coding ({2}) bestaat niet in de waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht. {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden Coding ({2}) bestaat niet in de waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht tenzij deze geen relevante code bevat (de validator kan niet bepalen wat relevant is) ({1})"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden Coding ({2}) bestaat niet in de waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is aanbevolen. {1}"
@ -3956,16 +4028,19 @@ msgstr "De gevonden waarde (''{0}'') kan niet worden gevalideerd zonder een term
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set){2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set {2}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden waarde (''{0}'') bestaat niet in de waardelijst {1} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht {2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden waarde (''{0}'') bestaat niet in de waardelijst {1} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht tenzij deze geen relevante code bevat (de validator kan niet bepalen wat relevant is) {2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set){2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set{2}"
msgstr "!!!!De gevonden waarde (''{0}'') bestaat niet in de waardelijst {1} en een code uit deze waardelijst is aanbevolen. {2}"
@ -3986,16 +4061,19 @@ msgstr "!!Geen van de gevonden codings bestaat in de waardelijst {0} en een codi
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden Coding ({2}) bestaat niet in de waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden Coding ({2}) bestaat niet in de waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht tenzij deze geen relevante code bevat (de validator kan niet bepalen wat relevant is) {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden Coding ({2}) bestaat niet in de waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is aanbevolen {1}"
@ -4011,6 +4089,7 @@ msgstr "Geen van de gevonden codes bestaan in de maximum waardelijst {0} en een
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_9
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_9
#| msgid The code provided could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})
msgid "The code provided ({2}) could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})"
msgstr "!!De gevonden code kon niet worden gevalideerd tegen de maximum waardelijst {0}, (fout = {1})"
@ -4041,11 +4120,13 @@ msgstr "De Coding verwijst naar een waardelijst in plaats van een codesysteem ('
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#| msgid ValueSet {0} not found by validator
msgid "ValueSet ''{0}'' not found"
msgstr "!!ValueSet {0} niet gevonden door de validator"
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#| msgid Found a reference to a CodeSystem ({0}) where a ValueSet belongs
msgid "Found a reference to a CodeSystem ''{0}'' where a ValueSet belongs"
msgstr "!!Referentie gevonden naar een CodeSystem ({0}) waar een ValueSet werd verwacht"
@ -4061,6 +4142,7 @@ msgstr "De basis-snapshot markeert een slicing als gesloten, maar de differentia
# This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#: This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#| msgid This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no namespace)
msgid "This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed (no namespace on the XML Root element)"
msgstr "!!Dit ''{0}'' kan niet worden verwerkt als een FHIR-object (geen)"
@ -4071,21 +4153,25 @@ msgstr "Deze basis-property moet een Array zijn, geen {0}"
# This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#: This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#| msgid This cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no name)
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (no name)"
msgstr "!!Deze kan niet worden verwerkt als FHIR-object (geen naam)"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown name ''{0}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized resource name ''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!Dit lijkt geen FHIR-resource te zijn (onbekende naam ''{0}'')"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized XML Root element namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')"
msgstr "!!Dit lijkt geen FHIR-resource te zijn (onbekende namespace/naam ''{0}::{1}'')"
# This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#: This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#| msgid This element does not match any known slice {0}
msgid "This element does not match any known slice {0} (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it''s not intended to match a slice)"
msgstr "!!Dit element komt niet overeen met een bekende slice {0}"
@ -4351,6 +4437,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'' (UNABLE_TO_INFER_CODESYSTEM)
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}''"
msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!De System URI kon niet worden bepaald voor de code {0} in de waardelijst {1}"
@ -4366,11 +4453,13 @@ msgstr "The code system {1} referred to from value set {0} has a grammar, and th
#| msgid The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {1}
msgid "The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {0}"
msgstr "!!De Unicode sequence heeft bidirectionele stuurtekens welke niet zijn toegestaan in deze context: {1}"
#| msgid The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {1}
msgid "The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {0}"
msgstr "!!De Unicode sequence heeft niet-beeindigde bidirectionele stuurtekens (zie CVE-2021-42574): {1}"
@ -4383,11 +4472,13 @@ msgstr[1] ""
#| msgid A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM)
msgid "A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated"
msgstr "!!!!!!!!Het CodeSystem {0} is onbekend"
#| msgid The CodeSystem {0} version {1} is unknown. Valid versions: {2}
msgid "A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' version ''{1}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated. Valid versions: {2}"
msgstr "!!De CodeSystem {0} versie {1} is onbekend. Geldige versies: {2}"
@ -4418,11 +4509,13 @@ msgstr "Niet-ondersteunde property {3} op type {2} voor patroon voor discriminat
# Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server
#: Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server
#| msgid Unable to connect to terminology server. Error = {0}
msgid "Unable to connect to terminology server at {1}. Error = {0}"
msgstr "!!Kan niet verbinden met terminologieserver. Fout = {0}"
# Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server_Use_parameter_tx_na_tun_run_without_using_terminology_services_to_validate_LOINC_SNOMED_ICDX_etc_Error__
#: Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server_Use_parameter_tx_na_tun_run_without_using_terminology_services_to_validate_LOINC_SNOMED_ICDX_etc_Error__
#| msgid Unable to connect to terminology server. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}
msgid "Unable to connect to terminology server at {1}. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}"
msgstr "!!Kan niet verbinden met terminologieserver. Gebruik parameter ''-tx n/a'' om te starten zonder terminologieservices voor validatie van LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Fout = {0}"
@ -4543,11 +4636,13 @@ msgstr ""
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set has imports
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has imports"
msgstr "!!Kan system niet vinden - waardelijst heeft imports"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#| msgid The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}: {4}"
msgstr "!!!!Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has a filter on system {2}"
@ -4558,21 +4653,25 @@ msgstr "Kan system niet vinden - waardelijst {0} include #{1} heeft geen system"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has system {2} which is unknown, and the server return error {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has system {3} which could not be found, and the server returned error {4}"
msgstr "!!Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has system {2} which is unknown, and the server return error {3}"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple matches: {0}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set expansion has multiple matches: {2}"
msgstr "!!Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple matches: {0}"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} has no includes or expansion
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has no includes or expansion"
msgstr "!!Kan system niet vinden - waardelijst {0} heeft geen include of expansion"
# Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#: Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#| msgid Unable to resolve value Set {0}
msgid "A definition for the value Set ''{0}'' could not be found"
msgstr "!!Kan waardelijst {0} niet vinden"
@ -4588,6 +4687,7 @@ msgstr "Ongedefinieerd attribuut ''@{0}'' op {1} voor type {2}"
# Undefined_element_
#: Undefined_element_
#| msgid Undefined element ''{0}''
msgid "Undefined element ''{0}'' at {1}"
msgstr "!!Ongedefinieerd element ''{0}''"
@ -4643,11 +4743,13 @@ msgstr "Onbekend type {0} in {1}"
# Unrecognised_extension_context_
#: Unrecognised_extension_context_
#| msgid Unrecognised extension context {0}
msgid "Unrecognized extension context {0}"
msgstr "!!Niet-herkende extensiecontext {0}"
# Unrecognised_predicate_
#: Unrecognised_predicate_
#| msgid Unrecognised predicate ''{0}''
msgid "Unrecognized predicate ''{0}''"
msgstr "!!Niet-herkend predicaat ''{0}''"
@ -4808,16 +4910,19 @@ msgstr "Profiel is voor deze versie van FHIR, maar heeft een onjuist type {0}"
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}"
msgstr "!!Profiel-referentie ''{0}'' is niet gecontroleerd omdat deze onbekend is en ophalen ervan resulteerde in een fout {1}"
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the host {1} cannot be found
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the host {1} cannot be found"
msgstr "!!Profiel-referentie ''{0}'' is niet gecontroleerd omdat deze onbekend is en de host {1} niet kon worden gevonden"
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles"
msgstr "!!Profiel-referentie ''{0}'' is niet gecontroleerd omdat deze onbekend is en de validator ingesteld is om onbekende profielen niet op te zoeken"
@ -4973,11 +5078,13 @@ msgstr ""
#| msgid The code {1} is not valid in the system {0}
msgid "The code ''{1}'' is not valid in the system {0} ({2})"
msgstr "!!De code {1} is niet geldig in het systeem {0}"
#| msgid The code {2} is not valid in the system {0} version {1}
msgid "The code ''{2}'' is not valid in the system {0} version {1} ({2})"
msgstr "!!De code {2} is niet geldig in het systeem {0} versie {1}"
@ -5013,21 +5120,25 @@ msgstr "De waardelijst-import {0} is niet gevonden dus kan niet worden gecontrol
#| msgid The ShareableValueSet profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
msgid "Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableValueSet profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde waardelijsten ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableValueSet profiel"
#| msgid Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Value sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableValueSet profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde waardelijsten MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableValueSet profiel"
#| msgid The ShareableValueSet profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
msgid "Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableValueSet profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde waardelijsten ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableValueSet profiel"
#| msgid Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Value sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableValueSet profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde waardelijsten MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableValueSet profiel"
@ -5040,6 +5151,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
#| msgid The value set {0} has too many codes to display ({1})
msgid "The value set ''{0}'' expansion has too many codes to display ({1})"
msgstr "!!De waardelijst {0} heeft teveel codes om weer te geven ({1})"
@ -5080,6 +5192,7 @@ msgstr "De eerste entry in een message moet een MessageHeader"
# Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#| msgid Unrecognised Content {0}
msgid "Unrecognized Content {0}"
msgstr "!!Niet-herkende content {0}"
@ -5152,6 +5265,7 @@ msgstr "StructureDefinition {0} heeft geen snapshot - validatie is tegen de snap
# Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#| msgid The type of element {0} is not known, which is invalid. Valid types at this point are {1}
msgid "The type of element {0} is not known - it could not be determined from the information available. Valid types at this point are {1}"
msgstr "!!Het type element {0} is onbekend, wat illegaal is. Geldige typen op dit moment zijn {1}"
@ -5177,6 +5291,7 @@ msgstr "Volgens het profiel {0}, staat element ''{1}'' niet op de juiste plaats
# Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found"
msgstr "!!Profiel-referentie ''{0}'' is niet gecontroleerd omdat deze onbekend is"
@ -5269,6 +5384,7 @@ msgstr "Misvormde XHTML: DocType declaratie gevonden en deze zijn niet toegestaa
#| msgid Invalid element name inside in a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')
msgid "Invalid element name inside a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!Ongeldige elementnaam binnen een paragraph in de XHTML (''{0}'')"
@ -5309,6 +5425,7 @@ msgstr ""
# _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#: _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#| msgid Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''
msgid "Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''{2}"
msgstr "!!Waarde is ''{0}'' maar moet zijn ''{1}''"

View File

@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Bad_file_path_error
#: Bad_file_path_error
msgid "\n********************\n* The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem.\n* Please verify that this is valid file location.\n********************\n\n"
msgid "** Error: The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem. Please verify that this is valid file location **"
msgstr ""
# Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
@ -3054,6 +3054,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The type namespace {0} SHOULD match the url namespace {1} for the definition of the type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' has a type parameter ''{3}'', which is not consistent with it''s ancestor type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' is a reference to ''{1}'' which has a type parameter ''{2}'' with a base type of {3} but the type parameter provided is ''{4}'' which is not the right type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' does not declare a type parameter, but it is derived from the type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{0}'' has the type parameter ''{1}'' but it is not a known type so derivation consistency cannot be checked"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' at {3} is a reference to ''{1}'' which needs a type parameter ''{2}'' but a type parameter is not provided for ''{2}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "For the complex type {0}, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance"
@ -3401,7 +3426,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere"
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing error logged elsewhere"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Bad_file_path_error
#: Bad_file_path_error
msgid "\n********************\n* The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem.\n* Please verify that this is valid file location.\n********************\n\n"
msgid "** Error: The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem. Please verify that this is valid file location **"
msgstr ""
# Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
@ -3054,6 +3054,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The type namespace {0} SHOULD match the url namespace {1} for the definition of the type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' has a type parameter ''{3}'', which is not consistent with it''s ancestor type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' is a reference to ''{1}'' which has a type parameter ''{2}'' with a base type of {3} but the type parameter provided is ''{4}'' which is not the right type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' does not declare a type parameter, but it is derived from the type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{0}'' has the type parameter ''{1}'' but it is not a known type so derivation consistency cannot be checked"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' at {3} is a reference to ''{1}'' which needs a type parameter ''{2}'' but a type parameter is not provided for ''{2}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "For the complex type {0}, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance"
@ -3401,7 +3426,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere"
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing error logged elsewhere"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ msgstr "Falscher Pfad im Profil hinzugef\u00fcgt {0}: {1} vs {2}"
# All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#: All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#| All observations should have a performer
#| msgid All observations should have a performer
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer"
msgstr "!!Alle Observations sollten einen Performer haben"
# All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#: All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#| All observations should have a subject
#| msgid All observations should have a subject
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a subject"
msgstr "!!Alle Observations sollten ein Subject haben"
# All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#: All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#| All observations should have an effectiveDateTime or an effectivePeriod
#| msgid All observations should have an effectiveDateTime or an effectivePeriod
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ({0})"
msgstr "!!Alle Observations sollten ein effectiveDateTime oder eine effectivePeriode haben"
@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ msgstr "Es konnten keine Typen aus dem Suchstring ermittelt werden, so dass die
# Bad_file_path_error
#: Bad_file_path_error
msgid "\n********************\n* The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem.\n* Please verify that this is valid file location.\n********************\n\n"
msgstr "\n********************\n* Der \u00fcbergebene Dateiname ''{0}'' existiert nicht im lokalen Dateisystem.\n* Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie, ob dies ein g\u00fcltiger Pfad f\u00fcr die Datei ist.\n********************\n\n"
msgid "** Error: The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem. Please verify that this is valid file location **"
msgstr "!!\n********************\n* Der \u00fcbergebene Dateiname ''{0}'' existiert nicht im lokalen Dateisystem.\n* Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie, ob dies ein g\u00fcltiger Pfad f\u00fcr die Datei ist.\n********************\n\n"
# Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
#: Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} is unknown.
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} is unknown.
msgid "The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} could not be found."
msgstr "!!Der angegebene Code ({2}) befindet sich nicht in der Expansion im ValueSet {0}, und es wird ein Code aus diesem ValueSet ben\u00f6tigt. Das System {1} ist unbekannt."
@ -601,25 +601,25 @@ msgstr ""
#| The ShareableCodeSystem profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
#| msgid The ShareableCodeSystem profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
msgid "Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableCodeSystem-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} bef\u00fcllt wird, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte Codesysteme SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableCodeSystem-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not
#| msgid Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Code systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableCodeSystem-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} bef\u00fcllt wird, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published Code-Systeme M\u00dcSSEN dem ShareableCodeSystem-Profil entsprechen"
#| The ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
#| msgid The ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
msgid "Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableCodeSystem-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte Codesysteme SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableCodeSystem-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
#| msgid Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Code systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableCodeSystem-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published Code-Systeme M\u00dcSSEN dem ShareableCodeSystem-Profil entsprechen"
@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| The source display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible codes {1}
#| msgid The source display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible codes {1}
msgid "The source display ''{0}'' for the code ''{2}'' is not valid. Possible displays: {1}"
msgstr "!!Source display ''{0}'' ist nicht g\u00fcltig. M\u00f6gliche Codes {1}"
@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| Unknown Source Code System {0}, so the source codes cannot be checked
#| msgid Unknown Source Code System {0}, so the source codes cannot be checked
msgid "The Source Code System {0} is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed"
msgstr "!!Unbekanntes Quellcode-System {0}, daher k\u00f6nnen die Quellcodes nicht \u00fcberpr\u00fcft werden"
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| The target display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible displays {1}
#| msgid The target display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible displays {1}
msgid "The target display ''{0}'' for the code ''{2}'' is not valid. Possible displays: {1}"
msgstr "!!Target display ''{0}'' ist nicht g\u00fcltig. M\u00f6gliche Codes {1}"
@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ msgstr "Da kein System zur Verf\u00fcgung gestellt wurde, kann kein reiner Code
#| The system {0} is unknown, so code values can''t be checked
#| msgid The system {0} is unknown, so code values can''t be checked
msgid "The code system {0} could not be found, so code values can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!Das System {0} ist unbekannt, daher k\u00f6nnen die Codes nicht \u00fcberpr\u00fcft werden."
@ -734,31 +734,31 @@ msgstr ""
#| Unknown Target Code System {0}, so the target codes cannot be checked
#| msgid Unknown Target Code System {0}, so the target codes cannot be checked
msgid "The Target Code System {0} is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed"
msgstr "!!Unbekanntes Zielcodesystem {0}, daher k\u00f6nnen die Zielcodes nicht \u00fcberpr\u00fcft werden"
#| The ShareableConceptMap profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile
#| msgid The ShareableConceptMap profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile
msgid "Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableConceptMap-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} bef\u00fcllt wird, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte Concept Maps SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableConceptMap-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| Published concept maps SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} should be present, but it is not
#| msgid Published concept maps SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Concept maps published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableConceptMap-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} bef\u00fcllt wird, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published Concept Maps M\u00dcSSEN mit dem ShareableConceptMap-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| The ShareableConceptMap profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile
#| msgid The ShareableConceptMap profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile
msgid "Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableConceptMap-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte Concept Maps SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableConceptMap-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| Published concept maps SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
#| msgid Published concept maps SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Concept maps published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableConceptMap-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published Concept Maps M\u00dcSSEN mit dem ShareableConceptMap-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ msgstr "Code in der Erweiterung gefunden, jedoch: {0}"
# Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#: Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#| Coding has no system - cannot validate
#| msgid Coding has no system - cannot validate
msgid "Coding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!Kodierung hat kein System - kann nicht validiert werden"
@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@ msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen {0} aus dem Paket {1}#{2}: {3}"
# Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#: Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#| Error validating code: running without terminology services
#| msgid Error validating code: running without terminology services
msgid "Unable to validate code ''{0}'' in system ''{1}'' because the validator is running without terminology services"
msgstr "!!Fehler beim Validieren des Codes: Ausf\u00fchrung ohne Terminologiedienste"
@ -1230,13 +1230,13 @@ msgstr "Unbekannte extension {0}"
# Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#: Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#| The extension {0} is unknown, and not allowed here
#| msgid The extension {0} is unknown, and not allowed here
msgid "The extension {0} could not be found so is not allowed here"
msgstr "!!Die extension {0} ist nicht bekannt, and hier nicht erlaubt"
# Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#: Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#| Extension.url is required
#| msgid Extension.url is required
msgid "Extension.url is required in order to identify, use and validate the extension"
msgstr "!!Extension.url ist erforderlich"
@ -1482,7 +1482,7 @@ msgstr "Fehler bei der Auswertung des FHIRPath-Ausdrucks: Die Funktion {0} kann
#| Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The type ''{0}'' is unknown or not supported at {1}
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The type ''{0}'' is unknown or not supported at {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: No type provided at {1}"
msgstr "!!Fehler bei der Auswertung des FHIRPath-Ausdrucks: Der Typ ''{0}'' ist unbekannt oder wird nicht unterst\u00fctzt bei {1}"
@ -1559,7 +1559,7 @@ msgstr "Fehler bei der Auswertung des FHIRPath-Ausdrucks: Die Funktion {0} kann
#| Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, code, id but found {1}
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, code, id but found {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, url, code, id but found {1}"
msgstr "!!Fehler bei der Auswertung des FHIRPath-Ausdrucks: Die Funktion {0} kann nur auf string, uri, code, id angewendet werden, aber gefunden {1}"
@ -1645,7 +1645,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| Rule {0} Failed
#| msgid Rule {0} Failed
msgid "Constraint failed: {0}"
msgstr "!!Regel {0} fehlgeschlagen"
@ -1666,7 +1666,7 @@ msgstr "Unzul\u00e4ssiger Pfad ''{0}'' in Differential in {1}: unzul\u00e4ssige
# Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#: Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#| Invalid path ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}
#| msgid Invalid path ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}
msgid "Invalid path ''{0}'' in input differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}"
msgstr "!!Illegaler Pfad ''{0}'' in Differential in {1}: muss mit {2}.{3} beginnen"
@ -2022,25 +2022,25 @@ msgstr "Eine Measure sollte mindestens eine Gruppe enthalten"
#| The ShareableMeasure profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
#| msgid The ShareableMeasure profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
msgid "Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableMeasure-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} ausgef\u00fcllt wird, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte Ma\u00dfnahmen SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableMeasure-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not
#| msgid Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Measures published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableMeasure-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} bef\u00fcllt wird, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published Measures M\u00dcSSEN dem ShareableMeasure-Profil entsprechen"
#| The ShareableMeasure profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
#| msgid The ShareableMeasure profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
msgid "Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableMeasure-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte Ma\u00dfnahmen SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableMeasure-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
#| msgid Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Measures published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableMeasure-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published Measures M\u00dcSSEN dem ShareableMeasure-Profil entsprechen"
@ -2388,7 +2388,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Profilbasierte Diskriminatoren d\u00fcrfen nur einen Typ ({1} im Prof
#| The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} is unknown
#| msgid The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} is unknown
msgid "The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} could not be found"
msgstr "!!Der angegebene Code {1} kann im ValueSet der Optionen ({2}) im Fragebogen nicht validiert werden, da das System {0} unbekannt ist"
@ -2479,7 +2479,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#: Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#| The code provided {1} in the system {0}) is not in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire: {3}
#| msgid The code provided {1} in the system {0}) is not in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire: {3}
msgid "The code ''{1}'' in the system ''{0}'' is not in the options value set ({2}) specified by the questionnaire. Terminology Error: {3}"
msgstr "!!Der angegebene Wert ({0}::{1}) ist nicht in den im Fragebogen gesetzten options value set enthalten."
@ -2825,7 +2825,7 @@ msgstr "Der Typ {0} muss derselbe sein wie der Typ in der Basisstruktur {1}, die
#| Review the extension type: extensions should not have a context of {0} unless it''s really intended that they can be used anywhere
#| msgid Review the extension type: extensions should not have a context of {0} unless it''s really intended that they can be used anywhere
msgid "Review the extension type for {1}: extensions should not have a context of {0} unless it''s really intended that they can be used anywhere"
msgstr "!!\u00dcberpr\u00fcfen Sie den Erweiterungstyp: Extensions sollten nicht den Kontext {0} haben, es sei denn, es ist wirklich beabsichtigt, dass sie \u00fcberall verwendet werden k\u00f6nnen."
@ -3086,6 +3086,31 @@ msgstr "!!Der Typ {0} kann nur definiert werden, wenn die Art 'logisch' ist, nic
msgid "The type namespace {0} SHOULD match the url namespace {1} for the definition of the type"
msgstr "Der Typ-Namensraum {0} SOLLTE mit dem Url-Namensraum {1} f\u00fcr die Definition des Typs \u00fcbereinstimmen"
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' has a type parameter ''{3}'', which is not consistent with it''s ancestor type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' is a reference to ''{1}'' which has a type parameter ''{2}'' with a base type of {3} but the type parameter provided is ''{4}'' which is not the right type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' does not declare a type parameter, but it is derived from the type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{0}'' has the type parameter ''{1}'' but it is not a known type so derivation consistency cannot be checked"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' at {3} is a reference to ''{1}'' which needs a type parameter ''{2}'' but a type parameter is not provided for ''{2}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "For the complex type {0}, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance"
@ -3178,13 +3203,13 @@ msgstr "Der Gruppenparameter {0} Modus {1} ist nicht g\u00fcltig"
#| The type {0} has mode {1} which doesn''t match the structure definition {2}
#| msgid The type {0} has mode {1} which doesn''t match the structure definition {2}
msgid "The type ''{0}'' has mode ''{1}'' which doesn''t match the structure definition mode of ''{2}''"
msgstr "!!Der Typ {0} hat den Modus {1}, der nicht mit der Strukturdefinition {2} \u00fcbereinstimmt."
#| The group parameter {0} has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
#| msgid The group parameter {0} has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
msgid "Group {1} parameter {0} has no type, so the paths cannot be validated"
msgstr "!!Der Gruppenparameter {0} hat keinen Typ, daher k\u00f6nnen die Pfade nicht validiert werden"
@ -3240,7 +3265,7 @@ msgstr "Eine Liste ruleId sollte nicht angegeben werden, da es sich um eine Rege
#| The group {0} is not called from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it''s inputs, so type verification is not possible
#| msgid The group {0} is not called from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it''s inputs, so type verification is not possible
msgid "The group {0} is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it''s inputs, so type verification is not possible"
msgstr "!!Die Gruppe {0} wird nicht von diesem Mapping-Skript aus aufgerufen und hat keine Typen f\u00fcr ihre Inputs definiert, so dass eine Typenpr\u00fcfung nicht m\u00f6glich ist"
@ -3436,7 +3461,7 @@ msgstr "Der erzeugte Snapshot hat eine andere Anzahl von Elementen {1} als der u
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere"
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing error logged elsewhere"
msgstr ""
@ -3521,7 +3546,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| A code with no system has no defined meaning. A system should be provided
#| msgid A code with no system has no defined meaning. A system should be provided
msgid "A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!Ein Code ohne System hat keine definierte Bedeutung. Es sollte ein System angegeben werden"
@ -3847,7 +3872,7 @@ msgstr "Kein Typ-Spezifikator matcht, und der zugrunde liegende Typ {0} ist nich
# Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#: Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#| {0} for ''{1}#{2}''
#| msgid {0} for ''{1}#{2}''
msgid "{0} (for ''{1}#{2}'')"
msgstr "!!{0} f\u00fcr ''{1}#{2}''"
@ -3868,7 +3893,7 @@ msgstr "Binding f\u00fcr {0} fehlt"
# Terminology_TX_Binding_NoServer
#: Terminology_TX_Binding_NoServer
#| The value provided could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server
#| msgid The value provided could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server
msgid "The value provided ([{0}]) could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server"
msgstr "!!Der angegebene Wert konnte in Ermangelung eines Terminologieservers nicht validiert werden"
@ -3924,19 +3949,19 @@ msgstr "Konnte nicht best\u00e4tigen, dass die angegebenen Codes im ValueSet {0}
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#| The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}
msgid "The code provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}"
msgstr "!!Der angegebene Code ({2}) befindet sich nicht im ValueSet {0}, und es wird ein Code aus diesem ValueSet ben\u00f6tigt: {1}"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#| The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)"
msgstr "!!!!Konnte nicht best\u00e4tigen, dass die angegebenen Codes im ValueSet {0} enthalten sind, und ein Code sollte aus diesem ValueSet stammen. Es sei denn, er hat enth\u00e4lt keinen geeigneten Code"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#| The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set"
msgstr "!!!!Konnte nicht best\u00e4tigen, dass die angegebenen Codes im ValueSet {0} enthalten sind, und es wird empfohlen, einen Code aus diesem ValueSet zu verwenden."
@ -3977,19 +4002,19 @@ msgstr "Der bereitgestellte Code ist nicht im maximum value set {0}, und ein Cod
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!Die angegebene Codierung ist nicht im ValueSet {0} enthalten, und es wird ein Code aus diesem ValueSet ben\u00f6tigt. {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}"
msgstr "!!Die bereitgestellte Codierung ist nicht im ValueSet {0} enthalten, und ein Code sollte aus diesem ValueSet stammen, es sei denn, er hat enth\u00e4lt geeigneten Code. {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!Die angegebene Codierung ist nicht im ValueSet {0} enthalten, und es wird empfohlen, einen Code aus diesem ValueSet zu verwenden. {1}"
@ -4000,19 +4025,19 @@ msgstr "Der angegebene Wert (''{0}'') konnte in Ermangelung eines Terminologiese
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#| The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set){2}
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set){2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set {2}"
msgstr "!!Der angegebene Wert (''{0}'') ist nicht im ValueSet {1}, und ein Code aus diesem Valueset ist erforderlich){2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#| The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}"
msgstr "!!Der angegebene Wert (''{0}'') ist nicht im Valueset {1}, und ein Code sollte aus diesem Valueset stammen, es sei denn, er hat enth\u00e4lt geeigneten Code){2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#| The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set){2}
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set){2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set{2}"
msgstr "!!!!Der angegebene Wert (''{0}'') ist nicht im Valueset {1}, und es wird empfohlen, einen Code aus diesem Valueset zu verwenden){2}"
@ -4033,19 +4058,19 @@ msgstr "!!Keiner der angegebenen Codes ist im Valueset {0}, und es wird empfohle
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!Die bereitgestellte Codierung ist nicht im Valueset {0}, und es wird ein Code aus diesem Valueset ben\u00f6tigt{1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}"
msgstr "!!Die angegebene Codierung ist nicht im Valueset {0}, und ein Code sollte aus diesem Valueset stammen, es sei denn, er enth\u00e4lt keinen geeigneten Code{1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!Die bereitgestellte Codierung ist nicht im Valueset {0} enthalten, und es wird empfohlen, einen Code aus diesem Valueset zu verwenden{1}"
@ -4061,7 +4086,7 @@ msgstr "Keiner der bereitgestellten Codes befindet sich im maximum value sete {0
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_9
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_9
#| The code provided could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})
#| msgid The code provided could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})
msgid "The code provided ({2}) could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})"
msgstr "!!Der bereitgestellte Code konnte nicht gegen das the maximum value set {0} validiert werden, (Fehler = {1})"
@ -4092,13 +4117,13 @@ msgstr "Die Codierung bezieht sich auf ein ValueSet, nicht auf ein Codesystem ('
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#| ValueSet {0} not found by validator
#| msgid ValueSet {0} not found by validator
msgid "ValueSet ''{0}'' not found"
msgstr "!!ValueSet {0} vom Validator nicht gefunden"
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#| Found a reference to a CodeSystem ({0}) where a ValueSet belongs
#| msgid Found a reference to a CodeSystem ({0}) where a ValueSet belongs
msgid "Found a reference to a CodeSystem ''{0}'' where a ValueSet belongs"
msgstr "!!Ein Verweis auf ein CodeSystem ({0}) gefunden wo ein ValueSet vorgeschrieben ist"
@ -4114,7 +4139,7 @@ msgstr "Der base snapshot markiert ein Slicing als closed, aber das Differential
# This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#: This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#| This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no namespace)
#| msgid This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no namespace)
msgid "This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed (no namespace on the XML Root element)"
msgstr "!!Dieses ''{0}2 kann nicht als FHIR-Objekt geparst werden (kein Namensraum)."
@ -4125,25 +4150,25 @@ msgstr "Diese Basiseigenschaft muss ein Array sein, nicht {0}"
# This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#: This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#| This cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no name)
#| msgid This cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no name)
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (no name)"
msgstr "!!Dies kann nicht als FHIR-Objekt geparst werden (kein Name)"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#| This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown name ''{0}'')
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown name ''{0}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized resource name ''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!Dies scheint keine FHIR-Ressource zu sein (unbekannter Name ''{0}'')"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#| This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized XML Root element namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')"
msgstr "!!Dies scheint keine FHIR-Ressource zu sein (unbekannter Namensraum/Name ''{0}::{1}'')"
# This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#: This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#| This element does not match any known slice {0}
#| msgid This element does not match any known slice {0}
msgid "This element does not match any known slice {0} (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it''s not intended to match a slice)"
msgstr "!!Dieses Element stimmt mit keinem bekannten Slice{0} \u00fcberein."
@ -4409,7 +4434,7 @@ msgstr "System {0} Property Filter mit op = {1} kann nicht verarbeitet werden"
#| The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'' (UNABLE_TO_INFER_CODESYSTEM)
#| msgid The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'' (UNABLE_TO_INFER_CODESYSTEM)
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}''"
msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Die System-URI konnte f\u00fcr den Code {0} im ValueSet {1} nicht ermittelt werden"
@ -4425,13 +4450,13 @@ msgstr "Das Codesystem {1}, auf das sich das ValueSet {0} bezieht, verf\u00fcgt
#| The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {1}
#| msgid The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {1}
msgid "The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {0}"
msgstr "!!Die Unicode-Sequenz enth\u00e4lt bidirektionale Steuerzeichen, die in diesem Zusammenhang nicht zul\u00e4ssig sind: {1}"
#| The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {1}
#| msgid The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {1}
msgid "The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {0}"
msgstr "!!Die Unicode-Sequenz hat unterminierte bi-di Steuerzeichen (siehe CVE-2021-42574): {1}"
@ -4444,13 +4469,13 @@ msgstr[1] ""
#| A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM)
#| msgid A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM)
msgid "A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated"
msgstr "!!!!!!!!Das CodeSystem {0} ist unbekannt"
#| The CodeSystem {0} version {1} is unknown. Valid versions: {2}
#| msgid The CodeSystem {0} version {1} is unknown. Valid versions: {2}
msgid "A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' version ''{1}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated. Valid versions: {2}"
msgstr "!!Das CodeSystem {0} Version {1} ist unbekannt. G\u00fcltige Versionen: {2}"
@ -4481,13 +4506,13 @@ msgstr "Nicht unterst\u00fctzte Eigenschaft {3} auf Typ {2} f\u00fcr Pattern des
# Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server
#: Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server
#| Unable to connect to terminology server. Error = {0}
#| msgid Unable to connect to terminology server. Error = {0}
msgid "Unable to connect to terminology server at {1}. Error = {0}"
msgstr "!!Verbindung zum Terminologieserver kann nicht hergestellt werden. Fehler = {0}"
# Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server_Use_parameter_tx_na_tun_run_without_using_terminology_services_to_validate_LOINC_SNOMED_ICDX_etc_Error__
#: Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server_Use_parameter_tx_na_tun_run_without_using_terminology_services_to_validate_LOINC_SNOMED_ICDX_etc_Error__
#| Unable to connect to terminology server. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}
#| msgid Unable to connect to terminology server. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}
msgid "Unable to connect to terminology server at {1}. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}"
msgstr "!!Keine Verbindung zum Terminologieserver m\u00f6glich. Verwenden Sie den Parameter ''-tx n/a'' um ohne Verwendung von Terminologiediensten zu laufen welche LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X usw. zu validieren. Fehler = {0}"
@ -4603,19 +4628,19 @@ msgstr "System nicht aufl\u00f6sbar - kein ValueSet"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_expansion_has_multiple_systems
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_expansion_has_multiple_systems
#| Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple systems
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple systems
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set expansion has multiple systems"
msgstr "!!System nicht aufl\u00f6sbar - Extension des ValueSets enth\u00e4lt mehrere Systeme"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#| Unable to resolve system - value set has imports
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set has imports
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has imports"
msgstr "!!System nicht aufl\u00f6sbar - ValueSet enth\u00e4lt Importe"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#| The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}
#| msgid The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}: {4}"
msgstr "!!!!System kann nicht aufgel\u00f6st werden - ValueSet {0} include #{1} hat einen Filter auf System {2}"
@ -4626,25 +4651,25 @@ msgstr "System nicht aufl\u00f6sbar - ValueSet enth\u00e4lt Include ohne System"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#| Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has system {2} which is unknown, and the server return error {3}
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has system {2} which is unknown, and the server return error {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has system {3} which could not be found, and the server returned error {4}"
msgstr "!!System kann nicht aufgel\u00f6st werden - ValueSet {0} include #{1} hat System {2}, das unbekannt ist, und der Server liefert Fehler {3}"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#| Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple matches: {0}
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple matches: {0}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set expansion has multiple matches: {2}"
msgstr "!!System kann nicht aufgel\u00f6st werden - ValueSet-Expansion der Wertemenge hat mehrere \u00dcbereinstimmungen: {0}"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#| Unable to resolve system - value set {0} has no includes or expansion
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} has no includes or expansion
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has no includes or expansion"
msgstr "!!System nicht aufl\u00f6sbar - ValueSet enth\u00e4lt keine Includes oder Extensions"
# Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#: Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#| Unable to resolve value Set {0}
#| msgid Unable to resolve value Set {0}
msgid "A definition for the value Set ''{0}'' could not be found"
msgstr "!!ValueSet {0} kann nicht gefunden werden"
@ -4660,7 +4685,7 @@ msgstr "Undefiniertes Attribut ''@{0}'' auf {1} f\u00fcr Typ {2} (properties = {
# Undefined_element_
#: Undefined_element_
#| Undefined element ''{0}''
#| msgid Undefined element ''{0}''
msgid "Undefined element ''{0}'' at {1}"
msgstr "!!Undefiniertes Element ''{0}''"
@ -4716,13 +4741,13 @@ msgstr "Unbekannter Typ {0} bei {1}"
# Unrecognised_extension_context_
#: Unrecognised_extension_context_
#| Unrecognised extension context {0}
#| msgid Unrecognised extension context {0}
msgid "Unrecognized extension context {0}"
msgstr "!!Unerkannter Erweiterungskontext {0}"
# Unrecognised_predicate_
#: Unrecognised_predicate_
#| Unrecognised predicate ''{0}''
#| msgid Unrecognised predicate ''{0}''
msgid "Unrecognized predicate ''{0}''"
msgstr "!!Nicht anerkanntes predicate ''{0}''"
@ -4883,19 +4908,19 @@ msgstr "Profil ist f\u00fcr diese Version von FHIR, aber ist ein ung\u00fcltiger
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}"
msgstr "!!Die Profilreferenz ''{0}'' wurde nicht gepr\u00fcft, da sie unbekannt ist, und das Abrufen f\u00fchrte zu dem Fehler {1}"
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the host {1} cannot be found
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the host {1} cannot be found
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the host {1} cannot be found"
msgstr "!!Profilreferenz ''{0}'' wurde nicht gepr\u00fcft, da sie unbekannt ist, und der Host {1} kann nicht gefunden werden"
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles"
msgstr "!!Die Profilreferenz ''{0}'' wurde nicht gepr\u00fcft, weil sie unbekannt ist und der Validator so eingestellt ist, dass er keine unbekannten Profile abruft."
@ -5051,13 +5076,13 @@ msgstr ""
#| The code {1} is not valid in the system {0}
#| msgid The code {1} is not valid in the system {0}
msgid "The code ''{1}'' is not valid in the system {0} ({2})"
msgstr "!!Der Code {1} ist im System {0} nicht g\u00fcltig"
#| The code {2} is not valid in the system {0} version {1}
#| msgid The code {2} is not valid in the system {0} version {1}
msgid "The code ''{2}'' is not valid in the system {0} version {1} ({2})"
msgstr "!!Der Code {2} ist im System {0} Version {1} nicht g\u00fcltig"
@ -5093,25 +5118,25 @@ msgstr "Der ValueSet-Import {0} konnte nicht gefunden werden und kann daher nich
#| The ShareableValueSet profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
#| msgid The ShareableValueSet profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
msgid "Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableValueSet-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} gef\u00fcllt wird, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte ValueSets SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableValueSet-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not
#| msgid Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Value sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableValueSet-Profil empfiehlt, dass das Element {0} bef\u00fcllt wird, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published ValueSets M\u00dcSSEN mit dem ShareableValueSet-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| The ShareableValueSet profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
#| msgid The ShareableValueSet profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
msgid "Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Das ShareableValueSet-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es ist nicht vorhanden. Ver\u00f6ffentlichte ValueSets SOLLTEN mit dem ShareableValueSet-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
#| Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
#| msgid Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Value sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Das ShareableValueSet-Profil sagt, dass das {0}-Element obligatorisch ist, aber es wird nicht gefunden. HL7 Published ValueSets M\u00dcSSEN mit dem ShareableValueSet-Profil \u00fcbereinstimmen"
@ -5124,7 +5149,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
#| The value set {0} has too many codes to display ({1})
#| msgid The value set {0} has too many codes to display ({1})
msgid "The value set ''{0}'' expansion has too many codes to display ({1})"
msgstr "!!Das ValueSet {0} hat zu viele Codes f\u00fcr die Anzeige ({1})"
@ -5165,7 +5190,7 @@ msgstr "Der erste Eintrag in einer Nachricht muss ein MessageHeader sein"
# Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#| Unrecognised Content {0}
#| msgid Unrecognised Content {0}
msgid "Unrecognized Content {0}"
msgstr "!!Unerkannter Inhalt {0}"
@ -5238,7 +5263,7 @@ msgstr "StructureDefinition hat keinen Snapshot - die Validierung erfolgt gegen
# Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#| The type of element {0} is not known, which is invalid. Valid types at this point are {1}
#| msgid The type of element {0} is not known, which is invalid. Valid types at this point are {1}
msgid "The type of element {0} is not known - it could not be determined from the information available. Valid types at this point are {1}"
msgstr "!!Der Typ des Elements {0} ist nicht bekannt, was illegal ist. G\u00fcltige Typen an dieser Stelle sind {1}"
@ -5264,7 +5289,7 @@ msgstr "Durch das Profil {0} spezifiziert, ist das Element ''{1}'' an der falsch
# Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found"
msgstr "!!Profil Reference ''{0}'' konnte nicht aufgel\u00f6st werden, wurde also nicht \u00fcberpr\u00fcft"
@ -5357,7 +5382,7 @@ msgstr "Fehlerhaftes XHTML: Es wurde eine DocType-Deklaration gefunden, die nich
#| Invalid element name inside in a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')
#| msgid Invalid element name inside in a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')
msgid "Invalid element name inside a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!Ung\u00fcltiger Elementname innerhalb eines Absatzes im XHTML (''{0}'')"
@ -5398,7 +5423,7 @@ msgstr ""
# _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#: _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#| Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''
#| msgid Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''
msgid "Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''{2}"
msgstr "!!Der Wert ist ''{0}'', muss aber ''{1}'' sein."

View File

@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Bad_file_path_error
#: Bad_file_path_error
msgid "\n********************\n* The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem.\n* Please verify that this is valid file location.\n********************\n\n"
msgid "** Error: The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem. Please verify that this is valid file location **"
msgstr ""
# Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
@ -3054,6 +3054,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The type namespace {0} SHOULD match the url namespace {1} for the definition of the type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' has a type parameter ''{3}'', which is not consistent with it''s ancestor type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' is a reference to ''{1}'' which has a type parameter ''{2}'' with a base type of {3} but the type parameter provided is ''{4}'' which is not the right type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' does not declare a type parameter, but it is derived from the type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{0}'' has the type parameter ''{1}'' but it is not a known type so derivation consistency cannot be checked"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' at {3} is a reference to ''{1}'' which needs a type parameter ''{2}'' but a type parameter is not provided for ''{2}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "For the complex type {0}, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance"
@ -3401,7 +3426,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere"
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing error logged elsewhere"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ msgstr "Se agrego el path incorrecto en el perfil {0}: {1} vs {2}"
# All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#: All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#| All observations should have a performer
#| msgid All observations should have a performer
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer"
msgstr "!!Todos los recursos Observation deben tener un elemento performer"
# All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#: All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#| All observations should have a subject
#| msgid All observations should have a subject
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a subject"
msgstr "!!Todos los recursos Observation deben tener un elemento subject"
# All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#: All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#| All observations should have an effectiveDateTime or an effectivePeriod
#| msgid All observations should have an effectiveDateTime or an effectivePeriod
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ({0})"
msgstr "!!Todos los recursos Observation deben tener un elemento effectiveDateTime o effectivePeriod"
@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ msgstr "No se han podido determinar tipos por la cadena de búsqueda, asi que lo
# Bad_file_path_error
#: Bad_file_path_error
msgid "\n********************\n* The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem.\n* Please verify that this is valid file location.\n********************\n\n"
msgstr "\n********************\n* El nombre del fichero especificado, ''{0}'', no existe en el sistema de archivos local.\n* Por favor verifique que sea una ubicación válida.\n********************\n\n"
msgid "** Error: The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem. Please verify that this is valid file location **"
msgstr "!!\n********************\n* El nombre del fichero especificado, ''{0}'', no existe en el sistema de archivos local.\n* Por favor verifique que sea una ubicación válida.\n********************\n\n"
# Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
#: Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ msgstr "La referencia de tipo URN no está contenida localmente dentro del Bundl
# Bundle_Document_Date_Missing
#: Bundle_Document_Date_Missing
#| A document must have a date
#| msgid A document must have a date
msgid "A document must have a date (Bundle.timestamp)"
msgstr "!!Un documento debe tener un elemento date"
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} is unknown.
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} is unknown.
msgid "The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} could not be found."
msgstr "!!El código provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores {0}, y se requiere un código de este conjunto de valores. El sistema {1} es desconocido."
@ -604,25 +604,25 @@ msgstr ""
#| The ShareableCodeSystem profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
#| msgid The ShareableCodeSystem profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
msgid "Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!The ShareableCodeSystem profile recommends that the {0} element se complete, pero no está presente. Los conjuntos de valores publicados DEBERIAN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
#| Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not
#| msgid Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Code systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!El perfil ShareableValueSet recomienda que el elemento {0} se complete, pero no se encontró. Los conjuntos de valores publicados por HL7 DEBEN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
#| The ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
#| msgid The ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
msgid "Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!El perfil ShareableValueSet dice que el elemento {0} es obligatorio, pero no está presente. Los conjuntos de valores publicados DEBERIAN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
#| Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
#| msgid Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Code systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!El perfil ShareableValueSet dice que el elemento {0} es obligatorio, pero no se encontró. Los conjuntos de valores publicados por HL7 DEBEN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
@ -813,13 +813,13 @@ msgstr "El CodeSystem {0} tiene un set de valores ''all system'' de {1}, pero el
# CodeSystem_CS_VS_Invalid
#: CodeSystem_CS_VS_Invalid
#| CodeSystem {0} has an ''all system'' value set of {1}, but doesn''t have a single include
#| msgid CodeSystem {0} has an ''all system'' value set of {1}, but doesn''t have a single include
msgid "CodeSystem {0} has an ''all system'' value set of {1}, but the value set doesn''t have a single include"
msgstr "!!El CodeSystem {0} tiene un set de valores ''all system'' de {1}, pero no tiene un solo include"
# CodeSystem_CS_VS_WrongSystem
#: CodeSystem_CS_VS_WrongSystem
#| CodeSystem {0} has an ''all system'' value set of {1}, but doesn''t have a matching system ({2})
#| msgid CodeSystem {0} has an ''all system'' value set of {1}, but doesn''t have a matching system ({2})
msgid "CodeSystem {0} has an ''all system'' value set of {1}, but the value set doesn''t have a matching system ({2})"
msgstr "!!El CodeSystem {0} tiene un set de valores ''all system'' de {1}, pero no tiene un system coincidente ({2})"
@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ msgstr "El código se encontró en la expansión, sin embargo: {0}"
# Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#: Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#| Coding has no system - cannot validate
#| msgid Coding has no system - cannot validate
msgid "Coding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!El Coding no tiene sistema - no puede ser validado"
@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| The element is not allowed to be 'null'
#| msgid The element is not allowed to be 'null'
msgid "The element is not allowed to be ''null''"
msgstr "!!El elemento no puede ser ''null''"
@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ msgstr "Error leyendo {0} del paquete {1}#{2}: {3}"
# Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#: Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#| Error validating code: running without terminology services
#| msgid Error validating code: running without terminology services
msgid "Unable to validate code ''{0}'' in system ''{1}'' because the validator is running without terminology services"
msgstr "!!Error validando código: corriendo sin servicios terminológicos"
@ -1231,13 +1231,13 @@ msgstr "Extension desconocida {0}"
# Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#: Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#| The extension {0} is unknown, and not allowed here
#| msgid The extension {0} is unknown, and not allowed here
msgid "The extension {0} could not be found so is not allowed here"
msgstr "!!La extension {0} es desconocida y no está permitida aquí"
# Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#: Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#| Extension.url is required
#| msgid Extension.url is required
msgid "Extension.url is required in order to identify, use and validate the extension"
msgstr "!!El elemento Extension.url es requerido"
@ -1488,7 +1488,7 @@ msgstr "Error evaluando la expresión FHIRPath: La función {0} solo puede ser u
#| Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The type ''{0}'' is unknown or not supported at {1}
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The type ''{0}'' is unknown or not supported at {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: No type provided at {1}"
msgstr "!!Error evaluando la expresión FHIRPath: El tipo ''{0}'' es desconocido o no soportado en {1}"
@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@ msgstr "Error evaluando la expresión FHIRPath: La función {0} solo puede ser u
#| Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, code, id but found {1}
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, code, id but found {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, url, code, id but found {1}"
msgstr "!!Error evaluando la expresión FHIRPath: La función {0} solo puede ser utilizada para string, uri, code, id pero se han encontrado {1}"
@ -1598,7 +1598,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name {0} is not valid for any of the possible types: {1}
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name {0} is not valid for any of the possible types: {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The name ''{0}'' is not valid for any of the possible types: {1}"
msgstr "!!Error evaluando la expresión FHIRPath: El nombre {0} no es válido para ninguno de los posibles tipos: {1}"
@ -1654,7 +1654,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| Rule {0} Failed
#| msgid Rule {0} Failed
msgid "Constraint failed: {0}"
msgstr "!!La regla {0} falló"
@ -1675,7 +1675,7 @@ msgstr "Path inválido ''{0}'' en el diferencial en {1}: caracteres inválidos [
# Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#: Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#| Invalid path ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}
#| msgid Invalid path ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}
msgid "Invalid path ''{0}'' in input differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}"
msgstr "!!Path inválido ''{0}'' en el diferencial en {1}: debe comenzar con {2}.{3}"
@ -2031,25 +2031,25 @@ msgstr "Una medida debe contener como mínimo un grupo"
#| The ShareableMeasure profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
#| msgid The ShareableMeasure profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
msgid "Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!El perfil ShareableMeasure recomienda que el elemento {0} se complete, pero no está presente. Las medidas publicadas DEBERIAN conformar al perfil ShareableMeasure"
#| Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not
#| msgid Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Measures published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!El perfil ShareableMeasure recomienda que el elemento {0} se complete, pero no se encontró. Las medidas publicadas por HL7 DEBEN conformar al perfil ShareableMeasure"
#| The ShareableMeasure profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
#| msgid The ShareableMeasure profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
msgid "Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!El perfil ShareableMeasure dice que el elemento {0} es obligatorio, pero no está presente. Las medidas publicadas DEBERIAN conformar al perfil ShareableMeasure"
#| Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
#| msgid Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Measures published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!El perfil ShareableMeasure dice que el elemento {0} es obligatorio, pero no se encontró. Las medidas publicadas por HL7 DEBEN conformar al perfil ShareableMeasure"
@ -2492,7 +2492,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#: Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#| The value provided ({0}::{1}) is not in the options value set in the questionnaire
#| msgid The value provided ({0}::{1}) is not in the options value set in the questionnaire
msgid "The code ''{1}'' in the system ''{0}'' is not in the options value set ({2}) specified by the questionnaire. Terminology Error: {3}"
msgstr "!!El valor provisto ({0}::{1}) no está en el conjunto de valores para las opciones provisto por el cuestionario"
@ -2795,13 +2795,13 @@ msgstr "La referencia {0} apunta a un {1} no a un ValueSet"
# Resource_RES_ID_Malformed_Chars
#: Resource_RES_ID_Malformed_Chars
#| Invalid Resource id: Invalid Characters
#| msgid Invalid Resource id: Invalid Characters
msgid "Invalid Resource id: Invalid Characters (''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!El id del recurso es inválido: Caracteres Inválidos"
# Resource_RES_ID_Malformed_Length
#: Resource_RES_ID_Malformed_Length
#| Invalid Resource id: Too long
#| msgid Invalid Resource id: Too long
msgid "Invalid Resource id: Too long ({0} chars)"
msgstr "!!El id del recurso es inválido: Muy Largo"
@ -3103,6 +3103,31 @@ msgstr "!!El tipo {0} solo puede ser definido si la categoria es 'logical' no {1
msgid "The type namespace {0} SHOULD match the url namespace {1} for the definition of the type"
msgstr "El espacio de nombres para el tipo {0} DEBERIA coincidir con el espacio de nombres de la url {1} para la definición del tipo"
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' has a type parameter ''{3}'', which is not consistent with it''s ancestor type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' is a reference to ''{1}'' which has a type parameter ''{2}'' with a base type of {3} but the type parameter provided is ''{4}'' which is not the right type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' does not declare a type parameter, but it is derived from the type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{0}'' has the type parameter ''{1}'' but it is not a known type so derivation consistency cannot be checked"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' at {3} is a reference to ''{1}'' which needs a type parameter ''{2}'' but a type parameter is not provided for ''{2}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "For the complex type {0}, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance"
@ -3450,7 +3475,7 @@ msgstr "El snapshot generado tiene una cantidad de elementos distinta {1} que el
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere"
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing error logged elsewhere"
msgstr ""
@ -3485,7 +3510,7 @@ msgstr "Partición encontrada dentro del conjunto (path = {0}, id = {1}); {2}"
# Slicing_rules_on_differential__do_not_match_those_on_base___disciminator___
#: Slicing_rules_on_differential__do_not_match_those_on_base___disciminator___
#| Slicing rules on differential ({0}) do not match those on base ({1}) - disciminator @ {2} ({3})
#| msgid Slicing rules on differential ({0}) do not match those on base ({1}) - disciminator @ {2} ({3})
msgid "Slicing rules on differential ({0}) do not match those on base ({1}) - discriminator @ {2} ({3})"
msgstr "!!Las reglas de partición en el diferencial ({0}) no coinciden con aquellos en el recurso base ({1}) - disciminador @ {2} ({3})"
@ -3536,7 +3561,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| A code with no system has no defined meaning. A system should be provided
#| msgid A code with no system has no defined meaning. A system should be provided
msgid "A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!Un código sin sistema no tiene un significado definido. El elemento system debe estar presente"
@ -3672,7 +3697,7 @@ msgstr "Se encontraron {0} posiciones decimales lo cual excede el límite defini
#| if identifier.system is ''urn:ietf:rfc:3986'', then the identifier.value must be a full URI (e.g. start with a scheme)
#| msgid if identifier.system is ''urn:ietf:rfc:3986'', then the identifier.value must be a full URI (e.g. start with a scheme)
msgid "if identifier.system is ''urn:ietf:rfc:3986'', then the identifier.value must be a full URI (e.g. start with a scheme), not ''{0}''"
msgstr "!!si identifier.system es ''urn:ietf:rfc:3986'', entonces identifier.value debe ser un URI completo (debe empezar con un scheme)"
@ -3713,13 +3738,13 @@ msgstr "El elemento maxValue en el perfil no tiene system asi que el valor máxi
#| The maxValue in the profile doesn't have an actual value, so the maximum value can''t be checked
#| msgid The maxValue in the profile doesn't have an actual value, so the maximum value can''t be checked
msgid "The maxValue in the profile doesn''t have an actual value, so the maximum value can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!El elemento maxValue en el perfil no tiene valor, asi que el valor máximo no puede ser verificado"
#| There is no UCUM service, and the UCUM codes aren't identical, so the maximum value can''t be checked
#| msgid There is no UCUM service, and the UCUM codes aren't identical, so the maximum value can''t be checked
msgid "There is no UCUM service, and the UCUM codes aren''t identical, so the maximum value can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!No hay servicio UCUM y los códigos UCUM no son idénticos, asi que el valor máximo no puede ser verificado"
@ -3740,7 +3765,7 @@ msgstr "El elemento value no tiene system asi que el valor máximo no puede ser
#| The quantity doesn't have an actual value, so the maximum value can''t be checked
#| msgid The quantity doesn't have an actual value, so the maximum value can''t be checked
msgid "The quantity doesn''t have an actual value, so the maximum value can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!La cantidad no tiene un valor, asi que el valor máximo no puede ser verificado"
@ -3776,13 +3801,13 @@ msgstr "El minValue en el perfil no tiene system asi que el valor mínimo no pue
#| The minValue in the profile doesn't have an actual value, so the minimum value can''t be checked
#| msgid The minValue in the profile doesn't have an actual value, so the minimum value can''t be checked
msgid "The minValue in the profile doesn''t have an actual value, so the minimum value can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!El elemento minValue en el perfil no tiene un valor, asi que el valor mínimo no puede ser verificado"
#| There is no UCUM service, and the UCUM codes aren't identical, so the minimum value can''t be checked
#| msgid There is no UCUM service, and the UCUM codes aren't identical, so the minimum value can''t be checked
msgid "There is no UCUM service, and the UCUM codes aren''t identical, so the minimum value can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!No hay servicio UCUM y los códigos UCUM no son idénticos, asi que el valor mínimo no puede ser verificado"
@ -3803,7 +3828,7 @@ msgstr "El valor no tiene sistema asi que el valor mínimo no puede ser verifica
#| The quantity doesn't have an actual value, so the minimum value can''t be checked
#| msgid The quantity doesn't have an actual value, so the minimum value can''t be checked
msgid "The quantity doesn''t have an actual value, so the minimum value can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!La cantidad no tiene un valor, asi que el valor mínimo no puede ser verificado"
@ -3869,7 +3894,7 @@ msgstr "Ningún especificador de tipo coincide, y el tipo subyacente {0} no es v
# Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#: Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#| {0} for ''{1}#{2}''
#| msgid {0} for ''{1}#{2}''
msgid "{0} (for ''{1}#{2}'')"
msgstr "!!{0} para ''{1}#{2}''"
@ -3890,7 +3915,7 @@ msgstr "Falta la Vinculación con {0}"
# Terminology_TX_Binding_NoServer
#: Terminology_TX_Binding_NoServer
#| The value provided could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server
#| msgid The value provided could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server
msgid "The value provided ([{0}]) could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server"
msgstr "!!El valor provisto no puede ser validado en ausencia de un servidor terminológico"
@ -3946,19 +3971,19 @@ msgstr "No se pudo confirmar que las codificaciones provistas estén en el set d
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#| The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}
msgid "The code provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}"
msgstr "!!El código provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores {0}, y un código de este conjunto de valores es requerido: {1}"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#| The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)"
msgstr "!!!!No se pudo confirmar que los códigos provistos vengan de este conjunto de valores {0}, y deberian provenir de este conjunto de valores a menos que no haya un código apropiado (el validador no pudo juzgar si era o no apropiado)"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#| The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set"
msgstr "!!!!No se pudo confirmar que los códigos provistos vengan de este conjunto de valores {0}, y se recomienda que los códigos provengan de este conjunto de valores"
@ -3999,19 +4024,19 @@ msgstr "El código provisto no está en el conjunto de valores máximo {0}, y se
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!El Coding provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores{0}, y se requiere un código de este conjunto de valores: {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}"
msgstr "!!El Coding provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores{0}, y deberian provenir de este conjunto de valores a menos que no haya un código apropiado (el validador no pudo juzgar si era o no apropiado) {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!El Coding provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores{0}, y se recomienda que los códigos provengan de este conjunto de valores {1}"
@ -4022,19 +4047,19 @@ msgstr "El valor provisto (''{0}'') no pudo ser validado en ausencia de un servi
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#| The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set){2}
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set){2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set {2}"
msgstr "!!El valor provisto (''{0}'') no está en el conjunto de valores{1}, y se requiere un código de este conjunto de valores) {2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#| The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}"
msgstr "!!El valor provisto (''{0}'') no está en el conjunto de valores{1}, y deberian provenir de este conjunto de valores a menos que no haya un código apropiado (el validador no pudo juzgar si era o no apropiado) {2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#| The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set){2}
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set){2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set{2}"
msgstr "!!!!El valor provisto (''{0}'') no está en el conjunto de valores{1}, y se recomienda que el código provengan de este conjunto de valores){2}"
@ -4055,19 +4080,19 @@ msgstr "!!Ninguno de los codings provistos están en el conjunto de valores {0},
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!El Coding provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores {0}, y se requiere un código de este conjunto de valores {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}"
msgstr "!!El Coding provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores {0}, y deberian provenir de este conjunto de valores a menos que no haya un código apropiado (el validador no pudo juzgar si era o no apropiado) {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!El Coding provisto ({2}) no está en el conjunto de valores {0}, y se recomienda que el código provengan de este conjunto de valores {1}"
@ -4083,7 +4108,7 @@ msgstr "Ninguno de los códigos provistos está en el conjunto de valores máxim
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_9
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_9
#| The code provided could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})
#| msgid The code provided could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})
msgid "The code provided ({2}) could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})"
msgstr "!!Ninguno de los códigos provistos pueden ser validados contra el conjunto de valores máximo {0}, (error = {1})"
@ -4114,13 +4139,13 @@ msgstr "El elemento Coding referencia un set de valores, no un sistema de codifi
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#| ValueSet {0} not found by validator
#| msgid ValueSet {0} not found by validator
msgid "ValueSet ''{0}'' not found"
msgstr "!!El ValueSet {0} no ha sido encontrado por el validador"
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#| Found a reference to a CodeSystem ({0}) where a ValueSet belongs
#| msgid Found a reference to a CodeSystem ({0}) where a ValueSet belongs
msgid "Found a reference to a CodeSystem ''{0}'' where a ValueSet belongs"
msgstr "!!Se encontró una refeencia a un CodeSystem ({0}) donde corresponde un ValueSet"
@ -4136,7 +4161,7 @@ msgstr "El snapshot base marca la partición como cerrada, pero el diferencial t
# This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#: This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#| This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no namespace)
#| msgid This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no namespace)
msgid "This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed (no namespace on the XML Root element)"
msgstr "!!Esto ''{0}'' no puede ser parseado como un objeto FHIR (sin espacio de nombres)"
@ -4147,25 +4172,25 @@ msgstr "Esta propiedad base debe ser un Array, no {0}"
# This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#: This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#| This cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no name)
#| msgid This cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no name)
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (no name)"
msgstr "!!Esto no puede ser parseado como un objeto FHIR (sin nombre)"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#| This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown name ''{0}'')
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown name ''{0}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized resource name ''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!Esto no parece ser un recurso FHIR (nombre desconocido ''{0}'')"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#| This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized XML Root element namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')"
msgstr "!!Esto no parece ser un recurso FHIR (espacio de nombres/nombre desconocido ''{0}::{1}'')"
# This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#: This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#| This element does not match any known slice {0}
#| msgid This element does not match any known slice {0}
msgid "This element does not match any known slice {0} (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it''s not intended to match a slice)"
msgstr "!!Este elemento no coincide con ninguna partición conocida {0}"
@ -4186,7 +4211,7 @@ msgstr "Esta propiedad debe ser una URI o bnode, no {0}"
# This_property_must_be_an_Array_not_
#: This_property_must_be_an_Array_not_
#| This property must be an Array, not {0}
#| msgid This property must be an Array, not {0}
msgid "The property {1} must be a JSON Array, not {0} (at {2})"
msgstr "!!Esta propiedad debe ser un Array, no {0}"
@ -4392,7 +4417,7 @@ msgstr "Las UUIDs deben empezar con urn:uuid:"
# Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
#: Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
#| UUIDs must be valid (and lowercase)
#| msgid UUIDs must be valid (and lowercase)
msgid "UUIDs must be valid and lowercase ({0})"
msgstr "!!UUIDs deben ser válidas y en letra minúscula"
@ -4448,13 +4473,13 @@ msgstr ""
#| The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {1}
#| msgid The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {1}
msgid "The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {0}"
msgstr "!!La secuencia Unicode tiene caracteres de control bi-di que no se permiten en este contexto: {1}"
#| The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {1}
#| msgid The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {1}
msgid "The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {0}"
msgstr "!!La secuencia Unicode tiene caracteres de control bi-di inconclusos (see CVE-2021-42574): {1}"
@ -4503,13 +4528,13 @@ msgstr "Propiedad no soportada {3} en el tipo {2} para el patron del discriminad
# Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server
#: Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server
#| Unable to connect to terminology server. Error = {0}
#| msgid Unable to connect to terminology server. Error = {0}
msgid "Unable to connect to terminology server at {1}. Error = {0}"
msgstr "!!Imposible conectarse con el servidor terminológico. Error = {0}"
# Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server_Use_parameter_tx_na_tun_run_without_using_terminology_services_to_validate_LOINC_SNOMED_ICDX_etc_Error__
#: Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server_Use_parameter_tx_na_tun_run_without_using_terminology_services_to_validate_LOINC_SNOMED_ICDX_etc_Error__
#| Unable to connect to terminology server. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}
#| msgid Unable to connect to terminology server. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}
msgid "Unable to connect to terminology server at {1}. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}"
msgstr "!!Incapaz de conectar al servicio terminológico. Use el parámetro ''-tx n/a'' para correr sin servicios terminológicos para validar LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}"
@ -4565,7 +4590,7 @@ msgstr "Incapaz de manejar el sistema {0} filtro de concepto con op = {1}"
# Unable_to_handle_system__filter_with_property__
#: Unable_to_handle_system__filter_with_property__
#| Unable to handle system {0} filter with property = {1}
#| msgid Unable to handle system {0} filter with property = {1}
msgid "Unable to handle system {0} filter with property = {1}, op = {2}"
msgstr "!!Incapaz de manejar el sistema {0} filtro con property = {1}"
@ -4631,13 +4656,13 @@ msgstr ""
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#| Unable to resolve system - value set has imports
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set has imports
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has imports"
msgstr "!!Incapaz de resolver el sistema - el conjunto de valores tiene imports"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#| The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}
#| msgid The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}: {4}"
msgstr "!!!!Incapaz de resolver el sistema - conjunto de valores {0} include #{1} tiene un filtro en system {2}"
@ -4648,31 +4673,31 @@ msgstr "Incapaz de resolver el sistema - conjunto de valores {0} include #{1} no
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#| Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has system {2} which is unknown, and the server return error {3}
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has system {2} which is unknown, and the server return error {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has system {3} which could not be found, and the server returned error {4}"
msgstr "!!Incapaz de resolver el sistema - conjunto de valores {0} include #{1} tiene system {2} desconocido, y el servidor devuelve error {3}"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#| Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple matches: {0}
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple matches: {0}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set expansion has multiple matches: {2}"
msgstr "!!Incapaz de resolver el sistema - el conjunto de valores expandido tiene multiples coincidencias: {0}"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#| Unable to resolve system - value set {0} has no includes or expansion
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} has no includes or expansion
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has no includes or expansion"
msgstr "!!Incapaz de resolver el sistema - el conjunto de valores {0} no tiene include o expansio"
# Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#: Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#| Unable to resolve value Set {0}
#| msgid Unable to resolve value Set {0}
msgid "A definition for the value Set ''{0}'' could not be found"
msgstr "!!Incapaz de resolver el conjunto de valores {0}"
# Unable_to_validate_code_without_using_server
#: Unable_to_validate_code_without_using_server
#| Unable to validate code without using server
#| msgid Unable to validate code without using server
msgid "Unable to validate code without using server because: {0}"
msgstr "!!Imposible validar el código sin usar el servidor"
@ -4683,7 +4708,7 @@ msgstr "Atributo indefinido ''@{0}'' en {1} para el tipo {2}"
# Undefined_element_
#: Undefined_element_
#| Undefined element ''{0}''
#| msgid Undefined element ''{0}''
msgid "Undefined element ''{0}'' at {1}"
msgstr "!!Elemento indefinido ''{0}''"
@ -4739,13 +4764,13 @@ msgstr "Unknown type {0} at {1}"
# Unrecognised_extension_context_
#: Unrecognised_extension_context_
#| Unrecognised extension context {0}
#| msgid Unrecognised extension context {0}
msgid "Unrecognized extension context {0}"
msgstr "!!Contexto de extensión no reconocido {0}"
# Unrecognised_predicate_
#: Unrecognised_predicate_
#| Unrecognised predicate ''{0}''
#| msgid Unrecognised predicate ''{0}''
msgid "Unrecognized predicate ''{0}''"
msgstr "!!Predicado desconocido ''{0}''"
@ -4906,19 +4931,19 @@ msgstr "El perfil es para esta versión de FHIR, pero es de tipo inválido {0}"
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}"
msgstr "!!La referencia al perfil ''{0}'' no ha sido verificada ya que es desconocido, y se produjo un error {1} al cargarlo"
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the host {1} cannot be found
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the host {1} cannot be found
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the host {1} cannot be found"
msgstr "!!La referencia al perfil ''{0}'' no ha sido verificada ya que es desconocido, y el host {1} no pudo ser encontrado"
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles"
msgstr "!!La referencia al perfil ''{0}'' no ha sido verificada ya que es desconocido, y el validador está configurado para no aceptar perfiles desconocidos"
@ -5074,13 +5099,13 @@ msgstr ""
#| The code {1} is not valid in the system {0}
#| msgid The code {1} is not valid in the system {0}
msgid "The code ''{1}'' is not valid in the system {0} ({2})"
msgstr "!!El código {1} no es válido en el sistema {0}"
#| The code {2} is not valid in the system {0} version {1}
#| msgid The code {2} is not valid in the system {0} version {1}
msgid "The code ''{2}'' is not valid in the system {0} version {1} ({2})"
msgstr "!!El código {2} no es válido en el sistema {0} versión {1}"
@ -5116,25 +5141,25 @@ msgstr "El conjunto de valores a importar {0} no pudo ser encontrado por lo que
#| The ShareableValueSet profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
#| msgid The ShareableValueSet profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
msgid "Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!El perfil ShareableValueSet recomienda que el elemento {0} se complete, pero no está presente. Los conjuntos de valores publicados DEBERIAN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
#| Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not
#| msgid Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Value sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!El perfil ShareableValueSet recomienda que el elemento {0} se complete, pero no se encontró.Los conjuntos de valores publicados por HL7 DEBEN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
#| The ShareableValueSet profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
#| msgid The ShareableValueSet profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
msgid "Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!El perfil ShareableValueSet dice que el elemento {0} es obligatorio, pero no está presente. Los conjuntos de valores publicados DEBERIAN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
#| Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
#| msgid Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Value sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!El perfil ShareableValueSet dice que el elemento {0} es obligatorio, pero no se encontró. Los conjuntos de valores publicados por HL7 DEBEN conformar al perfil ShareableValueSet"
@ -5188,7 +5213,7 @@ msgstr "La primera entry en un mensaje tiene que ser un recurso MessageHeader"
# Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#| Unrecognised Content {0}
#| msgid Unrecognised Content {0}
msgid "Unrecognized Content {0}"
msgstr "!!Contenido No Reconocido {0}"
@ -5267,7 +5292,7 @@ msgstr "El recurso StructureDefinition {0} no tiene snapshot - la validación se
# Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#| The type of element {0} is not known, which is invalid. Valid types at this point are {1}
#| msgid The type of element {0} is not known, which is invalid. Valid types at this point are {1}
msgid "The type of element {0} is not known - it could not be determined from the information available. Valid types at this point are {1}"
msgstr "!!El tipo de elemento {0} es desconocido, lo cual es ilegal. Los tipos válidos en este punto son {1}"
@ -5293,7 +5318,7 @@ msgstr "Según se especifica en el perfil {0}, el elemento ''{1}'' está fuera d
# Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found"
msgstr "!!La referencia al perfil ''{0}'' no ha sido verificada porque el perfil es desconocido"
@ -5387,7 +5412,7 @@ msgstr "XHTML Malformado: Se encontró una declaración DocType, y no están per
#| Invalid element name inside in a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')
#| msgid Invalid element name inside in a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')
msgid "Invalid element name inside a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!Nombre de elemento ilegal en un párrafo en el XHTML (''{0}'')"
@ -5428,7 +5453,7 @@ msgstr ""
# _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#: _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#| Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''
#| msgid Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''
msgid "Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''{2}"
msgstr "!!El valor es ''{0}'' but debe ser ''{1}''"

View File

@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ msgstr "プロファイル {0} で誤ったパスを追加しています: {1} v
# All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#: All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#| All observations should have a performer
#| msgid All observations should have a performer
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer"
msgstr "!!すべてのObservationにはperformerが必要です"
# All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#: All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#| All observations should have a subject
#| msgid All observations should have a subject
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a subject"
msgstr "!!すべてのObservationにはsubjectが必要です"
# All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#: All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#| All observations should have an effectiveDateTime or an effectivePeriod
#| msgid All observations should have an effectiveDateTime or an effectivePeriod
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ({0})"
msgstr "!!すべてのObservationにはeffectiveDateTimeまたはeffectivePeriodが必要です"
@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ msgstr "検索文字列からタイプを特定できないため、タイプを
# Bad_file_path_error
#: Bad_file_path_error
msgid "\n********************\n* The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem.\n* Please verify that this is valid file location.\n********************\n\n"
msgstr "\n********************\n* あなたが指定したファイル名、 ''{0}'' はローカルファイルシステム上に存在しません。\n* これが有効なファイルの場所であることを確認してください。\n********************\n\n"
msgid "** Error: The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem. Please verify that this is valid file location **"
msgstr "!!\n********************\n* あなたが指定したファイル名、 ''{0}'' はローカルファイルシステム上に存在しません。\n* これが有効なファイルの場所であることを確認してください。\n********************\n\n"
# Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
#: Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} is unknown.
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} is unknown.
msgid "The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} could not be found."
msgstr "!!提供されたコード({2}は、ValueSet {0}のexpansionには含まれておらず、このValueSetからコードが必要です。system {1}は未知です。"
@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ msgstr "source code ''{0}'' はValue Set {1} で有効ではありません"
#| The source display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible codes {1}
#| msgid The source display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible codes {1}
msgid "The source display ''{0}'' for the code ''{2}'' is not valid. Possible displays: {1}"
msgstr "!!source display ''{0}'' は有効ではありません。可能性のあるcode {1}"
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ msgstr "target code ''{0}'' はValue Set {1} で有効ではありません"
#| The target display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible displays {1}
#| msgid The target display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible displays {1}
msgid "The target display ''{0}'' for the code ''{2}'' is not valid. Possible displays: {1}"
msgstr "!!target display ''{0}'' は有効ではありません。可能なdisplayは {1} です"
@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ msgstr "systemが提供されていないため、プレーンなコードは使
#| The system {0} is unknown, so code values can''t be checked
#| msgid The system {0} is unknown, so code values can''t be checked
msgid "The code system {0} could not be found, so code values can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!system {0} は未知なので、コードの値をチェックすることはできません"
@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ msgstr "拡張中にコードが見つかりました。しかしながら: {0}"
# Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#: Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#| Coding has no system - cannot validate
#| msgid Coding has no system - cannot validate
msgid "Coding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!Codingにはsystemがない - 検証できません"
@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ msgstr "パッケージ {1}#{2} から {0} の読み取りエラー: {3}"
# Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#: Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#| Error validating code: running without terminology services
#| msgid Error validating code: running without terminology services
msgid "Unable to validate code ''{0}'' in system ''{1}'' because the validator is running without terminology services"
msgstr "!!コードの検証エラー: 用語サービス無しで実行中"
@ -1220,13 +1220,13 @@ msgstr "未知のextension {0}"
# Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#: Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#| The extension {0} is unknown, and not allowed here
#| msgid The extension {0} is unknown, and not allowed here
msgid "The extension {0} could not be found so is not allowed here"
msgstr "!!extension {0} は未知であり、ここでは許可されていません"
# Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#: Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#| Extension.url is required
#| msgid Extension.url is required
msgid "Extension.url is required in order to identify, use and validate the extension"
msgstr "!!Extension.urlは必須です"
@ -1548,7 +1548,7 @@ msgstr "FHIRPath式の評価エラー: 関数 {0} は順序付けされた文字
#| Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, code, id but found {1}
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, code, id but found {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, url, code, id but found {1}"
msgstr "!!FHIRPath式の評価エラー: 関数 {0} は文字列、URI、code、idに対してのみ使用できますが、{1} を見つけました"
@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| Rule {0} Failed
#| msgid Rule {0} Failed
msgid "Constraint failed: {0}"
msgstr "!!ルール {0} が失敗しました"
@ -1655,7 +1655,7 @@ msgstr "{1}内のdifferentialにおける無効なパス ''{0}'': 無効な文
# Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#: Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#| Invalid path ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}
#| msgid Invalid path ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}
msgid "Invalid path ''{0}'' in input differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}"
msgstr "!!{1}内のdifferantialにおける無効なパス ''{0}'': {2}.{3}で始まる必要があります"
@ -2373,7 +2373,7 @@ msgstr[1] "プロファイルベースのディスクリミネータは一つの
#| The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} is unknown
#| msgid The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} is unknown
msgid "The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} could not be found"
msgstr "!!提供されたコード {1} はQuestionnaireのオプションValueSet{2})で検証できません。システム {0} は未知です"
@ -2464,7 +2464,7 @@ msgstr "派生に参照されるQuestionnaire ''{0}'' が見つかりません
# Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#: Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#| The code provided {1} in the system {0}) is not in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire: {3}
#| msgid The code provided {1} in the system {0}) is not in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire: {3}
msgid "The code ''{1}'' in the system ''{0}'' is not in the options value set ({2}) specified by the questionnaire. Terminology Error: {3}"
msgstr "!!提供されたコード {1}(システム {0}はQuestionnaireのオプションValueSet{2})には存在しません: {3}"
@ -2810,7 +2810,7 @@ msgstr "タイプ {0} は、制約対象の基本構造 {1} のタイプと同
#| Review the extension type: extensions should not have a context of {0} unless it''s really intended that they can be used anywhere
#| msgid Review the extension type: extensions should not have a context of {0} unless it''s really intended that they can be used anywhere
msgid "Review the extension type for {1}: extensions should not have a context of {0} unless it''s really intended that they can be used anywhere"
msgstr "!!extensionタイプを確認してくださいextensionはそれらが本当にどこでも使用できることを意図したものではない限り、 {0} のコンテキストを持つべきではありません"
@ -3071,6 +3071,31 @@ msgstr "!!タイプ {0} は、種類が 'logical' でない {1} の場合にの
msgid "The type namespace {0} SHOULD match the url namespace {1} for the definition of the type"
msgstr "タイプの名前空間 {0} は、タイプの定義のためのurl名前空間 {1} と一致すべきです"
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' has a type parameter ''{3}'', which is not consistent with it''s ancestor type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' is a reference to ''{1}'' which has a type parameter ''{2}'' with a base type of {3} but the type parameter provided is ''{4}'' which is not the right type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' does not declare a type parameter, but it is derived from the type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{0}'' has the type parameter ''{1}'' but it is not a known type so derivation consistency cannot be checked"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' at {3} is a reference to ''{1}'' which needs a type parameter ''{2}'' but a type parameter is not provided for ''{2}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "For the complex type {0}, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance"
@ -3418,9 +3443,9 @@ msgstr "生成されたsnapshotには、元の提供されたsnapshot{0}と要
#| The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty (which should not happen)
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere"
msgstr "!!プロファイル''{0}''のsnapshotが空ですこれは起こるべきではありません"
#| msgid The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing error logged elsewhere"
msgstr "!!!!プロファイル''{0}''のsnapshotが空ですこれは起こるべきではありません"
@ -3504,7 +3529,7 @@ msgstr "!!URIが''{0}''のCodeSystemの定義にはcodeが提供されていな
#| A code with no system has no defined meaning. A system should be provided
#| msgid A code with no system has no defined meaning. A system should be provided
msgid "A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!systemが提供されていないコードは定義された意味がありません。systemを提供する必要があります"
@ -3830,7 +3855,7 @@ msgstr "Type specifierに一致するものはなく、基底型 {0} は有効
# Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#: Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#| {0} for ''{1}#{2}''
#| msgid {0} for ''{1}#{2}''
msgid "{0} (for ''{1}#{2}'')"
msgstr "!!{0} for ''{1}#{2}''"
@ -3906,19 +3931,19 @@ msgstr "提供されたcodingがValueSet{0}に含まれていることを確認
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#| The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}
msgid "The code provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}"
msgstr "!!提供されたcode{2}がValueSet{0}に含まれていません。このValueSetからのcodeが必要です{1}"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#| The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)"
msgstr "!!!!提供されたcodeがValueSet{0}に含まれていることを確認できませんでした。適切なコードがない場合を除き、このValueSetからのcodeが必要ですバリデータは何が適切か判断できません"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#| The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set"
msgstr "!!!!提供されたcodeがValueSet {0}に含まれていることを確認できませんでした。このValueSetからのcodeが推奨されています"
@ -3959,19 +3984,19 @@ msgstr "提供されたcodeは最大ValueSet {0}に含まれていません。
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!提供されたCoding{2}がValueSet{0}に含まれていません。このValueSetからのcodeが必要です。{1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}"
msgstr "!!提供されたCoding{2}がValueSet{0}に含まれていません。適切なcodeがない場合を除き、このValueSetからのcodeが必要ですバリデータは何が適切か判断できません。{1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!提供されたCoding{2}がValueSet{0}に含まれていません。このValueSetからのcodeが推奨されます。{1}"
@ -3982,19 +4007,19 @@ msgstr "用語サーバーが存在しないため、提供された値(''{0}'
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#| The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set {2}
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set {2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set {2}"
msgstr "!!提供された値(''{0}''はValueSet {1}に含まれていません。このValueSetからのcodeが必要です{2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#| The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}"
msgstr "!!提供された値(''{0}''はValueSet {1}に含まれていません。適切なコードがない場合を除き、このValueSetからのcodeが必要ですバリデータは何が適切か判断できません{2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#| The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set){2}
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set){2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set{2}"
msgstr "!!!!提供された値(''{0}''はValueSet{1}に含まれていません。このValueSetからのcodeが推奨されています{2}"
@ -4015,19 +4040,19 @@ msgstr "!!提供されたcodingのいずれもがValueSet{0}に含まれてい
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!提供されたCoding{2}がValueSet{0}に含まれていません。このValueSetからのcodeが必要です{1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}"
msgstr "!!提供されたCoding{2}がValueSet{0}に含まれていません。適切なコードがない場合を除き、このValueSetからのcodeが必要ですバリデータは何が適切か判断できません{1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!提供されたCoding{2}がValueSet{0}に含まれていません。このValueSetからのcodeが推奨されています {1}"
@ -4073,13 +4098,13 @@ msgstr "CodingがCodeSystemではなく、ValueSetを参照しています''{
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#| ValueSet {0} not found
#| msgid ValueSet {0} not found
msgid "ValueSet ''{0}'' not found"
msgstr "!!ValueSet {0}が見つかりません"
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#| Found a reference to a CodeSystem ({0}) where a ValueSet belongs
#| msgid Found a reference to a CodeSystem ({0}) where a ValueSet belongs
msgid "Found a reference to a CodeSystem ''{0}'' where a ValueSet belongs"
msgstr "!!ValueSetがあるべき場所にCodeSystem{0})への参照が見つかりました"
@ -4095,7 +4120,7 @@ msgstr "ベースsnapshotはスライスをclosedとしてマークしていま
# This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#: This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#| This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no namespace)
#| msgid This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no namespace)
msgid "This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed (no namespace on the XML Root element)"
msgstr "!!これはFHIRオブジェクトとして解析できません名前空間がありません"
@ -4106,25 +4131,25 @@ msgstr "このベースプロパティは配列でなければなりません。
# This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#: This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#| This cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no name)
#| msgid This cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no name)
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (no name)"
msgstr "!!これはFHIRオブジェクトとして解析できません名前がありません"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#| This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown name ''{0}'')
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown name ''{0}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized resource name ''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!これはFHIRリソースではないようです未知の名前''{0}''"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#| This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized XML Root element namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')"
msgstr "!!これはFHIRリソースではないようです未知の名前空間/名前''{0}::{1}''"
# This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#: This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#| This element does not match any known slice {0}
#| msgid This element does not match any known slice {0}
msgid "This element does not match any known slice {0} (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it''s not intended to match a slice)"
msgstr "!!この要素はどの既知のスライスとも一致しません {0}"
@ -4390,7 +4415,7 @@ msgstr "system {0}のプロパティフィルターをop = {1}で処理するこ
#| The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'' (UNABLE_TO_INFER_CODESYSTEM)
#| msgid The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'' (UNABLE_TO_INFER_CODESYSTEM)
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}''"
msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ValueSet {1}内のコード{0}のシステムURIを決定できませんでした"
@ -4423,13 +4448,13 @@ msgstr[1] "この内容には文字{1}16進数値が含まれています
#| A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM)
#| msgid A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM)
msgid "A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated"
msgstr "!!!!!!!!CodeSystem {0}は未知です"
#| The CodeSystem {0} version {1} is unknown. Valid versions: {2}
#| msgid The CodeSystem {0} version {1} is unknown. Valid versions: {2}
msgid "A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' version ''{1}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated. Valid versions: {2}"
msgstr "!!CodeSystem {0}のバージョン{1}は未知です。有効なバージョン: {2}"
@ -4580,19 +4605,19 @@ msgstr "systemを解決できません - ValueSetがありません"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_expansion_has_multiple_systems
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_expansion_has_multiple_systems
#| Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple systems
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple systems
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set expansion has multiple systems"
msgstr "!!systemを解決できません - ValueSetのexpansionに複数のsystemがあります"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#| Unable to resolve system - value set has imports
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set has imports
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has imports"
msgstr "!!systemを解決できません - ValueSetにインポートがあります"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#| The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}
#| msgid The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}: {4}"
msgstr "!!!!systemを解決できません - ValueSet {0}のインクルード#{1}にsystem {2}のフィルターがあります"
@ -4603,25 +4628,25 @@ msgstr "systemを解決できません - ValueSet {0}のインクルード#{1}
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#| Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has system {2} which is unknown, and the server return error {3}
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has system {2} which is unknown, and the server return error {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has system {3} which could not be found, and the server returned error {4}"
msgstr "!!systemを解決できません - ValueSet {0}のインクルード#{1}には未知のsystem{2}があり、サーバーはエラー{3}を返しました"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#| Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple matches: {0}
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple matches: {0}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set expansion has multiple matches: {2}"
msgstr "!!systemを解決できません - ValueSetのexpansionに複数の一致があります: {0}"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#| Unable to resolve system - value set {0} has no includes or expansion
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} has no includes or expansion
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has no includes or expansion"
msgstr "!!systemを解決できません - ValueSet{0}にはインクルードまたは展開がありません"
# Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#: Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#| Unable to resolve value Set {0}
#| msgid Unable to resolve value Set {0}
msgid "A definition for the value Set ''{0}'' could not be found"
msgstr "!!ValueSet{0}を解決できません"
@ -4692,13 +4717,13 @@ msgstr "{1}で未知の型{0}"
# Unrecognised_extension_context_
#: Unrecognised_extension_context_
#| Unrecognised extension context {0}
#| msgid Unrecognised extension context {0}
msgid "Unrecognized extension context {0}"
msgstr "!!認識できないextensionコンテキスト{0}"
# Unrecognised_predicate_
#: Unrecognised_predicate_
#| Unrecognised predicate ''{0}''
#| msgid Unrecognised predicate ''{0}''
msgid "Unrecognized predicate ''{0}''"
msgstr "!!認識できない述語''{0}''"
@ -4859,19 +4884,19 @@ msgstr "プロファイルはこのバージョンのFHIRのためのもので
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}"
msgstr "!!プロファイル参照''{0}''は未知のため、確認されていません。取得はエラー {1}により失敗しました"
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the host {1} cannot be found
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the host {1} cannot be found
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the host {1} cannot be found"
msgstr "!!プロファイル参照''{0}''は未知のため、確認されていません。ホスト {1} が見つかりません"
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles"
msgstr "!!プロファイル参照''{0}''は未知のため、確認されていません。バリデーターは未知のプロファイルを取得しない設定になっています"
@ -4962,7 +4987,7 @@ msgstr "この含有物には表示ありのconceptと表示なしのconceptが
#| This SNOMED-CT based include has some concepts with semantic tags (FSN terms) and some without (preferred terms) - check that this is what is intended
#| msgid This SNOMED-CT based include has some concepts with semantic tags (FSN terms) and some without (preferred terms) - check that this is what is intended
msgid "This SNOMED-CT based include has some concepts with semantic tags (FSN terms) and some without (preferred terms) - check that this is what is intended (examples for FSN: {0} and examples for no FSN: {1})"
msgstr "!!このSNOMED-CTベースの含有物には、セマンティックタグFSN用語付きのconceptとそれ無し優先用語のconceptが混在しています - 意図した通りか確認してください"
@ -5028,13 +5053,13 @@ msgstr ""
#| The code ''{1}'' is not valid in the system {0}
#| msgid The code ''{1}'' is not valid in the system {0}
msgid "The code ''{1}'' is not valid in the system {0} ({2})"
msgstr "!!code''{1}''はsystem{0}では有効ではありません"
#| The code ''{2}'' is not valid in the system {0} version {1}
#| msgid The code ''{2}'' is not valid in the system {0} version {1}
msgid "The code ''{2}'' is not valid in the system {0} version {1} ({2})"
msgstr "!!code''{2}''はsystem {0}のversion {1}では有効ではありません"
@ -5050,7 +5075,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| The value set include has too many codes to validate ({0})
#| msgid The value set include has too many codes to validate ({0})
msgid "The value set include has too many codes to validate ({0}), so each individual code has not been checked"
msgstr "!!value setに大量のcodeが含まれるため、バリデーションできません: {0}"
@ -5098,7 +5123,7 @@ msgstr[1] "必要なsupplementが見つかりません: {1}"
#| The value set {0} has too many codes to display ({1})
#| msgid The value set {0} has too many codes to display ({1})
msgid "The value set ''{0}'' expansion has too many codes to display ({1})"
msgstr "!!ValueSet {0}には多すぎるコードがあり、表示できません({1})"
@ -5109,7 +5134,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| The value set {0} took too long to process (>{1}sec)
#| msgid The value set {0} took too long to process (>{1}sec)
msgid "The value set ''{0}'' expansion took too long to process (>{1}sec)"
msgstr "!!ValueSet {0}の処理に時間がかかっています (>{1}sec)"
@ -5140,7 +5165,7 @@ msgstr "メッセージの最初のエントリはMessageHeaderでなければ
# Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#| Unrecognised Content {0}
#| msgid Unrecognised Content {0}
msgid "Unrecognized Content {0}"
msgstr "!!認識できない内容 {0}"
@ -5213,7 +5238,7 @@ msgstr "StructureDefinition {0}にはsnapshotがありません - 検証はsnaps
# Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#| The type of element {0} is not known, which is invalid. Valid types at this point are {1}
#| msgid The type of element {0} is not known, which is invalid. Valid types at this point are {1}
msgid "The type of element {0} is not known - it could not be determined from the information available. Valid types at this point are {1}"
msgstr "!!要素{0}の型が未知であり、無効です。この時点で有効な型は{1}です"
@ -5239,7 +5264,7 @@ msgstr "プロファイル {0}によると、順序付けされたスライス
# Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found"
msgstr "!!プロファイル参照''{0}''は未知のため、確認されていません"
@ -5332,7 +5357,7 @@ msgstr "形式が正しくないXHTML: DocType宣言が見つかりましたが
#| Invalid element name inside in a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')
#| msgid Invalid element name inside in a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')
msgid "Invalid element name inside a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!段落内のXHTMLの要素名が無効です(''{0}'')"
@ -5373,7 +5398,7 @@ msgstr ""
# _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#: _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#| Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''
#| msgid Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''
msgid "Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''{2}"
msgstr "!!値は ''{0}'' ですが、 ''{1}'' でなければなりません"

View File

@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ msgstr "Verkeerd pad toegevoegd in profiel {0}: {1} versus {2}"
# All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#: All_observations_should_have_a_performer
#| All observations should have a performer
#| msgid All observations should have a performer
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer"
msgstr "!!Alle observations zouden een performer moeten bevatten"
# All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#: All_observations_should_have_a_subject
#| All observations should have a subject
#| msgid All observations should have a subject
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a subject"
msgstr "!!Alle observations zouden een subject moeten bevatten"
# All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#: All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
#| All observations should have an effectiveDateTime or an effectivePeriod
#| msgid All observations should have an effectiveDateTime or an effectivePeriod
msgid "Best Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ({0})"
msgstr "!!Alle Observations zouden een effectiveDateTime of effectivePeriod moeten bevatten"
@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ msgstr "er kunnen geen typen worden bepaald uit een de zoekstring, dus de typen
# Bad_file_path_error
#: Bad_file_path_error
msgid "\n********************\n* The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem.\n* Please verify that this is valid file location.\n********************\n\n"
msgstr "\n********************\n* Het bestand dat je opgaf, ''{0}'', bestaat niet op het lokale bestandssysteem.\n* Controleer of de locatie klopt.\n********************\n\n"
msgid "** Error: The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem. Please verify that this is valid file location **"
msgstr "!!\n********************\n* Het bestand dat je opgaf, ''{0}'', bestaat niet op het lokale bestandssysteem.\n* Controleer of de locatie klopt.\n********************\n\n"
# Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
#: Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} is unknown.
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} is unknown.
msgid "The code provided ({2}) is not in the expansion in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. The system {1} could not be found."
msgstr "!!Het gevonden code ({2}) bestaat niet in de waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht. Het system {1} is onbekend."
@ -601,25 +601,25 @@ msgstr ""
#| The ShareableCodeSystem profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
#| msgid The ShareableCodeSystem profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
msgid "Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableCodeSystem profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde codesystemen ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableCodeSystem profiel"
#| Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not
#| msgid Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Code systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableCodeSystem profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde codesystemen MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableCodeSystem profiel"
#| The ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
#| msgid The ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
msgid "Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableCodeSystem profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde codesystemen ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableCodeSystem profiel"
#| Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
#| msgid Published code systems SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Code systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableCodeSystem profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde codesystemen MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableCodeSystem profiel"
@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| The source display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible codes {1}
#| msgid The source display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible codes {1}
msgid "The source display ''{0}'' for the code ''{2}'' is not valid. Possible displays: {1}"
msgstr "!!De bron-code ''{0}'' is niet geldig. Mogelijke codes {1}"
@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| Unknown Source Code System {0}, so the source codes cannot be checked
#| msgid Unknown Source Code System {0}, so the source codes cannot be checked
msgid "The Source Code System {0} is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed"
msgstr "!!Onbekend bron CodeSystem {0}, dus de bron-codes kunnen niet worden gecontroleerd"
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| The target display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible displays {1}
#| msgid The target display ''{0}'' is not valid. Possible displays {1}
msgid "The target display ''{0}'' for the code ''{2}'' is not valid. Possible displays: {1}"
msgstr "!!De doel-weergave ''{0}'' is niet geldig. Mogelijke weergaven {1}"
@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ msgstr "Aangezien er geen system is gespecifceerd, kan een eenvoudige code niet
#| The system {0} is unknown, so code values can''t be checked
#| msgid The system {0} is unknown, so code values can''t be checked
msgid "The code system {0} could not be found, so code values can''t be checked"
msgstr "!!Het system {0} is onbekend, dus codes kunnen niet worden gecontroleerd"
@ -734,31 +734,31 @@ msgstr ""
#| Unknown Target Code System {0}, so the target codes cannot be checked
#| msgid Unknown Target Code System {0}, so the target codes cannot be checked
msgid "The Target Code System {0} is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed"
msgstr "!!Onbekend doel CodeSystem {0}, dus de doel-codes kunnen niet worden gecontroleerd"
#| The ShareableConceptMap profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile
#| msgid The ShareableConceptMap profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile
msgid "Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableConceptMap profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde conceptmaps ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableConceptMap profiel"
#| Published concept maps SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} should be present, but it is not
#| msgid Published concept maps SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Concept maps published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableConceptMap profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde conceptmaps MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableConceptMap profiel"
#| The ShareableConceptMap profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile
#| msgid The ShareableConceptMap profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile
msgid "Published concept maps SHOULD conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableConceptMap profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde conceptmaps ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableConceptMap profiel"
#| Published concept maps SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
#| msgid Published concept maps SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Concept maps published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableConceptMap profile, which says that the element ConceptMap.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableConceptMap profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde conceptmaps MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableConceptMap profiel"
@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ msgstr "Code gevonden in expansion, echter: {0}"
# Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#: Coding_has_no_system__cannot_validate
#| Coding has no system - cannot validate
#| msgid Coding has no system - cannot validate
msgid "Coding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!Coding heeft geen system - kan niet valideren"
@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| The element is not allowed to be 'null'
#| msgid The element is not allowed to be 'null'
msgid "The element is not allowed to be ''null''"
msgstr "!!Het element mag niet ''null'' zijn"
@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ msgstr "Fout bij lezen {0} uit package {1}#{2}: {3}"
# Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#: Error_validating_code_running_without_terminology_services
#| Error validating code: running without terminology services
#| msgid Error validating code: running without terminology services
msgid "Unable to validate code ''{0}'' in system ''{1}'' because the validator is running without terminology services"
msgstr "!!Fout bij valideren van code: geen terminologieservices"
@ -1231,13 +1231,13 @@ msgstr "Onbekende extensie {0}"
# Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#: Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
#| The extension {0} is unknown, and not allowed here
#| msgid The extension {0} is unknown, and not allowed here
msgid "The extension {0} could not be found so is not allowed here"
msgstr "!!De extensie {0} is onbekend en hier niet toegestaan"
# Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#: Extension_EXT_Url_NotFound
#| Extension.url is required
#| msgid Extension.url is required
msgid "Extension.url is required in order to identify, use and validate the extension"
msgstr "!!Extension.url is verplicht"
@ -1483,7 +1483,7 @@ msgstr "Fout bij evalueren FHIRPath expressie: De functie {0} kan alleen worden
#| Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The type ''{0}'' is unknown or not supported at {1}
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The type ''{0}'' is unknown or not supported at {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: No type provided at {1}"
msgstr "!!Fout bij evalueren FHIRPath expressie: Het type ''{0}'' is onbekend of wordt niet ondersteund bij {1}"
@ -1560,7 +1560,7 @@ msgstr "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used
#| Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, code, id but found {1}
#| msgid Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, code, id but found {1}
msgid "Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, url, code, id but found {1}"
msgstr "!!Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function {0} can only be used on string, uri, code, id but found {1}"
@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| Rule {0} Failed
#| msgid Rule {0} Failed
msgid "Constraint failed: {0}"
msgstr "!!Regel {0} mislukt"
@ -1667,7 +1667,7 @@ msgstr "Onjuist pad ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: ongeldige tekens []"
# Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#: Illegal_path__in_differential_in__must_start_with_
#| Invalid path ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}
#| msgid Invalid path ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}
msgid "Invalid path ''{0}'' in input differential in {1}: must start with {2}.{3}"
msgstr "!!Onjuist pad ''{0}'' in differential in {1}: moet beginnen met {2}.{3}"
@ -2023,25 +2023,25 @@ msgstr "Een measure moet tenminste een group bevatten"
#| The ShareableMeasure profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
#| msgid The ShareableMeasure profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
msgid "Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableMeasure profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde measures ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableMeasure profiel"
#| Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not
#| msgid Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Measures published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableMeasure profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde measures MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableMeasure profiel"
#| The ShareableMeasure profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
#| msgid The ShareableMeasure profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile
msgid "Published measures SHOULD conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableMeasure profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde measures ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableMeasure profiel"
#| Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
#| msgid Published measures SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Measures published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableMeasure profile, which says that the element Measure.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableMeasure profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde measures MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableMeasure profiel"
@ -2389,7 +2389,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Profiel-gebaseerde discriminators moeten slechts een type bevatten ({
#| The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} is unknown
#| msgid The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} is unknown
msgid "The code provided {1} cannot be validated in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire because the system {0} could not be found"
msgstr "!!De opgegeven code {1} kan niet worden gevalideerd tegen de waardelijst met opties ({2}) in de vragenlijst omdat het system {0} onbekend is"
@ -2480,7 +2480,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#: Questionnaire_QR_Item_BadOption
#| The code provided {1} in the system {0}) is not in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire: {3}
#| msgid The code provided {1} in the system {0}) is not in the options value set ({2}) in the questionnaire: {3}
msgid "The code ''{1}'' in the system ''{0}'' is not in the options value set ({2}) specified by the questionnaire. Terminology Error: {3}"
msgstr "!!De opgegeven code {1} in systeem {0} staat niet in de waardelijst met opties ({2}) in de vragenlijst"
@ -3086,6 +3086,31 @@ msgstr "!!Het type {0} kan alleen worden gedefinieerd als het soort (kind) 'logi
msgid "The type namespace {0} SHOULD match the url namespace {1} for the definition of the type"
msgstr "De type namespace {0} ZOU overeen MOETEN komen met de url namespace {1} voor de definitie van het type"
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' has a type parameter ''{3}'', which is not consistent with it''s ancestor type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' is a reference to ''{1}'' which has a type parameter ''{2}'' with a base type of {3} but the type parameter provided is ''{4}'' which is not the right type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' does not declare a type parameter, but it is derived from the type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{0}'' has the type parameter ''{1}'' but it is not a known type so derivation consistency cannot be checked"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' at {3} is a reference to ''{1}'' which needs a type parameter ''{2}'' but a type parameter is not provided for ''{2}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "For the complex type {0}, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance"
@ -3163,7 +3188,7 @@ msgstr "De parameter ''{0}'' verwijst naar de variabele ''{1}'' maar zijn type i
#| The group {0} has alr
#| msgid The group {0} has alr
msgid "The group {0} has already been used with different parameters, so the type checking may be incorrect (other = [{1}]; this = [{2}])"
msgstr "!!De groep {0} heeft alr"
@ -3179,13 +3204,13 @@ msgstr "De group parameter {0} mode {1} is niet geldig"
#| The type {0} has mode {1} which doesn''t match the structure definition {2}
#| msgid The type {0} has mode {1} which doesn''t match the structure definition {2}
msgid "The type ''{0}'' has mode ''{1}'' which doesn''t match the structure definition mode of ''{2}''"
msgstr "!!Het type {0} heeft mode {1} welke niet overeenkomt met de StructureDefinition {2}"
#| The group parameter {0} has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
#| msgid The group parameter {0} has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
msgid "Group {1} parameter {0} has no type, so the paths cannot be validated"
msgstr "!!De group parameter {0} heeft geen type, dus de paden kunnen niet worden gevalideerd"
@ -3241,7 +3266,7 @@ msgstr "Een list ruleId moet niet worden gebruikt aangezien dit een regel is die
#| The group {0} is not called from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it''s inputs, so type verification is not possible
#| msgid The group {0} is not called from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it''s inputs, so type verification is not possible
msgid "The group {0} is not called successfully from within this mapping script, and does not have types on it''s inputs, so type verification is not possible"
msgstr "!!De group {0} wordt niet gebruikt binnen dit mappingscript en heeft geen typen op zijn inputs, dus verificatie van type is niet mogelijk"
@ -3437,7 +3462,7 @@ msgstr "De gegenereerde snapshot heeft een ander aantal elementen {1} dan de oor
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere"
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing error logged elsewhere"
msgstr ""
@ -3522,7 +3547,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| A code with no system has no defined meaning. A system should be provided
#| msgid A code with no system has no defined meaning. A system should be provided
msgid "A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided"
msgstr "!!Een code zonder system heeft geen gedefinieerde betekenis. Een system is vereist"
@ -3658,7 +3683,7 @@ msgstr "{0} decimalen gevonden wat groter is dan de ingestelde grenswaarde van {
#| if identifier.system is ''urn:ietf:rfc:3986'', then the identifier.value must be a full URI (e.g. start with a scheme)
#| msgid if identifier.system is ''urn:ietf:rfc:3986'', then the identifier.value must be a full URI (e.g. start with a scheme)
msgid "if identifier.system is ''urn:ietf:rfc:3986'', then the identifier.value must be a full URI (e.g. start with a scheme), not ''{0}''"
msgstr "!!als identifier.system ''urn:ietf:rfc:3986'' is, dan moet de identifier.value een volledige URI zijn (dus beginnen met een scheme)"
@ -3669,7 +3694,7 @@ msgstr "De markdown bevat content die lijkt op een ingevoegde HTML tag beginnend
#| "Exception evaluating regex ''{0}'' on type {1}: {2}
#| msgid Exception evaluating regex ''{0}'' on type {1}: {2}
msgid "Exception evaluating regex ''{0}'' on type {1}: {2}"
msgstr "!!Exception evaluating regex ''{0}'' on type {1}: {2}"
@ -3850,7 +3875,7 @@ msgstr "Geen matchende Type specifier en het onderliggende type {0} is niet geld
# Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#: Terminology_PassThrough_TX_Message
#| {0} for ''{1}#{2}''
#| msgid {0} for ''{1}#{2}''
msgid "{0} (for ''{1}#{2}'')"
msgstr "!!{0} voor ''{1}#{2}''"
@ -3871,7 +3896,7 @@ msgstr "Binding voor {0} ontbreekt"
# Terminology_TX_Binding_NoServer
#: Terminology_TX_Binding_NoServer
#| The value provided could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server
#| msgid The value provided could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server
msgid "The value provided ([{0}]) could not be validated in the absence of a terminology server"
msgstr "!!De waarde kan niet worden gevalideerd zonder een terminologieserver"
@ -3927,19 +3952,19 @@ msgstr "Kan niet bevestigen dat de gevonden codings bestaan in de waardelijst {0
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
#| The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}
#| msgid The code provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}
msgid "The code provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code from this value set is required: {1}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden code ({2}) bestaat niet in waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht: {1}"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_5
#| The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable)"
msgstr "!!!!Kan niet bevestigen dat de aanwezige codes bestaan in de waardelijst {0} en een coding uit deze waardelijst is verplicht tenzij deze geen relevante code bevat (de validator kan niet bepalen wat relevant is)"
# Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#: Terminology_TX_Confirm_6
#| The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set
#| msgid The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set
msgid "The code provided ({1}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set"
msgstr "!!!!Kan niet bevestigen dat de aanwezige codes bestaan in de waardelijst {0} en een coding uit deze waardelijst is aanbevolen"
@ -3980,19 +4005,19 @@ msgstr "De gevonden code bestaat niet in de maximum waardelijst {0} en een code
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden Coding ({2}) bestaat niet in de waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht. {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_13
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable). {1}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden Coding ({2}) bestaat niet in de waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht tenzij deze geen relevante code bevat (de validator kan niet bepalen wat relevant is) ({1})"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_14
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set. {1}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden Coding ({2}) bestaat niet in de waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is aanbevolen. {1}"
@ -4003,19 +4028,19 @@ msgstr "De gevonden waarde (''{0}'') kan niet worden gevalideerd zonder een term
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_16
#| The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set){2}
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set){2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is required from this value set {2}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden waarde (''{0}'') bestaat niet in de waardelijst {1} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht {2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_17
#| The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') is not in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (note that the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {2}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden waarde (''{0}'') bestaat niet in de waardelijst {1} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht tenzij deze geen relevante code bevat (de validator kan niet bepalen wat relevant is) {2}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_18
#| The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set){2}
#| msgid The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set){2}
msgid "The value provided (''{0}'') was not found in the value set {1}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set{2}"
msgstr "!!!!De gevonden waarde (''{0}'') bestaat niet in de waardelijst {1} en een code uit deze waardelijst is aanbevolen. {2}"
@ -4036,19 +4061,19 @@ msgstr "!!Geen van de gevonden codings bestaat in de waardelijst {0} en een codi
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_4
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is required from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden Coding ({2}) bestaat niet in de waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_5
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code should come from this value set unless it has no suitable code (the validator cannot judge what is suitable) {1}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden Coding ({2}) bestaat niet in de waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is verplicht tenzij deze geen relevante code bevat (de validator kan niet bepalen wat relevant is) {1}"
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_6
#| The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}
#| msgid The Coding provided ({2}) is not in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}
msgid "The Coding provided ({2}) was not found in the value set {0}, and a code is recommended to come from this value set {1}"
msgstr "!!De gevonden Coding ({2}) bestaat niet in de waardelijst {0} en een code uit deze waardelijst is aanbevolen {1}"
@ -4064,7 +4089,7 @@ msgstr "Geen van de gevonden codes bestaan in de maximum waardelijst {0} en een
# Terminology_TX_NoValid_9
#: Terminology_TX_NoValid_9
#| The code provided could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})
#| msgid The code provided could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})
msgid "The code provided ({2}) could not be validated against the maximum value set {0}, (error = {1})"
msgstr "!!De gevonden code kon niet worden gevalideerd tegen de maximum waardelijst {0}, (fout = {1})"
@ -4095,13 +4120,13 @@ msgstr "De Coding verwijst naar een waardelijst in plaats van een codesysteem ('
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound
#| ValueSet {0} not found by validator
#| msgid ValueSet {0} not found by validator
msgid "ValueSet ''{0}'' not found"
msgstr "!!ValueSet {0} niet gevonden door de validator"
# Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#: Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
#| Found a reference to a CodeSystem ({0}) where a ValueSet belongs
#| msgid Found a reference to a CodeSystem ({0}) where a ValueSet belongs
msgid "Found a reference to a CodeSystem ''{0}'' where a ValueSet belongs"
msgstr "!!Referentie gevonden naar een CodeSystem ({0}) waar een ValueSet werd verwacht"
@ -4117,7 +4142,7 @@ msgstr "De basis-snapshot markeert een slicing als gesloten, maar de differentia
# This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#: This__cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_namespace
#| This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no namespace)
#| msgid This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no namespace)
msgid "This ''{0}'' cannot be parsed (no namespace on the XML Root element)"
msgstr "!!Dit ''{0}'' kan niet worden verwerkt als een FHIR-object (geen)"
@ -4128,25 +4153,25 @@ msgstr "Deze basis-property moet een Array zijn, geen {0}"
# This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#: This_cannot_be_parsed_as_a_FHIR_object_no_name
#| This cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no name)
#| msgid This cannot be parsed as a FHIR object (no name)
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (no name)"
msgstr "!!Deze kan niet worden verwerkt als FHIR-object (geen naam)"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_name_
#| This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown name ''{0}'')
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown name ''{0}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized resource name ''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!Dit lijkt geen FHIR-resource te zijn (onbekende naam ''{0}'')"
# This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#: This_does_not_appear_to_be_a_FHIR_resource_unknown_namespacename_
#| This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')
#| msgid This does not appear to be a FHIR resource (unknown namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')
msgid "This content cannot be parsed (unknown or unrecognized XML Root element namespace/name ''{0}::{1}'')"
msgstr "!!Dit lijkt geen FHIR-resource te zijn (onbekende namespace/naam ''{0}::{1}'')"
# This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#: This_element_does_not_match_any_known_slice_
#| This element does not match any known slice {0}
#| msgid This element does not match any known slice {0}
msgid "This element does not match any known slice {0} (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it''s not intended to match a slice)"
msgstr "!!Dit element komt niet overeen met een bekende slice {0}"
@ -4412,7 +4437,7 @@ msgstr ""
#| The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'' (UNABLE_TO_INFER_CODESYSTEM)
#| msgid The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'' (UNABLE_TO_INFER_CODESYSTEM)
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}''"
msgstr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!De System URI kon niet worden bepaald voor de code {0} in de waardelijst {1}"
@ -4428,13 +4453,13 @@ msgstr "The code system {1} referred to from value set {0} has a grammar, and th
#| The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {1}
#| msgid The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {1}
msgid "The Unicode sequence has bi-di control characters which are not allowed in this context: {0}"
msgstr "!!De Unicode sequence heeft bidirectionele stuurtekens welke niet zijn toegestaan in deze context: {1}"
#| The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {1}
#| msgid The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {1}
msgid "The Unicode sequence has unterminated bi-di control characters (see CVE-2021-42574): {0}"
msgstr "!!De Unicode sequence heeft niet-beeindigde bidirectionele stuurtekens (zie CVE-2021-42574): {1}"
@ -4447,13 +4472,13 @@ msgstr[1] ""
#| A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM)
#| msgid A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM)
msgid "A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated"
msgstr "!!!!!!!!Het CodeSystem {0} is onbekend"
#| The CodeSystem {0} version {1} is unknown. Valid versions: {2}
#| msgid The CodeSystem {0} version {1} is unknown. Valid versions: {2}
msgid "A definition for CodeSystem ''{0}'' version ''{1}'' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated. Valid versions: {2}"
msgstr "!!De CodeSystem {0} versie {1} is onbekend. Geldige versies: {2}"
@ -4484,13 +4509,13 @@ msgstr "Niet-ondersteunde property {3} op type {2} voor patroon voor discriminat
# Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server
#: Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server
#| Unable to connect to terminology server. Error = {0}
#| msgid Unable to connect to terminology server. Error = {0}
msgid "Unable to connect to terminology server at {1}. Error = {0}"
msgstr "!!Kan niet verbinden met terminologieserver. Fout = {0}"
# Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server_Use_parameter_tx_na_tun_run_without_using_terminology_services_to_validate_LOINC_SNOMED_ICDX_etc_Error__
#: Unable_to_connect_to_terminology_server_Use_parameter_tx_na_tun_run_without_using_terminology_services_to_validate_LOINC_SNOMED_ICDX_etc_Error__
#| Unable to connect to terminology server. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}
#| msgid Unable to connect to terminology server. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}
msgid "Unable to connect to terminology server at {1}. Use parameter ''-tx n/a'' to run without using terminology services to validate LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Error = {0}"
msgstr "!!Kan niet verbinden met terminologieserver. Gebruik parameter ''-tx n/a'' om te starten zonder terminologieservices voor validatie van LOINC, SNOMED, ICD-X etc. Fout = {0}"
@ -4611,13 +4636,13 @@ msgstr ""
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_imports
#| Unable to resolve system - value set has imports
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set has imports
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has imports"
msgstr "!!Kan system niet vinden - waardelijst heeft imports"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_filter
#| The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}
#| msgid The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has a filter on system {3}: {4}"
msgstr "!!!!Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has a filter on system {2}"
@ -4628,25 +4653,25 @@ msgstr "Kan system niet vinden - waardelijst {0} include #{1} heeft geen system"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_include_with_unknown_system
#| Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has system {2} which is unknown, and the server return error {3}
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has system {2} which is unknown, and the server return error {3}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': include #{2} has system {3} which could not be found, and the server returned error {4}"
msgstr "!!Unable to resolve system - value set {0} include #{1} has system {2} which is unknown, and the server return error {3}"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_multiple_matches
#| Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple matches: {0}
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple matches: {0}
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set expansion has multiple matches: {2}"
msgstr "!!Unable to resolve system - value set expansion has multiple matches: {0}"
# Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#: Unable_to_resolve_system__value_set_has_no_includes_or_expansion
#| Unable to resolve system - value set {0} has no includes or expansion
#| msgid Unable to resolve system - value set {0} has no includes or expansion
msgid "The System URI could not be determined for the code ''{0}'' in the ValueSet ''{1}'': value set has no includes or expansion"
msgstr "!!Kan system niet vinden - waardelijst {0} heeft geen include of expansion"
# Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#: Unable_to_resolve_value_Set_
#| Unable to resolve value Set {0}
#| msgid Unable to resolve value Set {0}
msgid "A definition for the value Set ''{0}'' could not be found"
msgstr "!!Kan waardelijst {0} niet vinden"
@ -4662,7 +4687,7 @@ msgstr "Ongedefinieerd attribuut ''@{0}'' op {1} voor type {2}"
# Undefined_element_
#: Undefined_element_
#| Undefined element ''{0}''
#| msgid Undefined element ''{0}''
msgid "Undefined element ''{0}'' at {1}"
msgstr "!!Ongedefinieerd element ''{0}''"
@ -4718,13 +4743,13 @@ msgstr "Onbekend type {0} in {1}"
# Unrecognised_extension_context_
#: Unrecognised_extension_context_
#| Unrecognised extension context {0}
#| msgid Unrecognised extension context {0}
msgid "Unrecognized extension context {0}"
msgstr "!!Niet-herkende extensiecontext {0}"
# Unrecognised_predicate_
#: Unrecognised_predicate_
#| Unrecognised predicate ''{0}''
#| msgid Unrecognised predicate ''{0}''
msgid "Unrecognized predicate ''{0}''"
msgstr "!!Niet-herkend predicaat ''{0}''"
@ -4885,19 +4910,19 @@ msgstr "Profiel is voor deze versie van FHIR, maar heeft een onjuist type {0}"
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and fetching it resulted in the error {1}"
msgstr "!!Profiel-referentie ''{0}'' is niet gecontroleerd omdat deze onbekend is en ophalen ervan resulteerde in een fout {1}"
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the host {1} cannot be found
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the host {1} cannot be found
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the host {1} cannot be found"
msgstr "!!Profiel-referentie ''{0}'' is niet gecontroleerd omdat deze onbekend is en de host {1} niet kon worden gevonden"
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles"
msgstr "!!Profiel-referentie ''{0}'' is niet gecontroleerd omdat deze onbekend is en de validator ingesteld is om onbekende profielen niet op te zoeken"
@ -5053,13 +5078,13 @@ msgstr ""
#| The code {1} is not valid in the system {0}
#| msgid The code {1} is not valid in the system {0}
msgid "The code ''{1}'' is not valid in the system {0} ({2})"
msgstr "!!De code {1} is niet geldig in het systeem {0}"
#| The code {2} is not valid in the system {0} version {1}
#| msgid The code {2} is not valid in the system {0} version {1}
msgid "The code ''{2}'' is not valid in the system {0} version {1} ({2})"
msgstr "!!De code {2} is niet geldig in het systeem {0} versie {1}"
@ -5095,25 +5120,25 @@ msgstr "De waardelijst-import {0} is niet gevonden dus kan niet worden gecontrol
#| The ShareableValueSet profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
#| msgid The ShareableValueSet profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
msgid "Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableValueSet profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde waardelijsten ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableValueSet profiel"
#| Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not
#| msgid Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not
msgid "Value sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} should be present, but it is not"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableValueSet profiel beveelt aan om het {0} element een waarde te geven, maaar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde waardelijsten MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableValueSet profiel"
#| The ShareableValueSet profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
#| msgid The ShareableValueSet profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
msgid "Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!Het ShareableValueSet profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Gepubliceerde waardelijsten ZOUDEN zich MOETEN houden aan het ShareableValueSet profiel"
#| Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
#| msgid Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present
msgid "Value sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.{0} is mandatory, but it is not present"
msgstr "!!!!Het ShareableValueSet profiel zegt dat het {0} element verplicht is, maar het ontbreekt. Door HL7 gepubliceerde waardelijsten MOETEN zich houden aan het ShareableValueSet profiel"
@ -5126,7 +5151,7 @@ msgstr[1] ""
#| The value set {0} has too many codes to display ({1})
#| msgid The value set {0} has too many codes to display ({1})
msgid "The value set ''{0}'' expansion has too many codes to display ({1})"
msgstr "!!De waardelijst {0} heeft teveel codes om weer te geven ({1})"
@ -5167,7 +5192,7 @@ msgstr "De eerste entry in een message moet een MessageHeader"
# Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Content_Unknown
#| Unrecognised Content {0}
#| msgid Unrecognised Content {0}
msgid "Unrecognized Content {0}"
msgstr "!!Niet-herkende content {0}"
@ -5240,7 +5265,7 @@ msgstr "StructureDefinition {0} heeft geen snapshot - validatie is tegen de snap
# Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_NoType
#| The type of element {0} is not known, which is invalid. Valid types at this point are {1}
#| msgid The type of element {0} is not known, which is invalid. Valid types at this point are {1}
msgid "The type of element {0} is not known - it could not be determined from the information available. Valid types at this point are {1}"
msgstr "!!Het type element {0} is onbekend, wat illegaal is. Geldige typen op dit moment zijn {1}"
@ -5266,7 +5291,7 @@ msgstr "Volgens het profiel {0}, staat element ''{1}'' niet op de juiste plaats
# Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#: Validation_VAL_Profile_Unknown
#| Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown
#| msgid Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it is unknown
msgid "Profile reference ''{0}'' has not been checked because it could not be found"
msgstr "!!Profiel-referentie ''{0}'' is niet gecontroleerd omdat deze onbekend is"
@ -5359,7 +5384,7 @@ msgstr "Misvormde XHTML: DocType declaratie gevonden en deze zijn niet toegestaa
#| Invalid element name inside in a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')
#| msgid Invalid element name inside in a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')
msgid "Invalid element name inside a paragraph in the XHTML (''{0}'')"
msgstr "!!Ongeldige elementnaam binnen een paragraph in de XHTML (''{0}'')"
@ -5400,7 +5425,7 @@ msgstr ""
# _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#: _DT_Fixed_Wrong
#| Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''
#| msgid Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''
msgid "Value is ''{0}'' but must be ''{1}''{2}"
msgstr "!!Waarde is ''{0}'' maar moet zijn ''{1}''"

View File

@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Bad_file_path_error
#: Bad_file_path_error
msgid "\n********************\n* The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem.\n* Please verify that this is valid file location.\n********************\n\n"
msgid "** Error: The file name you passed in, ''{0}'', doesn''t exist on the local filesystem. Please verify that this is valid file location **"
msgstr ""
# Base__Derived_profiles_have_different_types____vs___
@ -3054,6 +3054,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The type namespace {0} SHOULD match the url namespace {1} for the definition of the type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' has a type parameter ''{3}'', which is not consistent with it''s ancestor type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' is a reference to ''{1}'' which has a type parameter ''{2}'' with a base type of {3} but the type parameter provided is ''{4}'' which is not the right type"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{2}'' does not declare a type parameter, but it is derived from the type definition ''{0}'' which has the type parameter ''{1}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type definition ''{0}'' has the type parameter ''{1}'' but it is not a known type so derivation consistency cannot be checked"
msgstr ""
msgid "The type ''{0}'' at {3} is a reference to ''{1}'' which needs a type parameter ''{2}'' but a type parameter is not provided for ''{2}''"
msgstr ""
msgid "For the complex type {0}, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance"
@ -3401,7 +3426,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing logged elsewhere"
msgid "The snapshot for the profile ''{0}'' is empty. This is usually due to a processing error logged elsewhere"
msgstr ""