@ -2,16 +2,20 @@ package;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.utils.EOperationOutcome;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.SimpleHTTPClient;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.SimpleHTTPClient.HTTPResult;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.TextFile;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.Utilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.json.JsonTrackingParser;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.json.JsonUtilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.npm.FilesystemPackageCacheManager;
@ -24,18 +28,21 @@ import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
public class PackageVisitor {
public interface IPackageVisitorProcessor {
public void processResource(String pid, String version, String type, byte[] content) throws FHIRException;
public void processResource(String pid, NpmPackage npm, String version, String type, String id, byte[] content) throws FHIRException, IOException, EOperationOutcome;
private List<String> resourceTypes = new ArrayList<>();
private List<String> versions = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean corePackages;
private boolean oldVersions;
private boolean current;
private IPackageVisitorProcessor processor;
private FilesystemPackageCacheManager pcm;
private PackageClient pc;
@ -57,7 +64,13 @@ public class PackageVisitor {
public boolean isCurrent() {
return current;
public void setCurrent(boolean current) {
this.current = current;
public boolean isCorePackages() {
return corePackages;
@ -99,20 +112,72 @@ public class PackageVisitor {
System.out.println("Finding packages");
pc = new PackageClient(PackageClient.PRIMARY_SERVER);
pcm = new FilesystemPackageCacheManager(true, ToolsVersion.TOOLS_VERSION);
Map<String, String> cpidMap = getAllCIPackages();
Set<String> cpidSet = new HashSet<>();
System.out.println("Go: "+cpidMap.size()+" current packages");
for (String s : cpidMap.keySet()) {
processCurrentPackage(s, cpidMap.get(s), cpidSet);
Set<String> pidList = getAllPackages();
System.out.println("Go: "+pidList.size()+" packages");
for (String pid : pidList) {
List<String> vList = listVersions(pid);
if (oldVersions) {
for (String v : vList) {
processPackage(pid, v);
System.out.println("Go: "+pidList.size()+" published packages");
for (String pid : pidList) {
if (!cpidSet.contains(pid)) {
List<String> vList = listVersions(pid);
if (oldVersions) {
for (String v : vList) {
processPackage(pid, v);
} else if (vList.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("No Packages for "+pid);
} else {
processPackage(pid, vList.get(vList.size() - 1));
} else if (vList.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("No Packages for "+pid);
} else {
processPackage(pid, vList.get(vList.size() - 1));
private void processCurrentPackage(String url, String pid, Set<String> cpidSet) {
try {
String[] p = url.split("\\/");
String repo = ""+p[0]+"/"+p[1];
NpmPackage npm = NpmPackage.fromUrl(repo+"/package.tgz");
String fv = npm.fhirVersion();
if (corePackages || !corePackage(npm)) {
int c = 0;
if (fv != null && (versions.isEmpty() || versions.contains(fv))) {
for (String type : resourceTypes) {
for (String s : npm.listResources(type)) {
try {
processor.processResource(pid+"#current", npm, fv, type, s, TextFile.streamToBytes(npm.load("package", s)));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("####### Error loading "+pid+"#current["+fv+"]/"+type+" ####### "+e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Processed: "+pid+"#current: "+c+" resources");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Unable to process: "+pid+"#current: "+e.getMessage());
private Map<String, String> getAllCIPackages() throws IOException {
Map<String, String> res = new HashMap<>();
if (current) {
JsonArray json = JsonTrackingParser.fetchJsonArray("");
for (JsonElement j : json) {
JsonObject o = (JsonObject) j;
String url = JsonUtilities.str(o, "repo");
res.put(url, JsonUtilities.str(o, "package-id"));
return res;
private List<String> listVersions(String pid) throws IOException {
@ -172,16 +237,34 @@ public class PackageVisitor {
} catch (Throwable e) {
System.out.println("Unable to process: "+pid+"#"+v+": "+e.getMessage());
int c = 0;
if (fv != null && (versions.isEmpty() || versions.contains(fv))) {
for (String type : resourceTypes) {
for (String s : npm.listResources(type)) {
processor.processResource(pid+"#"+v, fv, type, TextFile.streamToBytes(npm.load("package", s)));
if (corePackages || !corePackage(npm)) {
int c = 0;
if (fv != null && (versions.isEmpty() || versions.contains(fv))) {
for (String type : resourceTypes) {
for (String s : npm.listResources(type)) {
try {
processor.processResource(pid+"#"+v, npm, fv, type, s, TextFile.streamToBytes(npm.load("package", s)));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("####### Error loading "+pid+"#"+v +"["+fv+"]/"+type+" ####### "+e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Processed: "+pid+"#"+v+": "+c+" resources");
System.out.println("Processed: "+pid+"#"+v+": "+c+" resources");
private boolean corePackage(NpmPackage npm) {
return npm != null && !Utilities.noString( && (
||||"hl7.terminology") ||
||||"hl7.fhir.r2.") ||
||||"hl7.fhir.r2b.") ||
||||"hl7.fhir.r3.") ||
||||"hl7.fhir.r4.") ||
||||"hl7.fhir.r4b.") ||
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException;
import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRFormatError;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.Utilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.VersionUtilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.npm.NpmPackage;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
public class SearchParameterAnalysis implements IPackageVisitorProcessor {
@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ public class SearchParameterAnalysis implements IPackageVisitorProcessor {
private Map<String, SearchParameterVersionAnalysis> versions = new HashMap<String, SearchParameterAnalysis.SearchParameterVersionAnalysis>();
public void processResource(String pid, String version, String type, byte[] content) throws FHIRException {
public void processResource(String pid, NpmPackage npm, String version, String type, String id, byte[] content) throws FHIRException {
// System.out.println("v"+version+" "+type+" from "+pid);
boolean core = pid.startsWith("hl7.fhir.r") && (pid.contains(".core") || pid.contains(".examples"));
version = VersionUtilities.getMajMin(version);
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ public class OperationDefinition14_50 {
if (src.hasDocumentation())
if (src.hasType())
if (src.hasSearchType())
@ -235,6 +235,14 @@ public class OperationDefinition14_50 {
return tgt;
private static String fixTypeCode(String type) {
if ("Type".equals(type)) {
return "DataType";
} else {
return type;
static public org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.Enumeration<org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.OperationDefinition.OperationKind> convertOperationKind(org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Enumeration<org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.OperationDefinition.OperationKind> src) throws FHIRException {
if (src == null || src.isEmpty())
return null;
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public class CapabilityStatement30_50 {
if (src.hasImplementation())
if (src.hasFhirVersion())
if (src.hasAcceptUnknown())
tgt.addExtension().setUrl("").setValue(new org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.CodeType(src.getAcceptUnknownElement().asStringValue()));
for (org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.CodeType t : src.getFormat()) tgt.addFormat(t.getValue());
@ -78,6 +78,14 @@ public class CapabilityStatement30_50 {
return tgt;
private static String fixCode(String v) {
if ("STU3".equals(v)) {
return "3.0.2";
} else {
return v;
public static org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.CapabilityStatement convertCapabilityStatement(org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.CapabilityStatement src) throws FHIRException {
if (src == null)
return null;
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<attribute name="test" value="true"/>
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-11">
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.8">
<attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
@ -29,22 +29,5 @@
<attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
<classpathentry kind="src" path="target/generated-sources/annotations">
<attribute name="optional" value="true"/>
<attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
<attribute name="ignore_optional_problems" value="true"/>
<attribute name="m2e-apt" value="true"/>
<classpathentry kind="src" output="target/test-classes" path="target/generated-test-sources/test-annotations">
<attribute name="optional" value="true"/>
<attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
<attribute name="ignore_optional_problems" value="true"/>
<attribute name="m2e-apt" value="true"/>
<attribute name="test" value="true"/>
<classpathentry kind="output" path="target/classes"/>
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public class IGHelper {
public static final String EXT_MAPPING_CSV = ToolingExtensions.EXT_IGP_MAPPING_CSV;
public static final String EXT_BUNDLE = ToolingExtensions.EXT_IGP_BUNDLE;
public static final String EXT_RESOURCE_INFO = ToolingExtensions.EXT_IGP_RESOURCE_INFO;
// public static final String EXT_CONTAINED_RESOURCE_INFO = ToolingExtensions.EXT_IGP_CONTAINED_RESOURCE_INFO;
public static final String EXT_PRIVATE_BASE = ToolingExtensions.EXT_PRIVATE_BASE;
public static String readStringParameter(ImplementationGuideDefinitionComponent ig, String name) {
@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
public static final String EXT_IGP_MAPPING_CSV = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_BUNDLE = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_RESOURCE_INFO = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_CONTAINED_RESOURCE_INFO = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_LOADVERSION = "";
// public static final String EXT_IGP_CONTAINED_RESOURCE_INFO = "";
// public static final String EXT_IGP_LOADVERSION = "";
public static final String EXT_MAX_VALUESET = "";
public static final String EXT_MIN_VALUESET = "";
public static final String EXT_PROFILE_ELEMENT = "";
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Extension;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.PrimitiveType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Resource;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.utils.ToolingExtensions;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.Utilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.validation.ValidationMessage;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.validation.ValidationMessage.IssueSeverity;
@ -263,8 +264,8 @@ public class CapabilityStatementComparer extends CanonicalResourceComparer {
private void compareExpectations(StructuralMatch<Element> combined, Element left, Element right, String path, CapabilityStatementComparison res, Element union, Element intersection) {
Extension l = left.getExtensionByUrl("");
Extension r = right.getExtensionByUrl("");
Extension l = left.getExtensionByUrl(ToolingExtensions.EXT_CAP_STMT_EXPECT);
Extension r = right.getExtensionByUrl(ToolingExtensions.EXT_CAP_STMT_EXPECT);
if (l != null || r != null) {
if (l == null) {
@ -284,8 +285,8 @@ public class CapabilityStatementComparer extends CanonicalResourceComparer {
sm.getMessages().add(new ValidationMessage(Source.ProfileComparer, IssueType.INFORMATIONAL, path+".extension('')", "Changed value for expectation: '"+ls+"' vs '"+rs+"'", IssueSeverity.WARNING));
String lowest = lower(ls, rs) ? ls : rs;
String highest = lower(ls, rs) ? rs : ls;
union.addExtension("", new CodeType(lowest));
intersection.addExtension("", new CodeType(highest));
union.addExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_CAP_STMT_EXPECT, new CodeType(lowest));
intersection.addExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_CAP_STMT_EXPECT, new CodeType(highest));
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ public class ComparisonRenderer implements IEvaluationContext {
private ComparisonSession session;
private Map<String, String> templates = new HashMap<>();
private String folder;
private String preamble;
public ComparisonRenderer(IWorkerContext contextLeft, IWorkerContext contextRight, String folder, ComparisonSession session) {
@ -53,6 +54,14 @@ public class ComparisonRenderer implements IEvaluationContext {
this.folder = folder;
this.session = session;
public String getPreamble() {
return preamble;
public void setPreamble(String preamble) {
this.preamble = preamble;
public Map<String, String> getTemplates() {
return templates;
@ -61,6 +70,9 @@ public class ComparisonRenderer implements IEvaluationContext {
public File render(String leftName, String rightName) throws IOException {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
if (preamble != null) {
b.append("<table class=\"grid\">\r\n");
b.append(" <tr>\r\n");
b.append(" <td width=\"260\"><b>"+Utilities.escapeXml(leftName)+"</b></td>\r\n");
@ -408,6 +408,13 @@ public class ProfileUtilities extends TranslatingUtilities {
public interface ProfileKnowledgeProvider {
class BindingResolution {
public BindingResolution(String display, String url) {
this.display = display;
this.url = url;
public BindingResolution() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public String display;
public String url;
@ -735,14 +742,16 @@ public class ProfileUtilities extends TranslatingUtilities {
if (!Utilities.noString(b.toString())) {
String msg = "The profile "+derived.getUrl()+" has "+ce+" "+Utilities.pluralize("element", ce)+" in the differential ("+b.toString()+") that don't have a matching element in the snapshot: check that the path and definitions are legal in the differential (including order)";
System.out.println("Error in snapshot generation: "+msg);
if (!debug) {
System.out.println("Differential: ");
for (ElementDefinition ed : derived.getDifferential().getElement())
System.out.println(" "+ed.getId()+" = "+ed.getPath()+" : "+typeSummaryWithProfile(ed)+"["+ed.getMin()+".."+ed.getMax()+"]"+sliceSummary(ed)+" "+constraintSummary(ed));
System.out.println("Snapshot: ");
for (ElementDefinition ed : derived.getSnapshot().getElement())
System.out.println(" "+ed.getId()+" = "+ed.getPath()+" : "+typeSummaryWithProfile(ed)+"["+ed.getMin()+".."+ed.getMax()+"]"+sliceSummary(ed)+" "+constraintSummary(ed));
if (debug) {
System.out.println("Error in snapshot generation: "+msg);
if (!debug) {
System.out.println("Differential: ");
for (ElementDefinition ed : derived.getDifferential().getElement())
System.out.println(" "+ed.getId()+" = "+ed.getPath()+" : "+typeSummaryWithProfile(ed)+"["+ed.getMin()+".."+ed.getMax()+"]"+sliceSummary(ed)+" "+constraintSummary(ed));
System.out.println("Snapshot: ");
for (ElementDefinition ed : derived.getSnapshot().getElement())
System.out.println(" "+ed.getId()+" = "+ed.getPath()+" : "+typeSummaryWithProfile(ed)+"["+ed.getMin()+".."+ed.getMax()+"]"+sliceSummary(ed)+" "+constraintSummary(ed));
if (exception)
throw new DefinitionException(msg);
@ -2507,8 +2516,12 @@ public class ProfileUtilities extends TranslatingUtilities {
generateSnapshot(context.fetchTypeDefinition("Extension"), sd, sd.getUrl(), webUrl, sd.getName());
if (sd == null)
System.out.println("Failed to find referenced profile: " + type.getProfile());
if (sd == null) {
if (debug) {
System.out.println("Failed to find referenced profile: " + type.getProfile());
if (sd == null)
sd = context.fetchTypeDefinition(type.getWorkingCode());
@ -5218,8 +5231,8 @@ public class ProfileUtilities extends TranslatingUtilities {
for (ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent inv : definition.getConstraint()) {
if (!c.getPieces().isEmpty()) { c.addPiece( Piece("br")); }
c.getPieces().add(checkForNoChange(inv, Piece(null, inv.getKey()+": ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold")));
if (inv.getHumanElement().hasExtension("")) {
if (inv.getHumanElement().hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_REND_MD)) {
} else {
c.getPieces().add(checkForNoChange(inv, Piece(null, inv.getHuman(), null)));
@ -6694,8 +6707,9 @@ public class ProfileUtilities extends TranslatingUtilities {
public void setNewSlicingProcessing(boolean newSlicingProcessing) {
public ProfileUtilities setNewSlicingProcessing(boolean newSlicingProcessing) {
this.newSlicingProcessing = newSlicingProcessing;
return this;
@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ public class XmlSchemaGenerator {
private String getNs(StructureDefinition sd) {
String ns = "";
if (sd.hasExtension(""))
ns = ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(sd, "");
if (sd.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_XML_NAMESPACE))
ns = ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(sd, ToolingExtensions.EXT_XML_NAMESPACE);
return ns;
@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ package org.hl7.fhir.r5.context;
@ -146,6 +144,8 @@ public class SimpleWorkerContext extends BaseWorkerContext implements IWorkerCon
private final List<String> loadedPackages = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean canNoTS;
private XVerExtensionManager xverManager;
private boolean allowLazyLoading = true;
private boolean suppressDebugMessages;
private SimpleWorkerContext() throws IOException, FHIRException {
@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ public class SimpleWorkerContext extends BaseWorkerContext implements IWorkerCon
if ((types == null || types.length == 0) && loader != null) {
types = loader.getTypes();
if (VersionUtilities.isR2Ver(pi.fhirVersion()) || !pi.canLazyLoad()) {
if (VersionUtilities.isR2Ver(pi.fhirVersion()) || !pi.canLazyLoad() || !allowLazyLoading) {
// can't lazy load R2 because of valueset/codesystem implementation
if (types.length == 0) {
types = new String[] { "StructureDefinition", "ValueSet", "SearchParameter", "OperationDefinition", "Questionnaire", "ConceptMap", "StructureMap", "NamingSystem" };
@ -680,9 +680,11 @@ public class SimpleWorkerContext extends BaseWorkerContext implements IWorkerCon
// new XmlParser().setOutputStyle(OutputStyle.PRETTY).compose(new FileOutputStream(Utilities.path("[tmp]", "snapshot", tail(sd.getUrl())+".xml")), sd);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Unable to generate snapshot for "+tail(sd.getUrl()) +" from "+tail(sd.getBaseDefinition())+" because "+e.getMessage());
if (true) {
if (!suppressDebugMessages) {
System.out.println("Unable to generate snapshot for "+tail(sd.getUrl()) +" from "+tail(sd.getBaseDefinition())+" because "+e.getMessage());
if (true) {
@ -780,7 +782,9 @@ public class SimpleWorkerContext extends BaseWorkerContext implements IWorkerCon
} catch (Exception e) {
// not sure what to do in this case?
System.out.println("Unable to generate snapshot for "+uri+": "+e.getMessage());
if (!suppressDebugMessages) {
System.out.println("Unable to generate snapshot for "+uri+": "+e.getMessage());
return r;
@ -911,5 +915,22 @@ public class SimpleWorkerContext extends BaseWorkerContext implements IWorkerCon
return null;
public boolean isAllowLazyLoading() {
return allowLazyLoading;
public void setAllowLazyLoading(boolean allowLazyLoading) {
this.allowLazyLoading = allowLazyLoading;
public boolean isSuppressDebugMessages() {
return suppressDebugMessages;
public void setSuppressDebugMessages(boolean suppressDebugMessages) {
this.suppressDebugMessages = suppressDebugMessages;
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ public class Property {
public String getXmlName() {
if (definition.hasExtension("")) {
return ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(definition, "");
if (definition.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_XML_NAME)) {
return ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(definition, ToolingExtensions.EXT_XML_NAME);
} else {
return getName();
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ private Map<String, Object> userData;
if (userData == null)
return false;
return userData.containsKey(name);
return userData.containsKey(name) && (userData.get(name) != null);
public String getUserString(String name) {
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ public class ConceptMapRenderer extends TerminologyRenderer {
addMarkdown(x, cm.getDescription());
int gc = 0;
CodeSystem cs = getContext().getWorker().fetchCodeSystem("");
if (cs == null)
@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ public class ConceptMapRenderer extends TerminologyRenderer {
for (SourceElementComponent ccl : grp.getElement()) {
ok = ok && ccl.getTarget().size() == 1 && ccl.getTarget().get(0).getDependsOn().isEmpty() && ccl.getTarget().get(0).getProduct().isEmpty();
ok = ok && (ccl.getNoMap() || (ccl.getTarget().size() == 1 && ccl.getTarget().get(0).getDependsOn().isEmpty() && ccl.getTarget().get(0).getProduct().isEmpty()));
for (TargetElementComponent ccm : ccl.getTarget()) {
comment = comment || !Utilities.noString(ccm.getComment());
for (OtherElementComponent d : ccm.getDependsOn()) {
@ -122,6 +123,25 @@ public class ConceptMapRenderer extends TerminologyRenderer {
if (gc > 1) {
XhtmlNode pp = x.para();
pp.b().tx("Group "+gc);
pp.tx("Mapping from ");
if (grp.hasSource()) {
renderCanonical(cm, pp, grp.getSource());
} else {
pp.code("unspecified code system");
pp.tx(" to ");
if (grp.hasTarget()) {
renderCanonical(cm, pp, grp.getTarget());
} else {
pp.code("unspecified code system");
String display;
if (ok) {
// simple
@ -132,45 +152,35 @@ public class ConceptMapRenderer extends TerminologyRenderer {
|||"Target Code");
if (comment)
tr =;
XhtmlNode td = ? "4" : "3");
td.tx("Mapping from ");
if (grp.hasSource()) {
renderCanonical(cm, td, grp.getSource());
} else {
td.code("unspecified code system");
td.tx(" to ");
if (grp.hasTarget()) {
renderCanonical(cm, td, grp.getTarget());
} else {
td.code("unspecified code system");
for (SourceElementComponent ccl : grp.getElement()) {
tr =;
td =;
XhtmlNode td =;
display = ccl.hasDisplay() ? ccl.getDisplay() : getDisplayForConcept(systemFromCanonical(grp.getSource()), versionFromCanonical(grp.getSource()), ccl.getCode());
if (display != null && !isSameCodeAndDisplay(ccl.getCode(), display))
td.tx(" ("+display+")");
TargetElementComponent ccm = ccl.getTarget().get(0);
if (!ccm.hasRelationship())
else {
if (ccm.getRelationshipElement().hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_OLD_CONCEPTMAP_EQUIVALENCE)) {
String code = ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(ccm.getRelationshipElement(), ToolingExtensions.EXT_OLD_CONCEPTMAP_EQUIVALENCE);
||||"#"+code, code).tx(presentEquivalenceCode(code));
} else {
||||"#"+ccm.getRelationship().toCode(), ccm.getRelationship().toCode()).tx(presentRelationshipCode(ccm.getRelationship().toCode()));
if (ccl.getNoMap()) {
|||| ? "3" : "2").style("background-color: #efefef").tx("(not mapped)");
} else {
TargetElementComponent ccm = ccl.getTarget().get(0);
if (!ccm.hasRelationship())
else {
if (ccm.getRelationshipElement().hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_OLD_CONCEPTMAP_EQUIVALENCE)) {
String code = ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(ccm.getRelationshipElement(), ToolingExtensions.EXT_OLD_CONCEPTMAP_EQUIVALENCE);
||||"#"+code, code).tx(presentEquivalenceCode(code));
} else {
||||"#"+ccm.getRelationship().toCode(), ccm.getRelationship().toCode()).tx(presentRelationshipCode(ccm.getRelationship().toCode()));
td =;
display = ccm.hasDisplay() ? ccm.getDisplay() : getDisplayForConcept(systemFromCanonical(grp.getTarget()), versionFromCanonical(grp.getTarget()), ccm.getCode());
if (display != null && !isSameCodeAndDisplay(ccm.getCode(), display))
td.tx(" ("+display+")");
if (comment)
td =;
display = ccm.hasDisplay() ? ccm.getDisplay() : getDisplayForConcept(systemFromCanonical(grp.getTarget()), versionFromCanonical(grp.getTarget()), ccm.getCode());
if (display != null && !isSameCodeAndDisplay(ccm.getCode(), display))
td.tx(" ("+display+")");
if (comment)
addUnmapped(tbl, grp);
} else {
@ -398,7 +408,7 @@ public class ConceptMapRenderer extends TerminologyRenderer {
if (span2) {
td.tx(" from ");
if (cs == null)
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ public class DataRenderer extends Renderer {
"ExampleScenario", "GraphDefinition", "ImplementationGuide", "Library", "Measure", "MessageDefinition", "NamingSystem", "PlanDefinition"
return true;
return sd.getBaseDefinitionElement().hasExtension("");
return false;
// -- 4. Language support ------------------------------------------------------
@ -175,26 +175,28 @@ public class QuestionnaireRenderer extends TerminologyRenderer {
if (i.getReadOnly()) {
return true;
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, "")) {
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_IS_SUBJ)) {
return true;
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, "")) {
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_HIDDEN)) {
return true;
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, "")) {
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_OTP_DISP)) {
return true;
if (i.hasExtension("")) {
if (i.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_O_LINK_PERIOD)) {
return true;
if (i.hasExtension("")) {
if (i.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_CHOICE_ORIENT)) {
return true;
if (i.hasExtension("")) {
if (i.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_DISPLAY_CAT)) {
return true;
return checkForFlags(i.getItem());
private Row addTreeRoot(HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, List<Row> rows, Questionnaire q, boolean hasFlags) throws IOException {
Row r = Row();
@ -249,21 +251,21 @@ public class QuestionnaireRenderer extends TerminologyRenderer {
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, "")) {
flags.addPiece( Piece(getSDCLink("StructureDefinition-sdc-questionnaire-isSubject.html"), null, "Can change the subject of the questionnaire").addHtml(new XhtmlNode(NodeType.Element, "img").attribute("alt", "icon").attribute("src", Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-subject.png"))));
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, "")) {
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_HIDDEN)) {
flags.addPiece( Piece(getSpecLink("extension-questionnaire-hidden.html"), null, "Is a hidden item").addHtml(new XhtmlNode(NodeType.Element, "img").attribute("alt", "icon").attribute("src", Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-hidden.png"))));
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, "")) {
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_OTP_DISP)) {
flags.addPiece( Piece(getSDCLink("StructureDefinition-sdc-questionnaire-optionalDisplay.html"), null, "Is optional to display").addHtml(new XhtmlNode(NodeType.Element, "img").attribute("alt", "icon").attribute("src", Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-optional.png"))));
if (i.hasExtension("")) {
flags.addPiece( Piece(getSDCLink("StructureDefinition-sdc-questionnaire-observationLinkPeriod"), null, "Is linked to an observation").addHtml(new XhtmlNode(NodeType.Element, "img").attribute("alt", "icon").attribute("src", Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-observation.png"))));
if (i.hasExtension("")) {
String code = ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(i, "");
if (i.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_CHOICE_ORIENT)) {
String code = ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(i, ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_CHOICE_ORIENT);
flags.addPiece( Piece(getSpecLink("extension-questionnaire-choiceorientation.html"), null, "Orientation: "+code).addHtml(new XhtmlNode(NodeType.Element, "img").attribute("alt", "icon").attribute("src", Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-"+code+".png"))));
if (i.hasExtension("")) {
CodeableConcept cc = i.getExtensionByUrl("").getValueCodeableConcept();
if (i.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_DISPLAY_CAT)) {
CodeableConcept cc = i.getExtensionByUrl(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_DISPLAY_CAT).getValueCodeableConcept();
String code = cc.getCode("");
flags.addPiece( Piece(getSDCLink("StructureDefinition-sdc-questionnaire-displayCategory"), null, "Category: "+code).addHtml(new XhtmlNode(NodeType.Element, "img").attribute("alt", "icon").attribute("src", Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-"+code+".png"))));
@ -666,8 +668,8 @@ public class QuestionnaireRenderer extends TerminologyRenderer {
// if (i.hasExtension("")) {
// String code = ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(i, "");
// if (i.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_CHOICE_ORIENT)) {
// String code = ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(i, ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_CHOICE_ORIENT);
// flags.addPiece( Piece("", null, "Orientation: "+code).addHtml(new XhtmlNode(NodeType.Element, "img").attribute("alt", "icon").attribute("src", Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-"+code+".png"))));
@ -681,21 +683,21 @@ public class QuestionnaireRenderer extends TerminologyRenderer {
hasFlag = true;
flags.ah("", "Can change the subject of the questionnaire").img(Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-subject.png"), "icon");
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, "")) {
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_HIDDEN)) {
hasFlag = true;
flags.ah(Utilities.pathURL(context.getSpecificationLink(), "extension-questionnaire-hidden.html"), "Is a hidden item").img(Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-hidden.png"), "icon");
||||"background-color: #eeeeee");
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, "")) {
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(i, ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_OTP_DISP)) {
hasFlag = true;
flags.ah("", "Is optional to display").img(Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-optional.png"), "icon");
flags.ah(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_OTP_DISP, "Is optional to display").img(Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-optional.png"), "icon");
if (i.hasExtension("")) {
hasFlag = true;
flags.ah("", "Is linked to an observation").img(Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-observation.png"), "icon");
if (i.hasExtension("")) {
CodeableConcept cc = i.getExtensionByUrl("").getValueCodeableConcept();
if (i.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_DISPLAY_CAT)) {
CodeableConcept cc = i.getExtensionByUrl(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_DISPLAY_CAT).getValueCodeableConcept();
String code = cc.getCode("");
hasFlag = true;
flags.ah("", "Category: "+code).img(Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-"+code+".png"), "icon");
@ -958,16 +960,16 @@ public class QuestionnaireRenderer extends TerminologyRenderer {
// appearance
if (qi.hasExtension("")) {
if (qi.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_DISPLAY_CAT)) {
XhtmlNode tr =;
||||"").tx("Display Category");
render(, qi.getExtensionByUrl("").getValue());
||||"Display Category");
render(, qi.getExtensionByUrl(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_DISPLAY_CAT).getValue());
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(qi, "")) {
defn(tbl, "Hidden Item", "", "This item is a hidden question", null);
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(qi, ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_HIDDEN)) {
defn(tbl, "Hidden Item", ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_DISPLAY_CAT, "This item is a hidden question", null);
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(qi, "")) {
defn(tbl, "Hidden Item", "", "This item is optional to display", null);
if (ToolingExtensions.readBoolExtension(qi, ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_OTP_DISP)) {
defn(tbl, "Hidden Item", ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_OTP_DISP, "This item is optional to display", null);
// formal definitions
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ public class QuestionnaireResponseRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
// }
// }
//// if (i.hasExtension("")) {
//// if (i.hasExtension("")) {
//// String code = ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(i, "");
//// flags.addPiece( Piece("", null, "Orientation: "+code).addHtml(new XhtmlNode(NodeType.Element, "img").attribute("alt", "icon").attribute("src", Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-"+code+".png"))));
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ public class QuestionnaireResponseRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
// hasFlag = true;
// flags.ah("", "Is linked to an observation").img(Utilities.path(context.getLocalPrefix(), "icon-qi-observation.png"));
// }
// if (i.hasExtension("")) {
// if (i.hasExtension("")) {
// CodeableConcept cc = i.getExtensionByUrl("").getValueCodeableConcept();
// String code = cc.getCode("");
// hasFlag = true;
@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ public class QuestionnaireResponseRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
// }
// // appearance
// if (qi.hasExtension("")) {
// if (qi.hasExtension("")) {
// XhtmlNode tr =;
//"").tx("Display Category");
// render(, qi.getExtensionByUrl("").getValue());
@ -118,7 +118,8 @@ public class SearchParameterRenderer extends TerminologyRenderer {
if (spd.hasModifier()) {
tr =;
td ="Allowed: ");
td =;
td.tx("Allowed: ");
for (Enumeration<SearchModifierCode> t : spd.getModifier()) {
td.sep(", ");
@ -127,7 +128,8 @@ public class SearchParameterRenderer extends TerminologyRenderer {
if (spd.hasChain()) {
tr =;
td ="Allowed: ");
td =;
td.tx("Allowed: ");
for (StringType t : spd.getChain()) {
td.sep(", ");
@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.XhtmlNode;
public abstract class TerminologyRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
public TerminologyRenderer(RenderingContext context) {
@ -309,8 +312,11 @@ public abstract class TerminologyRenderer extends ResourceRenderer {
else {
if (value.startsWith("") && !Utilities.existsInList(value, ""))
System.out.println("Unable to resolve value set "+value);
if (value.startsWith("") && !Utilities.existsInList(value, "")) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("Unable to resolve value set "+value);
@ -1292,7 +1292,7 @@ public class ValueSetRenderer extends TerminologyRenderer {
for (ConceptReferenceComponent cc : inc.getConcept()) {
String code = cc.getCode();
ConceptDefinitionComponent v = null;
if (e != null) {
if (e != null && code != null) {
v = getConceptForCode(e.getConcept(), code);
if (v == null && vse != null) {
@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ public class RenderingContext {
private DateTimeFormatter dateYearFormat;
private DateTimeFormatter dateYearMonthFormat;
private boolean copyButton;
private ProfileKnowledgeProvider pkp;
@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ public class RenderingContext {
res.locale = locale;
res.showComments = showComments;
res.copyButton = copyButton;
res.pkp = pkp;
res.terminologyServiceOptions = terminologyServiceOptions.copy();
return res;
@ -210,7 +212,7 @@ public class RenderingContext {
public ProfileUtilities getProfileUtilities() {
if (profileUtilitiesR == null) {
profileUtilitiesR = new ProfileUtilities(worker, null, null);
profileUtilitiesR = new ProfileUtilities(worker, null, pkp);
return profileUtilitiesR;
@ -608,5 +610,12 @@ public class RenderingContext {
return this;
public void setPkp(ProfileKnowledgeProvider pkp) {
this.pkp = pkp;
public ProfileKnowledgeProvider getPkp() {
return pkp;
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ public class GraphQLSchemaGenerator {
private String getJsonFormat(StructureDefinition sd) throws FHIRException {
for (ElementDefinition ed : sd.getSnapshot().getElement()) {
if (!ed.getType().isEmpty() && ed.getType().get(0).getCodeElement().hasExtension(""))
return ed.getType().get(0).getCodeElement().getExtensionString("");
return ed.getType().get(0).getCodeElement().getExtensionString("");
// all primitives but JSON_NUMBER_TYPES are represented as JSON strings
if (JSON_NUMBER_TYPES.contains(sd.getName())) {
@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.ImplementationGuide.ImplementationGuideDefinitionPa
public class IGHelper {
public static final String EXT_SPREADSHEET = ToolingExtensions.EXT_IGP_SPREADSHEET;
public static final String EXT_MAPPING_CSV = ToolingExtensions.EXT_IGP_MAPPING_CSV;
public static final String EXT_BUNDLE = ToolingExtensions.EXT_IGP_BUNDLE;
public static final String EXT_RESOURCE_INFO = ToolingExtensions.EXT_IGP_RESOURCE_INFO;
public static final String EXT_PRIVATE_BASE = ToolingExtensions.EXT_PRIVATE_BASE;
// public static final String EXT_SPREADSHEET = ToolingExtensions.EXT_IGP_SPREADSHEET;
// public static final String EXT_MAPPING_CSV = ToolingExtensions.EXT_IGP_MAPPING_CSV;
// public static final String EXT_BUNDLE = ToolingExtensions.EXT_IGP_BUNDLE;
// public static final String EXT_RESOURCE_INFO = ToolingExtensions.EXT_IGP_RESOURCE_INFO;
// public static final String EXT_CONTAINED_RESOURCE_INFO = ToolingExtensions.EXT_IGP_CONTAINED_RESOURCE_INFO;
// public static final String EXT_PRIVATE_BASE = ToolingExtensions.EXT_PRIVATE_BASE;
public static String readStringParameter(ImplementationGuideDefinitionComponent ig, String name) {
for (ImplementationGuideDefinitionParameterComponent p : ig.getParameter()) {
@ -6,19 +6,19 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
Copyright (c) 2011+, HL7, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of HL7 nor the names of its contributors may be used to
* Neither the name of HL7 nor the names of its contributors may be used to
endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
@ -112,105 +112,115 @@ import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.validation.ValidationMessage.Source;
public class ToolingExtensions {
// validated
// private static final String EXT_OID = "";
// public static final String EXT_DEPRECATED = "";
public static final String EXT_DEFINITION = "";
public static final String EXT_CS_COMMENT = "";
public static final String EXT_VS_COMMENT = "";
public static final String EXT_CS_KEYWORD = "";
public static final String EXT_VS_KEYWORD = "";
private static final String EXT_IDENTIFIER = "";
public static final String EXT_TRANSLATION = "";
public static final String EXT_ISSUE_SOURCE = "";
public static final String EXT_ISSUE_MSG_ID = "";
public static final String EXT_ISSUE_LINE = "";
public static final String EXT_ISSUE_COL = "";
public static final String EXT_DISPLAY_HINT = "";
public static final String EXT_REPLACED_BY = "";
public static final String EXT_REGEX = "";
public static final String EXT_CONTROL = "";
public static final String EXT_MINOCCURS = "";
public static final String EXT_MAXOCCURS = "";
public static final String EXT_ALLOWEDRESOURCE = "";
public static final String EXT_REFERENCEFILTER = "";
public static final String EXT_CODE_GENERATION_PARENT = "";
public static final String EXT_HIERARCHY = "";
public static final String EXT_BEST_PRACTICE = "";
public static final String EXT_BEST_PRACTICE_EXPLANATION = "";
// unregistered?
public static final String EXT_MAPPING_PREFIX = "";
public static final String EXT_MAPPING_SUFFIX = "";
// public static final String EXT_FLYOVER = "";
public static final String EXT_QTYPE = "";
// private static final String EXT_QREF = "";
// private static final String EXTENSION_FILTER_ONLY = "";
// private static final String EXT_TYPE = "";
// private static final String EXT_REFERENCE = "";
private static final String EXT_FHIRTYPE = "";
private static final String EXT_ALLOWABLE_UNITS = "";
public static final String EXT_CIMI_REFERENCE = "";
public static final String EXT_UNCLOSED = "";
public static final String EXT_FMM_LEVEL = "";
public static final String EXT_FMM_SUPPORT = "";
public static final String EXT_FMM_DERIVED = "";
public static final String EXT_SEC_CAT = "";
public static final String EXT_RESOURCE_CATEGORY = "";
public static final String EXT_RESOURCE_INTERFACE = "";
public static final String EXT_RESOURCE_IMPLEMENTS = "";
public static final String EXT_TABLE_NAME = "";
public static final String EXT_OO_FILE = "";
public static final String EXT_WORKGROUP = "";
public static final String EXT_STANDARDS_STATUS = "";
public static final String EXT_NORMATIVE_VERSION = "";
public static final String EXT_ALLOWEDRESOURCE = "";
public static final String EXT_OO_FILE = "";
public static final String EXT_XML_TYPE = "";
public static final String EXT_PATTERN = "";
public static final String EXT_XML_NAME = "";
public static final String EXT_BINDING_STYLE = "";
public static final String EXT_EXPLICIT_TYPE = "";
public static final String EXT_TIME_FORMAT = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_RESOURCES = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_PAGES = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_SPREADSHEET = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_MAPPING_CSV = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_BUNDLE = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_BASE = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_DEFNS = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_FORMAT = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_SOURCE = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_VERSION = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_RESOURCES = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_PAGES = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_SPREADSHEET = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_MAPPING_CSV = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_BUNDLE = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_RESOURCE_INFO = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_CONTAINED_RESOURCE_INFO = "";
public static final String EXT_PRIVATE_BASE = "";
public static final String EXT_BINARY_FORMAT = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_RESOURCE_INFO = "";
public static final String EXT_IGP_LOADVERSION = "";
public static final String EXT_MAX_VALUESET = "";
public static final String EXT_MIN_VALUESET = "";
public static final String EXT_PROFILE_ELEMENT = "";
public static final String EXT_LIST_PACKAGE = "";
// validated
// private static final String EXT_OID = "";
// public static final String EXT_DEPRECATED = "";
private static final String EXT_ALLOWABLE_UNITS = "";
private static final String EXT_FHIRTYPE = "";
public static final String EXT_ALLOWED_TYPE = "";
public static final String EXT_BEST_PRACTICE = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_BEST_PRACTICE_EXPLANATION = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_BINDING_NAME = "";
public static final String EXT_CONTROL = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_CS_COMMENT = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_CS_KEYWORD = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_DEFINITION = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_DISPLAY_HINT = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_EXPAND_GROUP = "";
public static final String EXT_EXPAND_RULES = "";
public static final String EXT_EXP_TOOCOSTLY = "";
public static final String EXT_FHIR_TYPE = "";
public static final String EXT_FMM_DERIVED = "";
public static final String EXT_FMM_LEVEL = "";
public static final String EXT_FMM_SUPPORT = "";
public static final String EXT_HIERARCHY = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_ISSUE_SOURCE = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_MAXOCCURS = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_MAX_DECIMALS = "";
public static final String EXT_MAX_SIZE = "";
public static final String EXT_MAX_VALUESET = "";
public static final String EXT_MINOCCURS = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_MIN_LENGTH = "";
public static final String EXT_MIN_VALUESET = "";
public static final String EXT_MUST_SUPPORT = "";
public static final String EXT_NORMATIVE_VERSION = "";
public static final String EXT_PROFILE_ELEMENT = "";
public static final String EXT_QTYPE = "";
public static final String EXT_Q_UNIT = "";
public static final String EXT_REFERENCEFILTER = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_REGEX = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_RENDERED_VALUE = "";
public static final String EXT_REPLACED_BY = "";
public static final String EXT_RESOURCE_CATEGORY = "";
public static final String EXT_RESOURCE_INTERFACE = "";
public static final String EXT_SEC_CAT = "";
public static final String EXT_STANDARDS_STATUS = "";
public static final String EXT_TABLE_NAME = "";
public static final String EXT_TARGET_ID = "";
public static final String EXT_TARGET_PATH = "";
public static final String EXT_TRANSLATABLE = "";
public static final String EXT_TRANSLATION = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_UNCLOSED = "";
public static final String EXT_VALUESET_SYSTEM = "";
public static final String EXT_VS_COMMENT = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_VS_KEYWORD = ""; // Y
public static final String EXT_WORKGROUP = "";
public static final String EXT_XML_NAMESPACE = "";
public static final String EXT_OLD_CONCEPTMAP_EQUIVALENCE = "";
public static final String EXT_Q_IS_SUBJ = "";
public static final String EXT_Q_HIDDEN = "";
public static final String EXT_Q_OTP_DISP = "";
public static final String EXT_O_LINK_PERIOD = "";
public static final String EXT_Q_CHOICE_ORIENT = "";
public static final String EXT_Q_DISPLAY_CAT = "";
public static final String EXT_REND_MD = "";
public static final String EXT_CAP_STMT_EXPECT = "";
public static final String EXT_ED_HEIRARCHY = "";
// in the tooling IG
public static final String EXT_BINDING_ADDITIONAL = "";
// unregistered? - don't know what these are used for
public static final String EXT_MAPPING_PREFIX = "";
public static final String EXT_MAPPING_SUFFIX = "";
// for the v2 mapping project
public static final String EXT_MAPPING_NAME = "";
public static final String EXT_MAPPING_TYPE = "";
public static final String EXT_MAPPING_CARD = "";
public static final String EXT_MAPPING_TGTTYPE = "";
public static final String EXT_MAPPING_TGTCARD = "";
public static final String EXT_PRIVATE_BASE = "";
public static final String EXT_ALLOWED_TYPE = "";
public static final String EXT_FHIR_TYPE = "";
public static final String EXT_XML_TYPE = "";
public static final String EXT_RENDERED_VALUE = "";
public static final String EXT_OLD_CONCEPTMAP_EQUIVALENCE = "";
public static final String EXT_EXP_TOOCOSTLY = "";
public static final String EXT_MUST_SUPPORT = "";
public static final String EXT_TRANSLATABLE = "";
public static final String EXT_PATTERN = "";
public static final String EXT_BINDING_METHOD = "";
public static final String EXT_XML_NAMESPACE = "";
public static final String EXT_XML_NAME = "";
public static final String EXT_BINDING_STYLE = "";
public static final String EXT_BINARY_FORMAT = "";
public static final String EXT_TARGET_ID = "";
public static final String EXT_TARGET_PATH = "";
public static final String EXT_VALUESET_SYSTEM = "";
public static final String EXT_EXPAND_RULES = "";
public static final String EXT_EXPAND_GROUP = "";
public static final String EXT_BINDING_ADDITIONAL = "";
public static final String EXT_MIN_LENGTH = "";
public static final String EXT_MAX_DECIMALS = "";
public static final String EXT_MAX_SIZE = "";
// specific extension helpers
public static Extension makeIssueSource(Source source) {
@ -241,15 +251,15 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
return getExtension(e, url) != null;
// public static void addStringExtension(DomainResource dr, String url, String content) {
// if (!StringUtils.isBlank(content)) {
// Extension ex = getExtension(dr, url);
// if (ex != null)
// ex.setValue(new StringType(content));
// else
// dr.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(url, new StringType(content), true));
// }
// }
// public static void addStringExtension(DomainResource dr, String url, String content) {
// if (!StringUtils.isBlank(content)) {
// Extension ex = getExtension(dr, url);
// if (ex != null)
// ex.setValue(new StringType(content));
// else
// dr.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(url, new StringType(content), true));
// }
// }
public static void addMarkdownExtension(DomainResource dr, String url, String content) {
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(content)) {
@ -338,10 +348,10 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
nc.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(EXT_CS_COMMENT, Factory.newString_(comment), true));
// public static void markDeprecated(Element nc) {
// setDeprecated(nc);
// }
// public static void markDeprecated(Element nc) {
// setDeprecated(nc);
// }
public static void addDefinition(Element nc, String definition) {
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(definition))
@ -477,37 +487,37 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
public static String getCSComment(ConceptDefinitionComponent c) {
return readStringExtension(c, EXT_CS_COMMENT);
// public static Boolean getDeprecated(Element c) {
// return readBooleanExtension(c, EXT_DEPRECATED);
// }
// public static Boolean getDeprecated(Element c) {
// return readBooleanExtension(c, EXT_DEPRECATED);
// }
public static boolean hasCSComment(ConceptDefinitionComponent c) {
return findStringExtension(c, EXT_CS_COMMENT);
// public static boolean hasDeprecated(Element c) {
// return findBooleanExtension(c, EXT_DEPRECATED);
// }
// public static boolean hasDeprecated(Element c) {
// return findBooleanExtension(c, EXT_DEPRECATED);
// }
public static void addFlyOver(QuestionnaireItemComponent item, String text, String linkId){
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(text)) {
QuestionnaireItemComponent display = item.addItem();
display.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(EXT_CONTROL, Factory.newCodeableConcept("flyover", "", "Fly-over"), true));
QuestionnaireItemComponent display = item.addItem();
display.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(EXT_CONTROL, Factory.newCodeableConcept("flyover", "", "Fly-over"), true));
public static void addMin(QuestionnaireItemComponent item, int min) {
item.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(EXT_MINOCCURS, Factory.newInteger(min), true));
public static void addMax(QuestionnaireItemComponent item, int max) {
item.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(EXT_MAXOCCURS, Factory.newInteger(max), true));
public static void addFhirType(QuestionnaireItemComponent group, String value) {
group.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(EXT_FHIRTYPE, Factory.newString_(value), true));
@ -524,9 +534,9 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
group.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(EXT_REFERENCEFILTER, Factory.newString_(value), true));
public static void addIdentifier(Element element, Identifier value) {
element.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(EXT_IDENTIFIER, value, true));
// public static void addIdentifier(Element element, Identifier value) {
// element.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(EXT_IDENTIFIER, value, true));
// }
* @param name the identity of the extension of interest
@ -559,7 +569,7 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
public static void setStringExtension(DomainResource resource, String uri, String value) {
if (Utilities.noString(value))
Extension ext = getExtension(resource, uri);
Extension ext = getExtension(resource, uri);
if (ext != null)
ext.setValue(new StringType(value));
@ -569,7 +579,7 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
public static void setStringExtension(Element resource, String uri, String value) {
if (Utilities.noString(value))
Extension ext = getExtension(resource, uri);
Extension ext = getExtension(resource, uri);
if (ext != null)
ext.setValue(new StringType(value));
@ -579,7 +589,7 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
public static void setCodeExtension(DomainResource resource, String uri, String value) {
if (Utilities.noString(value))
Extension ext = getExtension(resource, uri);
if (ext != null)
ext.setValue(new CodeType(value));
@ -590,7 +600,7 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
public static void setCodeExtension(Element element, String uri, String value) {
if (Utilities.noString(value))
Extension ext = getExtension(element, uri);
if (ext != null)
ext.setValue(new CodeType(value));
@ -606,34 +616,34 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
resource.getExtension().add(new Extension(uri).setValue(new IntegerType(value)));
// public static String getOID(CodeSystem define) {
// return readStringExtension(define, EXT_OID);
// }
// public static String getOID(ValueSet vs) {
// return readStringExtension(vs, EXT_OID);
// }
// public static void setOID(CodeSystem define, String oid) throws FHIRFormatError, URISyntaxException {
// if (!oid.startsWith("urn:oid:"))
// throw new FHIRFormatError("Error in OID format");
// if (oid.startsWith("urn:oid:urn:oid:"))
// throw new FHIRFormatError("Error in OID format");
// if (!hasExtension(define, EXT_OID))
// define.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(EXT_OID, Factory.newUri(oid), false));
// else if (!oid.equals(readStringExtension(define, EXT_OID)))
// throw new Error("Attempt to assign multiple OIDs to a code system");
// }
// public static void setOID(ValueSet vs, String oid) throws FHIRFormatError, URISyntaxException {
// if (!oid.startsWith("urn:oid:"))
// throw new FHIRFormatError("Error in OID format");
// if (oid.startsWith("urn:oid:urn:oid:"))
// throw new FHIRFormatError("Error in OID format");
// if (!hasExtension(vs, EXT_OID))
// vs.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(EXT_OID, Factory.newUri(oid), false));
// else if (!oid.equals(readStringExtension(vs, EXT_OID)))
// throw new Error("Attempt to assign multiple OIDs to value set "+vs.getName()+" ("+vs.getUrl()+"). Has "+readStringExtension(vs, EXT_OID)+", trying to add "+oid);
// }
// public static String getOID(CodeSystem define) {
// return readStringExtension(define, EXT_OID);
// }
// public static String getOID(ValueSet vs) {
// return readStringExtension(vs, EXT_OID);
// }
// public static void setOID(CodeSystem define, String oid) throws FHIRFormatError, URISyntaxException {
// if (!oid.startsWith("urn:oid:"))
// throw new FHIRFormatError("Error in OID format");
// if (oid.startsWith("urn:oid:urn:oid:"))
// throw new FHIRFormatError("Error in OID format");
// if (!hasExtension(define, EXT_OID))
// define.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(EXT_OID, Factory.newUri(oid), false));
// else if (!oid.equals(readStringExtension(define, EXT_OID)))
// throw new Error("Attempt to assign multiple OIDs to a code system");
// }
// public static void setOID(ValueSet vs, String oid) throws FHIRFormatError, URISyntaxException {
// if (!oid.startsWith("urn:oid:"))
// throw new FHIRFormatError("Error in OID format");
// if (oid.startsWith("urn:oid:urn:oid:"))
// throw new FHIRFormatError("Error in OID format");
// if (!hasExtension(vs, EXT_OID))
// vs.getExtension().add(Factory.newExtension(EXT_OID, Factory.newUri(oid), false));
// else if (!oid.equals(readStringExtension(vs, EXT_OID)))
// throw new Error("Attempt to assign multiple OIDs to value set "+vs.getName()+" ("+vs.getUrl()+"). Has "+readStringExtension(vs, EXT_OID)+", trying to add "+oid);
// }
public static boolean hasLanguageTranslation(Element element, String lang) {
for (Extension e : element.getExtension()) {
@ -664,7 +674,7 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
public static void addLanguageTranslation(Element element, String lang, String value) {
if (Utilities.noString(lang) || Utilities.noString(value))
Extension extension = new Extension().setUrl(EXT_TRANSLATION);
extension.addExtension().setUrl("lang").setValue(new CodeType(lang));
extension.addExtension().setUrl("content").setValue(new StringType(value));
@ -703,23 +713,23 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
return results;
// public static void addDEReference(DataElement de, String value) {
// for (Extension e : de.getExtension())
// if (e.getUrl().equals(EXT_CIMI_REFERENCE)) {
// e.setValue(new UriType(value));
// return;
// }
// de.getExtension().add(new Extension().setUrl(EXT_CIMI_REFERENCE).setValue(new UriType(value)));
// }
// public static void addDEReference(DataElement de, String value) {
// for (Extension e : de.getExtension())
// if (e.getUrl().equals(EXT_CIMI_REFERENCE)) {
// e.setValue(new UriType(value));
// return;
// }
// de.getExtension().add(new Extension().setUrl(EXT_CIMI_REFERENCE).setValue(new UriType(value)));
// }
// public static void setDeprecated(Element nc) {
// for (Extension e : nc.getExtension())
// if (e.getUrl().equals(EXT_DEPRECATED)) {
// e.setValue(new BooleanType(true));
// return;
// }
// nc.getExtension().add(new Extension().setUrl(EXT_DEPRECATED).setValue(new BooleanType(true)));
// }
// public static void setDeprecated(Element nc) {
// for (Extension e : nc.getExtension())
// if (e.getUrl().equals(EXT_DEPRECATED)) {
// e.setValue(new BooleanType(true));
// return;
// }
// nc.getExtension().add(new Extension().setUrl(EXT_DEPRECATED).setValue(new BooleanType(true)));
// }
public static void setExtension(Element focus, String url, Coding c) {
for (Extension e : focus.getExtension())
@ -739,7 +749,7 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
public static void removeExtension(Element focus, String url) {
Iterator<Extension> i = focus.getExtension().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
@ -876,7 +886,7 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
return readStringExtension(type, EXT_RENDERED_VALUE);
return type.primitiveValue();
public static String getPresentation(Element holder, PrimitiveType<?> type) {
if (holder.hasExtension(EXT_RENDERED_VALUE))
return readStringExtension(holder, EXT_RENDERED_VALUE);
@ -884,15 +894,15 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
return readStringExtension(type, EXT_RENDERED_VALUE);
return type.primitiveValue();
// public static boolean hasOID(ValueSet vs) {
// return hasExtension(vs, EXT_OID);
// }
// public static boolean hasOID(CodeSystem cs) {
// return hasExtension(cs, EXT_OID);
// }
// public static boolean hasOID(ValueSet vs) {
// return hasExtension(vs, EXT_OID);
// }
// public static boolean hasOID(CodeSystem cs) {
// return hasExtension(cs, EXT_OID);
// }
public static void addUrlExtension(Element e, String url, String content) {
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(content)) {
Extension ex = getExtension(e, url);
@ -938,7 +948,7 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
for (Property p : base.children() ) {
for (Base v : p.getValues()) {
if (usesExtension(url, v)) {
@ -965,5 +975,5 @@ public class ToolingExtensions {
@ -99,6 +99,9 @@ public interface IResourceValidator {
boolean isNoUnicodeBiDiControlChars();
void setNoUnicodeBiDiControlChars(boolean noUnicodeBiDiControlChars);
boolean isForPublication();
void setForPublication(boolean forPublication);
* Whether being unable to resolve a profile in found in Resource.meta.profile or ElementDefinition.type.profile or targetProfile is an error or just a warning
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public class MarkDownProcessor {
Set<Extension> extensions = Collections.singleton(TablesExtension.create());
Parser parser = Parser.builder().extensions(extensions).build();
Node document = parser.parse(source);
HtmlRenderer renderer = HtmlRenderer.builder().extensions(extensions).build();
HtmlRenderer renderer = HtmlRenderer.builder().escapeHtml(true).extensions(extensions).build();
String html = renderer.render(document);
html = html.replace("<table>", "<table class=\"grid\">");
return html;
@ -252,6 +252,10 @@ public class Utilities {
return new Inflector().camelCase(value.trim().replace(" ", "_"), false);
public static String upperCamelCase(String value) {
return new Inflector().upperCamelCase(value.trim().replace(" ", "_"));
public static String escapeXml(String doco) {
if (doco == null)
return "";
@ -627,6 +627,10 @@ public class I18nConstants {
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package org.hl7.fhir.utilities.json;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicContainer.dynamicContainer;
@ -375,6 +377,10 @@ public class JsonTrackingParser {
return parse(TextFile.bytesToString(stream), null);
public static JsonArray parseJsonArray(byte[] stream) throws IOException {
return parseArray(TextFile.bytesToString(stream), null);
public static JsonObject parseJson(byte[] stream, boolean allowDuplicates) throws IOException {
return parse(TextFile.bytesToString(stream), null, allowDuplicates);
@ -391,17 +397,34 @@ public class JsonTrackingParser {
return parse(source, map, false);
public static JsonArray parseArray(String source, Map<JsonElement, LocationData> map) throws IOException {
return parseArray(source, map, false);
public static JsonObject parse(String source, Map<JsonElement, LocationData> map, boolean allowDuplicates) throws IOException {
return parse(source, map, allowDuplicates, false);
public static JsonArray parseArray(String source, Map<JsonElement, LocationData> map, boolean allowDuplicates) throws IOException {
return parseArray(source, map, allowDuplicates, false);
public static JsonObject parse(String source, Map<JsonElement, LocationData> map, boolean allowDuplicates, boolean allowComments) throws IOException {
JsonTrackingParser self = new JsonTrackingParser();
|||| = map;
JsonTrackingParser self = new JsonTrackingParser();
|||| = map;
return self.parse(Utilities.stripBOM(source));
public static JsonArray parseArray(String source, Map<JsonElement, LocationData> map, boolean allowDuplicates, boolean allowComments) throws IOException {
JsonTrackingParser self = new JsonTrackingParser();
|||| = map;
return self.parseArray(Utilities.stripBOM(source));
private JsonObject parse(String source) throws IOException {
lexer = new Lexer(source);
@ -421,6 +444,10 @@ public class JsonTrackingParser {
return result;
private JsonArray parseArray(String source) throws IOException {
return new Gson().fromJson(source, JsonArray.class);
private void readObject(JsonObject obj, boolean root) throws IOException {
if (map != null)
map.put(obj, lexer.location.copy());
@ -703,5 +730,11 @@ public class JsonTrackingParser {
return parseJson(res.getContent());
public static JsonArray fetchJsonArray(String source) throws IOException {
SimpleHTTPClient fetcher = new SimpleHTTPClient();
HTTPResult res = fetcher.get(source+"?nocache=" + System.currentTimeMillis());
return parseJsonArray(res.getContent());
@ -722,3 +722,7 @@ BUNDLE_BUNDLE_POSSIBLE_MATCH_NO_FU = Entry {0} matches the reference {1} by type
BUNDLE_BUNDLE_POSSIBLE_MATCH_WRONG_FU = Entry {0} matches the reference {1} by type and id but it''s fullUrl {2} does not match the full target URL {3} by Bundle resolution rules
SD_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERISTICS = This element has a {0} but the types {1} to do not make this kind of constraint relevant
SD_VALUE_COMPLEX_FIXED = For the complex type {0}, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance
VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING = The ShareableValueSet profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
VALUESET_SHAREABLE_EXTRA_MISSING = The ShareableValueSet profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7 = The ShareableValueSet profile says that the {0} element is mandatory, but it is not found. HL7 Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
VALUESET_SHAREABLE_EXTRA_MISSING_HL7 = The ShareableValueSet profile recommends that the {0} element is populated, but it is not found. HL7 Published value sets SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
@ -1152,5 +1152,8 @@ public class BaseValidator implements IValidationContextResourceLoader {
return level;
protected boolean isHL7(Element cr) {
String url = cr.getChildValue("url");
return url != null && url.contains("hl7");
@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
private ValidationOptions baseOptions = new ValidationOptions();
private Map<String, CanonicalResourceLookupResult> crLookups = new HashMap<>();
private boolean logProgress;
private boolean forPublication;
public InstanceValidator(IWorkerContext theContext, IEvaluationContext hostServices, XVerExtensionManager xverManager) {
super(theContext, xverManager);
@ -1111,8 +1112,8 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED)
rule(errors, IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CODE_VALUESET, describeValueSet(binding.getValueSet()));
else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE) {
if (binding.hasExtension(""))
rule(errors, IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CODE_VALUESETMAX, describeReference(ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, "")), valueset.getUrl());
if (binding.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET))
rule(errors, IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CODE_VALUESETMAX, describeReference(ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET)), valueset.getUrl());
warning(errors, IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CODE_VALUESET_EXT, describeValueSet(binding.getValueSet()));
@ -1141,7 +1142,7 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
if (!vr.isOk()) {
bindingsOk = false;
if (vr.getErrorClass() != null && vr.getErrorClass() == TerminologyServiceErrorClass.NOSERVICE) {
if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED || (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE && binding.hasExtension(""))) {
if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED || (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE && binding.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET))) {
hint(errors, IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_NOSVC_BOUND_REQ, describeReference(binding.getValueSet()));
} else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE) {
hint(errors, IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_NOSVC_BOUND_EXT, describeReference(binding.getValueSet()));
@ -1150,8 +1151,8 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED)
txWarning(errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CONFIRM_1_CC, describeReference(binding.getValueSet()), vr.getErrorClass().toString());
else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE) {
if (binding.hasExtension(""))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ""), cc, stack);
if (binding.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET), cc, stack);
else if (!noExtensibleWarnings)
txWarningForLaterRemoval(element, errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CONFIRM_2_CC, describeReference(binding.getValueSet()), vr.getErrorClass().toString());
} else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.PREFERRED) {
@ -1163,8 +1164,8 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED) {
txRule(errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_NOVALID_1_CC, describeValueSet(binding.getValueSet()), ccSummary(cc));
} else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE) {
if (binding.hasExtension(""))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ""), cc, stack);
if (binding.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET), cc, stack);
if (!noExtensibleWarnings)
txWarningForLaterRemoval(element, errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_NOVALID_2_CC, describeValueSet(binding.getValueSet()), ccSummary(cc));
} else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.PREFERRED) {
@ -1243,8 +1244,8 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED)
rule(errors, IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, "No code provided, and a code is required from the value set " + describeReference(binding.getValueSet()) + " (" + valueset.getUrl());
else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE) {
if (binding.hasExtension(""))
rule(errors, IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CODE_VALUESETMAX, describeReference(ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, "")), valueset.getUrl());
if (binding.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET))
rule(errors, IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CODE_VALUESETMAX, describeReference(ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET)), valueset.getUrl());
warning(errors, IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CODE_VALUESET_EXT, describeValueSet(binding.getValueSet()));
@ -1277,8 +1278,8 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED)
txWarning(errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CONFIRM_1_CC, describeReference(binding.getValueSet()), vr.getErrorClass().toString());
else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE) {
if (binding.hasExtension(""))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ""), cc, stack);
if (binding.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET), cc, stack);
else if (!noExtensibleWarnings)
txWarningForLaterRemoval(element, errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CONFIRM_2_CC, describeReference(binding.getValueSet()), vr.getErrorClass().toString());
} else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.PREFERRED) {
@ -1290,8 +1291,8 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED)
txRule(errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_NOVALID_1_CC, describeValueSet(binding.getValueSet()), ccSummary(cc));
else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE) {
if (binding.hasExtension(""))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ""), cc, stack);
if (binding.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET), cc, stack);
if (!noExtensibleWarnings)
txWarningForLaterRemoval(element, errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_NOVALID_2_CC, describeValueSet(binding.getValueSet()), ccSummary(cc));
} else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.PREFERRED) {
@ -1385,8 +1386,8 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED)
txWarning(errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CONFIRM_4a, describeReference(binding.getValueSet(), valueset), vr.getMessage(), system+"#"+code);
else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE) {
if (binding.hasExtension(""))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ""), c, stack);
if (binding.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET), c, stack);
else if (!noExtensibleWarnings)
txWarningForLaterRemoval(element, errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CONFIRM_5, describeReference(binding.getValueSet(), valueset));
} else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.PREFERRED) {
@ -1397,8 +1398,8 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
} else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED)
txRule(errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_NOVALID_4, describeReference(binding.getValueSet(), valueset), (vr.getMessage() != null ? " (error message = " + vr.getMessage() + ")" : ""), system+"#"+code);
else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE) {
if (binding.hasExtension(""))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ""), c, stack);
if (binding.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET), c, stack);
txWarning(errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_NOVALID_5, describeReference(binding.getValueSet(), valueset), (vr.getMessage() != null ? " (error message = " + vr.getMessage() + ")" : ""), system+"#"+code);
} else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.PREFERRED) {
@ -1643,8 +1644,8 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED)
txRule(errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CONFIRM_4a, describeReference(binding.getValueSet(), valueset), vr.getMessage(), theSystem+"#"+theCode);
else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE) {
if (binding.hasExtension(""))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ""), c, stack);
if (binding.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET), c, stack);
else if (!noExtensibleWarnings)
txWarningForLaterRemoval(element, errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_CONFIRM_5, describeReference(binding.getValueSet(), valueset));
} else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.PREFERRED) {
@ -1655,8 +1656,8 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
} else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED)
txRule(errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_NOVALID_12, describeReference(binding.getValueSet(), valueset), getErrorMessage(vr.getMessage()), theSystem+"#"+theCode);
else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE) {
if (binding.hasExtension(""))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ""), c, stack);
if (binding.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET), c, stack);
else if (!noExtensibleWarnings) {
txWarningForLaterRemoval(element, errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_NOVALID_13, describeReference(binding.getValueSet(), valueset), getErrorMessage(vr.getMessage()), c.getSystem()+"#"+c.getCode());
@ -2243,9 +2244,9 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
warning(errors, IssueType.INVALID, e.line(), e.col(), path, wsok, I18nConstants.TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_BASE64_NO_WS_WARNING);
if (ok && context.hasExtension("")) {
if (ok && context.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_SIZE)) {
int size = countBase64DecodedBytes(encoded);
long def = Long.parseLong(ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(context, ""));
long def = Long.parseLong(ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(context, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_SIZE));
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, e.line(), e.col(), path, size <= def, I18nConstants.TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_BASE64_TOO_LONG, size, def);
@ -2289,9 +2290,9 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
if (context.hasExtension("")) {
if (context.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_DECIMALS)) {
int dp = e.primitiveValue().contains(".") ? e.primitiveValue().substring(e.primitiveValue().indexOf(".")+1).length() : 0;
int def = Integer.parseInt(ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(context, ""));
int def = Integer.parseInt(ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(context, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_DECIMALS));
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, e.line(), e.col(), path, dp <= def, I18nConstants.TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_DECIMAL_CHARS, dp, def);
@ -2731,8 +2732,8 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED)
txRule(errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_NOVALID_16, value, describeValueSet(binding.getValueSet()), getErrorMessage(vr.getMessage()));
else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE) {
if (binding.hasExtension(""))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ""), value, stack);
if (binding.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET))
checkMaxValueSet(errors, path, element, profile, ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(binding, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_VALUESET), value, stack);
else if (!noExtensibleWarnings && !isOkExtension(value, vs))
txWarningForLaterRemoval(element, errors, vr.getTxLink(), IssueType.CODEINVALID, element.line(), element.col(), path, false, I18nConstants.TERMINOLOGY_TX_NOVALID_17, value, describeValueSet(binding.getValueSet()), getErrorMessage(vr.getMessage()));
} else if (binding.getStrength() == BindingStrength.PREFERRED) {
@ -2771,9 +2772,9 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
// todo: allowedUnits - codeableConcept, or canonical(ValueSet)
// todo:
if (!Utilities.noString(value) && definition.hasExtension("")) {
if (!Utilities.noString(value) && definition.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_DECIMALS)) {
int dp = value.contains(".") ? value.substring(value.indexOf(".")+1).length() : 0;
int def = Integer.parseInt(ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(definition, ""));
int def = Integer.parseInt(ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(definition, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_DECIMALS));
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, element.line(), element.col(), path, dp <= def, I18nConstants.TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_DECIMAL_CHARS, dp, def);
@ -2911,7 +2912,7 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
} else if (element.hasChild("url")) {
String url = element.getChildValue("url");
if (definition.hasExtension("")) {
if (definition.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_SIZE)) {
try {
if (url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("https://")) {
if (fetcher == null) {
@ -2930,9 +2931,9 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
if (definition.hasExtension("")) {
if (definition.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_SIZE)) {
if (warning(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, element.line(), element.col(), path, size >= 0, fetchError)) {
long def = Long.parseLong(ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(definition, ""));
long def = Long.parseLong(ToolingExtensions.readStringExtension(definition, ToolingExtensions.EXT_MAX_SIZE));
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, element.line(), element.col(), path, size <= def, I18nConstants.TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_ATT_TOO_LONG, size, def);
@ -4643,7 +4644,7 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
} else if (element.getType().equals("CapabilityStatement")) {
validateCapabilityStatement(errors, element, stack);
} else if (element.getType().equals("CodeSystem")) {
new CodeSystemValidator(context, timeTracker, xverManager, jurisdiction).validateCodeSystem(errors, element, stack, baseOptions.setLanguage(stack.getWorkingLang()));
new CodeSystemValidator(context, timeTracker, this, xverManager, jurisdiction).validateCodeSystem(errors, element, stack, baseOptions.setLanguage(stack.getWorkingLang()));
} else if (element.getType().equals("SearchParameter")) {
new SearchParameterValidator(context, timeTracker, fpe, xverManager, jurisdiction).validateSearchParameter(errors, element, stack);
} else if (element.getType().equals("StructureDefinition")) {
@ -5693,8 +5694,8 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
msg = context.formatMessage(I18nConstants.INV_FAILED, inv.getKey() + ": '" + inv.getHuman()+"'")+msg;
if (inv.hasExtension("") &&
ToolingExtensions.readBooleanExtension(inv, "")) {
if (inv.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_BEST_PRACTICE) &&
ToolingExtensions.readBooleanExtension(inv, ToolingExtensions.EXT_BEST_PRACTICE)) {
if (bpWarnings == BestPracticeWarningLevel.Hint)
hint(errors, IssueType.INVARIANT, element.line(), element.col(), path, ok, msg);
else if (bpWarnings == BestPracticeWarningLevel.Warning)
@ -6041,4 +6042,13 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
this.logProgress = logProgress;
public boolean isForPublication() {
return forPublication;
public void setForPublication(boolean forPublication) {
this.forPublication = forPublication;
@ -17,17 +17,21 @@ import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.validation.ValidationMessage.Source;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.validation.ValidationOptions;
import org.hl7.fhir.validation.BaseValidator;
import org.hl7.fhir.validation.TimeTracker;
import org.hl7.fhir.validation.instance.InstanceValidator;
import org.hl7.fhir.validation.instance.utils.NodeStack;
import ca.uhn.fhir.validation.ValidationResult;
public class CodeSystemValidator extends BaseValidator {
public CodeSystemValidator(IWorkerContext context, TimeTracker timeTracker, XVerExtensionManager xverManager, Coding jurisdiction) {
private InstanceValidator parent;
public CodeSystemValidator(IWorkerContext context, TimeTracker timeTracker, InstanceValidator parent, XVerExtensionManager xverManager, Coding jurisdiction) {
super(context, xverManager);
source = Source.InstanceValidator;
this.timeTracker = timeTracker;
this.jurisdiction = jurisdiction;
this.parent = parent;
@ -79,8 +83,41 @@ public class CodeSystemValidator extends BaseValidator {
checkShareableCodeSystem(errors, cs, stack);
private void checkShareableCodeSystem(List<ValidationMessage> errors, Element cs, NodeStack stack) {
if (parent.isForPublication()) {
if (isHL7(cs)) {
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("url"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7, "url");
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("version"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7, "version");
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("title"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7, "title");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("name"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_EXTRA_MISSING_HL7, "name");
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("status"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7, "status");
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("experimental"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7, "experimental");
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("description"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7, "description");
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("content"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7, "content");
if (!"supplement".equals(cs.getChildValue("content"))) {
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("caseSensitive"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7, "caseSensitive");
} else {
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("url"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING, "url");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("version"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING, "version");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("title"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING, "title");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("name"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_EXTRA_MISSING, "name");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("status"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING, "status");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("experimental"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING, "experimental");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("description"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING, "description");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("content"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING, "content");
if (!"supplement".equals(cs.getChildValue("content"))) {
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, cs.line(), cs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), cs.hasChild("caseSensitive"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING, "caseSensitive");
private void metaChecks(List<ValidationMessage> errors, Element cs, NodeStack stack, String url, String content, String caseSensitive, String hierarchyMeaning, boolean isSupplement) {
if (isSupplement) {
if (!"supplement".equals(content)) {
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Measure.MeasureGroupPopulationComponent;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Measure.MeasureGroupStratifierComponent;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Resource;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.renderers.DataRenderer;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.utils.ToolingExtensions;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.utils.XVerExtensionManager;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.FhirPublication;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.Utilities;
@ -338,7 +339,7 @@ public class MeasureValidator extends BaseValidator {
// ratio - score is a number with no value constraints, and maybe with a unit (perhaps constrained by extension)
if (rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, ms.line(), ms.col(), ns.getLiteralPath(), v != null, I18nConstants.MEASURE_MR_SCORE_VALUE_REQUIRED, "ratio")) {
Element unit = ms.getNamedChild("code");
Coding c = m.measure().hasExtension("") ? (Coding) m.measure().getExtensionByUrl("").getValue() : null;
Coding c = m.measure().hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_UNIT) ? (Coding) m.measure().getExtensionByUrl(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_UNIT).getValue() : null;
if (unit != null) {
if (c != null) {
NodeStack nsc = ns.push(unit, -1, unit.getProperty().getDefinition(), unit.getProperty().getDefinition());
@ -361,7 +362,7 @@ public class MeasureValidator extends BaseValidator {
// continuous-variable - score is a quantity with a unit per the extension
if (rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, ms.line(), ms.col(), ns.getLiteralPath(), v != null, I18nConstants.MEASURE_MR_SCORE_VALUE_REQUIRED, "continuous-variable")) {
Element unit = ms.getNamedChild("code");
Coding c = m.measure().hasExtension("") ? (Coding) m.measure().getExtensionByUrl("").getValue() : null;
Coding c = m.measure().hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_UNIT) ? (Coding) m.measure().getExtensionByUrl(ToolingExtensions.EXT_Q_UNIT).getValue() : null;
if (unit != null) {
if (c != null) {
NodeStack nsc = ns.push(unit, -1, unit.getProperty().getDefinition(), unit.getProperty().getDefinition());
@ -140,9 +140,10 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
tc = type.getExtensionValue(ToolingExtensions.EXT_FHIR_TYPE).primitiveValue();
if (Utilities.noString(tc) && type.hasChild("code")) {
if (type.getNamedChild("code").hasExtension("")) {
tc = "*";
throw new Error("WTF?");
// if (type.getNamedChild("code").hasExtension("")) {
// tc = "*";
// }
Set<String> tcharacteristics = new HashSet<>();
@ -338,7 +339,7 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
StructureDefinition sd = context.fetchTypeDefinition(tc);
if (sd != null) {
if (sd.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_BINDING_METHOD)) {
if (sd.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_BINDING_STYLE)) {
return tc;
@ -61,8 +61,32 @@ public class ValueSetValidator extends BaseValidator {
checkShareableValueSet(errors, vs, stack);
private void checkShareableValueSet(List<ValidationMessage> errors, Element vs, NodeStack stack) {
if (parent.isForPublication()) {
if (isHL7(vs)) {
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, vs.line(), vs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), vs.hasChild("url"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7, "url");
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, vs.line(), vs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), vs.hasChild("version"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7, "version");
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, vs.line(), vs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), vs.hasChild("title"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7, "title");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, vs.line(), vs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), vs.hasChild("name"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_EXTRA_MISSING_HL7, "name");
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, vs.line(), vs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), vs.hasChild("status"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7, "status");
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, vs.line(), vs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), vs.hasChild("experimental"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7, "experimental");
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, vs.line(), vs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), vs.hasChild("description"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7, "description");
} else {
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, vs.line(), vs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), vs.hasChild("url"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING, "url");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, vs.line(), vs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), vs.hasChild("version"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING, "version");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, vs.line(), vs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), vs.hasChild("title"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING, "title");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, vs.line(), vs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), vs.hasChild("name"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_EXTRA_MISSING, "name");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, vs.line(), vs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), vs.hasChild("status"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING, "status");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, vs.line(), vs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), vs.hasChild("experimental"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING, "experimental");
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, vs.line(), vs.col(), stack.getLiteralPath(), vs.hasChild("description"), I18nConstants.VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING, "description");
private void validateValueSetCompose(List<ValidationMessage> errors, Element compose, NodeStack stack, String vsid, boolean retired) {
List<Element> includes = compose.getChildrenByName("include");
int ci = 0;
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
@ -111,12 +111,12 @@
Reference in New Issue