Issue - improve Questionnaire error message

This commit is contained in:
Grahame Grieve 2020-06-06 07:17:12 +10:00
parent b2f24f5031
commit b3c8cae61d
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Questionnaire_QR_Q_NotFound = The questionnaire "{0}" could not be resolved, so
Questionnaire_Q_EnableWhen_After = The target of this enableWhen rule ({0}) comes after the question itself
Questionnaire_Q_EnableWhen_IsInner = Questions with an enableWhen cannot refer to an inner question for it''s enableWhen condition
Questionnaire_Q_EnableWhen_NoLink = Questions with an enableWhen must have a value for the question link
Questionnaire_Q_EnableWhen_NoTarget = Unable to find target "{0}" for this question enableWhen
Questionnaire_Q_EnableWhen_NoTarget = Unable to find an item with the linkId "{0}" which is referenced in the enableWhen for "{1}"
Questionnaire_Q_EnableWhen_Self = Target for this question enableWhen can''t reference itself
Reference_REF_Aggregation = Reference is {0} which isn''t supported by the specified aggregation mode(s) for the reference
Reference_REF_BadTargetType = Invalid Resource target type. Found {0}, but expected one of ({1})

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public class QuestionnaireValidator extends BaseValidator {
Element tgt = getQuestionById(item, ql);
if (rule(errors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, ns.getLiteralPath(), tgt == null, I18nConstants.QUESTIONNAIRE_Q_ENABLEWHEN_ISINNER)) {
tgt = getQuestionById(questionnaire, ql);
if (rule(errors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, ns.getLiteralPath(), tgt != null, I18nConstants.QUESTIONNAIRE_Q_ENABLEWHEN_NOTARGET, ql)) {
if (rule(errors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, ns.getLiteralPath(), tgt != null, I18nConstants.QUESTIONNAIRE_Q_ENABLEWHEN_NOTARGET, ql, item.getChildValue("linkId"))) {
if (rule(errors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, ns.getLiteralPath(), tgt != item, I18nConstants.QUESTIONNAIRE_Q_ENABLEWHEN_SELF)) {
if (!isBefore(item, tgt, parents)) {
warning(errors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, ns.getLiteralPath(), false, I18nConstants.QUESTIONNAIRE_Q_ENABLEWHEN_AFTER, ql);