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synced 2025-03-01 17:09:08 +00:00
check extensions with fhirpath context
This commit is contained in:
@ -1034,6 +1034,7 @@ public class I18nConstants {
public static final String XHTML_IDREF_NOT_FOUND = "XHTML_IDREF_NOT_FOUND";
@ -933,6 +933,7 @@ NO_VALID_DISPLAY_FOUND_other = No valid Display Names found for {1}#{2} in the l
SD_NO_CONTEXT_WHEN_NOT_EXTENSION = The type is {0} so an extension context should not be specified
SD_NO_CONTEXT_INV_WHEN_NOT_EXTENSION = The type is {0} so an extension context invariants should not be specified
SD_CONTEXT_SHOULD_NOT_BE_ELEMENT = Review the extension type for {1}: extensions should not have a context of {0} unless it''s really intended that they can be used anywhere
SD_CONTEXT_SHOULD_NOT_BE_FHIRPATH = Review the extension type for {1}: the context of {0} appears to be a simple element, so the context type should be 'element' not 'fhirpath'
ED_PATH_WRONG_TYPE_MATCH = The path must be ''{0}'' not ''{1}'' when the type list is not constrained
ATTEMPT_TO_CHANGE_SLICING = The element at {0} defines the slicing {1} but then an element in the slicing {2} tries to redefine the slicing to {3}
REPEAT_SLICING_IGNORED = The element at {0} defines the slicing but then an element in the slicing {2} repeats it, which is ignored
@ -70,17 +70,17 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
this.fpe = fpe;
this.wantCheckSnapshotUnchanged = wantCheckSnapshotUnchanged;
public boolean validateStructureDefinition(List<ValidationMessage> errors, Element src, NodeStack stack) {
boolean ok = true;
StructureDefinition sd = null;
String typeName = null;
try {
String url = src.getNamedChildValue("url", false);
sd = loadAsSD(src);
ok = checkExtensionContext(errors, src, stack) && ok;
List<ElementDefinition> snapshot = sd.getSnapshot().getElement();
typeName = sd.getTypeName();
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
for (Element snapshotE : snapshots) {
ok = validateElementList(errors, snapshotE, stack.push(snapshotE, -1, null, null), true, true, sd, typeName, logical, constraint, src.getNamedChildValue("type", false), src.getNamedChildValue("url", false), src.getNamedChildValue("type", false), base) && ok;
// obligation profile support
if (src.hasExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_OBLIGATION_PROFILE_FLAG)) {
Element ext = src.getExtension(ToolingExtensions.EXT_OBLIGATION_PROFILE_FLAG);
@ -165,14 +165,14 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
List<Element> contextInvariants = src.getChildren("contextInvariant");
c = 0;
for (Element contextInvariant : contextInvariants) {
ok = validateContextInvariant(errors, contextInvariant, src, stack.push(contextInvariant, c, null, null)) && ok;
// if this is defining an extension, make sure that the extension fixed value matches the URL
String type = src.getNamedChildValue("type", false);
if ("Extension".equals(type)) {
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
return ok;
private String getFixedValue(Element src) {
Element diff = src.getNamedChild("differential", false);
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
// this is ok (it must have this), and there's nothing to check
} else if (child.getName().equals("binding")) {
if (rule(errors, "2023-05-27", IssueType.INVALID, stack.getLiteralPath(), bd.hasBinding(),
ok = validateObligationProfileElementBinding(errors, child, stack, id, bd) && ok;
} else {
ok = false;
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
return false;
private boolean validateObligationProfileElementBinding(List<ValidationMessage> errors, Element element, NodeStack nstack, String id, ElementDefinition bd) {
// rules can only have additional bindings
boolean ok = true;
@ -357,7 +357,9 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
if ("element".equals(ct) && "Element".equals(cv)) {
warning(errors, "2023-04-23", IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, n.getLiteralPath(), false, I18nConstants.SD_CONTEXT_SHOULD_NOT_BE_ELEMENT, cv, src.getNamedChildValue("id", false));
} else if ("fhirpath".equals(ct)) {
warning(errors, "2023-12-05", IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, n.getLiteralPath(), !isElement(cv), I18nConstants.SD_CONTEXT_SHOULD_NOT_BE_FHIRPATH, cv, src.getNamedChildValue("id", false));
} else {
ok = rule(errors, "2023-04-23", IssueType.INVALID, n.getLiteralPath(), false, I18nConstants.SD_NO_CONTEXT_WHEN_NOT_EXTENSION, type) && ok;
@ -366,7 +368,7 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
for (Element ci : cilist) {
NodeStack n = stack.push(ci, i, null, null);
if ("Extension".equals(type)) {
} else {
ok = rule(errors, "2023-04-23", IssueType.INVALID, n.getLiteralPath(), false, I18nConstants.SD_NO_CONTEXT_INV_WHEN_NOT_EXTENSION, type) && ok;
@ -374,6 +376,16 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
return ok;
private boolean isElement(String cv) {
String tn = cv.contains(".") ? cv.substring(0, cv.indexOf(".")) : cv;
StructureDefinition sd = context.fetchTypeDefinition(tn);
if (sd != null) {
return sd.getSnapshot().getElementByPath(cv) != null;
} else {
return false;
private boolean validateElementList(List<ValidationMessage> errors, Element elementList, NodeStack stack, boolean snapshot, boolean hasSnapshot, StructureDefinition sd, String typeName, boolean logical, boolean constraint, String rootPath, String profileUrl, String profileType, StructureDefinition base) {
Map<String, String> invariantMap = new HashMap<>();
boolean ok = true;
@ -395,7 +407,7 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
ok = rule(errors, "2023-01-17", IssueType.INVALID, stack.getLiteralPath(), path.contains(".") || !element.hasChild("slicing", false), I18nConstants.SD_NO_SLICING_ON_ROOT, path) && ok;
ok = rule(errors, "2023-05-22", IssueType.NOTFOUND, stack.getLiteralPath(), snapshot || !constraint || !element.hasChild("meaningWhenMissing", false) || meaningWhenMissingAllowed(element), I18nConstants.SD_ELEMENT_NOT_IN_CONSTRAINT, "meaningWhenMissing", path) && ok;
List<Element> types = element.getChildrenByName("type");
Set<String> typeCodes = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> characteristics = new HashSet<>();
@ -403,7 +415,7 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
typeCodes.add(path); // root is type
addCharacteristics(characteristics, path);
for (Element type : types) {
if (hasMustSupportExtension(type)) {
typeMustSupport = true;
@ -457,8 +469,8 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
ok = validateBinding(errors, binding, stack.push(binding, -1, null, null), typeCodes, snapshot, path) && ok;
} else {
// this is a good idea but there's plenty of cases where the rule isn't met; maybe one day it's worth investing the time to exclude these cases and bring this rule back
// String bt = boundType(typeCodes);
// hint(errors, UNKNOWN_DATE_TIME, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, stack.getLiteralPath(), !snapshot || bt == null, I18nConstants.SD_ED_SHOULD_BIND, element.getNamedChildValue("path", false), bt);
// String bt = boundType(typeCodes);
// hint(errors, UNKNOWN_DATE_TIME, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, stack.getLiteralPath(), !snapshot || bt == null, I18nConstants.SD_ED_SHOULD_BIND, element.getNamedChildValue("path", false), bt);
if (!typeCodes.isEmpty()) {
if (element.hasChild("maxLength", false)) {
@ -485,7 +497,7 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
if (rule(errors, NO_RULE_DATE, IssueType.EXCEPTION, stack.getLiteralPath(), !typeCodes.isEmpty() || element.hasChild("contentReference", false), I18nConstants.SD_NO_TYPES_OR_CONTENTREF, element.getIdBase())) {
// if we see fixed[x] or pattern[x] applied to a repeating element, we'll give the user a hint
boolean repeating = !Utilities.existsInList(element.getChildValue("max"), "0", "1");
Element v = element.getNamedChild("defaultValue", false);
if (v != null) {
ok = rule(errors, NO_RULE_DATE, IssueType.EXCEPTION, stack.push(v, -1, null, null).getLiteralPath(), typeCodes.contains(v.fhirType()), I18nConstants.SD_VALUE_TYPE_IILEGAL, element.getIdBase(), "defaultValue", v.fhirType(), typeCodes) && ok;
@ -521,7 +533,7 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
return ok;
private boolean validateElementDefinitionInvariant(List<ValidationMessage> errors, Element invariant, NodeStack stack, Map<String, String> invariantMap, List<Element> elements, Element element,
String path, String rootPath, String profileUrl, String profileType, boolean snapshot, StructureDefinition base) {
boolean ok = true;
@ -582,7 +594,7 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
} else {
ok = rule(errors, "2023-07-27", IssueType.INVALID, stack, source == null || source.equals(profileUrl), I18nConstants.ED_INVARIANT_DIFF_NO_SOURCE, key, source) &&
rule(errors, "2023-07-27", IssueType.INVALID, stack, !haseHasInvariant(base, key), I18nConstants.ED_INVARIANT_KEY_ALREADY_USED, key, base.getVersionedUrl());
@ -662,16 +674,16 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
private Element getParent(List<Element> elements, Element te) {
int i = elements.indexOf(te) - 1;
String path = te.getNamedChildValue("path", false);
while (i >= 0) {
String p = elements.get(i).getNamedChildValue("path", false);
if (path.startsWith(p+".")) {
return elements.get(i);
return null;
int i = elements.indexOf(te) - 1;
String path = te.getNamedChildValue("path", false);
while (i >= 0) {
String p = elements.get(i).getNamedChildValue("path", false);
if (path.startsWith(p+".")) {
return elements.get(i);
return null;
private List<String> getTypesForElement(List<Element> elements, Element element, String profileType) {
@ -803,9 +815,9 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
case "Element" :return addCharacteristicsForType(set);
case "Base" :return addCharacteristicsForType(set);
// if (!context.getResourceNames().contains(tc)) {
// System.out.println("Unhandled data type in addCharacteristics: "+tc);
// }
// if (!context.getResourceNames().contains(tc)) {
// System.out.println("Unhandled data type in addCharacteristics: "+tc);
// }
return addCharacteristicsForType(set);
@ -865,15 +877,15 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
Set<String> bindables = getListofBindableTypes(typeCodes);
hint(errors, NO_RULE_DATE, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, stack.getLiteralPath(), bindables.size() <= 1, I18nConstants.SD_ED_BIND_MULTIPLE_TYPES, path, typeCodes.toString());
if (binding.hasChild("valueSet", false)) {
Element valueSet = binding.getNamedChild("valueSet", false);
String ref = valueSet.hasPrimitiveValue() ? valueSet.primitiveValue() : valueSet.getNamedChildValue("reference", false);
if (warning(errors, NO_RULE_DATE, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, stack.getLiteralPath(), !snapshot || ref != null, I18nConstants.SD_ED_SHOULD_BIND_WITH_VS, path)) {
Resource vs = context.fetchResource(Resource.class, ref);
// just because we can't resolve it directly doesn't mean that terminology server can't. Check with it
if (warning(errors, NO_RULE_DATE, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, stack.getLiteralPath(), vs != null || serverSupportsValueSet(ref), I18nConstants.SD_ED_BIND_UNKNOWN_VS, path, ref)) {
if (vs != null) {
ok = rule(errors, NO_RULE_DATE, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, stack.getLiteralPath(), vs instanceof ValueSet, I18nConstants.SD_ED_BIND_NOT_VS, path, ref, vs.fhirType()) && ok;
@ -914,7 +926,7 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
for (Element profile : profiles) {
ok = validateProfileTypeOrTarget(errors, profile, code, stack.push(profile, -1, null, null), path) && ok;
} else {
for (Element profile : profiles) {
ok = validateTypeProfile(errors, profile, code, stack.push(profile, -1, null, null), path, sd) && ok;
@ -1060,7 +1072,7 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
private boolean isReferenceableTarget(StructureDefinition t) {
for (Extension ext : t.getExtensionsByUrl(ExtensionConstants.EXT_SDTYPE_CHARACTERISTICS)) {
if (ext.hasValue()) {
String c = ext.getValue().primitiveValue();
String c = ext.getValue().primitiveValue();
if ("can-be-target".equals(c)) {
return true;
@ -1085,7 +1097,7 @@ public class StructureDefinitionValidator extends BaseValidator {
sd = null;
return false;
Reference in New Issue
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