improve error message for fixed value, and fix handling of profile choices

This commit is contained in:
Grahame Grieve 2019-12-09 17:35:11 +11:00
parent f04fdc7931
commit ebb3170a24
2 changed files with 37 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -1457,13 +1457,13 @@ public class InstanceValidator extends BaseValidator implements IResourceValidat
private void checkFixedValue(List<ValidationMessage> errors, String path, Element focus, org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Element fixed, String propName, Element parent, boolean pattern) {
if ((fixed == null || fixed.isEmpty()) && focus == null)
if ((fixed == null || fixed.isEmpty()) && focus == null) {
; // this is all good
else if ((fixed == null || fixed.isEmpty()) && focus != null)
rule(errors, IssueType.VALUE, focus.line(), focus.col(), path, pattern, "Unexpected element " + focus.getName());
else if (fixed != null && !fixed.isEmpty() && focus == null)
} else if ((fixed == null || fixed.isEmpty()) && focus != null) {
rule(errors, IssueType.VALUE, focus.line(), focus.col(), path, pattern, "The element " + focus.getName()+" is present in the instance but not allowed in the applicable "+(pattern ? "pattern" : "fixed value")+" specified in profile");
} else if (fixed != null && !fixed.isEmpty() && focus == null) {
rule(errors, IssueType.VALUE, parent == null ? -1 : parent.line(), parent == null ? -1 : parent.col(), path, false, "Missing element '" + propName+"'");
else {
} else {
String value = focus.primitiveValue();
if (fixed instanceof org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.BooleanType)
rule(errors, IssueType.VALUE, focus.line(), focus.col(), path, check(((org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.BooleanType) fixed).asStringValue(), value),
@ -4094,18 +4094,22 @@ private boolean isAnswerRequirementFulfilled(QuestionnaireItemComponent qItem, L
&& !"BackboneElement".equals(ei.definition.getType().get(0).getWorkingCode())) {
type = ei.definition.getType().get(0).getWorkingCode();
// Excluding reference is a kludge to get around versioning issues
if (ei.definition.getType().get(0).hasProfile())
if (ei.definition.getType().get(0).hasProfile()) {
for (CanonicalType p : ei.definition.getType().get(0).getProfile()) {
} else if (ei.definition.getType().size() == 1 && "*".equals(ei.definition.getType().get(0).getWorkingCode())) {
String prefix = tail(ei.definition.getPath());
assert prefix.endsWith("[x]");
type = - 3);
if (isPrimitiveType(type))
type = Utilities.uncapitalize(type);
// Excluding reference is a kludge to get around versioning issues
if (ei.definition.getType().get(0).hasProfile() && !type.equals("Reference"))
if (ei.definition.getType().get(0).hasProfile()) {
for (CanonicalType p : ei.definition.getType().get(0).getProfile()) {
} else if (ei.definition.getType().size() > 1) {
String prefix = tail(ei.definition.getPath());
@ -4217,7 +4221,7 @@ private boolean isAnswerRequirementFulfilled(QuestionnaireItemComponent qItem, L
} else {
elementValidated = true;
HashMap<String, List<ValidationMessage>> goodProfiles = new HashMap<String, List<ValidationMessage>>();
List<List<ValidationMessage>> badProfiles = new ArrayList<List<ValidationMessage>>();
HashMap<String, List<ValidationMessage>> badProfiles = new HashMap<String, List<ValidationMessage>>();
for (String typeProfile : profiles) {
String url = typeProfile;
tail = null;
@ -4230,21 +4234,29 @@ private boolean isAnswerRequirementFulfilled(QuestionnaireItemComponent qItem, L
List<ValidationMessage> profileErrors = new ArrayList<ValidationMessage>();
validateElement(hostContext, profileErrors, p, getElementByTail(p, tail), profile, ei.definition, resource, ei.element, type, localStack, thisIsCodeableConcept, checkDisplay);
if (hasErrors(profileErrors))
badProfiles.put(typeProfile, profileErrors);
goodProfiles.put(typeProfile, profileErrors);
if (goodProfiles.size()==1) {
} else if (goodProfiles.size()==0) {
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, ei.line(), ei.col(), ei.path, false, "Unable to find matching profile among choices: " + StringUtils.join("; ", profiles));
for (List<ValidationMessage> messages : badProfiles) {
for (String m : badProfiles.keySet()) {
p = this.context.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, m);
for (ValidationMessage message : badProfiles.get(m)) {
message.setMessage(message.getMessage()+" (validating against "+p.getUrl()+(p.hasVersion() ?"|"+p.getVersion(): "")+" ["+p.getName()+"])");
} else {
warning(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, ei.line(), ei.col(), ei.path, false, "Found multiple matching profiles among choices: " + StringUtils.join("; ", goodProfiles.keySet()));
for (List<ValidationMessage> messages : goodProfiles.values()) {
for (String m : goodProfiles.keySet()) {
p = this.context.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, m);
for (ValidationMessage message : goodProfiles.get(m)) {
message.setMessage(message.getMessage()+" (validating against "+p.getUrl()+(p.hasVersion() ?"|"+p.getVersion(): "")+" ["+p.getName()+"])");

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@