## Validator Changes
* Don't validate codes in value sets if terminology vlidation is turned… …
* Fix nPE validating bundles
## Other code changes
* Add file: to URL scheme list when checking for absolute URLs
* Adjust mappings handling code generating snapshots
* More improvements to r4/r5 transform testing
* Better error messages setting properties when transforming
* Better error messages converting types
* FHIRPath tests on element model
* Refactor FTPClient to perform fewer directory creates (#1159) …
* Document how to build validator_cli locally (#1171)
## Validator Changes
* Add format codes ```md``` and ```url``` to FHIRPath escape() and unescape()
* Add second parameter ```s_last``` to FHIRPath join() to use a different separator for the last time (e.g. ```.join(', ', 'and')```)
## Other code changes
* Parse status when parsing FML metadata
* Fix NPE in FHIRPath resolve() for contained resources ([discussion](https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179167-hapi/topic/fix.20to.20FHIRPathEngine))
## Validator Changes
* no changes
## Other code changes
* Tdy up extensions for R5 release
* Hack R5 observation for fix after QA
* Improve StructureMap rendering again
* Clarify Error messages converting between versions
## Validator Changes
* Add support for new ColorRGB code system (special case)
## Other code changes
* Add support for special case code systems internally
## Validator Changes
* More validation of StructureMaps
## Other code changes
* Add new R5 version to R4 version enumeration
* Fix for NPE generating profile comparison
* Add FML renderer for StructureMaps + various parsing fixes
## Validator Changes
* Fix up issues validating whitespace
* Multiple fixes to StructureMap and ConceptMap validation
## Other code changes
* rename ig-r4.json to ig-r4.jsonx in IGs
* move R5 package to test cases
## Validator Changes
* Add ConceptMap validation
* Add StructureMap validation
* Validate using type regex (had been omitted to now, mostly affects decimal validation)
* Add new -output-style values compact and compact-split
* Fix bug validating CDA choice elements without [x] in their names
## Other code changes
* Various fixes and utilities to support StructureMap & ConceptMap validation
* Fix Observation.value conversion between R5 and other versions
* Recognise R4B and R5 core packages
* Improvements to specification diffference engine for R5 publication
* More efficient XHTML AST model
## Major change:
* New R5 release - rebuild R5 implementation, update a lot of related code
## Validator Changes
* Load separate R5 extensions package
* Load FML directly, and validate mapping as much as possible
## Other code changes
* Fix bugs in Java R5 code generator
* Add more control at the code level over how to handle unknown profiles when generating snapshots
* Rework ConceptMap for major R5 changes
* Fix bug in CommaGeneratedStringBuilder (calling toString() multiple times duplicated content)
* handle case [reference].where(resolve() is X) when analysing types+elements in FHIRPath statements
## Validator Changes
* Fix validation for query references with empty parameter values
* Fix validation for conditional references
## Other code changes
* Fix resource rendering for conditional references
* Fix bug caused by changing DiagnosticReport.conclusion to markdown
* Track target types on references in FHIRPath
* Minor type checking fixes for FHIRPath
* Fix bugs in FHIRPath type checking discovered during R5 preparation
* Add standardsStatus support to core model
* Update okhttp library
* Allow HTTPS for terminology server URL
* Update table generator to suppress external links in base row and column
## Validator Changes
* Fix bug checking canonical URLs in bundles with dashes in them
* Fix extension messages (modifier and normal messages reversed)
* Change how error location paths are reported in bundles for easier resolution (no counting!)
* fix bugs checking whether binding is allowed in corner cases
## Other code changes
* Rendering Improvements: Additional Bindings, Search Parameters, Operation Definitions
* FHIRPath implementations for comparable(), highBoundary(), lowBoundary()
* Fix list of canonical resources from VersionUtilities
* Fix bug parsing html entities in XHTML parser
* Rename extension to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-imposeProfile
## Validator Changes
* Fix for NPE rendering resources
* Consider CanonicalResource to be a CanonicalResource when validating profile references
* Work around error in R5 sdf-29 invariant
## Other code changes
* XHTML processing: Cater for "." in XML element and attribute names
* Handle R3 encoding of primitive values when validating profiles
* Improve error messaging when validating StructureDefinition
* Temporary Support for MedicationStatement in R5
* Work around for Identifier.use = ? in THO R5 package (old error)
* Rework Package API to allow for authentication on package servers
* Structure mapping now finds source Structure Definition by URI and sets ParserBase logical property appropriately.
* DOn't convert ig-r4 when converting package versions
## Validator Changes
* update FHIRPath implementation for corrections to 'as' (R5 only in validator)
* Critical Security fix: enforce correct paths when unpacking archives (SecurityAdvisory-1082, CVE TBA)
## Other code changes
* Update to latest FHIRPath for older versions
* Add new ElementModel based parser for StructureMaps
* go-publish related changes
* FTP Client upload and logging improvements
* Refactor base64 handling for Android compatibility
## Security Note
The validator unzips archive files to the local file system when
it is scanning zip files it has been asked to validate, and when it is
installing packages. These processes are now resistant to the zip-slip
## Validator Changes
* Better tracking and reporting of snapshot generation issues
* Update FHIRPath implementation to R4 with all corrections and extensions from R5 implemnetation
## Other code changes
* Inclusion of SAXON dependency for processing XSLT
* Error message spacing correction
* Basic FTPClient implementation
* test NPE in markdown processing
* go-publish support
* Start implementing loading structure maps with validation