* fix bug loading implied packages with no version
Other Changes:
* fix bug generating error messages rendering bundles
* fix problems generating snapshots in some profiles
* fix for FHIRPath changes after discussion on Zulip
Validator Fixes:
* Check that there are no nested block HTML elements in an HTML paragraph
* create a warning for UCUM annotations
Other Changes:
* Fix some issues when converting Allergy Intolerance 3 <-> 4
* Fix issues generating invsalid HTML
* Fix up FHIRPath to pass latest test cases
* Bundle rendering improvements
* Give code interface for control over validation rules
* add support for rendering choice groups (CDA)
* Better validation of bad references (and fix NPE)
* Rework output to be more informative and cleaner
* Fix bugs in validation of nested bundles
* Fix bug loading package with no specified version
* fix bugs loading discovered packages on the fly
* Validator now supports logical models in XML wkith no namespaces
Other code changes:
* Add version conversion for AllergyIntolerance (1.2 <-> 3.0 & 1.2 <-> 4.0)
* Add version conversion for MedicationRequest
* Fix rendering of documents
* fix for not rendering null values in patterns for must-support view
* improve error messages for wrong code system URLs
Other code changes:
* fix rendering for must-support to not render empty values in patterns
* control over validation of aggregation modes
* fix NPE in code system comparison
* Fix verious issues
* Upgrade UCUM dependency
* fix support for multi-line comments in structure maps
* add conversion for R2 MedicationOrder -> R3 MedicationRequest
* Upgrade dependency on CQFramework
* improvements to OID to URL conversion
* Fix issue with round-tripping resources with primitives with no value
* No changes
Other code changes:
* Remove old comparison code
* Don't lazy load simplifier packages
* Add links in version comparisons
* fix NPE in SimpleWorkerContext
* add support for -bundle parameter to allow validating just one resource (/type) in a bundle
* improved reporting of errors and warnings for unknown code systems on required bindings
* pass dependencies to the server for imported value sets etc
* use server side caching for more efficient use of bandwidth
* Fix NPE loading packages from simplifier or old packages (and don't lazy load packages passed to command line)
Other code changes:
* further work on comparing CapabilityStatements (nearly, but not quite, finished)
* More work on timeouts in terminology client
* Fix for parsing error in R3/R4 sparse arrays for primitives types
* Improve terminology client logging
* don't reload a package if already loaded
* rendering: fix NPEs rendering patient summary, and render expressions for quantities
* add support for -bundle parameter to allow validating just one resource (/type) in a bundle
* improved reporting of errors and warnings for unknown code systems on required bindings
* pass dependencies to the server for imported value sets etc
* use server side caching for more efficient use of bandwidth
* Fix NPE loading packages from simplifier or old packages (and don't lazy load packages passed to command line)
Other code changes:
* further work on comparing CapabilityStatements (nearly, but not quite, finished)
* More work on timeouts in terminology client
* Fix for parsing error in R3/R4 sparse arrays for primitives types
* Improve terminology client logging
* don't reload a package if already loaded
* rendering: fix NPEs rendering patient summary, and render expressions for quantities
* add support for -bundle parameter to allow validating just one resource (/type) in a bundle
* improved reporting of errors and warnings for unknown code systems on required bindings
* pass dependencies to the server for imported value sets etc
* use server side caching for more efficient use of bandwidth
* Fix NPE loading packages from simplifier or old packages (and don't lazy load packages passed to command line)
Other code changes:
* further work on comparing CapabilityStatements (nearly, but not quite, finished)
* More work on timeouts in terminology client
* Fix for parsing error in R3/R4 sparse arrays for primitives types
* Improve terminology client logging
* don't reload a package if already loaded
* rendering: fix NPEs rendering patient summary, and render expressions for quantities
* add support for -bundle parameter to allow validating just one resource (/type) in a bundle
* improved reporting of errors and warnings for unknown code systems on required bindings
* pass dependencies to the server for imported value sets etc
* use server side caching for more efficient use of bandwidth
* Fix NPE loading packages from simplifier or old packages (and don't lazy load packages passed to command line)
Other code changes:
* further work on comparing CapabilityStatements (nearly, but not quite, finished)
* More work on timeouts in terminology client
* Fix for parsing error in R3/R4 sparse arrays for primitives types
* Improve terminology client logging
* don't reload a package if already loaded
* rendering: fix NPEs rendering patient summary, and render expressions for quantities
* no changes
Other code:
* Continue to work on connection timeout issues
* Fix bug in DiagnosticReportRenderer (wrong element accessed)
* change type of resource parameter to
* Fix for problem with expansion code checking and incomplete value sets
General Code changes:
* Work on connection problems to terminology server
* Fix for problem loading Measures from packages
* Work on i18n for Rendering
* fix case bug renderung bundles and parameters
* start working on i18n for Rendering
* ongoing work around connection problems with
* fix for bug processing CCDA constraints (logical model constraints)
* fix for bug loading Measures from packages
* fix NPEs loading invalid packages
* Start Working on i18n for Rendering + Fix case bug rendering bundles and parameters
* Fix for problem with expansion code checking and incomplete value sets
* release notes
Validator Fixes:
* better validation of external references. Note: this is a potentially significant change: things that were called ok before may not be now, and things that were not ok before may become so, depending on the interplay between this and auto-load, further work may be needed here
* Support better validation of version specific profiles in meta.profile. This may also find new errors that were not previously being found
* Support auto-determination of the version of FHIR to use when using the java validator
* auto-load packages from the package server when references to profiles etc are encountered
* look for references inside other parameters in Parameters resource
* no validation for CanonicalResource.url (further work needed)
Other Code changes:
* Rendering: add rendering for Parameters resources
* Rendering: refactor of resource resolution code to support Parameters
* General clean up of rendering consistency & implement additional details when rendering (including patient summary)
* Rendering: major overhaul of DiagnosticReport rendering
* Fix NPE bug in value set comparison
* Batch validation of codes in value sets
* Fix path problem doing comparisons
* Don't produce 2 columns for status for deprecated codes
* Fix errors in StructureDefinition validation