## Validator Changes
* Fix up issues validating whitespace
* Multiple fixes to StructureMap and ConceptMap validation
## Other code changes
* rename ig-r4.json to ig-r4.jsonx in IGs
* move R5 package to test cases
## Validator Changes
* Add ConceptMap validation
* Add StructureMap validation
* Validate using type regex (had been omitted to now, mostly affects decimal validation)
* Add new -output-style values compact and compact-split
* Fix bug validating CDA choice elements without [x] in their names
## Other code changes
* Various fixes and utilities to support StructureMap & ConceptMap validation
* Fix Observation.value conversion between R5 and other versions
* Recognise R4B and R5 core packages
* Improvements to specification diffference engine for R5 publication
* More efficient XHTML AST model
## Major change:
* New R5 release - rebuild R5 implementation, update a lot of related code
## Validator Changes
* Load separate R5 extensions package
* Load FML directly, and validate mapping as much as possible
## Other code changes
* Fix bugs in Java R5 code generator
* Add more control at the code level over how to handle unknown profiles when generating snapshots
* Rework ConceptMap for major R5 changes
* Fix bug in CommaGeneratedStringBuilder (calling toString() multiple times duplicated content)
* handle case [reference].where(resolve() is X) when analysing types+elements in FHIRPath statements
## Validator Changes
* Fix validation for query references with empty parameter values
* Fix validation for conditional references
## Other code changes
* Fix resource rendering for conditional references
* Fix bug caused by changing DiagnosticReport.conclusion to markdown
* Track target types on references in FHIRPath
* Minor type checking fixes for FHIRPath
* Fix bugs in FHIRPath type checking discovered during R5 preparation
* Add standardsStatus support to core model
* Update okhttp library
* Allow HTTPS for terminology server URL
* Update table generator to suppress external links in base row and column
## Validator Changes
* Fix bug checking canonical URLs in bundles with dashes in them
* Fix extension messages (modifier and normal messages reversed)
* Change how error location paths are reported in bundles for easier resolution (no counting!)
* fix bugs checking whether binding is allowed in corner cases
## Other code changes
* Rendering Improvements: Additional Bindings, Search Parameters, Operation Definitions
* FHIRPath implementations for comparable(), highBoundary(), lowBoundary()
* Fix list of canonical resources from VersionUtilities
* Fix bug parsing html entities in XHTML parser
* Rename extension to http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-imposeProfile
* fix type of issue source extension
* update extension extractor
* FHIRPath changes for as - case and singleton issues
* minor fixes for extension rendering
* Update test cases version
Co-authored-by: Grahame Grieve <grahameg@gmail.ccom>
Co-authored-by: dotasek <david.otasek@smilecdr.com>
## Validator Changes
* Fix for NPE rendering resources
* Consider CanonicalResource to be a CanonicalResource when validating profile references
* Work around error in R5 sdf-29 invariant
## Other code changes
* XHTML processing: Cater for "." in XML element and attribute names
* Handle R3 encoding of primitive values when validating profiles
* Improve error messaging when validating StructureDefinition
* Temporary Support for MedicationStatement in R5
* Work around for Identifier.use = ? in THO R5 package (old error)
* Rework Package API to allow for authentication on package servers
* Structure mapping now finds source Structure Definition by URI and sets ParserBase logical property appropriately.
* DOn't convert ig-r4 when converting package versions