## Validator Changes
* Fix for issue parsing SHC and not recording line/col correctly
* Fix issue validating CDA FHIR Path constraints
* Better error handling validating codes in concept maps
* Validate special resource rules on contained resources and Bundle entries
* Improved error messages of observation bp
* Fix up WG internal model for changes to workgroups
* fix misleading error message inferring system when filters in play
* Fix type handling for logical models (CDA fixes)
* Fix up parsing of logical models
* Fix bug parsing extension with no value in JSON for the validator
## Other code changes
* Major uplift of PEModel to support generated code for profiles in R4 + R5
* Add removeChild in R4/R4B/R5 model
* Fix version conversion issue between r4 and r5 charge definition issue
* Fix rendering extension and missed profile on Reference()
## Validator Changes
* Significant Performance improvements parsing JSON resources
* Refactor Type handling for faster performance
* Validate the stated publisher/WG/contacts for HL7 published resources
* Better error message when diff contains bad paths
* pass dependent resources to server and make sure cache-id is filled out properly in all contexts
* Fix error in FML parser parsing parameters
* Fix issue with dom-6 and contained elements (Internal ChildMap synchro issues)
* Better handling of errors from tx.fhir.org
* Fix bug checking for implicit value sets
* Fix bug checking of mixing snomed display types
* Reduce size of validatable concept map to 500 - for now + better handling of errors on server batches
* Improve UCUM validation BP rule
## Other code changes
* Fix up handling of includes in liquid templates
* Fix up rendering of profile names for abstract profile instantiations
* Improved rendering of codes in include when rendering valuesets
* Start generating .index.db as well as .index.json in packages for faster package reading
* Fix problem caching look up of implied value sets
* Add okio dependency for running vsac
## Validator Changes
* Fix bug preventing Best Practice invariants being reported on, and add -best-practice parameter
* Fix issue not validating bundles when there are multiple profiles on entry.resource
* Add Japanese translations
## Other code changes
* Fixes for minor bugs discovered testing the XIG
* fix package program data path
## Validator Changes
* Test concept map code validity
* Rework type checking on target profiles to support imposesProfile
* Fix imposesProfile extension being missed on primary profile
* Add support for IPS-AU
* Fix warning/error message about experimental property on CodeSystems and ValueSets
* Fix unknown code message to include code system version
* Add provisional SHLinks validation
## Other code changes
* Render Requirements.reference
* Convert Requirements.reference between versions
* Fix test that breaks on local machines + Fix system path for FileSystemPackageCacheManager
* Update to cqframework 2.11 and remove unused common-beanutils declaration (#1419)
* Better xhtml logging for debugging
* Fix DF markdown engine to escape < properly
* Support for sub-packages in packagelist.json
* NPE proofing property handling for Code Systems
* rework the way intermediary content is handled in the validator
* Restore CodeQL regex queries (#1422) + Whitelist BSD 3-clause license
## Validator Changes
* Fix problem validating code systems with content = not-present
* Further development of multi-language support on the tx server, and:
* Change the validator so that the default language is '*' (all languages) not 'en'
## Other code changes
* Improve license scanning and readme documentation
* Change xpp3 dependency
* Add client version to tx user-agent requests
* Suppress spurious xml parsing messages to System.err
## Validator Changes
* Performance fix: Delay loading content when loading IGs
* CodeSystem validation around count and content
* Add checking around internal status consistency and across dependencies (draft/experimental/retired/deprecated)
* Improved error messages on server failure
* Fix bug in warning about No valid Display Names found
* Use Supplements when validating display names
* Fix issue in FHIRPath .combine focus handling
* Check Extension fixed values for URLs - enforce consistency
* Fix R4 FML parser problem
* Track and report inactive status when reported from terminology server
* Add defense against large terminology operations causing obscure java errors
* Fix bug with client sending too much data to tx.fhir.org (big performance hit in some cases)
* Fix obscure bug with designations in a more specific language the the code system they are in
## Other code changes
* Significant upgrade of version comparison for profiles/extensions, value sets, and code systems, and integration into rendering framework
* Many minor changes to terminology functionality (reconciliation with differences with OntoServer) including service protection
* Rename implySystem parameter to inferSystem per TI decision
* rework how definitions are handled after discussion with Michael
* add flat mode to tests for Ontoserver, and add experimental functionality
* fix rendering issue in subscription topic
* Add a renderer for ExampleScenario
* Automatically render markdown in code system concept definitions
* Fix loading issues in test mode for simplifier packages
* Remove spurious logging in FHIRPath engine
* Fix addChild error in PEBuilder (#1343) + Add test case
* CPT Importer
* Dependencies fixed/updated: okhttp, thymeleaf, commonmark & UCUM
* Xhtml fluent improvements + related XHtmlNode improvements
* Release new pubpack for new icons
* Json Object comparison: fix bug in arrays with multiple optional elements + improved error messages + support for external strings
* fix cross-version extensions web references where possible
* Don't suppress exceptions in terminology clients
* Add first cut of Profile Generation code
* Stop putting invalid codes in expansions if they are not in the code system
## Validator Changes
* Fix problem with evaluating extension contexts
* Fix up support for inactive codes and fix error message syntax
* Fix issue with collection status of resolve() being wrong
* Improved paths in profile error messages
* Fix problem with extension slicing being missed sometimes.
* Fix problem with code validation caching ignoring whitespace
* Produce useful error message when whitespace is wrong in display name
* Support for x-version extensions when generating snapshots
## Other code changes
* Render inactive property in expansions
* Resolve URL for x-version extensions
* Don't warn for loading a wrong version package more than once
* Do not supercede R4 terminology when loading R5 IGs
* Migrate type support when generating differentials
## Validator Changes
* Create warnings for status on terminology resources
* Don't load resources from core examples package
## Other code changes
* fix up copy directory for case differences
## Validator Changes
* Update IPS versions for -ips parameter (and get it working again)
* fix up validation of constraints in differentials (wasn't always happening)
* add warnings when collection status isn't right
* Better information messages when CodeSystem.content = not-present
* Add character check in validator for illegal XML Unicode characters
* Fix path problem in NpmPackage (some simplifier packages couldn't be processed)
* Fix NPE validating codes in value sets with improper expansions
## Other code changes
* Add support for Liquid assign
* Switch to DateTime type for Android Support
* Code clean up: remove unused imports
* Fix JSON unicode encoding handling of chars <32 code points