## Validator Changes
* Handle reslicing within the same profile
* Fix up wrong handling of context on exists() in FHIRPath
* Add hints to profiles around behavior of pattern on repeating elements
* Ignore all tooling extensions when validating
* support specifying an alternative version when loading source using -ig parameter
* Don't validate Bundle.entry.fullUrl as a reference to some other content
## Other code changes
* Improved output for unit test comparisons
* Fix conversion issues around Base64Binary
* Fix for R4/R5 DataRequirements conversion for DeviceUsage
* Add AdditionalBindings Rendering (draft)
* Display all designations when rendering ValueSets
* Fix bug where expansions have empty objects some times
* Fix R4B Snapshot generation
* Enable Linking to fragment CodeSystems
## Validator Changes
* Add further clarification to Value set imports warning message
## Other code changes
* Consistent use of string values for primitive type conversions
* Fix problem with generated NPM Packages
* Fix URls when processing markdown while generating snapshots
* Default output to console, with additional output available via -debug option in CLI.
* Bump jackson-databind version to fix security vulnerability.
## Validator Changes
* no changes
* Add messageid to OperationOutcome from Validation
* Add support for new rules around value set interpretation with multiple imported value sets (https://jira.hl7.org/browse/FHIR-25179)
## Other code changes
* Fix for FHIRPathEngine.funcReplaceMatches() incorrectly returning Boolean in DSTU2 & DSTU3
* Fix NPE Processing missing markdown in definitions when generating snapshots
* add support for .matchesFull() and fix .matches() in FHIRPath
* Fix core package identification when loading new R5 core packages
## Validator Changes
* fix handling of xver extensions with choice sub-extensions
* validate consistency of extension modifier flag with extension use in a profile
## Other code changes
* more presenting extensions when rendering.
* Get package id from 'package' field when 'npm-package' unavailable
* Ignore META-INF contents from other dependencies while building Validator jar
* Fix to r5 TestingUtilities to allow NarrativeGenerationTests to pass.
* fix handling to xver extensions generating snapshots
## Validator Changes
* Improve code validation error when value set can't be supported on tx.fhir.org
* Hide error about regex in core package
## Other code changes
* Fix wrong URL links in processed markdown
* Don't let txCache errors stop the process
* Fix broken links in questionnaire +
## Validator Changes
* accept regex on ElementDefinition and ElementDefinition.type, and an error for regex on ElementDefintion.type (though core packages have it on the wrong place)
* fix handling of cross-version extensions on choice elements
* fix OID validation (accept 1.3.88 GTIN OID)
* only consider bindable types when checking for multi-type bindings
## Other code changes
* Fix definitions in ListResource ("List" not "ListResource")
* introduce fhir-tools-settings.conf (see https://confluence.hl7.org/display/FHIR/Using+fhir-tool-settings.conf)
* Rendering fixes & improvements for Questionnaire and Patient and partial dates
* improvements to relative link handling in markdown when generating snapshots
* updates to package tools for changes to package.json#type (see https://confluence.hl7.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=35718629#NPMPackageSpecification-Packagemanifest)
* fix semver handling for tags in versions
* Bump mockito and bytebuddy versions for Java 17 compatibility & fix Kotlin ref
Sneaky kotlin. There's a reference to kotlinBuilder in the r4b project, likely autogenerated and committed, that breaks the build on systems without that specific kotlin setup.
## Validator Changes
* no changes
## Other code changes
* Use builders for SimpleWorkerContext and ValidationEngine to enforce initialization order for caches and capabilities