* Add NL translations
* Fix validation of extensions on patterns
* Validation of cardinality on address-line elements containing pattern elements fixed
* Ensure that validator creates errors on example urls by default
* Add -allow-example-urls option to the validator
* Fixed issue where when validating with no terminology server and a value set with only an expansion (no compose), the 'inferred' code system wasn't being populated and validation was then failing on a coding with no specified code system
* when validating value sets, use CodeSystem/$validate-code not ValueSet/$validate-code
Version Conversion Fixes:
* add copying of aggregation mode for conversion from 50 to 30
* add test for Observation conversion from 10 to 40
* add procedures conversion form dstu2 to r4
* add medication conversion from dstu2 to r4
* fix obscure issue converting discriminators from R2B to R4/5
Code Changes:
* Adding Maven exec to test validation cli jar
* Add SIDUtilities and clean up SID handling code across the code base
* fix rendering bug on references
* Added parameter -want-invariants-in-messages
* fix issue with dependencies on IGs that have uppercase in package IDs
Other Code Changes
* Fix displays for some codes in ConceptMap.relationship when rendering
* Add Publication Version to rendering context for future use.
* Update core R5 code to v4.6.0 (breaking changes to questionnaire, concept map, and other resources that are less important to core)
* Fix compartment definitions of ListResource.source and subject for R3 and R4
* Snapshot generator: fix problem checking types on logical models
* Do not flag internal references as suspicious
* XMLParser allows passing a schema location
* XMLParser allows passing a schema location
* Issue 484
* Adding Kotlin to the build process
* random cleaning up in convertors
* Adding version option to ignore bundle entry in conversion advisors
* Validator: Load code systems from known packages on the fly
* Validator: better handle invalid v3 dates
* Renderer: Render OperationDefinition.InputProfile and OutputProfile
* Important: Allow more valid schemas for Utilities.isAbsoluteUrl
* Validator: remove notes about extensible bindings if profile extensible binding is valid
Terminology: Ensure that CVX uses, not UTG definitions which are wrong
Validator: Fix problems with Bundle validation for ids in collections and add additional search related validation
Validator: Remove check on for R2B
* Breaking Change: Fix issue where primitive elements with required bindings must have a value, but this wasn't be checked
* Fix bug with value set imports not working
* Fix bug with base definitions not working properly for logical models
* Better memory tracking for validator
* Get code generator compiling
* fix R2B for checking resource IDs
* Properly check code validity when an expansion is provided, but the code system is unknown
* fix problem with R2B StructureDefinition transform
* Improve validator performance
* Add support for forthcoming release
Version Conversion:
* add test for Observation conversion from 10 to 40
* add procedures conversion form dstu2 to r4
* add medication conversion from dstu2 to r4
* add copy of extension field for Enumeration fieldtype by Resource.copy
* add default value to Medication Request during conversion from dstu2 to r4
* fix R2B/R5 ElementDefinition.type.code conversion
* minor fixes in code generators for R4B
* Fix null pointer exception in validator validating language codes
* fix issue with validating fixed values for primitive elements
* add utility to unzip file
* add test for Observation conversion from 10 to 40
* add procedures conversion form dstu2 to r4
* add medication conversion from dstu2 to r4
* fixes missing depencency:
Terminology server http://tx.fhir.orgException in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: okhttp3/Request$Builder
* added optional tag to not break downstream projects (hapi)
* added dependency to cli as well
Validation Changes:
* No change
Other code changes:
* update dependency on CQF framework
* Add primitive type factory
* minor changes to fix ContentReference issues
Validation Changes:
* No change
Other code changes:
* update dependency on CQF framework
* Add primitive type factory
* minor changes to fix ContentReference issues