* fix bug in client caching for unidentified value sets
* look for codesystem definitions in local context
* fix path error in Questionnaire Response validation
* fix up r4b list of canonical resource types
* better version specific resolution of special canonical resources
* enforce minValue and maxValue for decimal and Quantity types
* add checks for whitespace in base64 content (warning in <R5)
Other code changes:
* Fix trailing slashes for JAVA_HOME tests
* remove relative URL prefixing
* Add delayed load resources to all resources
* Don't load resources from core examples package over other resources
* Fix count on erroneous element defintions when generating snapshots
* add version specific access to context resources
* fix error rendering lists with encounter references
* fix error rendering questionnaire answer lists
* improve rendering of version specific and targetted references
* enforce minValue and maxValue for decimal and Quantity types
* add checks for whitespace in base64 content (warning in <R5)
Other code changes:
* Fix trailing slashes for JAVA_HOME tests
* remove relative URL prefixing
* Add delayed load resources to all resources
* Don't load resources from core examples package over other resources
* Fix count on erroneous element defintions when generating snapshots
* add version specific access to context resources
* fix error rendering lists with encounter references
* fix error rendering questionnaire answer lists
* improve rendering of version specific and targetted references
* more work on date time test cases
* fix date/time rendering test
* fix bug in code system handling (NPE) + add support for json test cas…
* extend policy advisor to control terminology validation + hack fixes
* fix up SHC parsing problem
* improvements to code system rendering + fix date/time rendering tests
* more work on date time test cases
* fix date/time rendering test
* fix bug in code system handling (NPE) + add support for json test cas…
* extend policy advisor to control terminology validation + hack fixes
* fix up SHC parsing problem
* improvements to code system rendering + fix date/time rendering tests
* Validation process now has the option to control level of validation on both references and contained resources,
through the addition of two new interfaces, this is reflected in the new fields I added in fire test cases
* Improve output for describeSize Utility unit tests.
* Fix logging of requests for dstu3
* fix processing of modifier extensions and cross-version modifier extensions
Other changes:
* improvements to data types rendering based on new test cases (URLs, Money, Markdown)
* add locale to rendering context, and fix up timezone related rendering based on locale
* Check for using CodeSystem not ValueSet in a value set binding
* remove verbose logging statements
Other code Changes:
* Render Expressions + supported profiles in CapabilityStatements
* Fix NPE rendering date with no value (only extension)
* Fix NPEs rendering code system properties
* Date tracking in new Terminology Cache
* Define Extensions for contained resources in IGs
Validator Changes
* Add warning about resources not linked to in bundles
* Fix up support for pre-adopting R5 extensions
Other Code Changes
* Updating client logger to log both req and resp
* Refactoring of converter loader and misc packages.
* rework all HTTP access through a single access point (todo: refactor this to use okhttp)
* Improvements to rendering for IG publication (including fixing broken links)
* fix NPE in QuestionnaireRenderer
* Move tx-cache management to instead of git
* fix concept map rendering
* Move loaders to own packages
* Move inner loader classes up one level
* Use lombok annotaions for BaseLoaderX classes
* Move ADLImporter
* Use lombok for ADLImporter inner classes
* Move inner ADLImporter classes up one level
* Move misc classes with inner classes to their own packages
* Encapsulate and add lombok to misc internal classes
* Move inner misc classes up one level
* Clean up explicit type arguments
* Revert back to master validator_test_case_version in pom.xml
* Update
Co-authored-by: David Otasek <david.otasek@Davids-MacBook-Pro.local>
* Fix validation of RiskAssessment probability
* Don't check MeasureReport groups if Measure doesn't have any groups
Other code changes
* Fix generation of GraphQL schema
* remove spurious log files