* Fix support for cross version extensions across the entire valdation rule set
* Improve security warnings about rogue HTML tags
* fix error messages on unknown URLs (not longer say 'not done yet')
* fix validation of profiles and target profiles in all versions (before R3 different rules)
Other code changes:
* fix error message suppression on tooling client
* Track code systems used in the context
* improve error messages when rendering bundles that are documents that aren't properly formed
* Process Markdown when rendering
* Fix rendering of CanonicalResource.url
Quality of Life Improvements:
* fixed deployment issue where validator.cli and report packages were sometimes published during deployment
* Fix support for cross version extensions across the entire valdation rule set
* Improve security warnings about rogue HTML tags
* fix error messages on unknown URLs (not longer say 'not done yet')
* fix validation of profiles and target profiles in all versions (before R3 different rules)
Other code changes:
* fix error message suppression on tooling client
* Track code systems used in the context
* improve error messages when rendering bundles that are documents that aren't properly formed
* Process Markdown when rendering
* Fix rendering of CanonicalResource.url
* Add new validation to check these words in R3+: "Except for transactions and batches, each entry in a Bundle must have a fullUrl which is the identity of the resource in the entry"
Other code changes:
* Fix bug in package loader - allow loading version with later patch if old version is missing
* Removed logs from network calls
* Added back in help file display
* Avoiding checking ssl certs for build server, this needs to be fixed and should not be left in long term
Validator Changes:
* no effective changes
* fix issue for content references in versions before R3
* Add on the fly retrieval of profiles in the validator
* Fix bug where validator reported 'not done yet' for invalid contained references
* Fix for wrong reference to Any in cross version extensions
Other Code Changes:
* fix bug converting type mode in Structure Map
* fix bug converting Timing.when (issue 383)
* fix bug doing date time comparisons with seconds in FHIRPath
* Add support for instance-name and instance-description extensions
* Fix for bundle renderer trying to render resources from the wrong version
* Add on the fly retrieval of profiles in the validator, and fix bug where validator reported 'not done yet' for invalid contained references.
* fix loading issue for content references in versions before R3
* fix content resolution issue for versions from before 3
* Fix for bundle renderer trying to render resources from the wrong version
* Fix for wrong reference to Any in cross version extensions
* fix test case reference
* fix mistake generating snapshots around element ids
* fix tests
Validator Changes:
* no effective changes
Other Code Changes:
* fix bug converting type mode in Structure Map
* fix bug converting Timing.when (issue 383)
* fix bug doing date time comparisons with seconds in FHIRPath
* Add support for instance-name and instance-description extensions
* Fix for issue 373
* Fix for issue 381
* Fix for issue 204
* Internal tools now use OkHttp library for all resource fetching
* Added testing for network tools
* wip
* tests all pass with log outputs identical to it better now? I don't know.
* proxy works, adding a test and docs next
* more cleanup and test fixes
* left in testing file
* didn't need that code anymore
* Fix bug in unknown URL handling that could cause significant delays in validation (>1min / unknown URL)
* fix bug in processing excludes with filters in value sets
Other code changes:
* fix case problem with icons in questionnaire rendering
* fix problem with rendering nested slices on content references
* fix rendering on must-support view for must-support on types and target profiles
* fix problem with min getting set to 1 on slices.
* fix problem with element definition resolution in profiles for contentReference
* don't apply warning about reference content when it's used as a pattern
Other code changes:
* fix problem with rendering unchanged terminology bindings in profiles
* fix problem rendering canonical URLs with | in them
* fix problem rendering multiple manifestations for an allergy reaction
* fix for NPE in version string comparison
* add styling when adding markdown to table
Validator changes:
* (none)
other code changes:
* fix bug when converting positiveInt between versions
* fix bug raising error when processing bundles
* don't use prism for big binaries when rendering library
* fix parameters renderer to create proper anchors
* Don't render id/base/other properties of Resource itself in auto-narrative generator
* fix bug where extension values not generated for simple extensions
* fix bug rendering content references in profiles
Validator Changes:
* Mark it has an error if a JSON Array is empty
* Don't make wrong error reports for profiling resources in bundles
* fix bug checking unfixed values for HumanName patterns
* fix bug checking patterns (missed in some circumstances)
* fix bug checking type of resources in bundles
* improve messages around cardinality errors in profiles
* add parameter -html-output for enhanced presentation of slicing information
Other code changes:
* Render binding description in profile tables if it doesn't contain paragraphs
* fix bug with wrong value for contentReference in derived profiles (profiles do not and cannot change the value)
* fix issue validating # references
* Mark it has an error if a JSON Array is empty
* Don't make wrong error reports for profiling resources in bundles
* * Render binding description in profile tables if it doesn't contain paragraphs
* fix bug with wrong value for contentReference in derived profiles (profiles do not and cannot change the value)
* fix bug with wrong value for contentReference in derived profiles (profiles do not and cannot change the value) (missed testing change)
* * fix bug not recognising some content as xml or json
* improved markdown support in table generator
* * fix bug checking unfixed values for HumanName patterns
* fix bug checking patterns (missed in some circumstances)
* fix bug checking type of resources in bundles
* improve messages around cardinality errors in profiles
* add parameter -html-output for enhanced presentation of slicing information (issue #283)