## Validator Changes
* Christmas 2025 Add new command option to validator: [test instance factory](https://confluence.hl7.org/display/FHIR/Using+the+FHIR+Validator#UsingtheFHIRValidator-GeneratingTestInstancesusingFactories)
* Fix validation of invariants in profiles - check for more conflicts, and don't call conflict if the expression is the same
* Fix issues with tracking supplement usage and getting supplement version matching correct
* Fix npe loading old simplifier package
## Other code changes
* Fix handling of ValueSetVersion parameter in txTests
* Test Instance Generation, and many fixes to PE model
* Fix logical model rendering to use type characteristics for can-be-target
* Only use profiled datatype information for generating snapshots for Resource and Extension
* Fix comparison template loading issue
## Validator Changes
* Start removing R2 support- add note that it's not officially supported anymore
* Add support for finding the existence of implicit value sets
* move tx tests to tx-ecosystem IG and change -txTests parameters
* Switch priority order of package servers (packages2.fhir.org is not rate limited)
* Fix issue with value set version conversion on contains.property (Check for both "value" and "value[x]")
* Fix error message validating ConceptMap when size too large
## Other code changes
* Security fix: Bump ucum to 1.0.9
* Add XhtmlToMarkdown library
* Add support for THO rendering of NamingSystem information
* Add profile-based sample instance generation (WIP)
* fixes for snapshot generation test debugging
* Add support for languages to npm package and package list
* fix rendering issues - resources with no id, and urn: references shouldn't be links
* fix regex escapes in R5 Constants regex for RESTful references
* Improvements to translation file generation (better path, eliminate duplicates)
## Validator Changes
* Add support for valueset-version
* Add support for terminology extraction
* Add support for expansion parameters when validating
* fix NPE in validator around Extension context
* Handle secondary terminology server errors properly
* Fix questionnaire response status checking
* Add versions to message about multiple matching profiles
* hide API-Key from appearing on the tx log
* Add supplements for used systems as well as for value set systems when validating on server
* fix missing port from server when doing tx-registry redirections
* Fix problem not finding current version of extensions pack for non-R5 versions
* Fix validation of displays when language is unknown
* fix issue missing idrefs validating IPS documents
* Update FHIRPath validation to handle rootResource type properly
* Fix obscure error on contentReference in profiles in FHIRPath engine
* Fix version conversion issue for validating derived questionnaires
## Other code changes
* New release of pubpack
* Fix r4b liquid tests
* Refactor Liquid engine and add support for forLoop and capture
* Add support for liquid on csv files
* Add support for using Liquid on plain JSON directly and add support for markdownify filter
* Many improvements to Profile Code Generation
* Start working on using new IG infrastructure for Tx tests
* Questionnaire rendering improvements
* Merge Functionality for CapabilityStatement.import
* Do not use metadata from data type profiles on elements when generating snapshots
* Fix presentation issues and union and intersection links in previous version comparison
* Fix filter comparison logic when comparing valuesets
* Fix version issues in snapshot generation tests
* Eliminate id from snapshot generation test case comparison
* Change rules around stripping extensions when generating snapshots
* fix bug using wrong reference on uri in liquid renderer
* add translations for expansion errors
* fix issue with comparison template missing
* Apply null pointer check to all switch(Enumeration) statements in version conversion code
* Remove mysql dependency
* Fix bug in DecimalType on null Bigdecimal ()] all versions)
* Fix bad URL in inter-version extension conversion of ValueSet for ValueSet property
## Validator Changes
* fix value set validation on import validation to find external value sets
* Fix terminology tester for change to language header
* Adjust wording of R5 slicing check
* Sort entries in error message about profiles to make the order reproducible
## Security Issues
* Automate testing for XMLUtils factory methods
## Other code changes
* update language files and add french
* make HTA messages translatable
* new release - pubpack
* NPE fixes
* suppress Json resourceType property in some logical models
* Fix missing isModifierReason on modifier extensions
* fix bug converting NamingSystem.url between versions
* Fix IG dependsOn.reason conversion
* fix code generation for enums
* Whitespace formatting and support for complex extensions
## Validator Changes
* Suppress error in v6.1.0 of THO
* Fix NPE for Ontoserver tests?
* make HL7 WG validation rule publication dependent
* Fix for illegal names in profiles when code generating
* Handle search syntax in value set filter
## Other code changes
* Apply noTerminologyTests inside terminology resource validation
* Add support for validator session for internal cache management
* Support ViewDefinition as a custom resource
* refactor UserData names to use constants and expose user data through ResourceWrapper
* Add GEM path to fhir-settings.json for Jekyll on some systems
## Validator Changes
* Support authentication for terminology servers (see https://confluence.hl7.org/display/FHIR/Using+fhir-settings.json)
* Fix issue where valdiator not retaining extension context when checking constraint expressions in profiles
* Validate min-length when found in extension
* Correct bug parsing json-property-key values with meant validation failed
* Fix problem validating json-property-key value pairs
* Fix special case r5 loading of terminology to fix validation error on ExampleScenario
* Improve handling of JSON format errors
* Fix bug where extension slices defined in other profiles are not found when processing slices based on extension
* Validate fhirpath expression in slice discriminators
* Fix slicing by type and profile to allow multiple options per slice
* List measure choices when a match by version can't be found
* Check server metadata when executing terminology test cases
## Other code changes
* More work on code generation for profiles
* Render min-length extension on profiles
* Clone SQL on FHIR engine to R4, and update FHIRPath engine based on R5 current code
* Update SQL on FHIR engine to allow push as well as pull
* Change R5 tx server to use http://tx.fhir.org/r5 (instead of /r4)
* Update output from tx-tester to include release ready statement
* Fix rendering of Logical Models for polymorphic elements, and rendering target profiles with versions
* Render contained resources in List resource
* #1790 - Fix versionFromCanonical returns system instead and systemFromCanonical returns version
## Validator Changes
* Support authentication for terminology servers (see https://confluence.hl7.org/display/FHIR/Using+fhir-settings.json)
* Fix issue where valdiator not retaining extension context when checking constraint expressions in profiles
* Validate min-length when found in extension
* Correct bug parsing json-property-key values with meant validation failed
* Fix problem validating json-property-key value pairs
* Fix special case r5 loading of terminology to fix validation error on ExampleScenario
* Improve handling of JSON format errors
* Fix bug where extension slices defined in other profiles are not found when processing slices based on extension
* Validate fhirpath expression in slice discriminators
* Fix slicing by type and profile to allow multiple options per slice
* List measure choices when a match by version can't be found
* Check server metadata when executing terminology test cases
## Other code changes
* More work on code generation for profiles
* Render min-length extension on profiles
* Clone SQL on FHIR engine to R4, and update FHIRPath engine based on R5 current code
* Update SQL on FHIR engine to allow push as well as pull
* Change R5 tx server to use http://tx.fhir.org/r5 (instead of /r4)
* Update output from tx-tester to include release ready statement
* Fix rendering of Logical Models for polymorphic elements, and rendering target profiles with versions
* Render contained resources in List resource
* #1790 - Fix versionFromCanonical returns system instead and systemFromCanonical returns version
## Validator Changes
* Support authentication for terminology servers (see https://confluence.hl7.org/display/FHIR/Using+fhir-settings.json)
* Fix issue where valdiator not retaining extension context when checking constraint expressions in profiles
* Validate min-length when found in extension
* Correct bug parsing json-property-key values with meant validation failed
* Fix problem validating json-property-key value pairs
* Fix special case r5 loading of terminology to fix validation error on ExampleScenario
* Improve handling of JSON format errors
* Fix bug where extension slices defined in other profiles are not found when processing slices based on extension
* Validate fhirpath expression in slice discriminators
* Fix slicing by type and profile to allow multiple options per slice
* List measure choices when a match by version can't be found
* Check server metadata when executing terminology test cases
## Other code changes
* More work on code generation for profiles
* Render min-length extension on profiles
* Clone SQL on FHIR engine to R4, and update FHIRPath engine based on R5 current code
* Update SQL on FHIR engine to allow push as well as pull
* Change R5 tx server to use http://tx.fhir.org/r5 (instead of /r4)
* Update output from tx-tester to include release ready statement
* Fix rendering of Logical Models for polymorphic elements, and rendering target profiles with versions
* Render contained resources in List resource
* #1790 - Fix versionFromCanonical returns system instead and systemFromCanonical returns version
* WIP start moving FhirRequestBuilder to ManagedWebAccess
* Update PECodeGenerator.java
* WIP keep moving FhirRequestBuilder to ManagedWebAccess + fix some tests
* WIP move logging, retry, timeout and proxy
* WIP move accept to parameter
* WIP some HTTP Header refactoring, rename FhirRequest to HTTPRequest
* WIP fix removed import
* Tidy up code
* Fix for renamed class
* Change mem settings for build
* Adjust pipeline mem again
* Apply changes to r4b
* Actually add headers from HTTPRequest to OkHttp request
* Use ManagedFhirWebAccess in r4
* Removing leftover okttp usage
* Remove unused classes and okhttp usages and add tests for r4
* Make dstu3 use ManagedFhirWebAccess
* Make sure we get response headers
* Add test coverage (some failing) for DSTU2 ClientUtils
* Add FHIRToolingClient tests
* Use ManagedFhirWebAccess for DSTU2
* WIP restore format header tests - turns out they break
* Fix format header issues
* Switch to static fhirBuilder for all FhirRequestBuilders
+ Fix null user agent issue
+ Load ManagedWebAccess from FHIR settings
+ Add terminology servers to FhirSettings
* fix slicing by type and profile to allow multiple options per slice
* List measure choices when a match by version can't be found
* Validate fhirpath expression in slice discriminators
* Remove conflicting authorization header setting methods
* fix VSAC importer for changes to ManagedWebAccess
* Tests 1
* Rename ...AccessBuilder classes to ...Accessor
* Fix api-key token mixup, more tests
* Resolve all deletions enclosed in FIXME + fix headers in dstu2 postfeed
* More TODO erasures. Plus found missing functionality
* Move tests to utilities. Clarify missing functionality
* Clean up comments and JavaDoc
* Final rename
* update vsac access code
* Fix get bytes for -1 or chunked content
Co-authored-by: Jens Kristian Villadsen <jenskristianvilladsen@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Grahame Grieve <grahameg@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Grahame Grieve <grahameg@gmail.ccom>
## Validator Changes
* Improve warning messages about collections in SQL ViewDefinitions
* Fix type evaluation of .item() in FHIRPath
* Revise message about unknown usage context on additional binding
* Add support for code generation
* Add check for # in CanonicalResource.version
* Fix problem parsing urls in cds-hooks formats
* Fix issues with output folder running tx tests
* Fix bug evaluating resolve() in contained resources when doing slicing
## Other code changes
* Fix NPE processing markdown
* Capture missing snapshot generation messages
* Track OID status
* Improve rendering of coded values
* update tests for changes to PE code generation
* Tx Tests: Add support for special header on specific tests
* Tx Tests: Fix framework to handle diagnostics correctly
* Tx Tests: check http code in tx test cases
* Add support for NCI code rendering
* Adding missing lombok annotation (cannot build without it from scratch) (#1785)
* Remove Encounter Renderer
* Profile code generation fixes
* Add r4 code gen classes
* Draft work for tx server authentication (not landed yet)
* Move XXE safe SAXParserFactory and XMLReader instantiation to XMLUtil
* Bump commons-compress version
## Validator Changes
* Fix validation issue with open-choice questions in R4 questionnaires
* Add command line parameter ```-tx-routing```
* Add command line parameter ```-clear-tx-cache```
* Add command line parameter ```-advisor-file```
## Other code changes
* Render extensions on some data types
* Fix rendering of complex data types when doing profile rendering
## Validator Changes
* Don't send expansion to tx server if there's a compose when sending value sets
* Better handling of error messages from terminology servers
* Stop hitting VSAC server directly
## Other code changes
* Add support for $id$ in terminology tests
* Move new documentbuilderfactory calls to XMLUtils (Security)
## Validator Changes
* Show message ids in validator (-show-message--ids)
* Fix bug where message id not showing for slicing messages
* Add advisor documentation (not yet functional)
* Fix issue checking package currency for #current packages
* Add warning when code system is marked complete but has no content
* Fix bug processing adding discriminators in derived profiles
* Break valueset concept validation into multiple smaller batches for performance reasons
## Other code changes
* More work on translations in IGs
* Override inheritance of HAPI's old maven-compiler-plugin
* do not use loadPackageFromCacheOnly from outside cache manager
* Fix issues with rendering example scenario
* refactor sql view validation to fix NPE
* Fix misc warnings flagged by builds (#1772) + TRIVY typo
* Bump codeql actions to v3
* Bump checkout action to v4
* Bump commons.io to 2.14.0 (#1771)
* Workaround for ghcr rate limiting of trivy db downloads (#1770)
* Add VSACfinder (template for package analysis)
* Fix github urls
* Spelling fixes
## Validator Changes
* Validator supports R6 from now on (using last stable release)
* Set default language to tag not display
* Handle tx server issues better
* Do not use server piecemeal when validating complex value sets
* Add support for -txCache parameter
## Other code changes
* Add support for R6 to R4 version enumeration
* Fix SCT link to include version and point to the right place
* Add response time to tx log
* Allow for code to turn off use of cache-id on tx interface (for debugging)
* Support n/a for tx cache folder
* Update tx cache for tests
* Add more logging for too costly validation
* Fix xml annotation suppression
## Validator Changes
* Work around problem with language value set being marked experimental
* Fix validation id/idref to resolve in document if in a document
* Fix various issues rendering and validating additional bindings with usage contexts
* Upgrade lock management in Package Cache
## Other code changes
* Fix case typo on Consent.provision in R4
* Fix R3 Quantity.copyValues()
* Remove debugging code
* Add more debugging to validation failure
* Add support for active only to VSAC importer
* Add r4b support to Package Version Generation
* Fix argument confusion in format in time validation
* Added support for tracking whether elements are ellipsed and for rendering accordingly
## Validator Changes
* Validate of experimental property on bindings
* Add -no-experimental-content flag
* Allow JSON named extensions to be structure types other than logical
* Process relative URLs properly in base when generating snapshots
## Other code changes
* Fix rendering path for value set references for kindling
* refactor error handling in ProfileUtilities
* Fix for NPE processing packages
## Validator Changes
* Fix expression for con-3 properly (fix validation problem on some condition resources)
* Fix FHIRPath bug using wrong type on simple elements when checking FHIRPath types
* FHIRPath: Allow _ in constant names (per FHIRPath spec)
* Fix value set rendering creating wrong references
* Fix bug processing value set includes / excludes that are just value sets (no system value)
* Alter processing of unknown code systems per discussion at ,https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179252-IG-creation/topic/Don't.20error.20when.20you.20can't.20find.20code.20system and implement unknown-codesystems-cause-errors
* Improve message for when elements are out of order in profile differentials
## Other code changes
* fix problem where profile rendering had spurious 'slices for' nodes everywhere
* Update SQL-On-FHIR implementation for latest cases, and clone test cases to general test care repository
* Fix problem generating value set spreadsheets
* fix concurrent modification error processing language translations
* Check for null fetcher processing ConceptMaps (#1728)