## Validator Changes
* Add support for R4B to validator (parts were missing)
* Fix bugs in Logical Model snapshot generation and validation (both instances and logical models themselves)
* Check min/max value for decimal values
## Other code changes
* Fix broken links rendering questionnaires
* Fix issue with converting ActivityDefinition.kind between R5 and R4/R4B/R3 (+ update R5 code)
* Fixes to terminology cache management for test cases
* Process relative links in markdown in code descriptions when rendering value sets
* Fix issue with contained resource not always rendering consistently
* Fix bug where Element Model paths are not populated after preforming a transform
* Fix NPE rendering invalid bundles
* refactor Paramters.getParameter helper methods
* Rendering improvements for logical models
## Validator Changes
* Fix problem determining implicit code system when code system only known to tx.fhir.org
## Other code changes
* Fix bugs generating CDSHooks snapshots
* Fix for NPE rendering Patient Photo
* Fix problem generating snapshots for specializations where inherited types have properties
* Work on i18n framework
## Validator Changes
* Improve error message for extensions without values
## Other code changes
* Add support for Requirements Resource (rendering + caching)
* Tidy up support for ActorDefinition
* Generate better summary for references
* Clean up bug checking data types in ContextUtilities
* Remove Validator dependency on GSON
* Upgrade validator to produce PSVI for tools to make use of