* add explicit control over the User-Agent header, and make sure headers flow through properly to all calls
* #328 - wrong processing of markdown URLs
* test fixes for URL handling
* fix tests
* improved validation of UUIDs
* fix test case dependency
* Add Dicom Package builder
* NPE fixes
* Smart Health Cards support in validator
* Fix bug generating spreadsheets due to sheet name length limitations
* Implement descendent-of filter
* more NPE fixes
* add Element.removeChild
* fix issue generation snapshot and content reference, and work around old erroneous binding description in R4
* improve SHC validation error
* fix for NPE generating ConceptMap spreadsheet
* fix crash in IG publisher rendering illegal content
* Improve slicing error messages
* more improving error message resolving slicing
* add missing code + track prohibited / required elements (improve rendering of IGs)
* fix for broken links in R4B IGs
* fix bug related to logger in FHIRToolingClient
* fix bug related to logger in context
* enable detection of whether tx server knows about value set and better track returned errors from tx server
* make likely source URL visible outside ProfileUtilities
* fix renderers - don't make nonvalid URLs into html links + fix NPE +
* fix bug with sheetnames generating spreadsheets
* supper branches in current version of packages
* report slicing information automatically where slicing is based on profile + fix shc support + support codesystem-properties-mode + fix value set validation on profiles + fix wrong entry point on vaildating contained resources with profiles
* fix misleading validation message + add -ips parameter for validator
* hint not warning when it's an example questionnaire
* Fixed issue where validator fails to detect invariant issue when there are multiple profiles that use the same invariant on the same element. Also addressed issue revealed by the fix where the context resource wasn't being set properly when checking certain invariants (identified by one of the existing test cases).
* Moved notes from code into commit notes (this one) and added Release notes
Changed call to checkInvariants within checkChildByDefinition such that onlyNonInherited is now false because inherited invariants can be overridden and it's important to check both. Note that this means that onlyNonInherited doesn't seem to be used any more. @grahamegrieve - consider whether it should be removed.
* CDA: Suppress erroneous "Expansion" text appearing in view
* CDA: Don't delete binding information in snapshot for CDA bindable data types
* Rendering: add support for CodeableReference
* Rendering: Support binding mode and XML element information