## Validator Changes
* Add support for "Obligation Profiles" (see https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179177-conformance/topic/Proposed.20new.20Profile.20features)
* Adjust slice min/max checking to ignore type slices (rules are different in this case)
* Properly handle validating mime/type when terminology server is not available
## Other code changes
* Rework Pipelines - more stability and quicker
* Fix bug where elementmodel.Element.copy() didn't clone children. Users of the Element Model (not the normal model) should check all uses of copy. (Only known users are Validator + IG publisher)
* Add nimbus & ZXing to core library dependencies for forthcoming improved SHC/SHL support
## Validator Changes
* Snapshot Generation Changes:
** Check for slicenames without any slicing
** Check that slice names are unique
** Check for additional slicing rules in a set of slices
** Check that the minimum cardinality of a set of slices is correct
* Clean up duplicate errors when dates/dateTimes/instants have invalid formats
* Handle unknown code systems consistently when validating coded elements
* Handle sub-slicing case where slice matches both the slice definition and the sub-slice definition
## Other code changes
* Add support for R4B to loader
* Change type if cache-id parameter
* Change snapshot generation to not update documentation from profile for elements with profiled types that are not extensions
* Add support for TestPlan and SubscriptionTopic in R4 IGs
## Validator Changes
* Update terminology for changes to tx validation policy: Wrong displays change from a warning to an error
* Add parameter ```-display-issues-are-warnings``` for restoring original behaviour that display issues are warnings
* Relax constraints on Reference targets for logical models
* Update dutch and german validation error messages + minor improvements to error messages
* Fix r5 url for package fetch (#1260) …
## Other code changes
* Fix up all terminology cache tests
* Switch to System.err for now + report missing constants
* Add I18n tests for coverage and plural validity + fix missing messages
* Partial fix for R4/R5 conversion issues
## Validator Changes
* Fix NPE validating StructureMap
* Improve error message about uri values
* Fix for wrong display when server returns error
* Slight improvement in performance
* Fix FHIRPath split function (parameter is not regex)
* Stop warning that Markdown autolinks need to be escaped
* Allow NPM package versions to have the form {id}#{url} for direct access to packages
## Other code changes
* Support for NamingSystem conversion of url, version, and title (for THO)
* Update Conversion package docs (#1257) …
* Return codeableConcept from validate-code
* Refactor: Resource Root Elements Conversion
* Minor fixes for R5 redirector
* Fix bug handling filter, and refactor terminology code
* Fix for dstu2016may Resource equals methods (#1251) + Tests a
* Allow NPM package versions to have the form {id}#{url} for direct access to packages
* fix case issue
Co-authored-by: Grahame Grieve <grahameg@gmail.ccom>
## Validator Changes
* Fix bug accessing canonical resources on servers
## Other code changes
* Various changes to support terminology service testing