## Validator Changes
* Fix validator not allowing canonical resource extensions in canonical resources in bundles
* Fix bundle validation error on intneral link checking
* Check parameter type for FHIRPath where() and all()
* Validate that composite search parameters have components
## Other code changes
* Refactor timeout control on client
* Support IPS in validation tests
* Remove orphan R4B test
* Improve expansion error messages
* Fix expansion language - don't set for displayName parameter
* Adjust value set rendering for fragment code systems
* Fix NPE rendering some resources
* Fix rendering of TriggerDefinition
* Support parsing ad-hoc json data type fragments
* More memory work for IG Publisher
* Move ILoggingService & VersionUtil
* Fix timeout issue in vsac
* Introduce ips builder + Infrastructure changes for IPS builder
* Move json and xml extensions from extensions pack to tooling ig
* Add support for rendering union and intersections of profiles in profile comparison
* FHIRPath iif() test case fixes
* Add support for IPS validation in test cases
* Fix for broken markdown re-processing
* Improve identifier rendering
* Fix committee URLs
## Validator Changes
* Add support for NZ IPS
* Don't fail on erroneously repeating elements, and more bundle link validation
* Rework bundle references validation
* Fix problem creating CDA type discriminators
* Fix bundle resolution rules to conform to the specification in version R4+
## Other code changes
* Fix issue where markdown with multiple characters was being cut off sometimes
* Fix bundle resolution rules to conform to the specification in version R4+
* More work on versioned API
* Fix up VSAC import for large value sets
* Fix FHIRPath cda tests for empty package cache
* Fix problem with R3 expansion
* Add support for CCDA .hasTemplateIdOf(canonical)
* Fix issue where markdown with multiple characters was being cut off sometimes
## Validator Changes
* Remove wrong LOINC code for circumference % from vital signs scan
* Remove spurious error when profile discriminators have no value
* Fix as() and ofType() in FHIRPath engine to support type namespaces properly
* Fix problem with FHIRPath engine wrongly checking types in context of CDA
* Fix date validation error in CDA validation
* Update error handling to preserve message ids properly
## Other code changes
* Add rendering of II.system
* Fix extension handling when generating snapshots - which are ignored, overwrite, or add
* Delete some empty java files
* Remove unnecessary snapshot tests
## Validator Changes
* Validate Vital signs Profiles when validating observations
* Hack around problem with vs-1 constraint in R4
* Check for retired status when multiple OID matches exist
* Fix for validating extensions on R5 resources in R4 (R4 special case)
* Minor fixes for standalone ViewDefinition validator
## Other code changes
* Revised Capability Statement rendering (Thanks Vassil Peytchev)
* Fix bug rendering primitive types with an extension that provides a value alternative
* Add links to references when rendering json and xml instances in IG publisher
* Fix bug generating profile spreadsheets
* Support suppress examples when generating snapshots
* VSAC Import improvements
## Validator Changes
* Validate contextInvariant in extension definitions
* fix Typo in TI WG name
* Handle unknown constants properly in FHIRPath
* Fix handling of type ancestors at the root of FHIRPath expressions
* CDA templates with no extension value use urn:oid: not urn:hl7ii:
* Allow URL as a type of string in FHIRPath type checking
* Fix semver validation
* Fix problem resolving context in CDA invariants
## Other code changes
* Finish SQL in FHIR Implementation, but disable sql on fhir tests until package is packaged properly by next release of IG publisher
* Fixes to Search Parameter rendering per FHIR-I decision
* Fix broken links in extension references done by [[[]]]
* Fix broken links in code system rendering of parents
* Support using names in [[[markdown]]] when rendering
* Remove "profile" from tx operations
* Include checkIPSCodes and bundleValidationRules in json
## Validator Changes
* Validation by templateId for CDA
* Fix NPE validating concept maps
* Update ViewDefinition validator for change (alias -> name)
* Fix for NPE validating sql-on-fhir ViewDefinition
* Fix for index out of bounds error when extension uses itself
* Fix issue where .resolve() in FHIRPath didn't work with URL values (and fix typo in i18n system)
* Implement FHIRPath slice() function in validator
* Fix bug where Snapshot generation can run off the end of the differential
## Other code changes
* Breaking API Change: Revise FHIRPath API so hosts can evaluate expressions in custom functions
* Add package use tracking to FHIR cache for validator.fhir.org
* Support for instance-name and instance-description in IG publisher
* Element.removeExtension (support for instance-name and instance-description extensions in IG publisher)
* Split terminology service tests
* Hack for wrong URLs in subscriptions backport
* Remove dependencies for unused UI experiment
* More improvements to profile code generation
* Revise FHIRPath API so hosts can evaluate expressions in custom functions
* Implement slice() function in validator
* more improvements to profile generation
* Fix issue where .resolve() in FHIRPath didn't work with URL values (and fix typo in i18n system)
* release notes
* Fix test ignore/exclude issues, bump test cases
Co-authored-by: Grahame Grieve <grahameg@gmail.ccom>
Co-authored-by: dotasek <david.otasek@smilecdr.com>
## Validator Changes
* Fix bug processing value sets containing URLs
## Other code changes
* Add initial support for http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/type-profile-style
* More work on sql-on-fhir implementation
* Allow for type parameter to custom functions in FHIRPath
* Fix bugs in processing current packages for XIG
## Validator Changes
* Support for CDA code validation
## Other code changes
* Update XML Parser & logical model renderer for XML choice groups
* Restore JSON Parser method for HAPI compatibility.
* Maintain OID to URL lookup index
* Fix json parsing of CDA
## Validator Changes
* Make sure logical models get a snapshot generated
## Other code changes
* Fix URL of concept map extension in version conversion
## Validator Changes
* Improve language on constraint error message + add expression checking for SQL on FHIR project
## Other code changes
* Fix uuid() executing StructureMaps and don't throw errors processing StructureMaps
* Add support for test folder in NPM packages
* Fix rendering of XML Attributes in profiles
* Add support for hosts to manage certificate resolution using ISignatureServices + fix issue matching type names when validating logical models
* Make sure snapshots are generated when fetching types
* Workaround issue where R5 build wrongly adds ele-1 to base
* Fix conversion issue associated with ConceptMap.element.target.equivalence in versions previous to R5 (use proper extension URL, and move extension so it can be a modifier. And fix for modifierExtension handling)
* Fix birthDate editing in CmdLineApp
## Validator Changes
* fix CDA parsing error for sdtc:raceCode
* fix xml output to deal with namespaces properly
* fix FHIRPath join implementation to make separator parameter optional
## Other code changes
* Improve rendering for xml_no_order extension
* add command line demo app
* rework xig into 3 steps
* add userData to JSON element
* Initial SQL On FHIR implementation
* Add getDistalNames() to FHIRPath for SQL-on-FHIR support
## Validator Changes
* Fix FHIRPath type resolution for logical models
* Update parsers to record the element format for logical model validation
* fix profile matching for CDA logical models
## Other code changes
* Upgrade PackageVisitor for XIG
## Validator Changes
* Change Mapping type validation error to warning validating maps
* Add support for special case codes in v2 (NNnnn)
* Fix problem parsing logical model cda fragments
* Fix parsing logical model list attributes
* Fix issue parsing parameters in a target expression
## Other code changes
* Handle additional bindings when generating snapshots for R5 profiles
* Fix problem rendering additional bindings in R5
* Fix for new pubpack version
## Validator Changes
* Fix for issue parsing SHC and not recording line/col correctly
* Fix issue validating CDA FHIR Path constraints
* Better error handling validating codes in concept maps
* Validate special resource rules on contained resources and Bundle entries
* Improved error messages of observation bp
* Fix up WG internal model for changes to workgroups
* fix misleading error message inferring system when filters in play
* Fix type handling for logical models (CDA fixes)
* Fix up parsing of logical models
* Fix bug parsing extension with no value in JSON for the validator
## Other code changes
* Major uplift of PEModel to support generated code for profiles in R4 + R5
* Add removeChild in R4/R4B/R5 model
* Fix version conversion issue between r4 and r5 charge definition issue
* Fix rendering extension and missed profile on Reference()
## Validator Changes
* Significant Performance improvements parsing JSON resources
* Refactor Type handling for faster performance
* Validate the stated publisher/WG/contacts for HL7 published resources
* Better error message when diff contains bad paths
* pass dependent resources to server and make sure cache-id is filled out properly in all contexts
* Fix error in FML parser parsing parameters
* Fix issue with dom-6 and contained elements (Internal ChildMap synchro issues)
* Better handling of errors from tx.fhir.org
* Fix bug checking for implicit value sets
* Fix bug checking of mixing snomed display types
* Reduce size of validatable concept map to 500 - for now + better handling of errors on server batches
* Improve UCUM validation BP rule
## Other code changes
* Fix up handling of includes in liquid templates
* Fix up rendering of profile names for abstract profile instantiations
* Improved rendering of codes in include when rendering valuesets
* Start generating .index.db as well as .index.json in packages for faster package reading
* Fix problem caching look up of implied value sets
* Add okio dependency for running vsac