markiantorno 26c6878c76 Release: v6.3.16
## Validator Changes

* Add clearer message for errors around unable to validate because unknown code system
* Fix problem with fhirVersion cardinality validating IG resources

## WHO I18n Project

* Remove Questionnaire.item.linkId from translatable content

## Other code changes

* Further revisions to rendering framework for id uniqueness, main spec rendering, and various reported issues
* Improve doco for R4/R4B renderers
* Introduce backwards compatible constructor in ValidationEngineBuilder and fix useEcosystem
* Use v2 of PublishCodeCoverageResults (#1665)
* #1583 do not serialize choice group + add testcase
2024-07-12 11:48:05 +00:00
2024-07-12 11:48:05 +00:00