markiantorno 29b1cd98dc Release: v6.2.4
## Validator Changes

* Add support for NZ IPS
* Don't fail on erroneously repeating elements, and more bundle link validation
* Rework bundle references validation
* Fix problem creating CDA type discriminators
* Fix bundle resolution rules to conform to the specification in version R4+

## Other code changes

* Fix issue where markdown with multiple characters was being cut off sometimes
* Fix bundle resolution rules to conform to the specification in version R4+
* More work on versioned API
* Fix up VSAC import for large value sets
* Fix FHIRPath cda tests for empty package cache
* Fix problem with R3 expansion
* Add support for CCDA .hasTemplateIdOf(canonical)
* Fix issue where markdown with multiple characters was being cut off sometimes
2023-11-15 18:29:25 +00:00
2023-11-15 18:29:25 +00:00