markiantorno 3c198658e1 Release: v6.2.1
## Validator Changes

* Validate contextInvariant in extension definitions
* fix Typo in TI WG name
* Handle unknown constants properly in FHIRPath
* Fix handling of type ancestors at the root of FHIRPath expressions
* CDA templates with no extension value use urn:oid: not urn:hl7ii:
* Allow URL as a type of string in FHIRPath type checking
* Fix semver validation
* Fix problem resolving context in CDA invariants

## Other code changes

* Finish SQL in FHIR Implementation, but disable sql on fhir tests until package is packaged properly by next release of IG publisher
* Fixes to Search Parameter rendering per FHIR-I decision
* Fix broken links in extension references done by [[[]]]
* Fix broken links in code system rendering of parents
* Support using names in [[[markdown]]] when rendering
* Remove "profile" from tx operations
* Include checkIPSCodes and bundleValidationRules in json
2023-10-31 15:51:40 +00:00
2023-10-31 15:51:40 +00:00