markiantorno 7349ad1f0e Release: v5.1.6
* improve error messages for wrong code system URLs

Other code changes:
* fix rendering for must-support to not render empty values in patterns
* control over validation of aggregation modes
* fix NPE in code system comparison
* Fix verious issues
* Upgrade UCUM dependency
* fix support for multi-line comments in structure maps
* add conversion for R2 MedicationOrder -> R3 MedicationRequest
* Upgrade dependency on CQFramework
* improvements to OID to URL conversion
* Fix issue with round-tripping resources with primitives with no value
2020-08-27 07:53:37 +00:00
2020-08-27 16:22:21 +10:00
2020-08-27 07:53:37 +00:00