markiantorno bdd99a48a7 Release: v5.6.69
## Validator Changes

* Fix R5 error around cnl-1
* Add markdown validation
* add support for
* fix bugs in FHIRPath handling of polymorphism
* fix validation of Coding when system is unknown (align with CodeableConcept handling)
* Fix bug where extranous text in XML was reported in the wrong location

## Other code changes

* Fix links in bundle rendering
* Improvements to rendering for IG publisher (additional bindings)
* Bump jackson-databind dependency
* fix bugs in graphql generation
* populate StructureMap xhtml when loading from mapping language
* align markdown processing with FHIR-38714
2022-10-06 23:17:29 +00:00
2022-10-06 23:17:29 +00:00