markiantorno d4e5950dea Release: v5.2.7
* Fix support for cross version extensions across the entire valdation rule set
* Improve security warnings about rogue HTML tags
* fix error messages on unknown URLs (not longer say 'not done yet')
* fix validation of profiles and target profiles in all versions (before R3 different rules)

Other code changes:
* fix error message suppression on tooling client
* Track code systems used in the context
* improve error messages when rendering bundles that are documents that aren't properly formed
* Process Markdown when rendering
* Fix rendering of CanonicalResource.url

Quality of Life Improvements:
* fixed deployment issue where validator.cli and report packages were sometimes published during deployment
2020-12-03 21:36:56 +00:00
2020-12-03 21:36:56 +00:00