dotasek 59fe0c6d20
Manage FhirRequestBuilders via ManagedWebAccess ()
* WIP start moving FhirRequestBuilder to ManagedWebAccess

* Update

* WIP keep moving FhirRequestBuilder to ManagedWebAccess + fix some tests

* WIP move logging, retry, timeout and proxy

* WIP move accept to parameter

* WIP some HTTP Header refactoring, rename FhirRequest to HTTPRequest

* WIP fix removed import

* Tidy up code


* Fix for renamed class

* Change mem settings for build

* Adjust pipeline mem again

* Apply changes to r4b

* Actually add headers from HTTPRequest to OkHttp request

* Use ManagedFhirWebAccess in r4

* Removing leftover okttp usage

* Remove unused classes and okhttp usages and add tests for r4

* Make dstu3 use ManagedFhirWebAccess

* Make sure we get response headers

* Add test coverage (some failing) for DSTU2 ClientUtils

* Add FHIRToolingClient tests

* Use ManagedFhirWebAccess for DSTU2

* WIP restore format header tests - turns out they break

* Fix format header issues

* Switch to static fhirBuilder for all FhirRequestBuilders

+ Fix null user agent issue
+ Load ManagedWebAccess from FHIR settings
+ Add terminology servers to FhirSettings

* fix slicing by type and profile to allow multiple options per slice

* List measure choices when a match by version can't be found

* Validate fhirpath expression in slice discriminators

* Remove conflicting authorization header setting methods

* fix VSAC importer for changes to ManagedWebAccess

* Tests 1

* Rename ...AccessBuilder classes to ...Accessor

* Fix api-key token mixup, more tests

* Resolve all deletions enclosed in FIXME + fix headers in dstu2 postfeed

* More TODO erasures. Plus found missing functionality

* Move tests to utilities. Clarify missing functionality

* Clean up comments and JavaDoc

* Final rename

* update vsac access code

* Fix get bytes for -1 or chunked content


Co-authored-by: Jens Kristian Villadsen <>
Co-authored-by: Grahame Grieve <>
Co-authored-by: Grahame Grieve <grahameg@gmail.ccom>
2024-11-08 16:42:26 -05:00

41 lines
1.4 KiB

- job: setup
displayName: Cache Maven Artifacts and Build Targets
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- checkout: self
fetchDepth: 1
- task: Cache@2
displayName: Cache maven artifacts
key: maven | $(Build.BuildId) | artifacts
- template: cache-target-tasks-template.yml
${{ parameters.modulesToCache }}
- task: Bash@3
targetType: 'inline'
script: mkdir -p $(MAVEN_CACHE_FOLDER); pwd; ls -al $(MAVEN_CACHE_FOLDER)
- ${{ if eq(parameters.signArtifacts, true) }}:
- template: setup-signing-tasks-template.yml
- task: Maven@4
mavenPomFile: 'pom.xml'
${{ if eq(parameters.signArtifacts, true) }}:
options: '--settings $(Agent.TempDirectory)/settings.xml -Dmaven.repo.local=$(MAVEN_CACHE_FOLDER) -DskipTests -DdeployToSonatype -P CHECKSTYLE'
${{ else }}:
options: '-Dmaven.repo.local=$(MAVEN_CACHE_FOLDER) -DskipTests -P CHECKSTYLE'
mavenOptions: '-Xmx1G'
javaHomeOption: 'JDKVersion'
jdkVersionOption: '1.11'
jdkArchitectureOption: 'x64'
publishJUnitResults: false
goals: 'install'
- task: Bash@3
displayName: Report free disk space
targetType: 'inline'
script: df -H .