## Minimal Path to Awesome
- clone this repo
### Deploy custom Web API
- in the Azure Management Portal at https://portal.azure.com create a new API App
- in the settings enable CORS to all origins using an `*`
- from the **api** folder, in Visual Studio open the **pnp.api.contosoorders.sln** file
- build the solution
- deploy the **pnp.api.contosoorders** project to the newly created API App
- verify that you can access the API by navigating in your web browser to **https://your-api-app.azurewebsites.net/api/orders**
### Secure custom Web API with AAD
- in the Azure Management Portal at https://manage.windowsazure.com navigate to Azure Active Directory and register a new web application:
- as the name use `Orders API`
- as the sign-in URL use the URL of the previously created API App
- copy the application ID
- from the **View endpoints** option, copy the GUID from the **Federation Metadata Document**
- in the Azure Management Portal at https://portal.azure.com navigate to the Authentication settings of your API App
- enable App Service Authentication by switching the toggle to **On**
- as **Action to take when request is not authenticated** set **Log in with Azure Active Directory**
- in the list of **Authentication Providers** configure **Azure Active Directory**
- in the **Client ID** field paste the ID of the newly registered Azure AD application
- in the **Issuer Url** field enter `https://sts.windows.net/` followed, by the GUID copied from the **Federation Metadata Document**, eg. `https://sts.windows.net/61546bfa-b299-4703-a06d-d682b6401123`
- confirm that the API is secured with AAD by in your web browser navigating to **https://your-api-app.azurewebsites.net/api/orders**. You should be prompted with the AAD login page and after signing in you should see the list of orders returned by the API
- in the Azure Management Portal at https://manage.windowsazure.com navigate to Azure Active Directory and register a new web application
- as the name use `Orders`
- as the sign-in URL use `https://your-machine:4321/temp/workbench.html` where *your-machine* is the name of your developer machine
- add permissions to other applications
- change the filter to show all applications
- from the list of applications select **Orders API**
- in the list of **Delegated Permissions** select **Access Orders API**
- copy the application ID
### Configure the web part
- in the command line change the working directory to the **webpart** folder
- in the command line run `npm i`
- in your code editor open the **webpart** folder
- in the **./src/webparts/recentOrders/AdalConfig.ts** file
- replace the empty GUID in the **clientId** property with the application ID of the **Orders** application
- in the **endpoints** property, replace the URL of the API with the URL of your API App and the empty GUID with the application ID of the **Orders API** app.
- in the **./src/webparts/recentOrders/components/RecentOrders.tsx** file
- in line 155 replace the empty GUID with the application ID of the **Orders API** application
- in line 185 replace the URL with the URL of your API App
- in the command line execute `gulp serve`
- add the web part to SharePoint workbench
- in the web part sign in with your organizational account
- the web part should show 5 recently placed orders retrieved from the API hosted on Azure
## Features
This project contains sample Web API returning a fixed set or recently placed orders and a client-side web part connected to that API.
This web part illustrates the following concepts on top of the SharePoint Framework:
- connecting to resources secured with Azure Active Directory from React
- persisting state in React components
- communicating state updates in React components to users
- executing REST API web requests from React components