Thank you for reporting a bug! Use the sections below to submit a bug ONLY if it's related to samples in this repo. If you have an issue or question about the SharePoint Framework or its documentation, please submit it at
- Follow our guidance on [How To Create Good Issues](
- All bug reports are welcome - we want to fix them!
- We accept pull requests. If you know how to fix it - go ahead! If you know how to make it - go ahead! If you're unsure how to do a pull request, consider signing up for a free [Sharing is Caring First-Time Contributor]( session.
Please provide the following details about the issue you encountered. *Issues that do not provide the information requested in this form will be flagged as **incomplete** & automatically closed.*
Because of the way this repository is configured, samples authors do not get a notification when you create an issue.
For the section above **@mention any author of the sample**. Authors' GitHub handle can be found on the main sample documentation page, under the "Solution" section.
Provide a clear & concise description of what the bug is. Please follow our guidance on [How To Create Good Issues]( which explains how to apply formatting, adding references & resources, screenshots, etc.
**Donot attach ZIP files** of your code or compiled projects - instead, please publish your code to a public GitHub repo & post a link to it.
description:Include as much detail about the environment you're targeting. This is required if "other (enter below)" is selected in the previous field.