> If you aren't familiar with how to contribute to open-source repositories using GitHub, or if you find the instructions on this page confusing, [sign up](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=KtIy2vgLW0SOgZbwvQuRaXDXyCl9DkBHq4A2OG7uLpdUREZVRDVYUUJLT1VNRDM4SjhGMlpUNzBORy4u) for one of our [Sharing is Caring](https://pnp.github.io/sharing-is-caring/#pnp-sic-events) events. It's completely free, and we'll guide you through the process.
> To submit a pull request with multiple authors, make sure that at least one commit is a co-authored commit by adding a `Co-authored-by:` trailer to the commit's message. E.g.: `Co-authored-by: name <name@example.com>`