# SharePoint Framework client-side web part samples & tutorial materials
This repo contains the samples that demonstrate different usage patterns for the SharePoint Framework client-side web parts.
> Note: The SharePoint Framework is currently in preview and is subject to change. SharePoint Framework client-side web parts are not currently supported for use in production enviornments.
SharePoint client-side web parts are controls that appear inside a SharePoint page but run locally in the browser. They're the bulding blocks of pages that appear on a SharePoint site. You can build client-side web parts using modern script development tools and the SharePoint workbench (a development test surface), and you can deploy your client-side web parts to classic web part pages in Office 365 Developer tenants. In addition to plain JavaScript projects, you can build web parts alongside common scripting frameworks, such as AngularJS and React. For example, you can use React along with components from Office UI Fabric React to quickly create experiences based on the same components used in Office 365
These samples are direct from the feature teams, SharePoint PnP core team (http://aka.ms/SharePointPnP) or shared by the community. We welcome your input on issues and suggestions for new samples. We do also welcome community contributions around the client-side web parts. If there's any questions around that, just let us know.
Please have a look on our [Contribution Guidance](./.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) before submitting your pull requests, so that we can get your contribution processed as fast as possible. Thx.