This commit is contained in:
NiklasWilhelm 2022-10-03 19:33:11 +02:00
parent 027fcb2147
commit a79cc6c7b2
3 changed files with 37 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -7,19 +7,22 @@ import { initDiagram } from './helpers/GoJSHelper';
import getGoJSNodesFromSPSiteData from './helpers/SPSiteDataToGoJSER';
interface SpSiteDiagramState {
nodeDataArray: any,
linkDataArray: any
loadingProgress: number,
nodeDataArray: any[],
linkDataArray: any[]
export default class SpSiteErDiagram extends React.Component<ISpSiteErDiagramProps, SpSiteDiagramState> {
constructor(props: any) {
this.state = {nodeDataArray: [], linkDataArray: []};
this.state = { loadingProgress: 0, nodeDataArray: [], linkDataArray: []};
public async componentDidMount() {
// Get SP SiteData for ER Diagram
let spSiteData = await getSPSiteData(this.props.context);
let spSiteData = await getSPSiteData(this.props.context, true, (progress) => {
this.setState({ loadingProgress: progress });
// Transform to GoJS Model
let goJSNodes = getGoJSNodesFromSPSiteData(spSiteData);
// Set State
@ -29,13 +32,15 @@ export default class SpSiteErDiagram extends React.Component<ISpSiteErDiagramPro
public render(): React.ReactElement<ISpSiteErDiagramProps> {
return (
<div className={styles.spSiteErDiagram} style={{height: "calc(100% - 0px)", padding: "0px"}}>
{this.state.loadingProgress != 100 || this.state.nodeDataArray.length == 0 ?
<div>Loading ({this.state.loadingProgress}%)</div> :
<ReactDiagram //ref={diagramRef}
style={{ backgroundColor: '#eee' }}

View File

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ import "@pnp/sp/lists/web";
import "@pnp/sp/fields";
export interface SPSiteData {
tables: SPTables[],
relations: SPRelations[]
tables: SPTable[],
relations: SPRelation[]
export interface SPTables {
export interface SPTable {
title: string,
fields: SPTableField[],
alerts: SPTableAlert[]
@ -25,15 +25,23 @@ export interface SPTableAlert {
type: "Warning" | "Error",
title: string,
export interface SPRelations {
export interface SPRelation {
fromTableTitle: string,
toTableTitle: string,
fromX: number | "n",
toX: number | "m"
const storageKeyPrefix = "reactpnpjsdiagram_sitegraphdata_"
const getSPSiteData = async (spfxContext: any) : Promise<SPSiteData> => {
const getSPSiteData = async (spfxContext: any, force?: boolean, progress?: (number: number) => void) : Promise<SPSiteData> => {
// return from cache
let spSiteDataFromCache = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(storageKeyPrefix));
if (spSiteDataFromCache && !force) {
return spSiteDataFromCache;
// Load from site
let spSiteData: SPSiteData = {
relations: [],
tables: []
@ -43,14 +51,19 @@ const getSPSiteData = async (spfxContext: any) : Promise<SPSiteData> => {
const sp = spfi().using(SPFx(spfxContext));
let lists = await sp.web.lists.filter("Hidden ne 1")();
const totalCount = lists.filter(l => !l.Hidden).length;
let loadedCount = 0;
for(let list of lists) {
if(!list.Hidden) {
progress && progress(loadedCount/totalCount * 100);
// save names for later
tmp_listNames[`{${list.Id}}`] = list.Title;
// Tables/Lists
let table: SPTables = { title: list.Title, fields: [], alerts: [] };
let table: SPTable = { title: list.Title, fields: [], alerts: [] };
// Fields
let fields = (await sp.web.lists.getById(list.Id).fields.filter("Hidden ne 1")())
.filter(f => !f.Hidden).sort((a,b) => a.InternalName.charCodeAt(0) - b.InternalName.charCodeAt(0) );
@ -66,13 +79,13 @@ const getSPSiteData = async (spfxContext: any) : Promise<SPSiteData> => {
// Links/Lookups
let relations: SPRelations[] = fields.filter(f => f.TypeDisplayName == "Lookup" &&
let relations: SPRelation[] = fields.filter(f => f.TypeDisplayName == "Lookup" &&
(f as any).IsRelationship &&
(f as any).LookupList != '' &&
(f as any).LookupList != "AppPrincipals"
).map<SPRelations>(f =>
).map<SPRelation>(f =>
{return {
fromTableTitle: f.Title,
fromTableTitle: list.Title,
toTableTitle: (f as any).LookupList!,
fromX: "n",
toX: 1
@ -83,10 +96,12 @@ const getSPSiteData = async (spfxContext: any) : Promise<SPSiteData> => {
// resolve Ids
spSiteData.relations = => {return {...r, to: tmp_listNames[r.toTableTitle]}})
spSiteData.relations =<SPRelation>((r) => {return {...r, toTableTitle: tmp_listNames[r.toTableTitle]}})
console.log("SPSiteData", spSiteData);
localStorage.setItem(storageKeyPrefix, JSON.stringify(spSiteData));
return spSiteData

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@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ const getGoJSNodesFromSPSiteData = (spSiteData: SPSiteData) : { nodeDataArray: [
linkDataArray = => { return {
from: r.fromTableTitle,
to: r.toTableTitle,
text: r.fromX+":"+r.toX
text: r.fromX+":"+r.toX,
toText: "1"
return { nodeDataArray, linkDataArray}