* [react-search-refiners]
* Upgraded to SPFx 1.4.1
* Added the ability to set you own refiners labels in the filters panel.
* Replaced the `pushState` method by the SPFx `eventAggregator` for the communication between the search box and results web parts.
* CSS improvements
* Added an option to show the results count
* [react-search-refiners]
* Added the query suggestions feature to the search box
* Added the ability to send the query to an other page
* Added a result count option
* [react-search-refiners] Update images
* [react-search-refiners] Updated version in the README file.
* [react-search-refiners]
* Added a templating feature for search results with Handlebars inspired by the react-content-query-webpart sample.
* Upgraded to 1.5.1-plusbeta to use the new SPFx dynamic data feature instead of event aggregator for Web Parts communication.
* Code refactoring and reorganization.
* * Removed unused test sample folder
Updated the `public` constructor to `private` in singleton pattern. This prevents you from creating a new class instance outside the `ConfigurationManager`.
* [react-search-refiners]
* Upgraded to SPFx 1.4.1
* Added the ability to set you own refiners labels in the filters panel.
* Replaced the `pushState` method by the SPFx `eventAggregator` for the communication between the search box and results web parts.
* CSS improvements
* Added an option to show the results count
* [react-search-refiners]
* Added the query suggestions feature to the search box
* Added the ability to send the query to an other page
* Added a result count option
* [react-search-refiners] Update images
* [react-search-refiners] Updated version in the README file.
* Redux-Form sample SPFx webpart added.
New SPFx webpart sample added that uses redux-form library. Sample is a data entry form with dynamic grid built using typescript, react, redux and redux-form library.
* Readme file updated.
Readme file updated with correct webpart demo gif file path.
* Added react-sitepages-metadata sample
* updated readme
* Added react-sitepages-metadata sample
* Fix for dialog rendering tag pickers with no initial value
* Upgraded to SPFx 1.4.1
* Added the ability to set you own refiners labels in the filters panel.
* Replaced the `pushState` method by the SPFx `eventAggregator` for the communication between the search box and results web parts.
* CSS improvements
* Added an option to show the results count
* SharePoint CRUD sample updated to SPFx 1.4.1
SharePoint CRUD sample updated to SPFx 1.4.1
Updated the PnP JS to version 3.0.6
Updated Angular to version 1.6.5
Updated ngOfficeUiFabric to 0.16.0
Updated to the latest React 15.6.2
Minor code improvements like using map instead of for loop.
* Minor bug fix for React Sample
* minor changes
* code formatting
* Updated code to use the new pnpjs package
* Added the "Search within folders" switch which enables the WebPart to return results from within folders as well (recursive). Also fixed a bug where webs could sometimes not appear under the web url dropdown.
* Fixed a bug which prevented to load webs correctly out of private groups
* Fixed a bug with the automatic current web selection
* Previously committed wrong .sppkg
* markdown fixup, addressed typos
- fixed headings to be H2's (was a bunch of H1's)
- fixed sentence case on page title
- fixed few typos
* remove debug file from root
* fixup github templates
- templates now match same instructions as the sp-dev-docs repo
* updated contrib guide
- fixed typos
- updated style to match simiar style as sp-dev-docs repo
- updated to include detailed steps for submitting PRs