* * Updated data source connection for searchbox WP
* * Updated filters behavior. Now total count per refiner value is updated every time a new filter is selected like the default SharePoint behavior
* Updated shimmers
* Updated data sources binding logic to be more efficient
* * Updated static CSS classes to use SPFx modules instead
* Added previews for documents in the default list template
* Fixed bug https://github.com/SharePoint/sp-dev-fx-webparts/issues/642. The current page state was never updated after a new search.
* Fixed bug https://github.com/SharePoint/sp-dev-fx-webparts/issues/641. Now the result count is updated every time for each refiner.
* * CSS fixes
* * Removed unecessary lodash references
* Added responsive behavior for iframes using https://www.npmjs.com/package/on-el-resize
* * Updated README
* Added hover effect on the result image
* * Bug fix on videos
* * Added best bets support
* * Removed the jQuery reference. Replaced DOM manipulations by plain JS
* Updated packages
* Bundle each part as a bundle to reduce size when not needing all.
* Dynamically load if used/needed
* Added support for sort list
* Load moment with handlebars helpers
* Change shimmer rendering wait instead of spinner
* Added web part title option
* Rework code so webpack dynamic loadig works from scratch
* Updated readme
* Added sortlist description
* Add new project files
* Add office-js package
* update strings
* add Visio service - still missing types
* Embed visio file
* remove non required package
* move import of officejs to web part file
* remove fixed width
* use delegate functions to pass values to component
* Display links on right panel
* Update property description and web part icon
* add comment
* load document when url is provided
* Add readme
* Fixed broken image
* Taxonomy panel picker web part
Code sample for the Taxonomy panel picker web part added.
* GIF path updated
GIF path in the readme file updated.
* Sample for pre-populated control added.
Sample for pre-populated control added.
* Update README.md
* [react-search-refiners]
* Upgraded to SPFx 1.4.1
* Added the ability to set you own refiners labels in the filters panel.
* Replaced the `pushState` method by the SPFx `eventAggregator` for the communication between the search box and results web parts.
* CSS improvements
* Added an option to show the results count
* [react-search-refiners]
* Added the query suggestions feature to the search box
* Added the ability to send the query to an other page
* Added a result count option
* [react-search-refiners] Update images
* [react-search-refiners] Updated version in the README file.
* [react-search-refiners]
* Added a templating feature for search results with Handlebars inspired by the react-content-query-webpart sample.
* Upgraded to 1.5.1-plusbeta to use the new SPFx dynamic data feature instead of event aggregator for Web Parts communication.
* Code refactoring and reorganization.
* * Removed unused test sample folder
Updated the `public` constructor to `private` in singleton pattern. This prevents you from creating a new class instance outside the `ConfigurationManager`.