{ "name": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench", "entries": [ { "version": "1.11.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v1.11.0", "date": "Thu, 16 Jul 2020 04:33:35 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "Use RequireJS loader" } ], "dependency": [ { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-a11y\" from `~0.2.23` to `~0.2.24`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/i18n-utilities\" from `~0.1.23` to `~0.1.24`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-build-internal-web\" from `~0.29.31` to `~0.29.32`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-build-internal-tasks\" from `~0.14.23` to `~0.14.24`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-component-utilities\" from `~4.0.18` to `~4.0.19`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-telemetry\" from `~0.8.23` to `~0.8.24`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-pagepicker\" from `~1.3.23` to `~1.3.24`" } ] } }, { "version": "1.10.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v1.10.0", "date": "Mon, 06 Jan 2020 18:14:53 GMT", "comments": { "none": [ { "comment": "Fix local workbench not loading its manifests" }, { "comment": "Upgrade Fabric React to 7." }, { "comment": "Fixing local workbench" }, { "comment": "update @types/jest to match current jest version" } ], "dependency": [ { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-a11y\" from `~0.2.15` to `~0.2.16`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/i18n-utilities\" from `~0.1.15` to `~0.1.16`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-build-internal-web\" from `~0.29.23` to `~0.29.24`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-build-internal-tasks\" from `~0.14.15` to `~0.14.16`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-component-utilities\" from `~4.0.10` to `~4.0.11`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-telemetry\" from `~0.8.15` to `~0.8.16`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-pagepicker\" from `~1.3.15` to `~1.3.16`" } ] } }, { "version": "1.7.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v1.7.0", "date": "Thu, 08 Nov 2018 17:05:51 GMT", "comments": { "none": [] } }, { "version": "1.6.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v1.6.0", "date": "Mon, 27 Aug 2018 18:06:28 GMT", "comments": { "none": [] } }, { "version": "1.5.1", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v1.5.1", "date": "Tue, 26 Jun 2018 14:50:55 GMT", "comments": { "dependency": [ { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-build-internal-web\" from `~0.16.15` to `~0.16.16`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-build-internal-tasks\" from `~0.7.29` to `~0.7.30`" } ] } }, { "version": "1.5.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v1.5.0", "date": "Fri, 01 Jun 2018 18:13:37 GMT", "comments": { "none": [], "dependency": [ { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-build-internal-web\" from `~0.16.12` to `~0.16.13`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-build-internal-tasks\" from `~0.7.26` to `~0.7.27`" } ] } }, { "version": "1.4.1", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v1.4.1", "date": "Thu, 15 Feb 2018 01:56:14 GMT", "comments": { "none": [], "dependency": [ { "comment": "Dependency @microsoft/office-ui-fabric-react-bundle version bump from 1.4.1-pr.2 to 1.4.1." }, { "comment": "Dependency @microsoft/sp-application-base version bump from 1.4.1-pr.2 to 1.4.1." }, { "comment": "Dependency @microsoft/sp-build-core-tasks version bump from 1.4.1-pr.2 to 1.4.1." }, { "comment": "Dependency @microsoft/sp-client-preview version bump from 1.4.1-pr.2 to 1.4.1." }, { "comment": "Dependency @microsoft/sp-core-library version bump from 1.4.1-pr.2 to 1.4.1." }, { "comment": "Dependency @microsoft/sp-loader version bump from 1.4.1-pr.2 to 1.4.1." }, { "comment": "Dependency @microsoft/sp-lodash-subset version bump from 1.4.1-pr.2 to 1.4.1." }, { "comment": "Dependency @microsoft/sp-module-interfaces version bump from 1.4.1-pr.2 to 1.4.1." }, { "comment": "Dependency @microsoft/sp-webpart-base version bump from 1.4.1-pr.2 to 1.4.1." }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-build-internal-web\" from `~0.9.5` to `~0.9.6`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-build-internal-tasks\" from `~0.4.11` to `~0.4.12`" } ] } }, { "version": "1.4.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v1.4.0", "date": "Mon, 04 Dec 2017 18:15:58 GMT", "comments": { "patch": [ { "comment": "Replace @types/es6-collections with the typescript compiler's built-in es2015.collection library" } ] } }, { "version": "1.3.4", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v1.3.4", "date": "Thu, 26 Oct 2017 17:35:39 GMT", "comments": {} }, { "version": "1.3.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v1.3.0", "date": "Fri, 22 Sep 2017 20:19:09 GMT", "comments": {} }, { "version": "1.2.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v1.2.0", "date": "Fri, 25 Aug 2017 20:31:17 GMT", "comments": { "minor": [ { "comment": "Update to Fabric React 4.32.0" }, { "comment": "Use lockstep version for all SPFx packages" } ] } }, { "version": "1.1.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v1.1.0", "date": "Thu, 25 May 2017 21:09:42 GMT", "comments": { "minor": [ { "comment": "Upgraded office-ui-fabric-react to 2.31.0" }, { "comment": "Upgraded to TypeScript 2.2" }, { "comment": "Added a view to the workbench to allow for viewing serialized data about Web Parts" }, { "comment": "Upgraded to Webpack 2.0" }, { "comment": "Improved workbench accessibility" }, { "comment": "Applied flex layout to page chrome" } ], "dependency": [ { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-core-library\" from `~1.0.0` to `~1.1.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-webpart-base\" from `~1.0.0` to `~1.1.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-client-preview\" from `~1.0.0` to `~1.1.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-application-base\" from `~1.0.0` to `~1.1.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-build-core-tasks\" from `~1.0.1` to `~1.1.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-lodash-subset\" from `~1.0.0` to `~1.1.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-loader\" from `~1.0.0` to `~1.1.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-module-interfaces\" from `~1.0.0` to `~1.1.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/office-ui-fabric-react-bundle\" from `~1.0.1` to `~1.1.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-canvas\" from `~1.0.7` to `~1.1.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-build-internal-web\" from `~0.5.3` to `~0.6.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@ms/sp-build-internal-tasks\" from `~0.0.5` to `~0.1.0`" } ] } }, { "version": "1.0.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v1.0.0", "date": "Fri, 17 Feb 2017 23:09:23 GMT", "comments": { "major": [ { "comment": "General availability" } ], "patch": [ { "comment": "Upgraded React to 15.4.1" }, { "comment": "Bumped up office-ui-fabric-react version to 0.83.0" }, { "comment": "Locked version numbers for @types packages" }, { "comment": "Ensured world readiness" }, { "comment": "Updated .npmignore" } ], "minor": [ { "comment": "Updated to TypeScript 2.1" } ] } }, { "version": "0.8.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v0.8.0", "date": "Tue, 03 Jan 2017 21:52:49 GMT", "comments": { "minor": [ { "comment": "More changes for RC0 release." } ], "dependency": [ { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-core-library\" from `~0.1.1` to `~0.1.2`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-webpart-base\" from `~0.3.0` to `~0.4.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-client-preview\" from `~0.8.0` to `~0.9.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-build-core-tasks\" from `~0.6.0` to `~0.7.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-lodash-subset\" from `~0.6.0` to `~0.6.1`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-loader\" from `~0.6.0` to `~0.7.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-module-interfaces\" from `~0.6.0` to `~0.7.0`" } ] } }, { "version": "0.7.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v0.7.0", "date": "Tue, 06 Dec 2016 20:44:26 GMT", "comments": { "minor": [ { "comment": "Changes for RC0 release." } ], "dependency": [ { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-core-library\" from `~0.1.0` to `~0.1.1`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-client-base\" from `~0.5.1` to `~0.6.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-webpart-base\" from `~0.2.1` to `~0.3.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-client-preview\" from `~0.7.1` to `~0.8.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-build-core-tasks\" from `~0.5.1` to `~0.6.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-lodash-subset\" from `~0.5.1` to `~0.6.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-loader\" from `~0.5.1` to `~0.6.0`" }, { "comment": "Updating dependency \"@microsoft/sp-module-interfaces\" from `~0.5.1` to `~0.6.0`" } ] } }, { "version": "0.6.1", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v0.6.1", "comments": { "minor": [ { "comment": "Updating the logic that resolves the module loader to support a localized path." } ] } }, { "version": "0.5.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v0.5.0", "comments": { "minor": [ { "comment": "Utilize new version of Office UI Fabric, necessitating updates to buttons" } ], "patch": [ { "comment": "Fixed mobile preview dimension input" }, { "comment": "Added more fields to the Workbench page context" }, { "comment": "Changing redirect logic to point to `localhost` instead of to the local hostname." } ] } }, { "version": "0.4.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v0.4.0", "comments": {} }, { "version": "0.3.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v0.3.0", "comments": { "minor": [ { "comment": "Minor bump of `@microsoft/sp-client-preview`" } ] } }, { "version": "0.2.0", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v0.2.0", "comments": {} }, { "version": "0.1.12", "tag": "@microsoft/sp-webpart-workbench_v0.1.12", "comments": {} } ] }