{ "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/spfx-build/package-solution.schema.json", "solution": { "name": "react-group-members-client-side-solution", "id": "0b0829f6-4e41-4bf2-9cbe-fd67fca2d34c", "title": "Group Members", "version": "", "includeClientSideAssets": true, "skipFeatureDeployment": true, "isDomainIsolated": false, "developer": { "name": "Nick Brown", "websiteUrl": "https://nbdev.uk", "privacyUrl": "", "termsOfUseUrl": "", "mpnId": "Undefined-1.14.0" }, "metadata": { "shortDescription": { "default": "List members of a group in people cards" }, "longDescription": { "default": "Loads the members of an AAD group and then displays that in a people card" }, "screenshotPaths": [], "videoUrl": "", "categories": [] }, "features": [ { "title": "List members of a group in the People control view", "description": "Loads the members of an AAD group and then displays that in a people card. Automated people profiles based on a group", "id": "a3238ad2-9b27-4970-88a7-cad9bbf08142", "version": "" } ], "webApiPermissionRequests": [ { "resource": "Microsoft Graph", "scope": "GroupMember.Read.All" } ] }, "paths": { "zippedPackage": "solution/react-group-members.sppkg" } }