{ "$schema": "https://aka.ms/codetour-schema", "title": "Project changes", "steps": [ { "file": ".nvmrc", "description": "Using an `.nvmrc` will help store the version of Node.js we used to build this project and automatically load the right version if using nvm, or nvs.\r\n\r\nIf using *nvm*, use the following command:\r\n\r\n>> nvm use\r\n\r\nIf using *nvs*, the command is similar:\r\n\r\n>> nvs use", "line": 1, "title": "Auto-change Node version" }, { "file": "src/webparts/listItems/ListItemsWebPart.ts", "description": "Same thing for `_environmentMessage`, we renamed it to follow coding standards.", "line": 24, "title": "Rename _environmentMessage" }, { "file": "src/webparts/listItems/ListItemsWebPart.ts", "description": "The generated code uses `_isDarkTheme`, but [TypeScript coding guidelines](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/Coding-guidelines) says not to use `_` for private variables or methods, so we're renaming it to `isDarkTheme`.", "line": 23, "title": "Rename scaffolded variables" }, { "file": "src/webparts/listItems/ListItemsWebPart.ts", "description": "We also renamed `_getEnvironmentMessage` to follow conventions.", "line": 176, "title": "Rename _getEnvironmentMessage method" }, { "file": ".devcontainer/devcontainer.json", "description": "Added a remote container to make it easier to test without changing Node.js.", "line": 3, "title": "Added remote container" } ] }