using Microsoft.Graph; using Teamified.Api.Teams.Interfaces; namespace Teamified.Api.Teams.Infrastructure; public class TeamsService : ITeamsService { private readonly GraphServiceClient _graphServiceClient; private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _context; public TeamsService( GraphServiceClient graphServiceClient, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor) { _graphServiceClient = graphServiceClient; _context = httpContextAccessor; } public async Task GetTeamByGroupId(Guid groupId) { var group = await _graphServiceClient.Groups[groupId.ToString()] .Request() .Expand("members($select=id,displayName,userPrincipalName,jobTitle,mail)") // can´t expand more than 1 item (owners, members does not work) .Select(g => new { g.Id, g.DisplayName, g.Description, g.Members }) .GetAsync(); var team = Models.Team.MapFromGraphGroup(group); var groupOwners = await _graphServiceClient.Groups[groupId.ToString()] .Owners .Request() .Select("id,displayName,userPrincipalName,jobTitle,mail") .GetAsync(); var owners = groupOwners.CurrentPage; team.AddOwners(owners); var teamChannels = await _graphServiceClient.Teams[groupId.ToString()] .Channels .Request() .GetAsync(); var channels = teamChannels.CurrentPage; team.AddChannels(channels); return team; } public async Task> ListTeams() { var teamsCollection = await _graphServiceClient.Groups .Request() .Filter("resourceProvisioningOptions/Any(x:x eq 'Team')") .Expand("members($select=id,displayName,userPrincipalName,jobTitle,mail)") // can´t expand more than 1 item (owners, members does not work), but for this Listing endpoint is fine. .Select(g => new { g.Id, g.DisplayName, g.Description, g.Members }) .GetAsync(); var teams = teamsCollection.CurrentPage; var result = teams.Select(t => Models.Team.MapFromGraphGroup(t)); return result; } public async Task ProvisionTeam(Models.Team team) { var currentUserId = _context.HttpContext.User.FindFirst("").Value; var newTeam = new Team() { DisplayName = team.DisplayName, Description = team.Description, AdditionalData = new Dictionary() { {"template@odata.bind", "'standard')"} }, Members = new TeamMembersCollectionPage() { new AadUserConversationMember { Roles = new List() { "owner" }, AdditionalData = new Dictionary() { {"user@odata.bind", $"{currentUserId}"} } } }, Channels = new TeamChannelsCollectionPage { new Channel { DisplayName = "KickOff Channel", IsFavoriteByDefault = true, Description = "As per company policy, place here data related with the Kickoff of the Team" } } }; var result = await _graphServiceClient.Teams .Request() .AddResponseAsync(newTeam); if (result.HttpHeaders.TryGetValues("Location", out var locationValues)) { return locationValues?.First(); } return "Something went wrong. Location not found"; } }